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NEWS [UO.Com] Publish 101 Update to TC1


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are portions of the Publish having to do with 21st anni supposed to go live today? Patch notes kinda seem to suggest as much?

  • A 21st Anniversary Gift Bag will be given to all veteran characters who are at least 30 days old logging in between Saturday, September 1, 2018 12:01:00 AM GMT-04:00 (ET) and Monday, October 1, 2018 11:59:00 PM GMT-04:00 (ET).
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Stratics Veteran

Can you please just link directly to the patch notes instead of the "news" about the patch that then links to the patch notes...

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are portions of the Publish having to do with 21st anni go live today? Patch notes kinda seem to suggest as much?

  • A 21st Anniversary Gift Bag will be given to all veteran characters who are at least 30 days old logging in between Saturday, September 1, 2018 12:01:00 AM GMT-04:00 (ET) and Monday, October 1, 2018 11:59:00 PM GMT-04:00 (ET).

Not getting anything on Legends nor Atlantic...


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I have to say I'm pretty disappointed that no High Seas updates, which would seem to be simple to do, have made it into the last 2 publishes.


Stratics Veteran
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Event Coordinator
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Can you please just link directly to the patch notes instead of the "news" about the patch that then links to the patch notes...
Our feed picks up what is posted to UO.com. It's an automatic process, and we don't have any influence over what is posted there or how it is formatted.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Our feed picks up what is posted to UO.com. It's an automatic process, and we don't have any influence over what is posted there or how it is formatted.
We had a supervisor that would say, "We are not saying it is your fault. We are just blaming you."


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I hate the mask. Just glad it's not the 21st anniv gift, just a reward from the points from the dungeon, something I will not be getting. Now speaking about the 21st anniv gifts this is one per character right? Now here a question, what am I to do with seven of those bags? Will this be a token on Prodo and is it just the tele and the arrery? If so what are the throwaway points for all of it as I do not see a need for more then one per house?


Crazed Zealot

This mask cannot enter the game. Not in its current state. Absolutely too powerful.
Nerf it for PvP, but leave as is in PvM? Just a thought..
**ducking under table to avoid onslaught of tossed rotten tomatoes and vegies..**


Stratics Veteran

This mask cannot enter the game. Not in its current state. Absolutely too powerful.
The mask will likely be tweaked. It is also likely the Devs response to many players complaining about legendary items, and inability to craft equivalent items. Tweak and test in TC1 then test in game. The mask will likely mean you will need to grind long time to get it, in all likelihood. It good to see the Devs are working on the game, and making new content. We all know how it works : Introduction first, see response/effects, then tweak. No need to panic IMO. Good job overall for adding changes and items, how about fixing some of the PETS though?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly the mask does nothing for me pvm wise. Don't see much use for it.


Stratics Veteran
Nerf it for PvP, but leave as is in PvM? Just a thought..
**ducking under table to avoid onslaught of tossed rotten tomatoes and vegies..**
Thats the goal, however there is nothing pvm centric about this item so i dont think we need to worry about that


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The polished meteorites are very pretty. Anyone found the use for them? Can we get the one in the camp pit from them?

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow... omg... quite a lot going on here, not sure I can take it all in.
Halloween is becoming basically the best time to play UO each year.
Lucky for me, I've taken no holiday this year, and may need to use it all to grind this content!

Love the whole concept of what they've done with Khaldun, and in no particular order, things that caught my eye;

First Aid Belt – this blessed belt container safely holds up to 1000 bandages, offers 50% weight reduction, and 10% bandage healing bonus while equipped that stacks with other healing bonuses.
No-one has even mentioned this yet - something for the pure warriors, I think this is amazing. The fact no-one has even mentioned it, shows no-one even uses healing anymore, which is seriously sad - I do.
Could pure warriors start to make a comeback v Sampires? Probably not, but this feels like an amazing first step after nothing for 15 odd years.

Mask of Khal Ankur
I'm not completely getting the fuss over this to be fair.
I'm a mage, I already cast meteor swarm when I want... (I use it more than most, and I think I'm the only one). And it's not that much, one of the least used spells ever.
50 EP - who cares? Everyone has max EP already. I don't even like EP, I don't like relying on potions, so who really cares about this.
Max stats, who cares, everyone has them already.
5 minute recharge...
All this is, is a nice novelty item.

Throughout Khaldun these treasure troves can be found to reward the discerning rogue
Nice one for the rogues - I hope to take part.

Khal Ankur Champ Spawn
Available in Trammel & Felucca
Felucca Only – during the duration of the Treasures of Khaldun, a bonus to the level of Powerscroll drops will be available – guaranteeing up to 4 Legendary powerscrolls (8 with full Justice virtue).
Well there it is, powerscrolls in Trammel... ??
{I may have misread this, I don't find the wording clear tbh. Are the powerscrolls in Trammel, or just in Felucca, is the bonus for all Felucca spawns, or just this one? Not understanding the meaning here}

- Could be a huge boost in powerscroll drops for Tamers...?

Caddellite Resource/crafting.
I'm not getting this one.
It will be like a slayer for the Halloween event mobs, a bit like the Pagan Titan slayer for the 20th anniversary event arc?
A lot of effort to go to, then it's never used again ingame?
I'm actually not a fan of this sort of content.
I still have all my 20th anniversary arc slayer content intact on my roof, and never know whether to take it down and bin it or not, whether it is just completely useless for future content.

I like that they have tried to incorporate a little something for multiple playstyles, that is actually nice.
If I were the Crafters, I'd be feeling like I'd drawn the short end of the stick, nothing permanent, just something temporary for them, again like the 20th anniversary arc, where they were making various bits and bobs, then that was it for them.

Overall - there is usually 1 thing that catches my eye, previously it's been serpents jawbone, boots of escaping, etc, this time, it is the first aid belt - I'll be going for that.

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Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
First Aid Belt – this blessed belt container safely holds up to 1000 bandages, offers 50% weight reduction, and 10% bandage healing bonus while equipped that stacks with other healing bonuses.
No-one has even mentioned this yet - something for the pure warriors, I think this is amazing. The fact no-one has even mentioned it, shows no-one even uses healing anymore, which is seriously sad - I do.
My warriors all have healing, BUT, I'm pretty sure I'm not giving up my Crimmy or Ozi Obi to wear this. That may have a lot to do with the fact nobody is "overjoyed" with it.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow... omg... quite a lot going on here, not sure I can take it all in.
Halloween is becoming basically the best time to play UO each year.
Lucky for me, I've taken no holiday this year, and may need to use it all to grind this content!

Love the whole concept of what they've done with Khaldun, and in no particular order, things that caught my eye;

First Aid Belt – this blessed belt container safely holds up to 1000 bandages, offers 50% weight reduction, and 10% bandage healing bonus while equipped that stacks with other healing bonuses.
No-one has even mentioned this yet - something for the pure warriors, I think this is amazing. The fact no-one has even mentioned it, shows no-one even uses healing anymore, which is seriously sad - I do.
Could pure warriors start to make a comeback v Sampires? Probably not, but this feels like an amazing first step after nothing for 15 odd years.

Mask of Khal Ankur
I'm not completely getting the fuss over this to be fair.
I'm a mage, I already cast meteor swarm when I want... (I use it more than most, and I think I'm the only one). And it's not that much, one of the least used spells ever.
50 EP - who cares? Everyone has max EP already. I don't even like EP, I don't like relying on potions, so who really cares about this.
Max stats, who cares, everyone has them already.
5 minute recharge...
All this is, is a nice novelty item.

Throughout Khaldun these treasure troves can be found to reward the discerning rogue
Nice one for the rogues - I hope to take part.

Khal Ankur Champ Spawn
Available in Trammel & Felucca
Felucca Only – during the duration of the Treasures of Khaldun, a bonus to the level of Powerscroll drops will be available – guaranteeing up to 4 Legendary powerscrolls (8 with full Justice virtue).
Well there it is, powerscrolls in Trammel... ??
{I may have misread this, I don't find the wording clear tbh. Are the powerscrolls in Trammel, or just in Felucca, is the bonus for all Felucca spawns, or just this one? Not understanding the meaning here}

- Could be a huge boost in powerscroll drops for Tamers...?
The belt has a more important use while in the players pack than it does being equipped, that's probably why people aren't really talking about it.
I'd get several of these belts (1 for many characters), I don't think the belt is going to be anywhere enough to bring "pure" warriors back though, but it'll help a little.

as for the mask, people seem to be complaining (what seems to be) about because they already have super expensive jewelry and they don't want to feel like they wasted gold and/or they don't want to replace the jewelry. even though if they thought about it, they likely won't be replacing anything anyway.

The unique things about the mask: 1 charge/5 min cooldown (has a very limited situational use) & +50% EP, when comparing it to the halo's 15 SDI & FC1.

Most people already max HPI with none on their jewelry & none on their helmet. It just opens more options, there's absolutely nothing "Overpowered" with this mask. It's not even that great vs other older more dexer-friendly artifacts (prismatic lenses / mace & shields)... let alone high-end global loot already far exceeds the use of this mask & the halo (depends on other parts of the suit), it's just very hard to get the global-loot (no-name) pieces mostly due to time required.

It doesn't have anything that really makes it viable equal or greater than pre-existing options in pvm either... potions aren't relied on in pvm so EP is basically a useless mod for pvm, as a matter of fact, the only time I can remember seeing any Pvmer using potions in the last 10+ years, was with the Zippy/Myrmidex Queen quest during the pit fight part of the chain... and EP doesn't affect those potions. But when it comes to "Pvpers" not having potions is likr Kryptonite to Superman... It's truly sad.

the only issue with the first aid belt is I am not giving up Obi to wear it ...
the Crimson Cincture, Tangle and Obi are all better options while equipped... But, the belt is still useful just in your pack... 50% weight reduction and up to 1k/per belt blessed bandages. It allows templates that rely on bandages for healing to get what casters do from LRC, almost.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No-one has even mentioned this yet - something for the pure warriors, I think this is amazing. The fact no-one has even mentioned it, shows no-one even uses healing anymore, which is seriously sad - I do.
Could pure warriors start to make a comeback v Sampires? Probably not, but this feels like an amazing first step after nothing for 15 odd years.
Yes we don't want it nerfed so enough talk about this. Ya thats it, you have to wear it. Nobody needs 1.

I'm not completely getting the fuss over this to be fair.
I'm a mage, I already cast meteor swarm when I want... (I use it more than most, and I think I'm the only one). And it's not that much, one of the least used spells ever.
50 EP - who cares? Everyone has max EP already. I don't even like EP, I don't like relying on potions, so who really cares about this.
Max stats, who cares, everyone has them already.
5 minute recharge...
All this is, is a nice novelty item.
The EP is at cap. The bird mask frees up 2 ring stats. PvPers do not like changes. They will have to get new jewelry and figure out what stats to choose based on what others choose.

I'm not getting this one.
It will be like a slayer for the Halloween event mobs, a bit like the Pagan Titan slayer for the 20th anniversary event arc?
A lot of effort to go to, then it's never used again ingame?
I'm actually not a fan of this sort of content.
I still have all my 20th anniversary arc slayer content intact on my roof, and never know whether to take it down and bin it or not, whether it is just completely useless for future content.
I hope I am wrong. Sounds like we have to craft new weapons using infused iron and wood from this point on. We need to make those weapons from resources that are infused. So bye bye 50% SDI spell books, all your weapons will have to be made when this goes live or you do no damage to the mobs. Pets have to eat infused pet treats that do not last long. Will have to make some expensive bows for archers. etc
My mages will all have to get jewelry re crafted for this event since I'll have to use a scrappers at best.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I like the premise of the infused weapons being more useful, but needing them to do any kind of damage is what turns me off.
I’m not about to spend hours crafting decent weapons that will be useless later. I like that they are trying to introduce new content, but I’d still rather spend the crafting hours improving my arsenal for the 2 encounters that will actually get me anywhere. I’d have much rather they revived/rebuffed some stuff already in place.
Maybe I’m just cynical. Who knows
Looks like I’ll be spending my fall months doing the Halloween content on the other games I play this year


Crazed Zealot
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First Aid Belt – this blessed belt container safely holds up to 1000 bandages, offers 50% weight reduction, and 10% bandage healing bonus while equipped that stacks with other healing bonuses.
No-one has even mentioned this yet - something for the pure warriors, I think this is amazing. The fact no-one has even mentioned it, shows no-one even uses healing anymore, which is seriously sad - I do.
Could pure warriors start to make a comeback v Sampires? Probably not, but this feels like an amazing first step after nothing for 15 odd years.
If they make this use the pants/kilt slot, all warriors will be happy to have it.
I am not giving up my crimmy/tangle/obi for this on my dragoons.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe an issue with gift function? That is why none yet. It could happen.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mask (human/elf) is always medible (no bonus to LMC w/out mage-armor, and cannot be refined)

The Gargoyle Pendant version is metal without mage-armor, and cannot have "mage armor" added so it's non-med with +1 inherent bonus LMC,, 55% lmc won't be possible with this item equipped 'cause there's no non-med head-slot items for gargoyles to get the + LMC.

I haven't tried to refine the Pendant yet, but I'd imagine gargish plate refinements would work.... I might test that later, unless someone else beats me to it. :D

I'll likely make a gargoyle to use this, mostly because gargoyles have far fewer artifact options available to them (no item competition for the neck slot, anyway) and gargish armor doesn't drop from most content. -I kinda wish I had held onto more of my gargoyle only gear though... at least, I'll have something with a more reasonable drop-rate to farm, instead of those '1 of 1012093 chance' items. =D

Clearly the Devs put some thought into human/elf vs gargoyle versions when they designed this mask/pendant.
I'd find it hard to believe that was done by accident.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
CovenantX, I liked and agreed with all of your post, could see it all.

Anon, Keith, Pawain, Belank - yes, I completely see your point, interesting dilemma, wonder if there is anything they can do at this stage.
As CovenantX has pointed out, still useful to have, but it could be an entire level up I agree.
I am still positive about it myself, and will enjoy going for it.

As well as playing rogue, champ spawn content, and other stuff.

I like the premise of the infused weapons being more useful, but needing them to do any kind of damage is what turns me off.
I’m not about to spend hours crafting decent weapons that will be useless later. I like that they are trying to introduce new content, but I’d still rather spend the crafting hours improving my arsenal for the 2 encounters that will actually get me anywhere. I’d have much rather they revived/rebuffed some stuff already in place.
Maybe I’m just cynical. Who knows
Looks like I’ll be spending my fall months doing the Halloween content on the other games I play this year
Yes I completely get you here, I myself like the premise of the infused weapons, it has potential.
But yes, the idea of making it redundant after a couple of months, never to be seen again...
It doesn't leave anything lasting for the crafters, indeed, it just fills up their crafting menu's with more rubbish that can never be used again.
I don't think you are cynical, I do much better cynical when I want to. :)
I'm not as down about it, to play something else though, I see enough content here to keep me happy - I think they've made a good effort, and they've got about 60/70% right.
New content, good use of Khaldun, some good items, good stuff for many different playstyles - just not come up completely trumps for warriors, or crafters maybe.
And I've not mentioned the deco stuff which many players will like, as I don't do that myself, so there is even more.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Khal Ankur Champ Spawn
Available in Trammel & Felucca
Felucca Only – during the duration of the Treasures of Khaldun, a bonus to the level of Powerscroll drops will be available – guaranteeing up to 4 Legendary powerscrolls (8 with full Justice virtue).
Well there it is, powerscrolls in Trammel... ??
{I may have misread this, I don't find the wording clear tbh. Are the powerscrolls in Trammel, or just in Felucca, is the bonus for all Felucca spawns, or just this one? Not understanding the meaning here}

- Could be a huge boost in powerscroll drops for Tamers...?
If I'm reading it correctly, it'll be scrolls (and bonus) in Fel only, but the champ spawn will be like the Dragon Turtle - it's available in both Tram (Eodon) and Fel (entrance in Destard.) Fel will get the bonus drop (dragon turtle egg equivalent, if there is one) + powerscrolls.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats a great looking Boss. He wearing the mask too!

Thanks for the info.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the Crimson Cincture, Tangle and Obi are all better options while equipped... But, the belt is still useful just in your pack... 50% weight reduction and up to 1k/per belt blessed bandages. It allows templates that rely on bandages for healing to get what casters do from LRC, almost.
This ^. Not only can oldschool Healing Warriors make use of it, but so can Tamers with Vet. You'll still be able to rez or heal your pet after dying now before retrieving your corpse.

Took a look at those stats, and thought "That thing's gonna be a pushover", until i saw the Wrestling Mastery, lol. With Wrest Mastery, it's gonna hit like a freight train at times. Heavens have mercy on your poor, damned soul if you trigger his Fists of Fury and get hit by all three attacks. Oh, did i forget to mention Disarm? Lol.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

How is this not much more reasonable:

Mask of Khal Ankur
Weight: 3 Stones
Resurrection Charges: 1
Coddelite Infused
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Enhance Potions 25%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
If you are dead how would you use the resurrection portion of this?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you are dead how would you use the resurrection portion of this?
Maybe have a gump come up after death asking if you would like to use the resurrection


Stratics Veteran
Maybe have a gump come up after death asking if you would like to use the resurrection
or maybe it does it auto-magically with a period of time for a recharge?

Only one way to know ... go get one of them, wear it and die. See what happens. <shrug>


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry I ment the mask would seem better if it had rez on it same as belt


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Read the patch notes. The "Resurrection Charges: 1" was a players suggestion of what the mask should have instead of Meteor Breath.
Publish 101 – Ultima Online
The belt is okay would be far better if it was like the quivers and had stats on it

Right now it’s just a backpack bandage storage container


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After spending more time emptying "meteors" from my pack then the time spent on emptying resources, using mining and lumberjacking, the DEVS should include option to not mine them.
They are deco only, with NO practical use I can find.

PLEASE included option to not mine "meteors". TY


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After spending more time emptying "meteors" from my pack then the time spent on emptying resources, using mining and lumberjacking, the DEVS should include option to not mine them.
They are deco only, with NO practical use I can find.

PLEASE included option to not mine "meteors". TY
They have pratical use for the event. Read the "Caddellite Crafting" section in the patch notes.
Publish 101 – Ultima Online