Wow... omg... quite a lot going on here, not sure I can take it all in.
Halloween is becoming basically the best time to play UO each year.
Lucky for me, I've taken no holiday this year, and may need to use it all to grind this content!
Love the whole concept of what they've done with Khaldun, and in no particular order, things that caught my eye;
First Aid Belt – this blessed belt container safely holds up to 1000 bandages, offers 50% weight reduction, and 10% bandage healing bonus while equipped that stacks with other healing bonuses.
No-one has even mentioned this yet - something for the pure warriors, I think this is amazing. The fact no-one has even mentioned it, shows no-one even uses healing anymore, which is seriously sad - I do.
Could pure warriors start to make a comeback v Sampires? Probably not, but this feels like an amazing first step after nothing for 15 odd years.
Mask of Khal Ankur
I'm not completely getting the fuss over this to be fair.
I'm a mage, I already cast meteor swarm when I want... (I use it more than most, and I think I'm the only one). And it's not that much, one of the least used spells ever.
50 EP - who cares? Everyone has max EP already. I don't even like EP, I don't like relying on potions, so who really cares about this.
Max stats, who cares, everyone has them already.
5 minute recharge...
All this is, is a nice novelty item.
Throughout Khaldun these treasure troves can be found to reward the discerning rogue
Nice one for the rogues - I hope to take part.
Khal Ankur Champ Spawn
Available in Trammel & Felucca
Felucca Only – during the duration of the Treasures of Khaldun, a bonus to the level of Powerscroll drops will be available – guaranteeing up to 4 Legendary powerscrolls (8 with full Justice virtue).
Well there it is, powerscrolls in Trammel... ??
{I may have misread this, I don't find the wording clear tbh. Are the powerscrolls in Trammel, or just in Felucca, is the bonus for all Felucca spawns, or just this one? Not understanding the meaning here}
- Could be a huge boost in powerscroll drops for Tamers...?
Caddellite Resource/crafting.
I'm not getting this one.
It will be like a slayer for the Halloween event mobs, a bit like the Pagan Titan slayer for the 20th anniversary event arc?
A lot of effort to go to, then it's never used again ingame?
I'm actually not a fan of this sort of content.
I still have all my 20th anniversary arc slayer content intact on my roof, and never know whether to take it down and bin it or not, whether it is just completely useless for future content.
I like that they have tried to incorporate a little something for multiple playstyles, that is actually nice.
If I were the Crafters, I'd be feeling like I'd drawn the short end of the stick, nothing permanent, just something temporary for them, again like the 20th anniversary arc, where they were making various bits and bobs, then that was it for them.
Overall - there is usually 1 thing that catches my eye, previously it's been serpents jawbone, boots of escaping, etc, this time, it is the first aid belt - I'll be going for that.