Thanks! I was thrilled when they put them in the game and have been using them what you did with the ladders!
Thanks! I was thrilled when they put them in the game and have been using them what you did with the ladders!
Thanks, I'll try that.If you can, try to stay within the "18x18" area of the signpost, the tool has a had time if you are stood too far N or E outside of its normal area.
Doesn't always work but I did notice I crashed a lot less when I started doing this.
There are no designs with open areas, ALL new castles will come with a base like the rest of custom houses....I am just loving all these designs. Question - do we get just one vote per account? can't remember
and for all those griping about trees currently in their courtyards, hopefully one of the many designs with open areas will win and work for you
what would be great is if we got a little wiggle room when replacing designs...... wouldn't work for those with houses smack up against them, but for a lot of folks it would
i hate teleporters as much as anything cubish or without doorsI'd strongly advise against submitting designs which will require Ladders to complete the design.
Remember this has to be a "ready to go" design and not one where you will be required to find a seller of a Ladder token just to be able to visit the next floor of your new house.
All houses go thru the Devs QA and any they deem not complete or not a full design, they will just not enter into the voting round.
Would be a shame to see some of these designs not get thru just because of missing ladders.
Edit: at the very least, throw in a few teleport tiles and leave gaps for the ladders, the tiles can always be covered up later on.
Here is my castle design, inspired by cloister architecture.
Only one door on the bottom floor, front tiered patios to break up the design and can be used for gardens, mannequins, auction safes or whatever people to display. No second floor doors for quick entry, they can easily be blocked by 6 stone granite walls for public felucca designs. (Teleporter tile on the roof is missing from this photo, but it's here)
Second floor is a largely open floor plan. Narrow side rooms (i personally was thinking mannequins, garden beds, fountains of life, display cases, etc)
Second floor has two patios out front and two in the back, smaller back room for things like teleporter hubs, mannequins, display cases, chests, etc. two smaller side rooms and one great room. (not sold on the floor tile with the design for the front porch)
Third floor consists of two narrow L shaped patios in the front for things like vendors, mannequins, auction safes, gardens or just display areas. a larger patio in front, two smaller L shape patios in the back, another in the back and a Cloister inspired middle area for gardens or whatever else one can imagine. Not sold on the arches in the east room, might still make that a solid wall.
If you want to explore this design on test center, it's located out of the north vesper bridge in trammel on the road to minoc.
I changed my ladders, to my dismay, but they are still there. I added teleporters underneath so you can get to each floor with or without the ladders. It's unfortunate because I really love the look with them. I think it's a bit unfair because other classic house styles have ladders in them and I consider them an important design element in a custom house. Oh well, i'll just have to risk it with the teleporters.The ladders aren't part of the customization menu though are they? So that wouldn't work for the contestsad cus the ladders look really cool like that.
Well. A house has doors. A property a gate. Not sure where you are from but if you don't want that get a 18x18 and build one of those pvp waterfall cubes.Every design on this page of this thread I would vote for instantly IF the doors were removed. Stop the tyranny of doors, I beg you! No interior doors, no external doors! Please, in the name of Lord British, chop up all these doors!!!!
That's why I removed ladders and added stairs. It won't do good to the space of the small tower but it could be worseThe problem is though that the design that's entered is that, which was when you hit commit on the tool to come out of customising.
That's the house that the Devs will see, and if there is no way to reach the floor above, it won't get entered.
If they made 18x18's have the same storage space as a castle then i would definitely swap my castle over to custom.For storage yes, nothing is enough, but for the actual space its too much.