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For Current Account Holders - Poll Regarding EJ And Your Plans

Will You Be Keeping Your Account's Open Or Close Them To Play EJ?

  • I will keep my account's open.

    Votes: 91 77.1%
  • I will close my accounts and play EJ.

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • I will close some accounts and keep some accounts open.

    Votes: 23 19.5%

  • Total voters

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a simple poll at this point. I know this isn't scientific and verifiable but I'm curious as to what the initial impact, if anything, will be.

Are you tempted to pack in your worldly belongings and live out of a bank box etc or are you going to keep playing the way you have been?

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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For now I'll be keeping my accounts open as I've always done. If what I fear happens, I may change my mind, though.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Where is option 3? "Wait an see if @Mesanna and Co. handles all of the cheating the way it is supposed to be. By banning everyone caught cheating at some point (as she stated at the 20th party), and if nothing happens, closes all accounts never to return." There might be more people "check" that box than you think.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There should be a third option to keep some accounts active and let some revert to EJ. I think quite a few people have accounts they don't use very often and they would let those go to EJ so they are still useful to some extent, without paying.


Crazed Zealot
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For now, I guess mine will enter maintenance mode. Play one month, skip the next, see how it evolves.
Then 6 months from now make a final decision.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There should be a third option to keep some accounts active and let some revert to EJ. I think quite a few people have accounts they don't use very often and they would let those go to EJ so they are still useful to some extent, without paying.
Option added.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was suppose to be simple! :p Wouldn't that would be a good question to ask 6 months from when EJ is implemented?
I don't think so. I think 6 months from the time EJ starts, if @Mesanna and friends haven't kept their "promise" it will be WAY too late. A lot of people will already have dropped accounts like flies. Not everyone of course. But more than you think. Except the scripters/cheaters/ RMT people of course. LOL


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Continue on as I always have. EJ in itself will have no impact on how I play or the things I do overall from what I can see. If I close more accounts it won't be because of EJ or to go EJ. It will be because I got bored with the account and see no purpose or value in keeping it open. The only reason I have 20 accounts is I like playing on several different shards and a large part of that playing involves having 1-3 strategically located houses on each of those shards, I simply could not play UO with the EJ housing restrictions. Nothing to do with cheatin, scripting or mult boxing just can't stand trying to live out of a bank box in game.......... If you are going to be a miner/LJ crafter/fighter type in game it makes life so much easier to have a house in fel in a location with a lot of wood, places to mine and mid to heavy spawn with some fixed or regular wandering healers nearby. So EJ gives me no reason to close accounts or to create EJ accounts.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good starter poll @Amber Witch. I hope like hell that the powers that be keep their word about cheating but we have heard it before. I have stated many times I will be here until they turn out the lights but if this is nothing more than a scripting/multiboxing pub than this could easily be the last straw.
The way I see it... EJ is a 50/50 recipe. 50% being the content part and 50% being controlling those who would exploit and abuse the content.......... Something UO/EA/BS has a VERY POOR track record of doing.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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The way I see it... EJ is a 50/50 recipe. 50% being the content part and 50% being controlling those who would exploit and abuse the content.......... Something UO/EA/BS has a VERY POOR track record of doing.
Some of the stuff is good but if they do not control the potential script/multibox part of this pub it could easily destroy a lot of aspects of UO.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll keep my 1 account open, and re-open my other closed accounts as EJ accounts.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Accounts... LOL How sad this game has become. It's more common for people to have more than one account than not these days.

We all already know the current players may say they are leaving, but won't.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
If I do Anything other than continue on it will be to return to RuneScape :) Even if my old equipment is sorely out of date. I finally figured out how to log into my oldest most skilled account there this morning.


Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Like Tyrath said, I will keep playing as usual, don’t expect any effect from EJ on what I do. I may active a closed account or two just to see what EJ feels like

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
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I don't believe EJ will impact how I play. I would continue to pay for the accounts that I currently pay for because I would not want to lose my houses. I will, however, use EJ to try to lure old friends back as much as possible.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
It would be BS's luck to lose accounts :p I have my accounts for housing so I'll be keeping mine (paying every month btw). I am going to try and open up several old accounts though to see if they have anything good on them ;)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
It would be BS's luck to lose accounts :p I have my accounts for housing so I'll be keeping mine (paying every month btw). I am going to try and open up several old accounts though to see if they have anything good on them ;)

How are you gonna see if they have anything good on them? EJ isn';t supposed to be able to operate out of a bankbox, but we were told we could peep in it and get a few items out, just not put back in. I copied over to test and went to brit bank and said bank, (after i went thru the gate to get the restrictions) and was told I wzasn't allowed to use the bank. Went to Buc's Vault (yup thats the name in the runebook) and same thing...so the burning question is, how do we look in a bankbox to see if we want to retrieve anything?

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Endless Journey changes nothing, it is all positive for the game, attracting new players, and improving their starter experience.

I'll carry on playing as normal, enjoying my time with my guild, and hoping one day some of the areas I care about get some attention - VvV, Rogues, Crafted Items (reforged specifically), Pure Mages, and Pure Dexxers.

Overall, I am not as negative towards the developers as many on these forums are, I think they did a great job with the BoD system, the new Taming system, VvV as a concept, Shadowguard, Doom etc.

My only complaints are some of the inbalances between templates (I do think they are off their trolleys with regards to their perception of mages and warriors), they really have focussed on Sampires (Doom and 90% of PvM events) and Tamers (Taming system and Shadowguard), whilst leaving many other fun templates (which happen to be my favourites also), out in the cold for such a long time.
And in PvP, I don't think it is balanced, I believe it is all weapon user orientated - again annoying, as I'm caster orientated.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'm sort of hoping it'll bring some role-players back just to role-play... they won't need a house for that.

But that's a pretty high hope. I rather doubt it will change much at all. My thought is a few will come back reactivate an account or two to EJ decide it's still the same ole game with most the same ole bugs... and most certainly the same hideous graphics and they will go back to their hand holding games with all the pretty pictures.

As for me I'm actually thinking of testing out yet another game I hear has some promise. We'll see... and I'll keep my accounts open... for now.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a simple poll at this point. I know this isn't scientific and verifiable but I'm curious as to what the initial impact, if anything, will be.

Are you tempted to pack in your worldly belongings and live out of a bank box etc or are you going to keep playing the way you have been?
Depends. I don't know if I can play any of my siege chars as EJ accounts, it's unclear. If I can, then that's probably what I will do. If I can't I will probably just do like I do now, and play a little bit every 3 months I reopen my account to keep my house up, hah.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depends. I don't know if I can play any of my siege chars as EJ accounts, it's unclear. If I can, then that's probably what I will do. If I can't I will probably just do like I do now, and play a little bit every 3 months I reopen my account to keep my house up, hah.
Seem to remember seeing in the Can't section logging into Siege or mungen.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Ohh do tell, what game?
I hadnt heard of one coming up lol
My son has been playing something that looks rather interesting it's by no means new... but it's on steam. Black Desert Online... Has some promise... I think I might try it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depends. I don't know if I can play any of my siege chars as EJ accounts, it's unclear. If I can, then that's probably what I will do. If I can't I will probably just do like I do now, and play a little bit every 3 months I reopen my account to keep my house up, hah.
Says you can't create an EJ character on Siege or Mugen, so I assume if your account is EJ you won't be logging into siege, guess that answers that.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Option added.
I like just the two options to see if EJ is going to close players main accounts. But so far it looks like it may just close extra accounts.

I only have 2 accounts that I use. I will keep those open as they are now.

I thought of making some EJ accounts and them I remembered how much I hate skilling!

I may EJ an old account I made with RTB.

old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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I probably shouldn't post, since I'm not a current account holder (but I will anyway). I closed my account months ago. For a while I toyed with the idea of slipping back to try Endless Journey, but I honestly don't think I will. Whether on a paid or unpaid account, UO will be fine without me; and since I long ago lost my love for building, collecting, or adventuring... well, what more is there to say?

I wish you all the very best, regardless of what you may decide to do.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Says you can't create an EJ character on Siege or Mugen, so I assume if your account is EJ you won't be logging into siege, guess that answers that.
I knew it said you can't make one, but I don't know if that applies to characters already made?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I knew it said you can't make one, but I don't know if that applies to characters already made?
It isn't really clear but i would think if your account is just EJ enabled then it won't have siege appear in the list. Who knows tho.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
There is also another Option Missing:
Go Back from Like 5 fully Open Accounts to 2 fully and 2 with housing Rodeo because You excpect scripting hell is breaking loose what EJ Starts and the Game is going to loose a Lot of Player because they wont properly Deal with cheaters again .they even Said that paid Accounts will Not be banned right away.

At least thats what i do.

Damon Beasts

EJ is the last resort for UO. I highly doubt that anything is going to be done with scriptors or multiboxing. To test this out, I will be doing both on Test Center to see if they actually are looking for it. Even if they are actually going to do something, they will just be trading Subscription Accounts for EJ accounts.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
There is also another Option Missing:
Go Back from Like 5 fully Open Accounts to 2 fully and 2 with housing Rodeo because You excpect scripting hell is breaking loose what EJ Starts and the Game is going to loose a Lot of Player because they wont properly Deal with cheaters again .they even Said that paid Accounts will Not be banned right away.

At least thats what i do.
That is almost what I will be doing.
Except all my 5 accounts will be on rotation. Play one month, enjoy one month off, play another month.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My son has been playing something that looks rather interesting it's by no means new... but it's on steam. Black Desert Online... Has some promise... I think I might try it.
Its a beautiful game looks wise and I enjoyed it for a short time. Very Pay to Win though and the combat has that fast action highly animated korean vibe which im not keen on .... come to Albion ;)

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
How are you gonna see if they have anything good on them? EJ isn';t supposed to be able to operate out of a bankbox, but we were told we could peep in it and get a few items out, just not put back in. I copied over to test and went to brit bank and said bank, (after i went thru the gate to get the restrictions) and was told I wzasn't allowed to use the bank. Went to Buc's Vault (yup thats the name in the runebook) and same thing...so the burning question is, how do we look in a bankbox to see if we want to retrieve anything?
Before they talked of a limited bank box. So I'm not sure what's up with that. If I'm allowed to take a limited amount of items out of the bank box that's fine. And whatever might be in my pack or wearing. I'm interested in seeing my old toons again regardless :) So where do these EJ people store stuff anyway? It would be unrealistic for them to have zero storage.

If I'm concerned about anything it's now we aren't just getting cute little deco items in the store anymore. Now they're selling 70s suits, magic shields, etc and this is not a road I wanted to see them go down. Th door is cracking opening and I wonder how soon till the best items in the game will need to be bought? Now we're getting a free to play purchase store items model with a monthly subscription on top of that. Who saw that coming? ;) I was hoping new players could be a boon to crafters but they're giving away a really decent 70s suit, shields, every spell book, alacrity scrolls, a million gold, etc with the price of a token or 2. I wonder if any new players will even know a store exists? They buried it pretty well.

I'm thinking UO may be on hard times as BS is really pulling out the stops to suck some more cash outta us. I never thought UO would last forever, I figured it had a few more good years left in it. But just watching how BS is behaving I really am starting to wonder. There may be more riding on EJ than we suspect.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Before they talked of a limited bank box. So I'm not sure what's up with that. If I'm allowed to take a limited amount of items out of the bank box that's fine. And whatever might be in my pack or wearing. I'm interested in seeing my old toons again regardless :) So where do these EJ people store stuff anyway? It would be unrealistic for them to have zero storage.

If I'm concerned about anything is now we aren't just getting cute little deco items in the store anymore. Now they're selling 70s suits, magic shields, etc and this is not a road I wanted to see them go down. Th door is cracking opening and I wonder how soon till the best items in the game will need to be bought? Now we're getting a free to play purchase store items model with a monthly subscription on top of that. Who saw that coming? ;) I was hoping new players could be a boon to crafters but they're giving away a really decent 70s suit, shields, every spell book, alacrity scrolls, a million gold, etc with the price of a token or 2. I wonder if any new players will even know a store exists? They buried it pretty well.

I'm thinking UO may be on hard times as BS is really pulling out the stops to suck some more cash outta us. I never thought UO would last forever, I figured it had a few more good years left in it. But just watching how BS is behaving I really am starting to wonder. There may be more riding on EJ than we suspect.

If they wanted to suck cash out of us they have had and still have ample opportunity. We love our pixel crack. New robes, vanity mounts mounts, and other goodies could make them a small fortune.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is difficult for me to jump off a roof not knowing if the building is really on fire yet. That is how I feel about EJ. Maybe my UO world will survive and maybe it won't. Still waiting on castle redo...

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
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I witnessed the first non official forum clean up. :cheerleader: yay me!
I've been cleaned up again. :owned:

On a serious note, well done to the mods, I understand it had to be cleaned up.
I don't feel I can apologise too much, as I do speak for a lot of active players who don't post here, mainly due to the issues I get here.
I do feel our voice deserves to be heard, if only temporarily.

Thank you, take care all, have a nice day.

Looking forward to Endless Journey, and updates beyond that.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used a 6 month GTC shortly after Pub 97 hit live, because I thought I might want to play the hell out of the taming pub. In the end I played a few hours each day over 1-2 weeks of that 6 months. That sub ran out mid november or something like that. So I'm well prepared for the 120 day buffer to get EJ activated. Definitely going to check that out and how the EJ vault is going to play out in practice. As long as it is somewhat okay-ish, I can't imagine, subbing anymore for UO.

The Craftsman

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So, whilst this poll is far from an exact science and only a small sample, the findings so far show that 20% will drop paid accounts.

EA will therefore have to ensure EJ brings in accounts to replace those. If it doesn’t (and I don’t believe it will) then EJ will have done enormous harm to the game.

It’s a huge gamble and not one a company would readily take unless it was a last desperate throw of the dice. I fear it is. Could be the death knell.