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RMT discussion moved from the Genesis thread


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I just wish people would stop trying to impose virtual morality on others. It's a game, a virtual world, if a mom sells some golden pixels to buy some diapers that's not a concern of mine ya know?
If said mom uses scripts to farm those golden pixels and flood whatever market it has, it will be a concern of yours. If the game is balanced to need to buy the golden pixels with real money instead of playing the game you already pay for, it will be a concern of yours.


Stratics Veteran
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This discussion began in another thread but quickly became its own topic. As this discussion has remained civil, it has been split from that thread and will remain open for now. Please help us keep it that way.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This discussion began in another thread but quickly became its own topic. As this discussion has remained civil, it has been split from that thread and will remain open for now. Please help us keep it that way.
Since there is an official UO forum now. Does Stratics think the devs will ever come here again and post or read anything? I understood that part in RoC while Stratics was the "Official Forum".

Isn't it time to stop protecting the Devs from real issues they dont want to acknowledge?

RMT has been a part of UO and other games for years. Diablo 3 had a RM auction house for game items for a while. (It must not have gone well because they removed that and now you can not trade gold or items with other chars. You can drop items on the ground)

I agree that we should not advertise competition for the game UO. I also do not want a banner ad for a RMT site here.

Gonna be a sticky subject.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Since there is an official UO forum now. Does Stratics think the devs will ever come here again and post or read anything? I understood that part in RoC while Stratics was the "Official Forum".

Isn't it time to stop protecting the Devs from real issues they dont want to acknowledge?

RMT has been a part of UO and other games for years. Diablo 3 had a RM auction house for game items for a while. (It must not have gone well because they removed that and now you can not trade gold or items with other chars. You can drop items on the ground)

I agree that we should not advertise competition for the game UO. I also do not want a banner ad for a RMT site here.

Gonna be a sticky subject.
I've always respected Stratics for respecting the game and not allowing that stuff here.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Since there is an official UO forum now. Does Stratics think the devs will ever come here again and post or read anything? I understood that part in RoC while Stratics was the "Official Forum".

Isn't it time to stop protecting the Devs from real issues they dont want to acknowledge?

RMT has been a part of UO and other games for years. Diablo 3 had a RM auction house for game items for a while. (It must not have gone well because they removed that and now you can not trade gold or items with other chars. You can drop items on the ground)

I agree that we should not advertise competition for the game UO. I also do not want a banner ad for a RMT site here.

Gonna be a sticky subject.
To my knowledge, Stratics will not open any RMT gates at all. We do strive to portray and uphold honorable gameplay, and adhere to the basic ROC of the game we all love. However, there are area's of our rules we are looking to possibly modify now that we are no longer the "official" forum. This is something which Riyana mentioned in another thread recently. So any ideas and suggestions of what we should change if anything, can be made over in our suggestions forum Stratics Help and Suggestions .


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
However, there are area's of our rules we are looking to possibly modify now that we are no longer the "official" forum. This is something which Riyana mentioned in another thread recently.
Good. Gonna be tough to get it changed without complaints.

Good Luck


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Good. Gonna be tough to get it changed without complaints.

Good Luck
Of course there will be complaints, it's impossible to please everyone, we get that. But we'll do what we can and adapt as necessary.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
When EA didn't do anything to stop sales of UO pixel crack they opened Pandora's box....
It took E bay to classify that pixels were not tangible property for trade or sale along with the courts.... not EA.
It has not stopped people from making real cash off the game.. some make millions off the gaming world.
When UO was still a in full swing game mode I watched full resource vendors go up and gold sales on the web.....

Now I heard some say its in the TOS you cant sell for RL cash for in game items....
EA blew that off the map when they allowed it in the first place.

Over the years I have known many who sold accounts, houses, pets , armor.... etc... for cash.
Back in 97 - 99 one Kid I knew had UO help pay his way through College.
His free time was filled with UO, the sales to players helped.
The game he made work to fill in the gaps his parents couldn't afford.
I will not slam him for it ... he was not alone...
Many who posted on Stratics over the years for example.
To point fingers is moot and to condem them for what others are and have done over the years is just wrong.

Your gunna hang A for selling a house... but pat B on the back for his sale of a spare semi built up account to a new guy.....

That's so wrong.. and for the wrong reasons if you think about it.

I heard a rumor..
I will not go into all the details but from the skuttle a lot of real facts have been distorted or omitted, lies added, and out right hate for powers that be were floated about.
RMT was a big part of this foul mess.
I kind of wonder if we are keeping double standards for people we like and dislike or even don't know....

Rumors can hurt good people, and some like to cause pain.

I for one hope the rumor is just that...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
RMT was a big part of this foul mess.
Of course it was and is just causing more inflation.

If you are new and want to play with vet players, you may as well buy some gold and at least feel like you are self sufficient. They see the books lying on the ground. Its just part of the game they think.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I have helped in the last 3 months about a dozen new and returning vets.
The vets had some idea of the workings but were kinda lost ... but not as bad as the new guys!
On shards there is little or no vendor stock of basic equipment... bod books, spells and the books ..
I was busy, 1 k is not enough to help these people...
The list is so simple but not where these players can get to it.. if its even out there..(one shard omg! the cost of simple things were so costly... 100k I gave them was not enough to buy much!)
If we are going to keep players on other then Atl which we do need BADLY!! I recommend setting up vendor's by the reisdents of the shard thnk of all the things a new or returning needs and think of the cost! hell some of you are so much expert at dungeons and critters write of little book add it to the offerings! Help out a newbie!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I recommend setting up vendor's by the reisdents of the shard thnk of all the things a new or returning needs and think of the cost! hell some of you are so much expert at dungeons and critters write of little book add it to the offerings! Help out a newbie!
My plan when the EJ release date is set up:

Have a few of us put basic all 70s 100% LRC suits on our vendors for 300k or so. Not to sell at that price but to buy from each other as needed and give them to a noob or returner. So whoever is on can help.

Make rune books with the basics and do the same.

Give a standard tour to the player. Show them the rune library. Take them to some specific spots for their template and mark more runes.

Introduce them in Gen Chat and make sure they know how to use chats.

Check their stables for Gems or pets that need attention with the wrong slot values.

Get a feel of their personality. See if they are loners or want to tag along.

Take them to a place that matches what skills level they have. Them let them fight and encourage them to give feedback in chat. Ask them how they are doing after a while if no feedback.

The pleasant returners will receive a warm welcome from the shard and they usually will be seen the next day.

Your book idea is good. Can you copy and paste to a book? We could set up the books here in a thread if we can paste it into the book.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
300k is a bit much maybe a few of different prices ad lvls... but lower lrc also go well for 8 to 10k nothing too elaborate imbue a few


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
300k is a bit much maybe a few of different prices ad lvls... but lower lrc also go well for 8 to 10k nothing too elaborate imbue a few
Im making it high so they wont buy it.

300k is so it will stay on the vendor until needed and any vet can buy and give to the player. That way the vet does not have to spend time sorting out a suit or making a new one. Also a non crafter vet will have access to it by just searching all 70s and go buy it.

Kinda like a community chest of suits for returning or new players. If you price it too low, someone will buy it for turn in points or unraveling.

Ideally one of the 3 or 4 suit builders will be online and they will be buying from each other if they happen to not have one on their vendor at the time. So the gold goes in a circle.

I search and use cheap stuff for turn in points. :)

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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When EA didn't do anything to stop sales of UO pixel crack they opened Pandora's box....
It took E bay to classify that pixels were not tangible property for trade or sale along with the courts.... not EA.
It has not stopped people from making real cash off the game.. some make millions off the gaming world.
When UO was still a in full swing game mode I watched full resource vendors go up and gold sales on the web.....

Now I heard some say its in the TOS you cant sell for RL cash for in game items....
EA blew that off the map when they allowed it in the first place.

Over the years I have known many who sold accounts, houses, pets , armor.... etc... for cash.
Back in 97 - 99 one Kid I knew had UO help pay his way through College.
His free time was filled with UO, the sales to players helped.
The game he made work to fill in the gaps his parents couldn't afford.
I will not slam him for it ... he was not alone...
Many who posted on Stratics over the years for example.
To point fingers is moot and to condem them for what others are and have done over the years is just wrong.

Your gunna hang A for selling a house... but pat B on the back for his sale of a spare semi built up account to a new guy.....

That's so wrong.. and for the wrong reasons if you think about it.

I heard a rumor..
I will not go into all the details but from the skuttle a lot of real facts have been distorted or omitted, lies added, and out right hate for powers that be were floated about.
RMT was a big part of this foul mess.
I kind of wonder if we are keeping double standards for people we like and dislike or even don't know....

Rumors can hurt good people, and some like to cause pain.

I for one hope the rumor is just that...
RMT is bad for games, that's why people dislike it. As soon as RMT enters into any game it changes and destroys the game. I've seen it happen countless times and never once have I seen any game where adding RMT improved it. It may help individuals like the college guy you mentioned, but it still harms the overall community to provide that benefit to one person.

Personally I don't really have much of a problem with a person randomly selling something for RMT once or twice a year, like an account. Although I still think it's bad, it doesn't harm much because they are isolated incidents.

What I do have a large problem with is when people make RMT their actual profession and sell hundreds of things for real cash, manipulating, lying, cheating and screwing people over just for a little extra profit any way they can get it. At that point they are no longer a player, they are a parasite leeching every cent they can from the game at the expense of other players and the general well being of the game. As I said I've seen this many times, and not just in UO. When the game finally collapses because of the greed-driven culture, the parasites simply move onto the next game to do it all over again, while the actual players who enjoyed the dead game have lost what they enjoyed, solely because greed entered into the equation and turned it from a game into a personal piggy bank for a handful of people.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Writing an in-game book is a waste of time if you can't read it in both clients.
If you write a book in the CC, then red leaf it, it can be opened in the EC without problem. All text will be visible, though it may have wacky formatting.

It would be awesome if the devs would pull the stick out and redo the book system altogether. Wanting to preserve puerile ASCII art is not a worthy reason allow books to remain jacked in the EC.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
RMT is bad for games, that's why people dislike it. As soon as RMT enters into any game it changes and destroys the game. I've seen it happen countless times and never once have I seen any game where adding RMT improved it. It may help individuals like the college guy you mentioned, but it still harms the overall community to provide that benefit to one person.

Personally I don't really have much of a problem with a person randomly selling something for RMT once or twice a year, like an account. Although I still think it's bad, it doesn't harm much because they are isolated incidents.

What I do have a large problem with is when people make RMT their actual profession and sell hundreds of things for real cash, manipulating, lying, cheating and screwing people over just for a little extra profit any way they can get it. At that point they are no longer a player, they are a parasite leeching every cent they can from the game at the expense of other players and the general well being of the game. As I said I've seen this many times, and not just in UO. When the game finally collapses because of the greed-driven culture, the parasites simply move onto the next game to do it all over again, while the actual players who enjoyed the dead game have lost what they enjoyed, solely because greed entered into the equation and turned it from a game into a personal piggy bank for a handful of people.
And it does not take long to get to the duping, hacking and CC jacking for fun and real profit.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Agreed. Which is why EJ doesnt stand a hope in hell of bringing in players ... they are simply too far behind the curve. Prices and gear are insane. On a clean shard with a level playing field however, players can compete with each other without being 20 years behind ...
EJ has only 2 values :

  • Additional storage for existing players.
  • Old players able to come back for nostalgia and harass the people who still pay to play.

This is not going to bring new people to the game. The curve is so ridiculously steep to compete now I can't see many people putting in this kind of time to play a game with 20 year old graphics. I mean cmon. Where would people even learn about this game if they didn't already play it at one time?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I despise RMT. But, I also don't like rules... @Merlin had some good points on RMT... not that I agree with him. I'd still rather be able to discuss it openly. I'd be okay with it. I've bought vet rewards, power and stat scrolls.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you write a book in the EC, is it readable in the CC? I'm under the impression it doesn't work well.
Short answer: sometimes.

Long answer: eh...it will usually look fine for other EC users, but it may be missing text when displayed in the CC - especially if you pasted in a large chunk of text.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I notice UO Radio is posting to the new forum. ALL their sponsors are RMT sites. Their ads are run on the shows and posted on their website. But that's a perfectly acceptable "advertisement" on the new forums. Sure they usually have like 4 listeners but it's the point of the thing.

UPDATE: They *did* lock the thread as a TOS violation :) But it stood there for days.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I notice UO Radio is posting to the new forum. ALL their sponsors are RMT sites. Their ads are run on the shows and posted on their website. But that's a perfectly acceptable "advertisement" on the new forums. Sure they usually have like 4 listeners but it's the point of the thing.

UPDATE: They *did* lock the thread as a TOS violation :) But it stood there for days.
Well, considering an ACTUAL CURRENT GAME EM is "joined at the hip/ramrods" with a "shard traveling weekly event" sponsored by UO Radio and you guessed it, the same people who drop the books, is it really surprising? *looks up the term "conflict of interest"*, and the phrase "UO ToS violation". @Mesanna

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Well, considering an ACTUAL CURRENT GAME EM is "joined at the hip/ramrods" with a "shard traveling weekly event" sponsored by UO Radio and you guessed it, the same people who drop the books, is it really surprising? *looks up the term "conflict of interest"*, and the phrase "UO ToS violation". @Mesanna
I don't know about that. But who better to run a RMT site than someone who works there lol. I *love* conspiracy rumors though lol. I mean it would be a really stupid thing to do especially if you ever want to work in the industry again, but that doesn't mean stuff doesn't go on. I would doubt the paid staff would be involved but with all these part time or volunteer people, well maybe.... I wonder if EMs and such actually get paid. Like free accounts or maybe get paid like 2 hours a week or something. I know EA had that lawsuit back in the day about not paying volunteers so I wonder how that works now.


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I don't know about that. But who better to run a RMT site than someone who works there lol. I *love* conspiracy rumors though lol. I mean it would be a really stupid thing to do especially if you ever want to work in the industry again, but that doesn't mean stuff doesn't go on. I would doubt the paid staff would be involved but with all these part time or volunteer people, well maybe.... I wonder if EMs and such actually get paid. Like free accounts or maybe get paid like 2 hours a week or something. I know EA had that lawsuit back in the day about not paying volunteers so I wonder how that works now.
I love the conspiracy rumors too, even better is when you know something that doesn't get spread around........


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I notice UO Radio is posting to the new forum. ALL their sponsors are RMT sites. Their ads are run on the shows and posted on their website. But that's a perfectly acceptable "advertisement" on the new forums. Sure they usually have like 4 listeners but it's the point of the thing.

UPDATE: They *did* lock the thread as a TOS violation :) But it stood there for days.
Not only are their sponsors RMT sites but they allow the use of the Radio to effectively influence elections... they also allow their DJs to bad mouth other players on it and seek and promote buying votes on it. Shameful IMO.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
If said mom uses scripts to farm those golden pixels and flood whatever market it has, it will be a concern of yours. If the game is balanced to need to buy the golden pixels with real money instead of playing the game you already pay for, it will be a concern of yours.
Scripters and rmt traders are not the same thing. I know the argument that they buy stuff from scripters. My counter point is, that whether you know it or not, you too are buying from scripters. You don't really think someone is collecting 60,000 valorite ingots by legitimate means do you?


Site Support
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Scripters and rmt traders are not the same thing. I know the argument that they buy stuff from scripters. My counter point is, that whether you know it or not, you too are buying from scripters. You don't really think someone is collecting 60,000 valorite ingots by legitimate means do you?
I've done enough IDOC's to loot a lifetime worth of resources :p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Scripters and rmt traders are not the same thing. I know the argument that they buy stuff from scripters. My counter point is, that whether you know it or not, you too are buying from scripters. You don't really think someone is collecting 60,000 valorite ingots by legitimate means do you?
I've never claimed to not buy from either. It doesn't make them good.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Its been a while sense I have seen more then a few vendors on Atlantic with deeds filled to 60k ... but I do not doubt there is bots and scripters who are working hard to fill some up if EJ takes off...
Now I do know from the years of my son and I going to IDOC's we have amassed a good deal of 60k deeds of most if not all types of craft mats... from house falls you can get a lot of the junk. It adds up!
And I know I am not alone in this collecting.
As for RMT... How can some of you sit there and say you have not thought about getting a few plat or mills over the years? Or when houses were on E bay?
We buy character advance tokens... transfers and all the EA offerings ... some people buy from 2nd party sellers...
While I do agree its not a good thing for a game the idea to take it out on others is wrong for their using what the game will not stop.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its been a while sense I have seen more then a few vendors on Atlantic with deeds filled to 60k ... but I do not doubt there is bots and scripters who are working hard to fill some up if EJ takes off...
Now I do know from the years of my son and I going to IDOC's we have amassed a good deal of 60k deeds of most if not all types of craft mats... from house falls you can get a lot of the junk. It adds up!
And I know I am not alone in this collecting.
As for RMT... How can some of you sit there and say you have not thought about getting a few plat or mills over the years? Or when houses were on E bay?
We buy character advance tokens... transfers and all the EA offerings ... some people buy from 2nd party sellers...
While I do agree its not a good thing for a game the idea to take it out on others is wrong for their using what the game will not stop.
I have a different view. I think the more we bring it up, and discuss it, the more likely it is that the Developer's will actually do something about it. One way or the other. But for them to ignore the problem, in MY opinion, is a slap in the face of all the players who DO follow the rules. @Mesanna @Bleak @Kyronix

Also, I have NEVER thought about selling something for RL $$$.

I think you will see that my signature nicely sums up my feelings. hehe :)
Last edited:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a different view. I think the more we bring it up, and discuss it, the more likely it is that the Developer's will actually do something about it. One way or the other. But for them to ignore the problem, in MY opinion, is a slap in the face of all the players who DO follow the rules.

Also, I have NEVER thought about selling something for RL $$$.

I think you will see that my signature nicely sums up my feelings. hehe :)
My wife wants a new toilet. I could go to Home Depot, buy one, maybe install it. It will most likely leak.

Or, I could let the plumber that will be here between 3 and 6 today do all that.

There are many reasons people pay money for things. Convenience is one of the reasons.


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My wife wants a new toilet. I could go to Home Depot, buy one, maybe install it. It will most likely leak.

Or, I could let the plumber that will be here between 3 and 6 today do all that.

There are many reasons people pay money for things. Convenience is one of the reasons.
Lets use that home analogy. You live in a development and the HOA has a list of licensed plumbers that residents have to use (Official Game Store). You don't and the HOA gives you a hefty fine, puts a lien on your house, and eventually forecloses on it. Was it still worth it using the unauthorized one?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets use that home analogy. You live in a development and the HOA has a list of licensed plumbers that residents have to use (Official Game Store). You don't and the HOA gives you a hefty fine, puts a lien on your house, and eventually forecloses on it. Was it still worth it using the unauthorized one?
Your analogy was much better than one I could have come up with.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets use that home analogy. You live in a development and the HOA has a list of licensed plumbers that residents have to use (Official Game Store). You don't and the HOA gives you a hefty fine, puts a lien on your house, and eventually forecloses on it. Was it still worth it using the unauthorized one?
Since that stayed.

Maybe I can tell this again and it not get deleted since it was about a diff game and about a store that does not sell pixels now.

Way back in the late 90s I bought a sword for Diablo on ebay for a dollar or so. One of my co workers saw it and the whole office started making fun of me for paying for something that does not exist. They had a good laugh for a while over that.

Now people work at offices and make good money on things that do not really exist.

But you got me on "Official Game Store".


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand why people pay so much and/or dont go get what they need, whether its scrolls or what ever. don't complain stuff is high, go out and get if u want or buy. easy
Time is Money, that's why.

I dislike RMT sites taking business away from EA/BS-UO, but every game, even games like Diablo 2 (yes D2...) still has RMTs going on.

It may take 10-15 minutes to solo a champ spawn, and perhaps you might get a 120 tactics or something else worth several millions... or you could just work for an hour irl and buy all the scrolls you need with your real money. skipping the grind, it takes away from the game, but to those who don't have the time.... they just wouldn't be playing if it weren't an option.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It will most likely leak.
Why would it leak, it ain't rocket science to line the hole up with the grease ring and bolt it to the floor :) Takes about 20 minutes and that is if you have to cut the hole and attach a stink line :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why would it leak, it ain't rocket science to line the hole up with the grease ring and bolt it to the floor :) Takes about 20 minutes and that is if you have to cut the hole and attach a stink line :)
I can do a lot of repairs to different things if I really want to. My Father owned a Garage and I worked there while a child. Took Auto mechanics for three years in high school. Moved to Hospital equipment repair for 5 years. I always had trouble with things leaking if I had to take apart and put together anything with fluid in them. Hydraulic fluid for large equipment tastes horrible. (some sprayed into my mouth after a line leaked that I replaced) Dialysis machines have lots of fluid lines 50/50 chance they leaked when I had to open a line and put it back. Now I work with swimming pools. I have a repair guy I call when something leaks.

Plumbing is not a skill I possess.

Example: I replaced the o ring on this chlorinator toady.


This the After picture...
Last edited:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I can do a lot of repairs to different things if I really want to. My Father owned a Garage and I worked there while a child. Took Auto mechanics for three years in high school. Moved to Hospital equipment repair for 5 years. I always had trouble with things leaking if I had to take apart and put together anything with fluid in them. Hydraulic fluid for large equipment tastes horrible. (some sprayed into my mouth after a line leaked that I replaced) Dialysis machines have lots of fluid lines 50/50 chance they leaked when I had to open a line and put it back. Now I work with swimming pools. I have a repair guy I call when something leaks.

Plumbing is not a skill I possess.
My father owned an autobody shop... I spent quite a bit of time there... Also worked at a full service gas station for awhile... Trany fluid sucks having it in your shoe... Never let the big tall guy hold the big end of the trany while you carry the smaller side and he dumps trany fluid all over down your leg and in your shoe... yuck...

I spent many an hour moving cars in and out of the shop, taping off windows and such to ready cars for the paint booth and scraping out window glass... vacuuming cars... sweeping floors.

But I'm glad I did all those things... learned to change oil and check all the fluids. And really learned a lot about cars. Can even change my own tires. It's good to know.

I now am a Med Lab Tech... do a lot of maintenance on our machines and such... changing tubing, syringes, and such. And of course... stabbing people with needles...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Never let the big tall guy hold the big end of the trany while you carry the smaller side and he dumps trany fluid all over down your leg and in your shoe... yuck...
I know it is not usual for me to go off topic. :)

Same idea but holding a large piece of square flat steel being cut by a torch. I was holding one side and it must have been lower than the other side. A small little piece of red hot metal bounced around and went right into my palm. I had to keep holding it until it was finished cutting. ouchie. Ragged blue jean holes are very flammable I found out while using a cutting torch also.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I know it is not usual for me to go off topic. :)

Same idea but holding a large piece of square flat steel being cut by a torch. I was holding one side and it must have been lower than the other side. A small little piece of red hot metal bounced around and went right into my palm. I had to keep holding it until it was finished cutting. ouchie. Ragged blue jean holes are very flammable I found out while using a cutting torch also.
My Father learned not to wear "stretchy" jeans as they have nylon in them which when welding MELT onto your skin.


Grand Poobah
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I can do a lot of repairs to different things if I really want to. My Father owned a Garage and I worked there while a child. Took Auto mechanics for three years in high school. Moved to Hospital equipment repair for 5 years. I always had trouble with things leaking if I had to take apart and put together anything with fluid in them. Hydraulic fluid for large equipment tastes horrible. (some sprayed into my mouth after a line leaked that I replaced) Dialysis machines have lots of fluid lines 50/50 chance they leaked when I had to open a line and put it back. Now I work with swimming pools. I have a repair guy I call when something leaks.

Plumbing is not a skill I possess.

Example: I replaced the o ring on this chlorinator toady.

View attachment 78209

This the After picture...
And I thought it was bad that my wife often taps me on the shoulder when I am welding or torching and says "Your shirt is on fire again." Did a good one last Saturday and managed to catch my beard on fire.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Well Keith.... I did ask Mesanna to look in on a player last year who was selling on her vendors on Atlantic 10 to 20 deeds each filled to 60k of Hard to get Regents ...
One such deed was 60k travesty eyes... and there was over 10 deeds of this 60k!
That was just one of the super hard regents/crafting items they had on the 5 vendors who were stuffed with deeds of 60k full.
I sent a E mail to Mesanna about this huge cashe.
I explained I cant in good faith wrap my mind around how 1 person/guild could have so many deeds including the 10 x 60k of these items much less one deed of said size.(600k of eye of travesty)
Mesanna said she did go and look in her reply.
She explained that the deeds were legit.
Not meaning the stuff was but the deeds were...
Her hands were tied. She knew full well all the items stack size had to have been duped.
Here is the But.
Once anything duped is re-deeded it becomes new... same with gold checks back then.
The code that makes the case is erased the minute the copied deed is claimed and re-deeded making it untraceable.
She appreciated the heads up on the vendors owners and said she would be keeping her eye on things.
No LP much less our Mesanna has that power, she cant hang them on deeds that code in as new.....
Thing is the Dupers know this.....


Stratics Veteran
My father owned an autobody shop... I spent quite a bit of time there... Also worked at a full service gas station for awhile... Trany fluid sucks having it in your shoe... Never let the big tall guy hold the big end of the trany while you carry the smaller side and he dumps trany fluid all over down your leg and in your shoe... yuck...

I spent many an hour moving cars in and out of the shop, taping off windows and such to ready cars for the paint booth and scraping out window glass... vacuuming cars... sweeping floors.

But I'm glad I did all those things... learned to change oil and check all the fluids. And really learned a lot about cars. Can even change my own tires. It's good to know.

I now am a Med Lab Tech... do a lot of maintenance on our machines and such... changing tubing, syringes, and such. And of course... stabbing people with needles...
Dad was into antique cars. I helped when I could - mainly military leave. Most fun I had was the '28 Packard Limo we worked on. That was a HUGE car.

Ennyhoo ... I learned how to maintain my cars way back in the 60s and did so - short of engine rebuilds - until computerization made it impossible to do a lot of things. I still have the tool I used on drum brake springs to avoid getting stabbed by one letting loose, along with feeler gauges and all that rot. Good times.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Well Keith.... I did ask Mesanna to look in on a player last year who was selling on her vendors on Atlantic 10 to 20 deeds each filled to 60k of Hard to get Regents ...
One such deed was 60k travesty eyes... and there was over 10 deeds of this 60k!
That was just one of the super hard regents/crafting items they had on the 5 vendors who were stuffed with deeds of 60k full.
I sent a E mail to Mesanna about this huge cashe.
I explained I cant in good faith wrap my mind around how 1 person/guild could have so many deeds including the 10 x 60k of these items much less one deed of said size.(600k of eye of travesty)
Mesanna said she did go and look in her reply.
She explained that the deeds were legit.
Not meaning the stuff was but the deeds were...
Her hands were tied. She knew full well all the items stack size had to have been duped.
Here is the But.
Once anything duped is re-deeded it becomes new... same with gold checks back then.
The code that makes the case is erased the minute the copied deed is claimed and re-deeded making it untraceable.
She appreciated the heads up on the vendors owners and said she would be keeping her eye on things.
No LP much less our Mesanna has that power, she cant hang them on deeds that code in as new.....
Thing is the Dupers know this.....
I guess the game does not keep track of the items like that that drop daily. If it did they could tell that that many eyes have not dropped. lol

Sad story.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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I explained I cant in good faith wrap my mind around how 1 person/guild could have so many deeds
Well, it is possible, but not likely. I can tell you though, I personally have A LOT of 60K of various things. Not the real "hard to get" items though. I will also say, for the record, I have never duped ANYTHING. So, it could happen.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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I cant blame the game Pawain.
Asking a system to keep track of 27 shards worth of items is asking a lot.
Back before 2004 I had a friend who was in my mind anyway a good kind lady... id have never thought her to cheat on anything.
I was on playing and ran into her and she wanted to give me a gift...
What it was is not the point, the point was she took me into her guild armory and told me to open any cheat and take what I liked...
What I saw made my heart sink.
Chest on chest filled with duped items.
She had no idea who I was... and I hurt to do the right thing but I did.
I was a Counselor at the time, I got on channel and called the GMs.
Platinum answered me.
She had me excuse myself to her and leave...
I did.
She was perma banned as was everyone of her guild and any who had an item they duped.....
She never knew it was I who turned her in...
In rl she was a good lady but something in the game has a way to turn even some of the best of us....

And YES id do it again in a heart beat... cheating is not good in any game....


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I cant blame the game Pawain.
Yup, it was the first one along with Diablo. Just making the game work good enough to play was the main challenge.

They prob did not think about putting counters and stuff in.

Sims online had counters. Was fun to find out how many pizzas were made last week and stuff like that.

Would be fun to see how many Navreys etc were killed last week in UO.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Once anything duped is re-deeded it becomes new... same with gold checks back then.
The code that makes the case is erased the minute the copied deed is claimed and re-deeded making it untraceable.
And this is why on any shopping trip, as soon as I get the deeds, I cash em in bank and redeed em.
Looted boxes of 100mil checks from an idoc one time...yep, I stood at the bank forever cashing and remaking checks lol.

I didn't want to take any chances getting busted with duped goods...just in case