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Just sitting here hitting F5 waiting for a link to a live feed...

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, I think Albion's forums is one of the best forums around and uo should really be ran like them. During their whole DDOS and server crash issues they got so much crap on their forums, but they never locked threads or banned people. They took the criticism and some of that criticism wouldn't even fly on stratics, actually a good portion of it.
Absolutely. And when your CEO has almost 2500 forum posts you know that they are listening and interacting with the paying customers.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe someone could do a little summary for all of us that couldn't attend the party, with all the important points? For those of us who are too excited to read everything properly...:D


Site Support
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Maybe someone could do a little summary for all of us that couldn't attend the party, with all the important points? For those of us who are too excited to read everything properly...:D
While we can't live stream, we are recording video and will be uploading it for folks once it's edited.

There were not a ton of detail on the Endless Journey given, but they did say once it happens Multi-boxing will be illegal.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
While we can't live stream, we are recording video and will be uploading it for folks once it's edited.

There were not a ton of detail on the Endless Journey given, but they did say once it happens Multi-boxing will be illegal.
So, multiboxing is legal now. How do i do this?


Site Support
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It may not be up tonight but I'm encoding some YouTube videos for stains right now if the event
Run 'em through handbrake, reduce the size without hurting quality for faster upload.


Site Support
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So High Seas 2.0 is over a year away....sigh
Well they said they want to fix 1.0 first. Also pub 100 or 101 will be pure bug fixes.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While we can't live stream, we are recording video and will be uploading it for folks once it's edited.

There were not a ton of detail on the Endless Journey given, but they did say once it happens Multi-boxing will be illegal.

We require more information about this.

Is Mutli-Clienting being removed? (i hope this is not the case)

If not, why did they come to the decision to finally do something about it after the endless journey begins?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
We require more information about this.

Is Mutli-Clienting being removed? (i hope this is not the case)

If not, why did they come to the decision to finally do something about it after the endless journey begins?
I don't think so. Unless all the characters are doing the exact same thing.

Nails video

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We require more information about this.

Is Mutli-Clienting being removed? (i hope this is not the case)

If not, why did they come to the decision to finally do something about it after the endless journey begins?
Because people now are paying to multi-box. After EJ comes out they can do it for free, and you can't have that...

Lord Ron Fellows

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where is one example of someone running 10 clients at once? I've never seen this.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
And if forum accounts are tied to game accounts? They havent got the bottle to ban people from the game.
Been a long time since the old forums. So who knows? I got banned for making a post saying "it". They posted anyone talking about "it" again would get banned. And they did! :p But just from the forums and not the game. The old forums did link to your game account and you could get banned in game for forum posts. The old forums were very strict.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Never going to happen, Mesanna has been trying hard for years to get a clamp on that Specific Gold seller. She isn't going to undo all of that progress.
That specific one? I can think of at least 5 that have been around forever off the top of my head.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
We require more information about this.

Is Mutli-Clienting being removed? (i hope this is not the case)

If not, why did they come to the decision to finally do something about it after the endless journey begins?
I think that's exactly what they will do. It's the easiest way to handle it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That specific one? I can think of at least 5 that have been around forever off the top of my head.
That specific one is the one who has a bot to continue making characters on all shards named the same name and spams in haven a certain website. No other gold seller is even remotely this persistent and he is the "main" reason why trials were removed from general chat. That is the one I am talking about, if you want to talk about gold sellers in general of course we could all name a dozen lol. Many lurk these boards


Stratics Legend
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10 clients, I doubt anyone has posted. Closest is @CovenantX's Shadowguard video with 9.
The one I saw (and recorded) was over 10. I couldn't grab any more of the health bars as 10 is the max. It could of been more than one person's accounts though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hardly ever multi client, when I do it’s to collect gifts, transfer items, trade houses, etc

I hope they don’t cancel this option, or at least give use some sort of work around like a time limit on multi client and once in war mode both clients crash or something like that so it can’t be abused.

Arroth Thaiel

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I hardly ever multi client, when I do it’s to collect gifts, transfer items, trade houses, etc

I hope they don’t cancel this option, or at least give use some sort of work around like a time limit on multi client and once in war mode both clients crash or something like that so it can’t be abused.
If you're using Windows, log in with one Windows ID, then open UO. Then log into another Windows ID, then open another UO. Repeat for as many accounts as you want to run.

Or buy a switch and a 2nd Monitor.

Or use your laptop and your desktop

Or use your tablet and your laptop and your desktop.

Disabling multi-clients won't do anything. They will probably focus on characters performing the same action in the same place at the same time with a single keystroke. I think Broadsword calls this "macro-grouping" in DAOC.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I hardly ever multi client, when I do it’s to collect gifts, transfer items, trade houses, etc

I hope they don’t cancel this option, or at least give use some sort of work around like a time limit on multi client and once in war mode both clients crash or something like that so it can’t be abused.
Yes I use it to transfer gold too. Never did figure out the wall safe thing lol Probably just put million dollar books on my vendor ;)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That would be an EA thing. Not a BS thing. So your so outraged your half quitting? ;)
We'll keep two houses open for sure... can't lose those memories. That's the accounts we play. We have 4 other accounts that are just houses w/ house teleporters to them and are a part of our "game" kind of. Like we can teleport to the desert place and see the atmosphere there, or the ocean place and gate travel by the ruined ship by the ocean (Ocean's Gate Keep.) Those houses are all going to go poof.

Where did you see or hear this?
Someone said it was said at the meeting that the 30 day gametime "game" was going bye-bye. Not meaning we can't pay for a game time code... but that AS SOON as your game time expires on that account, the house starts Idocing AND you are locked out for 90 days. Meaning the house is guaranteed to fall.... AND your bank items gets "not deleted...", but "auctioned."

I don’t know you, but I would hate to see you leave over a misunderstanding.

I think (hope) you read something wrong.

Anyways let’s just hold off until we get a direct word from the devs on this.
Will do for sure. I'm praying so... I certainly don't want that workload hanging over my shoulder. But yes... it would mean us quitting the game. We never play this game... it's far too boring. I would rather play Diablo 2 even... but Halo is my style. I just love to decorate in Ultima though. I'm actually the best Halo player in Arkansas. My best friend and I beat the Arkansas Tech champions 50-2 at a party at their college.... it was ridiculous. Their jaws dropped.... :p :p

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Someone said it was said at the meeting that the 30 day gametime "game" was going bye-bye. Not meaning we can't pay for a game time code... but that AS SOON as your game time expires on that account, the house starts Idocing AND you are locked out for 90 days. Meaning the house is guaranteed to fall....
Hell man, people get stuff wrong all the time sadly. I mean even @Nexus was getting slapped in the other thread for getting something wrong lol. Don't do anything until ya see it official from the Devs or on the UO site. I mean heck, we still have people out here who will swear to you that the EM's are all really the Devs.. and even ask the Dev related questions after the EM Events... *shrugs*..

Not saying that it could not be true now.. just would not take the word of folks.. at times the Devs also misspeak at Meet and Greets and have to backtrack later... any number of possibilities could happen.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
We'll keep two houses open for sure... can't lose those memories. That's the accounts we play. We have 4 other accounts that are just houses w/ house teleporters to them and are a part of our "game" kind of. Like we can teleport to the desert place and see the atmosphere there, or the ocean place and gate travel by the ruined ship by the ocean (Ocean's Gate Keep.) Those houses are all going to go poof.

Someone said it was said at the meeting that the 30 day gametime "game" was going bye-bye. Not meaning we can't pay for a game time code... but that AS SOON as your game time expires on that account, the house starts Idocing AND you are locked out for 90 days. Meaning the house is guaranteed to fall....

Will do for sure. I'm praying so... I certainly don't want that workload hanging over my shoulder. But yes... it would mean us quitting the game. We never play this game... it's far too boring. I would rather play Diablo 2 even... but Halo is my style. I just love to decorate in Ultima though. I'm actually the best Halo player in Arkansas. My best friend and I beat the Arkansas Tech champions 50-2 at a party at their college.... it was ridiculous. Their jaws dropped.... :p :p
I love it. I've been complaining about this forever. You want the house? Pay for it every month like everyone else. I imagine some sweet spots will start opening up for the people that pay every month and keep the lights on at UO.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’ve never kept up with the House game, not sure how it works but sound very risky.

If I’m understanding this correctly one would open a paying account place a house then stop paying wait 90 days start paying again for a month stop repeat ?

If so sorry that seem unfair to those of us that pay full time for are few homes.

Hell someone could have 20 houses they don’t even need.

It’s like paying $30 a year for a house, Instead of $120.

I can’t be right on this can I ?

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I’ve never kept up with the House game, not sure how it works but sound very risky.

If I’m understanding this correctly one would open a paying account place a house then stop paying wait 90 days start paying again for a month stop repeat ?

If so sorry that seem unfair to those of us that pay full time for are few homes.

Hell someone could have 20 houses they don’t even need.

It’s like paying $30 a year for a house, Instead of $120.

I can’t be right on this can I ?
You nailed it. That's exactly right.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love it. I've been complaining about this forever. You want the house? Pay for it every month like everyone else. I imagine some sweet spots will start opening up for the people that pay every month and keep the lights on at UO.
We're keeping the "lights on" at broadsword.... the lights will always be on at UO. There's 10-15 free shards with like 7-8 people at Moonglow right now. Don't get me wrong, it's because there is no "Luna" and other stuff usually... it's classic, good style UO.... but the lights are definitely on other places besides OSI. Just ask any of the pvp'ers. And they don't even make up a fraction of any free shards.... just like in OSI.

** ****** with a white wyrm and nightmare tanking Ancient Wyrms for "Vanquishing, Supremely Accurate, Indestructible, Silver Katanas" is where it's at... if you really want to play UO. Not doing Shadowguard over... and over... and over... and over... for a "talisman" collection. Like I said... UO sucks now "on OSI." There are 10,000 players out there on free shards that would tell you the same thing. It's just the housing/decorating on OSI that makes it fun. Expect the world to become rather.... empty. I think you will soon see how utterly empty other shards other than Atlantic really are, sadly. This is a bad can of wyrms. Huge open housing spots are eye sores...
Last edited by a moderator:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’ve never kept up with the House game, not sure how it works but sound very risky.

If I’m understanding this correctly one would open a paying account place a house then stop paying wait 90 days start paying again for a month stop repeat ?

If so sorry that seem unfair to those of us that pay full time for are few homes.

Hell someone could have 20 houses they don’t even need.

It’s like paying $30 a year for a house, Instead of $120.

I can’t be right on this can I ?
You are, unfortunately.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love it. I've been complaining about this forever. You want the house? Pay for it every month like everyone else. I imagine some sweet spots will start opening up for the people that pay every month and keep the lights on at UO.
If it's true, it's most certainly not the right way to handle it. (I'm pretty sure it can't be true though, especially the bit about being locked-out as soon as your account expires (LOL)).

If they cared much about it, they would shorten the time it takes between your account's expiration & when your house(s) begin to decay, even if it were set to 30 days, there would still be people abusing the system, but they'd need to be paid every other month, instead of every 3 months. That would be how it should go, if they were trying to prevent/reduce abuse of the system.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
We're keeping the "lights on" at broadsword.... the lights will always be on at UO. There's 10-15 free shards with like 7-8 people at Moonglow right now. Don't get me wrong, it's because there is no "Luna" and other stuff usually... it's classic, good style UO.... but the lights are definitely on other places besides OSI. Just ask any of the pvp'ers. And they don't even make up a fraction of any free shards.... just like in OSI.

** ****** with a white wyrm and nightmare tanking Ancient Wyrms for "Vanquishing, Supremely Accurate, Indestructible, Silver Katanas" is where it's at... if you really want to play UO. Not doing Shadowguard over... and over... and over... and over... for a "talisman" collection. Like I said... UO sucks now "on OSI." There are 10,000 players out there on free shards that would tell you the same thing. It's just the housing/decorating on OSI that makes it fun. Expect the world to become rather.... empty. I think you will soon see how utterly empty other shards other than Atlantic really are, sadly. This is a bad can of wyrms. Huge open housing spots are eye sores...
Yeah sure lol. Free shards are the deadest places on the planet lol I understand your bummed about this and that part doesn't bring me any joy. But EA/BS fixing this exploit will make me happy as a clam. I have 3 full time accounts and 2 of them are mainly just for housing/storage. My castle, my Luna vendors and my museum. What if I and everyone else decided to be "smart" like you? How do we keep the lights on with EA/BS making a 1/3 or a 1/4 of what they make now? It's an exploit and long over due to be addressed. I was all over this issue about a year ago and was told they were working on a way to address it. It's been so long I gave up hope. But if this is true I couldn't be happier. I could easily play the pay for one get 3 free game with 2 of my accounts but I'm not made that way. I pay for what I have. Monthly. Why you couldn't just log into account management and use your credit card every 3 months is beyond me. Or even use a visa gift card. But then there's that pesky problem of not being able to use what your not paying for. I got no sympathy for ya. Sorry.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I am mostly fine with the change, but give me 7, 15 or 30 days to fix the issue.
I use gametime codes, and I renew them as soon as I get the e-mail telling me that my gametime expired.
If I can't renew to keep my houses right after that, I will surely move on.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
If it's true, it's most certainly not the right way to handle it. (I'm pretty sure it can't be true though, especially the bit about being locked-out as soon as your account expires (LOL)).

If they cared much about it, they would shorten the time it takes between your account's expiration & when your house(s) begin to decay, even if it were set to 30 days, there would still be people abusing the system, but they'd need to be paid every other month, instead of every 3 months. That would be how it should go, if they were trying to prevent/reduce abuse of the system.
It's a really good way to handle it. You got 3 months to pay before it falls. In the mean time you don't get to use what your not paying for. I think it should be stricter but it's a step in the right direction. People currently get to use the house for 3 months that's not paid for. That's messed up and completely unfair. The handful of accounts that get dropped (that they paid next to nothing on anyway) well be made up big time on the people that start paying every month to keep and use their extra houses. BS has all the numbers, if it wasn't big problem they wouldn't bother with it. It's a well known scam and it's gotten out of hand. IMHO


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am mostly fine with the change, but give me 7, 15 or 30 days to fix the issue.
I use gametime codes, and I renew them as soon as I get the e-mail telling me that my gametime expired.
If I can't renew to keep my houses right after that, I will surely move on.
They do need to find some sort of fix for this, just last month I got an email telling me my account was now I active due to declined credit card. At first I thought my card number had been stolen scared me, so Iogged in and found I just needed to re-add the security code not why on on,y one account that happened but it did. So this is something that needs addressed. What if a card expires and you forget to renew the information for a week ?