I tried to think of things that didn't sound like they'd be as-difficult to do, and that wouldn't unbalance anything. They've told us there's some events coming soon (Halloween & invasion). My suggestions are things to consider after that's all done.
1 - Craftable paladin swords.
Most 2-handed swords weapons don't look like swords. This one, for all its flaws, does. I suspect most people won't use it but that isn't the point. The point is to have it available.
2 - Craftable Virtue Armor style armor.
Call it "Heroic Armor," named after the armor described in this book:
Heroic Armor of the Italian Renaissance: Filippo Negroli and his Contemporaries | MetPublications | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
3 - Paladin mount.
The possibilities are endless for how to manage this. A new tame-able that is ride-able only by Paladins (think like Lesser Hiryus for Samurais, but for Paladins). An ethy. A statue-to-live mount like the anniversary ponies or the Chief P's swamp dragon. A spell to cast. (Similar to the "Call Warhorse" Paladin ability from old D&D and the similar ability displayed in the legends of Charlemagne's Paladins.)
Also lots of possibilities for how it could look. Could re-hue a Charger of the Fallen. (As I recall in the EC the graphic's the same as a VvV war horse anyway, just a different color, thereby likely making it even easier. Could use this graphic:
Silver Steed - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia
4 - Use of Honesty toggle-able, like Honor.
For how hard it is to gain this Virtue seems to go away awfully fast while doing something awfully ordinary: Buying from NPC vendors.
5 - Boss brigands/raiders/NPCs along these lines, and quests to track them down and kill them.
Randomized areas. Quest distribution NPC in town-specific locations and Blackthorn's castle. Clues to random dungeons or locations. Boss scaled to the character(s) on quest. Boss spawns when someone with the quest enters the appropriate area. Reward of titles, loot, Virtue, Loyalty, maybe some stuff along the lines of house signs. This is important because it's in the "more stuff to do" category.
6 - PvP way to get Honor. PvM way to get Justice.
For Honor: Arena fights. For Justice: See 5.
7 - Untimed Peerless Keys.
Potential gains: A sub-economy like those for the gold keys. The ability for people who can't or don't wish to do the Peerlesses themselves to participate in the content. Potential losses: None.
1 - Craftable paladin swords.
Most 2-handed swords weapons don't look like swords. This one, for all its flaws, does. I suspect most people won't use it but that isn't the point. The point is to have it available.
2 - Craftable Virtue Armor style armor.
Call it "Heroic Armor," named after the armor described in this book:
Heroic Armor of the Italian Renaissance: Filippo Negroli and his Contemporaries | MetPublications | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
3 - Paladin mount.
The possibilities are endless for how to manage this. A new tame-able that is ride-able only by Paladins (think like Lesser Hiryus for Samurais, but for Paladins). An ethy. A statue-to-live mount like the anniversary ponies or the Chief P's swamp dragon. A spell to cast. (Similar to the "Call Warhorse" Paladin ability from old D&D and the similar ability displayed in the legends of Charlemagne's Paladins.)
Also lots of possibilities for how it could look. Could re-hue a Charger of the Fallen. (As I recall in the EC the graphic's the same as a VvV war horse anyway, just a different color, thereby likely making it even easier. Could use this graphic:
Silver Steed - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia
4 - Use of Honesty toggle-able, like Honor.
For how hard it is to gain this Virtue seems to go away awfully fast while doing something awfully ordinary: Buying from NPC vendors.
5 - Boss brigands/raiders/NPCs along these lines, and quests to track them down and kill them.
Randomized areas. Quest distribution NPC in town-specific locations and Blackthorn's castle. Clues to random dungeons or locations. Boss scaled to the character(s) on quest. Boss spawns when someone with the quest enters the appropriate area. Reward of titles, loot, Virtue, Loyalty, maybe some stuff along the lines of house signs. This is important because it's in the "more stuff to do" category.
6 - PvP way to get Honor. PvM way to get Justice.
For Honor: Arena fights. For Justice: See 5.
7 - Untimed Peerless Keys.
Potential gains: A sub-economy like those for the gold keys. The ability for people who can't or don't wish to do the Peerlesses themselves to participate in the content. Potential losses: None.