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And yet another pet goes POOF


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Mesanna this is getting real old. This time its a fully trained lesser 8x 120, a pet bond pot and a whole lot of hours training all of its skills up to 120. I was doing the sleeping dragon spawn and it changed to lessers/rev lions, client crashed and I log back in and the pet is just gone followers are zero, it is not in the stable, log in and log out several more times still not there. This makes the 13th pet around 40 120 scrolls and 8 pet bonding potions I have lost from client crashes and pets just ceasing to exist and I am really starting to get pissed at the total lack of response from ANYONE regarding this. I am on legends waiting at the sleeping dragon spawn for a GM to appear and tell me Tough Luck we don't replace lost items again. Seriously this is really getting OLD!

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are some folks who post that I would just dismiss a post like this as being bs.. you are not one of them though. Is this just happening at the Sleeping Dragon spawn?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are some folks who post that I would just dismiss a post like this as being bs.. you are not one of them though. Is this just happening at the Sleeping Dragon spawn?
Happens pretty much everywhere, thought it was just on DP ships initially but since then have lost one in the abyss and now this one at the Sleeping Dragon. It also does not happen every time the client crashes or my internet DCs totally random. And not uncommon for the spawn upping at the sleeping dragon to crash me when it goes to revs and lessers. This one really nukes me because it is one of the handful of pets I have fully trained or rather had and was my regular hunting pet...... Shockingly built specifically to do that spawn :(


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trust me I didn't work that spawn up without my pet on this template :)

another one gone.png


Stratics Veteran
Do you guys have your pets linked to summoning balls? If I invested that much in a pet I would. Worth a shot!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not impressed I do believe it is time to drop the subs from 20 back to 3 and stop spending 1k+ per month to just the subs. Perhaps speaking with my wallet instead of the keyboard will help them understand there is a problem.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you guys have your pets linked to summoning balls? If I invested that much in a pet I would. Worth a shot!
Wont help when the follower slots say 0/0.

Well that was worthwhile my help request was cancelled.
Run into backthorns thru Brit and see if a pet is in the nearby stable after. Worth a try for grins.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These are some pretty serious issues. I especially take exception to the loss of the bonding potion. While i understand its their pixels they still have to meet certain standards for an additional product at an additional cost. Losing said effects from said product due to a bug should warrent replacement or refund.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I'll say this I have only ONCE lost a pet... and that was a WW long, LONG, time ago at Doom ... Back when the Bone Dragon would spawn if some moron hit the bell and didn't get the guy a skull... only way to get across then was to kill the thing...

We were almost finished killing it when it went on the aggressive against my precious 7x WW... What happened or why but it "released" my pet from me... caused it to decide I suck or whatever and left me... and then instant killed my pet.

Not sure if something similar to this happened to you... but it is possible that you didn't get the clue that your pet was unhappy it unbonded and was killed... but perhaps that is what happened this time...


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not impressed I do believe it is time to drop the subs from 20 back to 3 and stop spending 1k+ per month to just the subs. Perhaps speaking with my wallet instead of the keyboard will help them understand there is a problem.
im down to 1 account now for similar reasons. they keep pushing new crap out with out fixing really old bugs.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll say this I have only ONCE lost a pet... and that was a WW long, LONG, time ago at Doom ... Back when the Bone Dragon would spawn if some moron hit the bell and didn't get the guy a skull... only way to get across then was to kill the thing...

We were almost finished killing it when it went on the aggressive against my precious 7x WW... What happened or why but it "released" my pet from me... caused it to decide I suck or whatever and left me... and then instant killed my pet.

Not sure if something similar to this happened to you... but it is possible that you didn't get the clue that your pet was unhappy it unbonded and was killed... but perhaps that is what happened this time...
I really am not a novice with pets, or the pet system :) And have NEVER lost a pet until Pub 97 as I said client crashes and a % of the time the pet I have out is just gone. Taking with a 120 Resist, wrestle, tactics, parry, anat, bushi, focus, med and a Pet Bonding pot used on it 3 days ago. Please leave the talking down to me to Broad Sword. In your case the skeletal dragons were well known for making pets go wild back then.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I don't blame you being peeved about the Broadsword thing... IMO EA/UO is still one of the FEW games out there that treat their paying customers so poorly... but as Dot is fond of reminding us... We all bend over for them and take it. Each and everytime we open up our pocketbooks to them and keep our Subs open... However I hear more and more discontent from the playerbase... more and more talk like your own...

I too pay them for over a dozen accounts every month... I don't nor will I ever play the roulette game with my accounts. Only unlike many who I hear dropping down from 10 to 2 accounts to me it's all or nothing...

I have found it nearly impossible to "reap" stuff from my collections and get rid of it... I just can't do it. No matter how often I've tried I just find it nearly impossible... it's like the hoarders on the TV shows... I keep thinking BUT !!!!!!!!!! What if someone returns and NEEDS One of those!!!! I typically keep 2 or 3 sets of things in-case anyone would come back... but then comes the... well.... can I or would I actually give it away????

While I do often give out things especially the hoards of Fey Leggings, Kelp Leggings, even Navery Glasses... I don't much give away my collections... I'll give folk heritage tokens... anniversary tickets etc... I sometimes sell them sometimes trade them.... but as for things like the 3 complete sets of Harpsichords... NOPE. Haven't given them away though I have given folk one of them here or there... I keep my 3 full sets... 1 set fully filled with song rolls... why??? dunno... I have managed to whittle down to one full set of snowglobes... not keeping ANY extra's at all... I've managed to keep 1 set of reindeer... though I am still missing one or two I think (I know at one time I had a full set.) at one point not sure why got confused and threw away the full set... leaving me with a 90% full set... which I am now attempting to fill back up slowly...

But I can't throw the frelling things away...

I have piles and piles of weapon artifacts... Splintering weapons that I'm sure would make some of the PvP crowd want to drool... that I always intended to put on Vendors or something... as well as a vast collection of artifact gear, jewels and legendary armor pieces and such..... again that I had intended to someday sell... however that's seriously not likely to ever happen since I loathe the whole vending process... I honestly wouldn't care to figure out what is a fair price for them or anything like that... Honestly that's one aspect of the game I've never cared for. If I'm in game and someone is spamming about buying something or another... I tell them to make it worth my while to quit whatever I'm doing atm and go get it for them... If they do I'll go get whatever it is and sell it to them. I'll design and deco a house for someone for gold if I want gold that bad before I'd EVER spend 5 min putting crap on a vendor...

I don't collect "rares" I don't go doing IDOC's really that much ..... don't have room for my own **** why would I want everyone elses??? Besides... don't I have enough of most things??? Truth is with nearly 90 characters on just my home shard alone I get more than enough things ....

And really honestly I'd rather give them away to new and returning players than sell them for some profit that may leave me rich but honestly what is the point of all the gold??? To me the most precious thing in the game is the players... I'd rather see them there than have platinum...

Wing Zero Straight Edge

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It's insane actually watching this happen and watching a GM actually show up quickly to give the worst response I've ever seen in a game from a GM.
There was my self and two other players in Narvey one night. one was using a White Wyrm when poof! It literally froze then vanished. I was so stumped I think I said something stupid like "ermm umm does your pet have hide because it just vanished?"
5 minutes later a GM showed up being a total smart ass about it, "So... You lost a pet? Sorry to hear that, but we don't actually replace lost pets. You must have over commanded it and it ran away" When the player asked there was any compensation the GM replies "Do I look rich I can't even afford shoes"
What the actual hell does that even mean?! Over commanding a pet?!
Insincere ****er answer from the GM.
I really felt for that player because if it had been my Blaze Cu Sidhe I had in there when it happened I would have punched my screen.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
It's insane actually watching this happen and watching a GM actually show up quickly to give the worst response I've ever seen in a game from a GM.
There was my self and two other players in Narvey one night. one was using a White Wyrm when poof! It literally froze then vanished. I was so stumped I think I said something stupid like "ermm umm does your pet have hide because it just vanished?"
5 minutes later a GM showed up being a total smart ass about it, "So... You lost a pet? Sorry to hear that, but we don't actually replace lost pets. You must have over commanded it and it ran away" When the player asked there was any compensation the GM replies "Do I look rich I can't even afford shoes"
What the actual hell does that even mean?! Over commanding a pet?!
Insincere ****er answer from the GM.
I really felt for that player because if it had been my Blaze Cu Sidhe I had in there when it happened I would have punched my screen.
Did you make a screenshot? If yes send mesanna to get this guy fired.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really feel for you Tyrath, that totally sucks! Where real money is concerned they have to do more than just shrug and give flippant responses, this needs investigation, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for tamers. Something must be causing this to happen! :(


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i read posts like this and you can almost see the game deteriorating. I will not suffer from this or similar problems because i now play less and less. I dont bother with the EM events anymore, I used to go to them all and have fun but they all seem to have become a series of killfests, I do not blame the EMs for this they work under restrictions. My tamer has a full stable of fully trained pets and i have no intention of taking each and every one out and going through a whole new set of training, sorry, but the incentive is not there, what would I do with them when i have done the incessant grind?. I did idocs for many years but the stupid scripter benefiting new times have almost put a total stop to that. Thinking about it I guess, I too, am on the last path before closing my accounts. Tis a pity that poor management and control has allowed this great game to reach this situation but as they say 'all good things come to an end'. My commiserations to those who endure and are suffering the consequences, i fear there will be more posts to come about similar problems which will also fail to be addressed.

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Oh man, I'd be so upset if that happened and I can't fathom losing that many pets, let alone scrolled up ones.

There's some screwy things happening with pets. Just yesterday I tamed a rune beetle and NOTHING I did would convince the dang thing to go through a gate. I tried multiple gates on flat grass and even walked it to the public moongate and it wouldn't follow me through. I ended up recalling to the stable and logging. When I logged in, there it was. I'm not sure if it's related or not to why pets disappear but it sure was odd.

I've also watched several pets go, fighting right in front of me, from wonderfully happy to unhappy in about a minute. It's happened enough that I lore my pets almost constantly. In several cases it's happened while fighting swoops. I think something's messed up with line of site changes so if you're standing in a depression the pet thinks you're "missing" or something. It seemed to start happening after those changes.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not impressed I do believe it is time to drop the subs from 20 back to 3 and stop spending 1k+ per month to just the subs. Perhaps speaking with my wallet instead of the keyboard will help them understand there is a problem.
Money talks, ******** walks. Still lots of people believe that tale of Mesanna not only collecting a paycheck :pie:

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Do I look rich I can't even afford shoes"
What the actual hell does that even mean?! Over commanding a pet?!
Insincere ****er answer from the GM.
Did you make a screenshot? If yes send mesanna to get this guy fired.

Sounds like the GM was just trying to make a joke sheshhh.. Trying to lighten the situation some by joking a little can make the person who just lost something laugh a little. And the "shoes" comment is used by quite a few of them.. has been for years now. I mean, if the GM would have said something along the lines of "C'mon man, it's just a pet. Put on your big girl panties, suck it up and go get another one you worthless pos!" Then yeah I could see calling for the guys job...

Folks today :sad4:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait, you can't all get upset like this !!! Don't you know there's an anniversary coming up....***waves a shiny sparkly thing in your faces***....loook !!!! Shinies !!!!....there, it's all better now.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's insane actually watching this happen and watching a GM actually show up quickly to give the worst response I've ever seen in a game from a GM.
There was my self and two other players in Narvey one night. one was using a White Wyrm when poof! It literally froze then vanished. I was so stumped I think I said something stupid like "ermm umm does your pet have hide because it just vanished?"
5 minutes later a GM showed up being a total smart ass about it, "So... You lost a pet? Sorry to hear that, but we don't actually replace lost pets. You must have over commanded it and it ran away" When the player asked there was any compensation the GM replies "Do I look rich I can't even afford shoes"
What the actual hell does that even mean?! Over commanding a pet?!
Insincere ****er answer from the GM.
I really felt for that player because if it had been my Blaze Cu Sidhe I had in there when it happened I would have punched my screen.
Only screen shots are the ones after after I got the client back up and logged back in standing in the spawn minus a a pet. Over command is giving the pet repeated commands until its happiness drops and you don't feed it to keep it wonderfully happy and it goes wild. In this case and every other one that I have lost a pet and your friends WW that went poof......... If over command was the case WHERE IS THE PET! Should be a simple matter of retame and stable it to rebond or if it died where is the corpse? I mean it took around 1 minute to get the client restarted and logged back in, if it went wild and got whacked the corpse should be there.........

I have done my share of stupid stuff in game and lost things, When that happens I am like well that was a brainfart and really dumb, laugh it off and move on. The pets going poof is nothing I am doing or not doing. Every single one has been a client crash, a server crash, or a simple dropping connection and logging back in and the pet just being gone.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure if it still works, but I've recovered pets by circling out from where I lost them, finding them wedged against the nearest obstacle and not showing on follower slots until they're on screen. May not work, but maybe worth at least trying?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only time or way you can save a lost pet(s) is , when it happens and your followers say 1-5/5 but they're not there. A pet ball is the only solution. If you log out and back in hoping the pets will appear and your followers say 0/0, you're shwarmamained...had it happen 3 times with 3 sets of vollems long time ago. Its been a bug for a long time that was never fixed. A lot of us are owed a lot of gold for lost pets, but none of us will ever see a shilling.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Soooooooooooo After deciding to close some accounts......... I picked a master acct that has nothing but junk house holder accts under it that I log into every few years to update the CC info. I guess I forgot the PW for it..... No big deal right, just use the forgot PW option get the email and reset the PW............... WRONG!!!

PW change.png


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure if it still works, but I've recovered pets by circling out from where I lost them, finding them wedged against the nearest obstacle and not showing on follower slots until they're on screen. May not work, but maybe worth at least trying?
Did that even knowing it was pointless as the bulk of previously lost pets were on my ship or a dread pirate ship....... they had no where to run to and get wedged :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You got to ask yourself, after all those years of people complaining about lost pets for various reasons, there should be some way to recover a pet from the backups? Maybe with stats from yesterday, but it would be a start at least. Unless you couldn't care less and are fine by pissing of your customers with canned responses.

I lost a beetle once when I fell asleep chopping trees :D Kinda my mistake but I never bothered to touch pets again.

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Soooooooooooo After deciding to close some accounts......... I picked a master acct that has nothing but junk house holder accts under it that I log into every few years to update the CC info. I guess I forgot the PW for it..... No big deal right, just use the forgot PW option get the email and reset the PW............... WRONG!!!

View attachment 69050
Sounds like Broadsword has some account AI system installed and it deduced you want to login to close accounts so is taking the appropriate steps to prevent you. Brilliant! Hopefully it's a temporary glitch - maybe try again in an hour or two? Definitely not the most informative error message tho...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whatever this is causing pets to poof post pub 97 is new. Or I just have the pets out a lot more and in greater volume and increase the odds of it happening if it something old. But my internet has always been flaky even with a verizon high speed tower on my farm and close enough I could plink the top parts of it with a .22 from my porch. It is a given that when the spawn at the sleeping dragon changes to revs/lessers my client is going to crash, just like running into Luna bank on a Friday evening on Atl is a guaranteed lag out and client crash.......... Nothing new there. The new is the pets poofing.. And seriously I can't lose $5 for a pet bond potion and a couple hundred million worth of scrolls on a regular basis just because I drop connection or the client crashes.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like Broadsword has some account AI system installed and it deduced you want to login to close accounts so is taking the appropriate steps to prevent you. Brilliant! Hopefully it's a temporary glitch - maybe try again in an hour or two? Definitely not the most informative error message tho...
Started trying to reset the PW last night and gave up and tried a couple times so far this morning and get the same message....... So sent the customer support email and maybe in two to three days will be able to nuke those accts. in the meantime I can get into the other 4 master accts just fine.........


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Curious... what does happen to a TRAINED pet if you fail in commands over and over? I know they used to revolt at a certain happiness. Maybe the trained ones just poof. Not saying that happened... just exploring the situation.

Deadly Serious

Stratics Veteran
They fixed pets disappearing from Dreadhorn pretty quickly, I don't know why they would sleep on this BUT last time I was playing properly dreadhorn is the only time i've lost a pet and I did a fair number of champ spawns but then again I can't remember the client crashing on me when I was doing them. Something i'd really like to know is why the client crashes, it usually happens to me in towns and I also had it in Eodon when i did a lot of running around.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Curious... what does happen to a TRAINED pet if you fail in commands over and over? I know they used to revolt at a certain happiness. Maybe the trained ones just poof. Not saying that happened... just exploring the situation.
They just go wild, had that happen on a tamer I had 95 tame and 110 lore on that got whacked and forgot to put his jewels to 120 back on. Just retamed it fed it, stabled it and a week later fed it again to rebond it. At the spawns I don't command the pets much and pick up enough meat from corpses in the low levels of the spawns to keep them fed should they need it. A bushi/Parry/ Explosive Goo Hiryu just does not require being told what to do through the first two levels of most spawns. When the sleeping dragon spawn ups to Revs and lessers I run a few screens to my house there and stable the Hiryu and take out the Frost Dragon or cold drake as they are much faster at killing the low cold resist hiryus and lessers then when the champ appears run back to the house stable the cold based pet and pull out the Naja for his poison resist and let him whittle the big snake down to dead. When the spawn changes though from Kappas and DW beetles to Lessers and Rev lions it seems to overload my connection and crashes the client. Never a big deal before pub 97 and never lost a GD there prior. Did always have to log in and then log out and back in to make the GD reappear, but even then it showed 5/5 followers on the stats bar until I logged out and in the second time. Now it just shows 0/5.

Now it is a bit different as 13 pets since pub97 well over a Plat worth of 120 scrolls, $40 in pet bond potions and I am not even going to figure the hours spent training the lost pets up....... Yeah I am starting to get more than a little annoyed. I mean seriously why even bother training a pet up investing the scrolls and pot into it for it to just not exist 3-4 days later when you try to do something beyond hunting low level crap with it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I were you I would have gotten annoyed long before now, lots of tamers just don't have the resources to keep throwing PS and real money at vanishing pets! :(


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I were you I would have gotten annoyed long before now, lots of tamers just don't have the resources to keep throwing PS and real money at vanishing pets! :(
I had a pretty good stash of 900+ 120 scrolls collected and bound over the years that were very useful for pets like wrestling, SW, focus, med, bushi, and parry only around 40 120 tactics in that mess though. Burned through a lot of them, gave probably 150 of them away to various friends and traded some for one I was low on. Never kept very many mag, weapon skills, mystics etc always someone needing those so I either sold them cheap or gave them away anyway I had a whole lot of wrestles, healing and anats that got real popular real fast :) That before pub97 were pretty much worthless but I hoarded them ne way LOL I did spawn and PvP a lot back in the day :) Anyway they proved useful for my own pets, giving to friends, and trading for things like resisting spells and tactics that I didn't have so many of. So in a sense they had no more value to me than any other house clutter I accumulate. It is more the time invested and the $5 per pop bonding pots more than anything that has finally set me off. And the rare color pets that have gone poo, no shortage of time wasted getting the dark blue lessers :) Last night was just the tipping point, I was cooked from working in the sun all day, hurting because I am still a long way from fully recovered from last years brush with death and just wanted to sit down, relax, and do a tram spawn I enjoy doing... Because one can never have too many Futons :) So when half way through the spawn this happens........ YEAH I think they heard my WTF, YOU DIRTY (BAD WORD) LOTS MORE BAD WORDS 10 miles away in town...... I know the neighbor a mile up the road heard it, she came down this morning ask me if the pig that likes to escape got out last night and if I needed any help getting him back in LOL (My raging bellowing bad words are usually reserved for that SOB and not UO :) ) Not as mad this morning but still more than a little mad about this.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Soooooooooooo After deciding to close some accounts......... I picked a master acct that has nothing but junk house holder accts under it that I log into every few years to update the CC info. I guess I forgot the PW for it..... No big deal right, just use the forgot PW option get the email and reset the PW............... WRONG!!!

View attachment 69050
I just tried to change my password and got the same error.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I can't think of one helpful thing to say here, except thanks for all the work with the new pets you've done that's been instructive for many of the rest of us, and I hate to see something like this happening

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder if it's possible that other pets sometimes do the vanishing act similar to pack animals with items on them. Every pet does have a backpack sort of. It carries around the loot it would have if you were to kill it. Once a pet bonds I always have it drop what it is holding. "Bob drop" and it drops gold and gems and whatever else it is carrying around with it on the ground under it. No idea if this is part of the problem with other pets vanishing but it could be. I have not had a problem with any of the post publish pets vanishing but I also make them drop what they carry once they bond. Worth a shot anyway.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just tried to change my password and got the same error.
LOL been trying on and off all morning and have a support Email out to BS since last night, Figure no one there last night, and if like most offices work does not really get started until after lunch...... So figuring they will read the email around 4:49PM EST and send a canned message around 4:51 and a real reply sometime Tmrw afternoon on hump day. When did it become so difficult to recover or change a PW LOL


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think your account is bugged or something you would think that they could look into someone losing this many pets...

My questions are more along the lines of how many pets do you have in the stables???

Could this be a matter of the game "forgetting" how many stable slots you have and deciding you don't have enough to auto stable anymore so it vanishes upon log out?

I mean I've recently been dealing with having issues with my computer and it randomly just closing UO... Just saying "NOPE" your done playing.... and boom closes my client... It's done it several times now and I'll say I've had a pet out each and every time and have yet to lose one... but my characters haven't used any of the tokens. I'm very curious as to why this is happening to you and not me.

My clients have crashed at least 10 times in the last week dropping me out of game while training pets... both at the Crazed Mage and in the Mine...

Not sure as well if you are in the CC or EC??? Do you suppose that makes some difference? I can say I only play in the EC... With Pinco's UI... so not sure if that's a variable...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think your account is bugged or something you would think that they could look into someone losing this many pets...

My questions are more along the lines of how many pets do you have in the stables???

Could this be a matter of the game "forgetting" how many stable slots you have and deciding you don't have enough to auto stable anymore so it vanishes upon log out?

I mean I've recently been dealing with having issues with my computer and it randomly just closing UO... Just saying "NOPE" your done playing.... and boom closes my client... It's done it several times now and I'll say I've had a pet out each and every time and have yet to lose one... but my characters haven't used any of the tokens. I'm very curious as to why this is happening to you and not me.

My clients have crashed at least 10 times in the last week dropping me out of game while training pets... both at the Crazed Mage and in the Mine...

Not sure as well if you are in the CC or EC??? Do you suppose that makes some difference? I can say I only play in the EC... With Pinco's UI... so not sure if that's a variable...
That Tamer only has 8 pets in the stable, it was full but I gave away or sold most of the pets in his stable. I do wonder though if the game confuses characters and accts. All total I have 13 tamers on prodo and 7 on Siege with a total of 520 pets stabled give or take as that number is always changing if you break it down have only lost 3.8% of my total pets. So someone running a full stable on one tamer would most likely have a considerably lower % of loss. At the time I was losing the bulk of the pets on boats I was playing 15-18 hours per day, (Got Sick Again and couldn't do much work outside so A LOT of UO time) So the % of loss was a lot higher during that time simply because I was online a whole lot more hours and slot training A LOT of pets. The last two pets lost were fully trained max slot and skill and over a much longer time frame. As I said it does not happen every client crash and Connection drop. Maybe 1-3 out of 100. The other strange thing on most of the prodo shard crashes and DCs where I lose a pet...... When I log back in, my character is in fel on Ocrina island infront of where my keep is on Siege. The one last night was only the second time I logged back in after a pet poof client crash and was where I was when it crashed.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait, you can't all get upset like this !!! Don't you know there's an anniversary coming up....***waves a shiny sparkly thing in your faces***....loook !!!! Shinies !!!!....there, it's all better now.
I'm logging on now!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Might be to do with the pet bonding potions, I have never lost a pet, and i've never used a pet bonding potion.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I posted that my blue beetle went "tame" after a Corgul, when it was bonded. Am I sure it was bonded ? Yeah, friends had to rez it twice. I posted here, no one cared.