So I've read a lot of comments on many PVP discussion threads that have involved active members of Siege being outspoken and down right aggressive for changes to PVP.
All of that aggressive and passionate talk drew my interest so I made a character there. Invested my time and money in building a suit, scrolls, etc. Only to find groups of what I consider to be trammy type players with pets or stealth. So here I ask, if Siege players are so outspoken on PVP topics, why am I not finding people on Siege that are capable of PVP at a higher level? Why do I single-handily dismantle a group of 6 players while I am fighting there on an unfinished character? Why is this community so outspoken on PVP? Allow me to answer this. This community does not like PVP. As a matter of fact, they HATE pvp and they ally every trammy guild to fight a single player that pvps. I have witnessed this in my one weeks time there. As I found myself fighting 10 or more players from multiple guilds at the 4th of July event. A community so outspoken to weaken... You guessed it, PVPERS. They wish to make pets stronger and players weaker. Why? Well, so they can say all kill and run away (I've literally watched this happen). Stop catering to this nonsense... PLEASE.
I make this thread to point out and bring attention to @Mesanna @Bleak to please keep this in mind when listening to the "voice" of pvp by the "pvpers"... If you want to breathe new life into this area of the game, I'd strongly consider assembling a team of players that actually pvp (AT A HIGH LEVEL) to help with production changes geared towards PVP as well as to help you when you implement changes to prevent changes that will likely be abused in PVP IE: Holy fister nerf, Tamings latest fubar, Archery nerf etc. Doing this will allow for fewer "exploits" in PVP as well as added interest from the majority of players that actually wish to educate themselves in the game and play at a high level.
Just food for thought guys.
Let's make UO PVP Great Again!
All of that aggressive and passionate talk drew my interest so I made a character there. Invested my time and money in building a suit, scrolls, etc. Only to find groups of what I consider to be trammy type players with pets or stealth. So here I ask, if Siege players are so outspoken on PVP topics, why am I not finding people on Siege that are capable of PVP at a higher level? Why do I single-handily dismantle a group of 6 players while I am fighting there on an unfinished character? Why is this community so outspoken on PVP? Allow me to answer this. This community does not like PVP. As a matter of fact, they HATE pvp and they ally every trammy guild to fight a single player that pvps. I have witnessed this in my one weeks time there. As I found myself fighting 10 or more players from multiple guilds at the 4th of July event. A community so outspoken to weaken... You guessed it, PVPERS. They wish to make pets stronger and players weaker. Why? Well, so they can say all kill and run away (I've literally watched this happen). Stop catering to this nonsense... PLEASE.
I make this thread to point out and bring attention to @Mesanna @Bleak to please keep this in mind when listening to the "voice" of pvp by the "pvpers"... If you want to breathe new life into this area of the game, I'd strongly consider assembling a team of players that actually pvp (AT A HIGH LEVEL) to help with production changes geared towards PVP as well as to help you when you implement changes to prevent changes that will likely be abused in PVP IE: Holy fister nerf, Tamings latest fubar, Archery nerf etc. Doing this will allow for fewer "exploits" in PVP as well as added interest from the majority of players that actually wish to educate themselves in the game and play at a high level.
Just food for thought guys.
Let's make UO PVP Great Again!