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NEWS [UO.Com] Testing Combat Changes on TC1


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Talk about try to make 100 points in Alchemy totally useless. 100 skill points + 50EP across items for an 18 damage item with a cooldown? Sounds like some salty people who died are having a cry.
lol what? They do 20 damage normally, it's -2 damage off the current... why does everyone have alchemy again?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol what? They do 20 damage normally, it's -2 damage off the current... why does everyone have alchemy again?
If its only -2 off current, why bother changing it? Is that 2hp making all the difference for you?

When you moan about not being able to counter something you don't know is coming, is that like EVERY meele or dexer swing for a mage? How do I counter RNG?

You can counter Novas and Conflags by not being a moron and A) running through them and B) not standing next to someone who may have the ability to nova you.

Whilst we're on the subject of removing OP non counterable things, lets remove bombard from the spell trigger menu please, i fail to see how thats any different to Novas.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My last deathsteiker had 120 bush 120 swords 120 resist 120 ninja 100 hide 75 stealth 80 poison 90 tactics. I'm sure I could have found 10 more skill points for 100 parry or 100 alchy when I can drop tactics.... probably should leave the LMC thing in for tactics.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do we think about using adjusted skill to perform special moves instead of real skill? (I.E. 75 swords plus 15 skill brace to get to 90 could use specials)

I think this would add a little bit to template diversity. @Bleak

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If its only -2 off current, why bother changing it? Is that 2hp making all the difference for you?

When you moan about not being able to counter something you don't know is coming, is that like EVERY meele or dexer swing for a mage? How do I counter RNG?

You can counter Novas and Conflags by not being a moron and A) running through them and B) not standing next to someone who may have the ability to nova you.

Whilst we're on the subject of removing OP non counterable things, lets remove bombard from the spell trigger menu please, i fail to see how thats any different to Novas.
Leave alchemy alone thanks!! 2 offensive pots for 100 skill points!! Make more pots !!!

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do we think about using adjusted skill to perform special moves instead of real skill? (I.E. 75 swords plus 15 skill brace to get to 90 could use specials)

I think this would add a little bit to template diversity. @Bleak
Guys rofl... I think it's too much... We gonna make insane templates, players cry about a supernova.. Imagine the toons we gonna make... Make it easy for the nubs


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Talk about try to make 100 points in Alchemy totally useless. 100 skill points + 50EP across items for an 18 damage item with a cooldown? Sounds like some salty people who died are having a cry.
IMO 30 SDI + the current nova damage (both the overall cap AND the way it scales incorrectly) and the double conflagration throw needs the same kind of tweak that moving shot does... a slight rebalance. Originally I was in favor of adding it to the focus list to reduce the spell damage output. I have since come around to the idea that it isn't magery damage that needs adjustments... it's nova and conflag that need slight tweaking. I am mostly in favor of a few small adjustments at a time rather than trying to rebalance in big chunks.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO 30 SDI + the current nova damage (both the overall cap AND the way it scales incorrectly) and the double conflagration throw needs the same kind of tweak that moving shot does... a slight rebalance. Originally I was in favor of adding it to the focus list to reduce the spell damage output. I have since come around to the idea that it isn't magery damage that needs adjustments... it's nova and conflag that need slight tweaking. I am mostly in favor of a few small adjustments at a time rather than trying to rebalance in big chunks.
You're wasting your time. Nova pots could do enough damage to 1-shot a person and there still wouldn't be a problem.

However, since Pwny doesn't seem to get it, here's part of my post from Virem's poll thread:

0 EP, 100 Alchemy, supernova used on a cursed target: 22 damage.
50 EP, 100 Alchemy, supernova on a cursed target: 27 damage.
50 EP, 0 alchemy, supernova on a cursed target: 13 damage
0 EP, 0 alchemy, supernova on a cursed target: 6 damage (did this just to see how low the damage went)

To simplify it since math is obviously hard for some people: Alchemy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EP, since it scales per point instead of a flat 30% - if it actually DID give a flat 30% increase, the damage from a Supernova would be around 17-18 damage on a cursed target, which falls in line with your proposed cap on nova damage. I'd be fine with removing them entirely, but since that's unlikely, I'll take a "cap" on the damage (although it's more correct to call it a nerf in how EP/Alchemy stack for damage calculation)

Also, what Blazing is ignoring is the fact that EVERYONE uses EP. Of course, he'll continue to ignore any evidence that shows he's wrong, because he can't play without pots and Alchemy.

If its only -2 off current, why bother changing it? Is that 2hp making all the difference for you?

When you moan about not being able to counter something you don't know is coming, is that like EVERY meele or dexer swing for a mage? How do I counter RNG?

You can counter Novas and Conflags by not being a moron and A) running through them and B) not standing next to someone who may have the ability to nova you.

Whilst we're on the subject of removing OP non counterable things, lets remove bombard from the spell trigger menu please, i fail to see how thats any different to Novas.
How Trigger Bombard (which will ALWAYS hit against 70 physical damage) is different from Alchemy: It requires 240 skill points to reach its max damage, and the damage can go up a bit with Inscription - not sure if that applies to focused mystic only or not. Supernovas (which do fire damage) require 100 skill points, an item property, and additional debuffs (Curse/Corpse Skin, Evil Omen) to reach their maximum damage. The only thing you can't avoid with Trigger Bombard: That it's an instant cast. I would include the Stun from it, but with 120 resist on all of my pvp chars, I can't recall if I've ever been stunned by it.

For me, nova itself isn't the problem, because I can't recall the last time I died to one; some F8 tried to kill me with them the other day, but failed miserably with each toss. However, that doesn't mean that the damage they do ISN'T a problem - anyone denying that has to use them as a crutch, and doesn't want their dps toned down.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WE UNDERSTOOD , there are 3-4 players who hate getting killed by supernovas, these players NEVER have pots on their dead bodies.

They HATE potions...no heal pots, no cure, no str, no agility, no refresh....omg they hate conflags and novas... specially novas because they are expensive.

They don't carry a t chest either or bolas or petals or seeds of life .... they don't have fire fish pies, turkey feathers.....

ahhhhhh so many things to nerf why??? BECAUSE I DON'T CARRY THEm....

c'mon...let's say the truth...you want to nerf things you NEVER use... , just start using them.

they are not op at all, just learn to play and RESTOCK when you pvp .


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If its only -2 off current, why bother changing it?
That's my point.. -2 damage isn't enough...

But Why are you crying about it at only -2? -in case you missed what you said...
Talk about try to make 100 points in Alchemy totally useless. 100 skill points + 50EP across items for an 18 damage item with a cooldown? Sounds like some salty people who died are having a cry.
The potion shouldn't do damage comparable to a scribe lightening w/out curse.... just because of it being instant therefor unavoidable. I don't want an RNG chance of it missing, I want it to do less damage so people can't compensate lack of skill for an item.

the potion shouldn't be able to exceed 15, period, it's not the only thing you get from having Alchemy. It's better than what you get for having scribe, even without adding in the bonuses for all the other potion types, it's better than what you get from Poisoning... but it's better than everything that's comparable with how much damage it does vs the skill investment and it being INSTANT.

Better yet...
Supernova is faster than Magic Arrow with eval-int @120.0... why does it to more damage?
It's faster than harm why does it do more damage?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WE UNDERSTOOD , there are 3-4 players who hate getting killed by supernovas, these players NEVER have pots on their dead bodies.

They HATE potions...no heal pots, no cure, no str, no agility, no refresh....omg they hate conflags and novas... specially novas because they are expensive.

They don't carry a t chest either or bolas or petals or seeds of life .... they don't have fire fish pies, turkey feathers.....

ahhhhhh so many things to nerf why??? BECAUSE I DON'T CARRY THEm....

c'mon...let's say the truth...you want to nerf things you NEVER use... , just start using them.

they are not op at all, just learn to play and RESTOCK when you pvp .
They're not OP... ok.

Lets make moving shot hit for 20-27 damage with a 100% hit chance, at least moving shot would still cost mana and only hit one person...
and... take more skill investment.. jesus. I bet you'd cry that would be OP wouldn't you?

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
U compare moving shots at 1.25 sec and a supernova that does a small radius dmg, if u not cursed the dmg is ridicolous... And there is a long timer too. I mean did u ever pvp? How can u compare moving shots to a supernova??

Plus these pots are expensive, when u kill a player they may have 2/3 max 4/5 on a body.... It's not like 20+... Players keep them to try to get some killshots , they are not op at all. It's hilarious to compare nova with moving shots


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
U compare moving shots at 1.25 sec and a supernova that does a small radius dmg, if u not cursed the dmg is ridicolous... And there is a long timer too. I mean did u ever pvp? How can u compare moving shots to a supernova??
You can't....the point is, everything you Can compare to supernovas are Weaker AND takes more timing (is more difficult to use) than supernovas. lol derp. I don't know why I have to spell out every single tiny little detail to someone with 19+ years of pvp experience.. you should know this.... I'm sure you do know it though, you just like alchemy being worth 100.0 skill for a single items use.
the cool-down is the only reason people don't kill everyone with nothing but supernovas.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blazing if you cant come up with any constructive thoughts on the subject do not post in here. Your not good enough at field pvp to tell anyone how to play uo. Your just another run and trap player like most bad mages in uo. The only reason you do that is cause of OP alchemy, without it you wouldn't kill anyone.

All that needs to be fixed is the alchemy calculation for damage pots and I would remove the inscribe bonus from mystic that's in test right now. It will make mystic way OP.

Im also in favor of completing removing focus spec and raising SDI cap to 20. This will open more template variation in pvp.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Plus these pots are expensive, when u kill a player they may have 2/3 max 4/5 on a body.... It's not like 20+... Players keep them to try to get some killshots , they are not op at all. It's hilarious to compare nova with moving shots
lol, they're expensive? what does the cost have to do with anything?

You're hurting your argument more than you're helping it by the way.
all you're doing is exposing how much you rely on novas, that's pretty much all you're doing... save yourself the embarrassment. -let's get them fixed so people actually try at pvp again. it was more fun when you had to actually practice to get good... that's the entire reason I always say, most of the "Good" pvpers already quit. we went through too long of a time where player-skill made less and less difference.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WE UNDERSTOOD , there are 3-4 players who hate getting killed by supernovas, these players NEVER have pots on their dead bodies.

They HATE potions...no heal pots, no cure, no str, no agility, no refresh....omg they hate conflags and novas... specially novas because they are expensive.

They don't carry a t chest either or bolas or petals or seeds of life .... they don't have fire fish pies, turkey feathers.....

ahhhhhh so many things to nerf why??? BECAUSE I DON'T CARRY THEm....

c'mon...let's say the truth...you want to nerf things you NEVER use... , just start using them.

they are not op at all, just learn to play and RESTOCK when you pvp .
Umm, what? I've NEVER used mortal (kinda hard to since I don't pvp on a dexer), still wanted it nerfed. I play a parry mage and I am perfectly fine with it breaking focused spec, since they don't really sacrifice anything to have the best offense/defense in the game. Novas/conflags? I'll reiterate: I don't NEED to use them to kill people. But that doesn't mean they aren't (with EP/Alchemy stacking) overpowered. As they are now, Novas, at their maximum are an instant 27-ish damage that can't be avoided if you use it at the right time. But they aren't even the best potion available: Explosion pots are. But they're harder to use, so you don't see them very often.

I carry pots in EVERY fight. But that doesn't mean I need to rely on cure/heal pots in a 1v1 fight, because I learned how to play without them over a decade ago. If I need to use them to stay alive, I will. Str/Agility, I use on a regular basis, since they maximize my HP/Dexterity.

You claim that Supernovas are expensive? Um, HOW? You get a keg of 10 for a measly 500 vvv points, which translates into 50 points a potion. You can get that by running one town, and it isn't even hard to do it.

Do you have ANYTHING to offer in this thread, other than insults and trash talk? Maybe some constructive fixes that aren't dumb/100% self-serving? If not, please stop posting. You're not accomplishing anything other than trying to turn this place into the HOT forums.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do we think about using adjusted skill to perform special moves instead of real skill? (I.E. 75 swords plus 15 skill brace to get to 90 could use specials)

I think this would add a little bit to template diversity. @Bleak
You're crazy man...
I love it when you guys keep bringing stuff like this up...

it shows everyone reading these threads how one-sided you guys are...
allowing specs with 90 weapon skill (Modified) would be something that only benefits mages due to mage-weapons... get out of here with that garbage.

Edit: the diversity is added with tactics no longer being required... everyone still needs a minimum of 90 weapon skill for specials, a lot of specials that would be good without tactics, are mostly utility. everything else requires another skill to be used at its full potential.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
The discussions don't seem one-sided at all. The devs seem to have listened and everyone seems to be in agreement for the most part on the changes made. Everyone who plays parry mages is okay with the parry nerf for mages. This is something that directly nerfs a lot of the temps in this thread, but they agree on it anyway because it's for the betterment of the game. The only thing that seems one-sided to me are the people who don't use pots complaining about pots.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am just stating the facts that 3/4 players keep crying about alchemy since a year while all the other pvpers are fine with it. I opened crossack body in fel at least 30+ times , always empty... He carries no stock , not even a t chest


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The discussions don't seem one-sided at all. The devs seem to have listened and everyone seems to be in agreement for the most part on the changes made. Everyone who plays parry mages is okay with the parry nerf for mages. This is something that directly nerfs a lot of the temps in this thread, but they agree on it anyway because it's for the betterment of the game. The only thing that seems one-sided to me are the people who don't use pots complaining about pots.
I was referring to the quote I took from virems suggestion of allowing specials to be performed by people with modified skill in "Weapon skill" so that people with mage-weapons could use specials with much less skill investment than a dexer could... That is one-sided. get with the program


Seasoned Veteran
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I was referring to the quote I took from virems suggestion of allowing specials to be performed by people with modified skill in "Weapon skill" so that people with mage-weapons could use specials with much less skill investment than a dexer could... That is one-sided. get with the program
it shows everyone reading these threads how one-sided you guys are...
Oh really? That refers to only virem and only one post?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am just stating the facts that 3/4 players keep crying about alchemy since a year while all the other pvpers are fine with it. I opened crossack body in fel at least 30+ times , always empty... He carries no stock , not even a t chest
There's nothing wrong with alchemy.... learn to read. It's Supernovas.

Alchemy is fine if they didn't have supernovas.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then who is "you guys"? Stop back pedaling and just own it, bro.
I knew that's what you mean.. just because I said "you guys" makes no difference. It's obvious I was responding to his suggestion. there's nothing to "own"... is this a poor troll attempt?

I mean, get real pal.

Edit: if you want to discuss this with me, PM. the thread doesn't need open discussions about personal problems.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am just stating the facts that 3/4 players keep crying about alchemy since a year while all the other pvpers are fine with it. I opened crossack body in fel at least 30+ times , always empty... He carries no stock , not even a t chest
Then you didn't actually check my corpse. Because I always carry, at minimum: 20 gheal/cure, 10 str/agility, 10 refresh, 10 enchanted apples. Trapped box: I have 120 resist on all my chars. What's a box going to help me against? Omen/Para, Nerve Strike, and Shield Bash? None of which can kill me unless it's a gank, but if it's a gank, I'm probably going to die anyway.

The discussions don't seem one-sided at all. The devs seem to have listened and everyone seems to be in agreement for the most part on the changes made. Everyone who plays parry mages is okay with the parry nerf for mages. This is something that directly nerfs a lot of the temps in this thread, but they agree on it anyway because it's for the betterment of the game. The only thing that seems one-sided to me are the people who don't use pots complaining about pots.
That was in response to Virem's "drop real skill to use specials", which on paper sounds like a good idea, as it would allow for a greater variety of templates due to letting skill points be used elsewhere. But it would have a more drastic effect on other templates, i.e. Mages.

Agreement? Huh? Blazing was complaining about the Focused Spec restriction for Parry: NEWS - [UO.Com] Testing Combat Changes on TC1

btw, how many times do the damage #s of supernovas have to be posted for people to realize that it's a problem? There are two solutions for it, neither of which the guys crying about them will like: 1) Cap the damage. Let's say 18. 2) Scale back the Alchemy/EP stacking so it's not such a massive increase in the damage of a Supernova.


Seasoned Veteran
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just because I said "you guys" makes no difference.
Okay, makes no difference. Words just don't have meaning then. From here on out I'll just ignore whatever you say as it makes no difference.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, makes no difference. Words just don't have meaning then. From here on out I'll just ignore whatever you say as it makes no difference.
Well, when you can't come up with any constructive criticism that makes sense you resort to doing what people lik Blazing is doing... defending against a possible nerf without specifying reasons why it shouldn't be. everyone else is doing regarding a nerf to Supernovas.

they ignore what I'm saying because it makes sense and they can't come up with a reason the potions couldn't be nerfed...

Things like "I don't play with alchemy, I think they're fine the way they are" ... if you don't play with alchemy, why bother posting about them being fine or not?

Just like that Ansyears guy in the discussing balance thread, he wanted Curse & Corpse skin to stack, he doesn't even use them...
Just because someone doesn't use alchemy... doesn't mean supernovas aren't broken as hell. they're broken because of everything you can do the same amount of damage with takes more skill investment and better timing/cast time. you'd know that if you didn't Ignore my words.... re-read the thread and get back to us.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Someone help me out, it seems parry was added to the focused mage list.

Doing 11 points less in damage.

That's a joke if it thats the case.

Did I miss something?

Edit: Went and looked a test center notes sure as **** was.

Thats ridiculous


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone help me out, it seems parry was added to the focused mage list.

Doing 11 points less in damage.

That's a joke if it thats the case.

Did I miss something?
Yes, Parry was added to the "focus restriction" in-place of alchemy.

Edit to add:
I'm on TC now(Yew Gate) for anyone looking to test updates and give feedback.
the "updates" link takes you to what is currently active on TC1.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Yes, Parry was added to the "focus restriction" in-place of alchemy.

Edit to add:

the "updates" link takes you to what is currently active on TC1.

Lol, who convinced them of doing that?

What a **** show this is turning into...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol, who convinced them of doing that?

What a **** show this is turning into...
It's not a bad thing. They already had the highest offense through 30% SDI, alchemy, and the highest defense. All without giving up ANYTHING.

Also, it's not a loss of 11 points of damage. It's only about 4-5.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree parry has no business on the focus list.
@Bleak At what point do we get to the place where any useful skill a mage might use breaks the list? Parry already has its trade off... high dex for better defense (on top of 120 skill points).


Seasoned Veteran
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Most of the complaints were that pure mages have really high defense as well as really high offense with the use of parry. Parry, as a warrior skill, makes sense to decrease damage output for higher defense. This is a balance. With the nerf to moving shot, it should help mages get by without using Parry. Most of the mages here are parry mages and agree with the change, why do you not agree? Stating that this is a **** show doesn't help at all.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
Please elaborate.
This drops damage output for an explosion fs combo to 65-66 pts without scribe in 4 seconds.

69-72 pts with scribe.

focused mage with parry prior to this is 80 points with scribe.

Why on earth would they convince them to save 10 points of damage on a nova to eat 15+ points on a parry mage.

is simple math foreign to people?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
It's not a bad thing. They already had the highest offense through 30% SDI, alchemy, and the highest defense. All without giving up ANYTHING.

Also, it's not a loss of 11 points of damage. It's only about 4-5.
I just repeatedly tested it on Test center

its 11 points. (it can be a difference of 14 points if you actually do 35 and 45 on exp fs)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of the complaints were that pure mages have really high defense as well as really high offense with the use of parry. Parry, as a warrior skill, makes sense to decrease damage output for higher defense. This is a balance. With the nerf to moving shot, it should help mages get by without using Parry. Most of the mages here are parry mages and agree with the change, why do you not agree? Stating that this is a **** show doesn't help at all.
So skills that provide additional offense break the focus, skills the provide additional defense break the focus... heck we might as well add wrestling (stand alone it adds more defense than parry does) and Evaluate Intel because it adds way more offensive damage than any other spell school does.


Stratics Veteran
I agree with Parry being added to the focus spec restriction list. Currently they have strong offense and defense without much sacrifice


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just repeatedly tested it on Test center

its 11 points. (it can be a difference of 14 points if you actually do 35 and 45 on exp fs)
I did it when it was Alchemy breaking focused spec. Cursed myself, used Flamestrike. With Alchemy on my char, I did ~37. With focused spec, I did ~42 - 27 SDI on my suit.

I didn't cast it often to get the exact range of the SDI penalty for having Alchemy, but it sounds like that's just normal variation in your damage.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
I agree with Parry being added to the focus spec restriction list. Currently they have strong offense and defense without much sacrifice

This is based on what?


Seasoned Veteran
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Remove parry from the list....
So nerf moving shot but keep parry the same? We need to take these changes into consideration with the other changes being made. If you look at it in isolation, it looks bad. If you look at it with the other changes, it makes sense.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of the complaints were that pure mages have really high defense as well as really high offense with the use of parry. Parry, as a warrior skill, makes sense to decrease damage output for higher defense. This is a balance. With the nerf to moving shot, it should help mages get by without using Parry. Most of the mages here are parry mages and agree with the change, why do you not agree? Stating that this is a **** show doesn't help at all.
Pinning everything on parry isn't helping either...

I think parry mages needed a nerf too. but the nerf I suggested was directed at Parry + Wrestling OR Parry + Anatomy, which would directly effect any parry-mage that runs alchemy because they're the only f***ing guys that can chug potions while not being vulnerable disarm-able or dropping their Weapon or Shield.

The reason Parry was added to the focus list is because of all the the people trying to keep alchemy OFF of the list..
It's a combination of the two that makes Parry-mages overpowered. Add in healing with parry + anatomy & alchemy. you should be unkill-able... this is what half these guys are playing... by that I mean everyone defending supernovas. (or most of them at least).


Seasoned Veteran
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Pinning everything on parry isn't helping either...

I think parry mages needed a nerf too. but the nerf I suggested was directed at Parry + Wrestling OR Parry + Anatomy, which would directly effect any parry-mage that runs alchemy because they're the only f***ing guys that can chug potions while not being vulnerable disarm-able or dropping their Weapon or Shield.

The reason Parry was added to the focus list is because of all the the people trying to keep alchemy OFF of the list..
It's a combination of the two that makes Parry-mages overpowered. Add in healing with parry + anatomy & alchemy. you should be unkill-able... this is what half these guys are playing... by that I mean everyone defending supernovas. (or most of them at least).
You seem very focused on nerfing specific players templates, and not balancing as a whole.