Greetings Everyone, We will pushing Publish 95 to Origin & Baja by approximately 4pm ET today, 11/10/2016. Izumo will receive Publish 95 during its normal maintenance period. Until Publish 95 is deployed world wide, character transfer between Origin, Izumo, and Baja will be disabled. Publish 95 is full of new and exciting features, bug fixes, and new content so make sure you check out the full patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here. We will also be pushing a mandatory client patch as well, so make sure you are running the latest versions of the classic […]
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Welp, pretty close to a full revamp of bods and I have to say pretty frustrated.
1- Entire Gump is updated but no 'sort alphabetically' option. We've asked for it since bod books came out.
2 - Entire Gump is updated but no' price all' option on the bod book that I can see.
3 - If you get 710 points for turning in a bulk order deed and you pick a 10 point item - thats all you get. Can't select 2x350 or a 700 point barb kit and a 10 point item etc. Misleading. Good thing I tested it on TC.
4 - The storage of points is too low - should at least give you 50% of the points if you choose to store.
5 - Still need bod books to work like SOT and PS books with 1 lockdown per book. Please. For the love of mike.
6 - Classic client bribing still fills your screen with useless text. Can you get rid of the stupid role play language and just give us - 'Can help you for 100 gp' instead? I don't need all the text.
7 - Crafting failing protection is only moderately interesting. A single charge of 'enhancement protection' would be hugely useful....
8 - Why can't one of the options for rewards be materials? Like leather or ingots? So much more useful than gold. Do a DC EX bod - get 100 dc ingots.
I could list about 50 other things but this is a start....