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Everybody is blue nowadays...revamp REDS-PKERS? My ideas...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I'm all for the DEV's working on PvP and improvements to Fel and balance in the game... And I leave the Beta Testing and Focus Group stuff of Fel to Fel based players who care for that sort of thing...

What I'm NOT fine with is when folk think that there needs to be more incentive for folk to PvP and want to add more carrots to Fel... Fel does NOT need more Carrots... no matter how many you put there people who don't want to PvP aren't going to go there and all it does is create animosity and irritation between those who like PvP and those who don't. It also encourages exploiting and other things to put real coins into the pockets of a select few.... etc... which we also don't need. And folk who think that we need PvP and such everywhere and VvV everywhere.

If Fel stayed in Fel and didn't spill over to Tram or Gen Chat I would never have a problem with it... but sadly that doesn't happen.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
What do you think?
I haven't had time to read this thread in it's entirety... I started UO originally back before Tram, but appreciated having a land in which I couldn't grief nor get griefed when it did open up. Pretty sure the numbers for UO show a steady increase in subscriptions after Tram..though about a year later when PvP had been worked/reworked/rinse/repeat seems numbers started to fall off.

Now? I run around Fel and am deeply sad to see so much empty space. It's a missed opportunity. I'm not sure what would fix the issue...folks far smarter than I have been working on that for ages. But I hope there is a fix, for everyone's sake.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If Fel stayed in Fel and didn't spill over to Tram or Gen Chat I would never have a problem with it... but sadly that doesn't happen.
This is why gen-chat needs to switch facets with the character, there should be a "Felucca" chat setup by default, So that when a player logs in/enters Felucca, they're automatically moved to "fel chat", nothing will stop pvp trash-talk, merge all tram-rulesets to the same chat-channel, people could switch if they wish too, and merge all fel chat with all areas of fel.

People who don't want to read all the pvp-chat shouldn't have too, (I've said all this before somewhere), but anyway...
I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to things like auto-switch chat channels, I'd be too lazy to constantly switch back to gen-chat if it were to auto-switch me when I logged in or went to felucca.

Either way, there has to be some form of governor buffs added to fel so reds could have the extra property to make suits easier/ or more functional just as everyone else has it.

The damn buffs Still need to be changed to where we're able to refresh them instead of waiting for the buff to expire before we can pick it up again, It's annoying as all hell having to remember when the buff was activated the previous day, so that it doesn't just wear off during a fight..... fix please.... never should've been that way btw.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
This is why gen-chat needs to switch facets with the character, there should be a "Felucca" chat setup by default, So that when a player logs in/enters Felucca, they're automatically moved to "fel chat", nothing will stop pvp trash-talk, merge all tram-rulesets to the same chat-channel, people could switch if they wish too, and merge all fel chat with all areas of fel.

People who don't want to read all the pvp-chat shouldn't have too, (I've said all this before somewhere), but anyway...
I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to things like auto-switch chat channels, I'd be too lazy to constantly switch back to gen-chat if it were to auto-switch me when I logged in or went to felucca.

Either way, there has to be some form of governor buffs added to fel so reds could have the extra property to make suits easier/ or more functional just as everyone else has it.

The damn buffs Still need to be changed to where we're able to refresh them instead of waiting for the buff to expire before we can pick it up again, It's annoying as all hell having to remember when the buff was activated the previous day, so that it doesn't just wear off during a fight..... fix please.... never should've been that way btw.
I agree about the Buffs.... they have been a thorn in my side since the start... at least I don't have to perpetually remember to go activate the stinking thing every week anymore.... thank the gods for autorenew.

And I also agree that Fel needs a buff system..... the VvV thing is just not it.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I'm all for the DEV's working on PvP and improvements to Fel and balance in the game... And I leave the Beta Testing and Focus Group stuff of Fel to Fel based players who care for that sort of thing...

What I'm NOT fine with is when folk think that there needs to be more incentive for folk to PvP and want to add more carrots to Fel... Fel does NOT need more Carrots... no matter how many you put there people who don't want to PvP aren't going to go there and all it does is create animosity and irritation between those who like PvP and those who don't. It also encourages exploiting and other things to put real coins into the pockets of a select few.... etc... which we also don't need. And folk who think that we need PvP and such everywhere and VvV everywhere.

If Fel stayed in Fel and didn't spill over to Tram or Gen Chat I would never have a problem with it... but sadly that doesn't happen.
Yes, Fel does need more carrots, as does PVP. That's what this thread is about.

Don't like gen chat? Turn it off. Some of us like it the way it is. If you want softer chat, there is the Help channel.

I agree about the Buffs.... they have been a thorn in my side since the start... at least I don't have to perpetually remember to go activate the stinking thing every week anymore.... thank the gods for autorenew.

And I also agree that Fel needs a buff system..... the VvV thing is just not it.
What happened to Fel doesn't need more carrots?

Double click rune book. Select rune. Hit sacred journey/recall. Arrive at city. Walk few steps. Click city stone. Select utitlize trade deal.... That was soooooooo hard. ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Yes, Fel does need more carrots, as does PVP. That's what this thread is about.

Don't like gen chat? Turn it off. Some of us like it the way it is. If you want softer chat, there is the Help channel.

What happened to Fel doesn't need more carrots?

Double click rune book. Select rune. Hit sacred journey/recall. Arrive at city. Walk few steps. Click city stone. Select utitlize trade deal.... That was soooooooo hard. ;)
Fel does not need more Carrots ...... it doesn't work that's been proven.

Gen Chat... I like to help people... Help Channel is where the Spammer is. I prefer to avoid it.

As for the City thing that won't work if your Red.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In a thread that has a sole focus on improving PvP your comments actually are not valid in way, shape or form. They are a desperate attempt to troll. Now, if you hate it so much feel free to start a thread about removing pvp from UO entirely.

Now, please be gone, self-centered bigot.
It would be improved by removing any non-consensual PvP and restricting it to consensual only - guild wars, opt-in PvP systems, etc. Nobody who doesn't want to be involved in PvP should ever have to to participate in any content in the game.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
What I'm NOT fine with is when folk think that there needs to be more incentive for folk to PvP and want to add more carrots to Fel... Fel does NOT need more Carrots... no matter how many you put there people who don't want to PvP aren't going to go there and all it does is create animosity and irritation between those who like PvP and those who don't
People do not know if they like PvP before they try it. Making one facet for PvP is a very way to help PvP. With my best will, I don't understand, why VvV is only allowed in Fel. VvV is concent PvP. If players see others PvP, they may be tempted to try.
the good old query before doing a crim action, could be improved, so blue would get a query before attacking a VvV player so they had to ansvar yes to attack a VvV player in Trammel zone and make them self VvV for 2 hours.

It can't be worse than Players fighting in Guild Wars in Trammel, it's still consent PvP


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
People do not know if they like PvP before they try it. Making one facet for PvP is a very way to help PvP. With my best will, I don't understand, why VvV is only allowed in Fel. VvV is concent PvP. If players see others PvP, they may be tempted to try.
the good old query before doing a crim action, could be improved, so blue would get a query before attacking a VvV player so they had to ansvar yes to attack a VvV player in Trammel zone and make them self VvV for 2 hours.

It can't be worse than Players fighting in Guild Wars in Trammel, it's still consent PvP
My being against it is mostly because it would be extremely disruptive at EM events and other events. Where lets face it there is enough childish and rude behavior and to put up with the BS that often erupts in FEL between players who PvP at an EM event would just be too much... and if you think it wouldn't happen then your not living in reality. And as far as the players seeing others PvP that's been something we considered all the time with RPPvP which has gone on for YEARS in Trammel...

The other BIG issue I have is that picture this at an EM event when your not in VvV how would you heal folk? Say you want to do a Cleansing Winds.... So you do that on your friend standing near a bunch of folk in VvV but neither of you are.... well Cleansing Winds is an area healing so now you are in VvV whether you wanted to be or not... So I'm going to have to NOT help folk and rez them because I don't want to get drawn into VvV... So imagine the trouble that would cause... didn't notice they were VvV now you are ..... whether you wanted it or not... because that's how VvV works. No I don't want that crap going on.

I Actually PVP

It would be improved by removing any non-consensual PvP and restricting it to consensual only - guild wars, opt-in PvP systems, etc. Nobody who doesn't want to be involved in PvP should ever have to to participate in any content in the game.
That's the way it is now.... no one's forcing you to go to Fel. If you want to do a spawn, do it in trammel. If you want to do a spawn in fel, that's also your decision (there's even a warning before going through a gate that you CONSENT to the different rules).

Again, when talking about spawns in trammel, I don't say anything because I CHOOSE not to utilize that content. I don't come on Stratics and say "remove 80% of the game's landmasses because I don't like the style of play that goes on over there...but please give me all their content."

Back on topic. I agree with Malagaste, we really don't need new/more carrots (ie. items), but more purpose would help. I get that VvV was an attempt at town fighting/king of the hill type games, but I really think it was poorly conceived. I think incorporating town buffs into VvV could be a solution (you win a VvV town, you earn a non transferrable point to apply a single 24-hour buff or something along those lines). This way, pvp-focussed characters wouldn't mind staying red.

On a different note, I think something that could also make VvV more interesting is including some monsters (part of what keeps spawns interesting is that it's not just fighting another player, you have to account for the independent 3rd party: mobs (this also helps make it not just a game of who has more guildies on). I've always enjoyed events & idocs when people start to drop Harbringers. Maybe incorporating high-level bosses into pvp content (if possible I'd advocate for them dropping pvp-related masteries too, since that's where they're going to in the end anyway).
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Jack Daniels

Stratics Veteran
VvV should be allowed in all facets, I am tired of seeing tram players run around in VvV gear getting the benefits but not having to work to use the equipment. You want to heal your friends at an Em event, then don't bring a VvV character to the event. Pretty friggin simple. As for the rude behavior at the Em event, I see most of it done by the trammies themselves. Don't often take part in event myself because I am soo tired of the greedy trammies trying to get the next free give away, heaven forbid if you have to work for something and it's not handed to you on a platter. The whole attitude on the game has changed from the way it was ment to be played, the prime example is the forums themselves. Look at how many are people complaining about the lack or rare free give anways or drops they are getting.

And yes Fel does need some carrots to bring the people back, it does need the pvp to survive but people are too greedy to see that. All they care about is getting their free stuff and getting away with the least amount of work possible. Make power scrolls shard bound, then atleast it will make the spawns worth while once again. Make more EM events in fel, don't like that? Who cares, the game should be catered to all not just those that whine the loudest


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's the way it is now.... no one's forcing you to go to Fel. If you want to do a spawn, do it in trammel. If you want to do a spawn in fel, that's also your decision (there's even a warning before going through a gate that you CONSENT to the different rules).

Again, when talking about spawns in trammel, I don't say anything because I CHOOSE not to utilize that content. I don't come on Stratics and say "remove 80% of the game's landmasses because I don't like the style of play that goes on over there...but please give me all their content."
Show me the Trammel spawns I can get Powerscrolls from.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be improved by removing any non-consensual PvP and restricting it to consensual only - guild wars, opt-in PvP systems, etc. Nobody who doesn't want to be involved in PvP should ever have to to participate in any content in the game.
How to not participate in non-con PvP in UO in (insert year here): Don't go to Fel. The players who don't want to PvP already don't go to Fel for anything more than logging out in their house(s), and on rare occasions, farming. For the most part (prior to VvV), if I ran into random people in Fel, I did not attack, since I knew they weren't there to pvp. If they attacked me, yes, I would kill them. Same with if they ran away at the sight of me.

Just because YOU don't want non-con PvP doesn't mean that everyone who does should be punished. Removing Fel ruleset PvP will kill this game. Whether you like it or not, who do you think sells all those 120 PS's, primers, legendary artifact armor/jewelry/weapon drops, etc? The PvP'ers do. The Primers are new, granted, so the demand is high as is, but you're more likely to get the good ones from Fel Champs. The high-end loot? Without the PvP'ers, all of it would be collecting dust in people's houses/bankboxes.

Show me the Trammel spawns I can get Powerscrolls from.
Unless you play Atl, you can chain spawns pretty much all day long. Sometime last year, I was getting my Sampire to 120 swords (from 115), and did 5-6 Despise spawns to max it. As I remember, the scrolls were crap, but that's besides the point. I wouldn't recommend Despise, Tera Keep, the Fel Turtle spawn, or Fel Oaks, but there are a bunch of spawns in t2a that you can do.

VvV should be allowed in all facets, I am tired of seeing tram players run around in VvV gear getting the benefits but not having to work to use the equipment. You want to heal your friends at an Em event, then don't bring a VvV character to the event. Pretty friggin simple. As for the rude behavior at the Em event, I see most of it done by the trammies themselves. Don't often take part in event myself because I am soo tired of the greedy trammies trying to get the next free give away, heaven forbid if you have to work for something and it's not handed to you on a platter. The whole attitude on the game has changed from the way it was ment to be played, the prime example is the forums themselves. Look at how many are people complaining about the lack or rare free give anways or drops they are getting.

And yes Fel does need some carrots to bring the people back, it does need the pvp to survive but people are too greedy to see that. All they care about is getting their free stuff and getting away with the least amount of work possible. Make power scrolls shard bound, then atleast it will make the spawns worth while once again. Make more EM events in fel, don't like that? Who cares, the game should be catered to all not just those that whine the loudest
This x1000000. Under the old EM Program from a decade ago, I never got a drop. I never complained. I got one drop from the last event LS's previous EM did. For me, if I get a drop, fine. If not, whatever. I just stay quiet, attack the monsters, and heal people/their pets. I think the only time I "complained" about an event in recent memory was one where the boss (a VERY souped-up Slasher) made the whole area a corpse factory every 5 seconds, but that's not the same thing. Everyone that was there asked for a toned down boss the next time.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The other BIG issue I have is that picture this at an EM event when your not in VvV how would you heal folk? Say you want to do a Cleansing Winds.... So you do that on your friend standing near a bunch of folk in VvV but neither of you are.... well Cleansing Winds is an area healing so now you are in VvV whether you wanted to be or not... So I'm going to have to NOT help folk and rez them because I don't want to get drawn into VvV... So imagine the trouble that would cause... didn't notice they were VvV now you are ..... whether you wanted it or not... because that's how VvV works. No I don't want that crap going on.
In Fel it's not a huge issue if you're already in VvV, since everyone's Orange to you, although that has issues of its own during Fel events. ;)

When recalling back to Luna (and at other times), I've noticed I have [VvV] in my name when I mouse over my chars. It's not always there though. Perhaps the Devs could make it like a guild tag or something?


Queen of The Outlaws
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The other BIG issue I have is that picture this at an EM event when your not in VvV how would you heal folk? Say you want to do a Cleansing Winds.... So you do that on your friend standing near a bunch of folk in VvV but neither of you are.... well Cleansing Winds is an area healing so now you are in VvV whether you wanted to be or not... So I'm going to have to NOT help folk and rez them because I don't want to get drawn into VvV... So imagine the trouble that would cause... didn't notice they were VvV now you are ..... whether you wanted it or not... because that's how VvV works. No I don't want that crap going on.
The solusion would be, it should not heal VvV, who are fighting someone noto query. If the VvV are only fighting mobs, you should not be orange from healing them.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So I am suppose to sit around in VvV towns all day and wait for a fight that will never come to me?
Yes. If have chosen VvV you have flipped your PvP switch. (People that want to fight DO fight.)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
1- new bounty system
If I remember correctly, there was exploitation of the bounty system that ultimately lead to the introduction of silver currency. (There was nothing to prevent people from acquiring murder counts to increase their bounty only to kill themselves or have a friend kill them for sheer profit.)
What is the solution to this problem?


Stratics Veteran
I got a suggestion. Remove "trammel rules" from trammel. Bring life back to UO.

PK here.

P.S. I know this is not a good idea in terms of having more players.... lot's of people would leave sadly :(. But without PVP, what is UO really?
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just incorporate this into VvV, so The reason to capture the towns is to get the buffs? I dunno.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Show me the Trammel spawns I can get Powerscrolls from.
You shouldn't get Powerscrolls from Trammel. It's not for weak people who are deathly afraid of PvP or Fel. You're not entitled to have access to everything in the game and be protected from harm at the same time.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You want to see reds, then once a yea

And people that wear VvV gear should be fair game in any facet since they have obviously agreed to PvP
In that case, maybe remove the Silver Traders from Trammel? I get why they're in place there, but it's too easy for people to sign up for VvV in Tram, never go to Fel for the pvp aspect, and get the items without ever farming points.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You shouldn't get Powerscrolls from Trammel. It's not for weak people who are deathly afraid of PvP or Fel. You're not entitled to have access to everything in the game and be protected from harm at the same time.
You should be able to get Powerscrolls without being subject to PvP.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should be able to get Powerscrolls without being subject to PvP.
You should be able to get a slither without being subject to PvM.


Does your point sound ridiculous yet? I bought a Slither. Go buy a ****ing power scroll. Hell I wish there were more things out there that were only fel, but highly valuable. If I could go do some king of the hill battle and the reward for winning was comparable to an eoden artifact, id be all over it.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's the way it is now.... no one's forcing you to go to Fel. If you want to do a spawn, do it in trammel. If you want to do a spawn in fel, that's also your decision (there's even a warning before going through a gate that you CONSENT to the different rules).
It doesn't sound, like you actually get the real meaning of consentual PVP.
Going to Fel has absolutely nothing to do with consentual PVP. The only consent I give with stepping through that portal is, that I agree, that I might be attacked by other players. No more, no less.

I go to fel to try a champ spawn there, because it is the only way of obtaining one of the more expensive PS for me.
I also farm my resources in fel, because I get twice as much in the same time.
And I also hunt (PvM) in fel, just because an extra 1000 luck is a nice thing to have.

But I do not PvP. I neither have the (IRL-)skill, (char-)skill nor the equip to win a 1 vs. 1. So when I get attacked, I usually don't even fight back, just to speed up the process. TBH, I don't care that much, because even when getting killed a lot, looted dry or rezkilled for a while, at the end of the day the trip to fel was worth it (most of the time), because I managed to bring back more resources or a nice item than on tram. And once in a while I even manage to finish a spawn and get a PS.

You should be able to get a slither without being subject to PvM.
Does your point sound ridiculous yet? I bought a Slither. Go buy a ****ing power scroll. Hell I wish there were more things out there that were only fel, but highly valuable. If I could go do some king of the hill battle and the reward for winning was comparable to an eoden artifact, id be all over it.
I'm no super rich player with 30+ mil on his account, who can afford all those PS I'd like to have. I have exactly 1 char, who swalloed all the PS, I'd like him to have, out of 14 (7 on two shards). All my other chars just have 110, 115 if lucky or if it is a cheap skill (PS-price-wise).
I can understand, that you need opponents, so you can actually PvP. But luring sheep to fel with fel-exclusive items is just pathetic...

You shouldn't get Powerscrolls from Trammel. It's not for weak people who are deathly afraid of PvP or Fel. You're not entitled to have access to everything in the game and be protected from harm at the same time.
I always find it extremely amusing, that people, who do not like to PvP are automatically "afraid" of it and are called weak.
The one guy bragging in gen chat, that he heroically vanquished me (with me not even trying to fight back or run) must be one of the "strong and courageous" people, right?
Or the other guy, who brags in gen chat with taking over the champ after me doing all four levels of the spawn and calling me names, that also has to be one of those PvP heroes...

Asking for improving the situation for reds and asking for working systems which support consentual PvP are two completely different things. And asking for the former instead of the latter already tells a lot about the person, who is asking the question.


Stratics Veteran
It doesn't sound, like you actually get the real meaning of consentual PVP.
Going to Fel has absolutely nothing to do with consentual PVP. The only consent I give with stepping through that portal is, that I agree, that I might be attacked by other players. No more, no less.

I go to fel to try a champ spawn there, because it is the only way of obtaining one of the more expensive PS for me.
I also farm my resources in fel, because I get twice as much in the same time.
And I also hunt (PvM) in fel, just because an extra 1000 luck is a nice thing to have.
But that is part of the game Thrakkar!!! PS should not be super easy to acquire, in fact you can be successful in PVM without having your dream template finished. And to get the PS you need you have 2 options, you hunt in trammel and buy them, or you go to fel knowing the risks and try to get them. Imagine how cheaper PS would be if there were no risks of being attacked by a gang of PKs. It is part of the player-player interaction. I have to agree that it was a mess before trammel was implemented, but man it was fun, too much, but it was fun. Removing the little there's left of old UO would completely change the game, and I mean.... you can always go to WoW....

Fight back! even if you die, you might find out your PvM character is not all that week against PvPs, or make yourself a new PvP char. I mean... we all have PvM chars, my PvM chars eat dirt sometimes when I take them to fel, it is part of the game. But then I bring my PvP and fight back. If you don't have the time, resources to train a PvP char, get in a guild that has a PvP group. When you go for PS hunting you'll be protected by them, and man it feels good when you get raided and your buddies kick the attackers ass, and you go back home victorious with your PS. It is part of the game, it is what makes UO be UO, be positive about it, see it as player to player interaction. There are active ways to deal with PvP and passive ways. And don't worry to much about these idiots trying to humiliate you when they kill you, you know you're a pretty good PvM player, so don't listen to them, they're just stinkers trying to piss you off, cause they find it funny.

If you want to hunt alone, without PvP issues, there's tram. If you want power scrolls... well.... .


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It doesn't sound, like you actually get the real meaning of consentual PVP.
Going to Fel has absolutely nothing to do with consentual PVP. The only consent I give with stepping through that portal is, that I agree, that I might be attacked by other players. No more, no less.

I go to fel to try a champ spawn there, because it is the only way of obtaining one of the more expensive PS for me.
I also farm my resources in fel, because I get twice as much in the same time.
And I also hunt (PvM) in fel, just because an extra 1000 luck is a nice thing to have.

But I do not PvP. I neither have the (IRL-)skill, (char-)skill nor the equip to win a 1 vs. 1. So when I get attacked, I usually don't even fight back, just to speed up the process. TBH, I don't care that much, because even when getting killed a lot, looted dry or rezkilled for a while, at the end of the day the trip to fel was worth it (most of the time), because I managed to bring back more resources or a nice item than on tram. And once in a while I even manage to finish a spawn and get a PS.
That's fine. Not everyone PvP's, whether through age, lack of experience, or whatever.

As far as scrolls: 30m+? Depends on your temp, but for a mage, 120 Magery alone will cost you about 20 mil. 120 Resist is ~15m, while a 120 Eval is about 10m. Dexers will pay less, but regardless, you have to factor in the price of equipment as well, once you start building a suit.

I always find it extremely amusing, that people, who do not like to PvP are automatically "afraid" of it and are called weak.
The one guy bragging in gen chat, that he heroically vanquished me (with me not even trying to fight back or run) must be one of the "strong and courageous" people, right?
Or the other guy, who brags in gen chat with taking over the champ after me doing all four levels of the spawn and calling me names, that also has to be one of those PvP heroes...

Asking for improving the situation for reds and asking for working systems which support consentual PvP are two completely different things. And asking for the former instead of the latter already tells a lot about the person, who is asking the question.
Some players are like that. They kill the easy targets, just because they're easy targets.

"Afraid" might not be the right word. I dunno. But nerves definitely play a part at first - you're facing guys who know what they're doing, while you don't. As you get better at it, the nerves calm down, and you're able to make decisions quicker.

Regardless, removing PvP entirely is NOT the solution. If you want a game where there's no pvp whatsoever, there are several console games that don't have online content (and the ones that do often don't require you to actually play with other people, although groups make life easier.)

Fight back! even if you die, you might find out your PvM character is not all that week against PvPs, or make yourself a new PvP char. I mean... we all have PvM chars, my PvM chars eat dirt sometimes when I take them to fel, it is part of the game. But then I bring my PvP and fight back. If you don't have the time, resources to train a PvP char, get in a guild that has a PvP group. When you go for PS hunting you'll be protected by them, and man it feels good when you get raided and your buddies kick the attackers ass, and you go back home victorious with your PS. It is part of the game, it is what makes UO be UO, be positive about it, see it as player to player interaction. There are active ways to deal with PvP and passive ways. And don't worry to much about these idiots trying to humiliate you when they kill you, you know you're a pretty good PvM player, so don't listen to them, they're just stinkers trying to piss you off, cause they find it funny.
This. Even when I'm on my Tamer, I'm capable of defending myself if it's just one person (although having access to a 1-button nuke certainly helps with that), but more often than not, even a 1v1 will end with me dead first. But I'm ok with that, since my tamer isn't geared to pvp.
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I Actually PVP

It doesn't sound, like you actually get the real meaning of consentual PVP.
Going to Fel has absolutely nothing to do with consentual PVP. The only consent I give with stepping through that portal is, that I agree, that I might be attacked by other players. No more, no less.

I go to fel to try a champ spawn there, because it is the only way of obtaining one of the more expensive PS for me.
I also farm my resources in fel, because I get twice as much in the same time.
And I also hunt (PvM) in fel, just because an extra 1000 luck is a nice thing to have.

But I do not PvP. I neither have the (IRL-)skill, (char-)skill nor the equip to win a 1 vs. 1. So when I get attacked, I usually don't even fight back, just to speed up the process. TBH, I don't care that much, because even when getting killed a lot, looted dry or rezkilled for a while, at the end of the day the trip to fel was worth it (most of the time), because I managed to bring back more resources or a nice item than on tram. And once in a while I even manage to finish a spawn and get a PS.

I'm no super rich player with 30+ mil on his account, who can afford all those PS I'd like to have. I have exactly 1 char, who swalloed all the PS, I'd like him to have, out of 14 (7 on two shards). All my other chars just have 110, 115 if lucky or if it is a cheap skill (PS-price-wise).
I can understand, that you need opponents, so you can actually PvP. But luring sheep to fel with fel-exclusive items is just pathetic...

I always find it extremely amusing, that people, who do not like to PvP are automatically "afraid" of it and are called weak.
The one guy bragging in gen chat, that he heroically vanquished me (with me not even trying to fight back or run) must be one of the "strong and courageous" people, right?
Or the other guy, who brags in gen chat with taking over the champ after me doing all four levels of the spawn and calling me names, that also has to be one of those PvP heroes...

Asking for improving the situation for reds and asking for working systems which support consentual PvP are two completely different things. And asking for the former instead of the latter already tells a lot about the person, who is asking the question.
Buddy, if you can't get 110/15 powerscrolls, it's not cuz you're poor; you're either a) playing a dead shard (in which case you should be able to do spawns), b) trying to play this game single player and not even asking for help, c) you're not trying at all (not just at pvp but at any aspect of the game that is remotely challenging).
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Old and in the way
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Always Present
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Honestly, with Siege Perilous having zero Trammel based facets, it should just be shut down. UO doesn't need to waste resources on non-consensual PvP aspects when such a minority of players take part in it willingly (Most being forced into it)


Crazed Zealot
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Honestly, with Siege Perilous having zero Trammel based facets, it should just be shut down. UO doesn't need to waste resources on non-consensual PvP aspects when such a minority of players take part in it willingly (Most being forced into it)
I can only wonder if you spew things just to see the outcome or if you sometimes surprise yourself with what you write.


The Enchanter
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Honestly, with Siege Perilous having zero Trammel based facets, it should just be shut down. UO doesn't need to waste resources on non-consensual PvP aspects when such a minority of players take part in it willingly (Most being forced into it)
Too bad so sad. Cry us a river. The only person here trying to force others unwillingly into their own way of game play is you with your suggestion of fundamentally altering PvP when you have other options of avoiding it.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Anyone who has died at the hands of another player has tried PVP. Full stop.
Yes but not all, who hate PvP and Felucca had ever died to an other player, some only listen to horror stories.
When you split the community, as on normal shards, alot will never try it or learn to know PvP players.

It's a good thing, non PvP'er and VvV players nor can be in same guild and alliance, next step would be to allow VvV in Trammel zone but like in Guild wars, they can't attack blue in Trammel, only green and orange.
Now let reds go to Trammel they also are VvV. Non VvV can't attack them unless in guild/alliance with them or in guild war with them and they can't attack non VvV unless in guild/alliance or in guildwar with them.

This little move will remove so much hate from the game make actions and not flaging color matter.

Players who don't want PvP can still stay out but they will see players fight in towns and at spawn and they may see, it in a different light.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Too bad so sad. Cry us a river. The only person here trying to force others unwillingly into their own way of game play is you with your suggestion of fundamentally altering PvP when you have other options of avoiding it.
If I want to get power scrolls, and you attack me, you're forcing me into your own way of game play.


Queen of The Outlaws
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If I want to get power scrolls, and you attack me, you're forcing me into your own way of game play.
You can get powerscroll in Trammel and bind them to get 120. Or am I wrong here? I only play Siege

It's your choice to play safe and use the time to get them or take the risk for dying to get them in a faster way. Noone are forcing you to go to Felucca.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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First off not everyone can PvP..... not everyone who plays UO has a good computer or decent internet.... so they avoid things like PvP because well..... it's not something they could even have a chance at.

Not everyone likes that sort of gameplay.... some just like to craft and gather things. Some just like deco...

Yes it would be nice if there was more reason to do things that we like in game... if your thing is PvP then yes by all means think of ways to improve it.... but don't try to force others to your gameplay style... Not everyone cares.

You can get powerscroll in Trammel and bind them to get 120. Or am I wrong here? I only play Siege

It's your choice to play safe and use the time to get them or take the risk for dying to get them in a faster way. Noone are forcing you to go to Felucca.
There are NO powerscroll drops in Trammel.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yes but not all, who hate PvP and Felucca had ever died to an other player, some only listen to horror stories.
When you split the community, as on normal shards, alot will never try it or learn to know PvP players.
You make a good point.

Do you think those horror stories are unfounded?



Queen of The Outlaws
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You make a good point.

Do you think those horror stories are unfounded?

If we go back to 1998 a few players was crying very loud, that they could not leave town without get ganked. They was so scared of PK's, that they never even tryed to leave town. A few of them is still playing and you will sometimes find them in PvP threads, telling that all PK's are cheaters etc. I remember some of them from the past.

I was playing on Atlantic from 1997 to when Siege was born, and I was mining north of Brit, lumbering in the forest west of Brit, hunting mostly at Coveteus. Yes I was PK'ed sometimes but rarely more than one time of same PK and most of the times I learned to know the PK. There was some really cool guys between them and a few kids.

I do understand, some don't like PvP and don't want it to be a part of their game. That's ok. Devs made a mega mistake, when they choose to add Trammel to old shards, they should had made a few Trammel shards and let the old ones stay non con.

It was not non con PvP that killed UO, it was imbalance, so it was to hard to replace lost gear. Back in the gm items days, you could PbvP in gm stuff. Sure there was better stuff in the game, but it was not a must.

For me, the diff between dying and staying alive in a fight was as simple as heals as soon you take damage and learn to use bandages and potion on my Archer instead of heal spell. It was the reds, who killed me, who learned me how to fight, gave me advice after I was ressed.

Then there is complains about losing their house to PK's. If you was a little smart, you could limit that risk.
Place a vendor outside your house to hold the key in a keyring, have your house rune in the bank. Recall to house, track to see if anyone around, take key from vendor, unlock door, open door, Lock door again, place key on vendor again, go in cloose door.

I remember finding a dead body outside my house, looked at his loot, there was house rune and house key, not very smart.

Life was harder back in 1998, no Insurance, no house secure, even the new boats can't be stolen. What do you lose if you die in Fel now, some stackables and some insurance gold? You can lose that to spawn too, if you can't make it back to body.


Queen of The Outlaws
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First off not everyone can PvP..... not everyone who plays UO has a good computer or decent internet.... so they avoid things like PvP because well..... it's not something they could even have a chance at.

Not everyone likes that sort of gameplay.... some just like to craft and gather things. Some just like deco...

Yes it would be nice if there was more reason to do things that we like in game... if your thing is PvP then yes by all means think of ways to improve it.... but don't try to force others to your gameplay style... Not everyone cares.

There are NO powerscroll drops in Trammel.
I thought there was talk about letting the 105 and 110 drop in Trammel, that would make sense to me.


The Enchanter
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If I want to get power scrolls, and you attack me, you're forcing me into your own way of game play.
Your logic is flawed. You choose to play UO and this is part of the game play that was already in motion. This is the game you signed up for. You're just afraid.

If you want to get powerscrolls, buy them from farming gold.

First off not everyone can PvP..... not everyone who plays UO has a good computer or decent internet.... so they avoid things like PvP because well..... it's not something they could even have a chance at.

Not everyone likes that sort of gameplay.... some just like to craft and gather things. Some just like deco...

Yes it would be nice if there was more reason to do things that we like in game... if your thing is PvP then yes by all means think of ways to improve it.... but don't try to force others to your gameplay style... Not everyone cares.

There are NO powerscroll drops in Trammel.
Then don't come to Fel and avoid PvP. No one is forcing you into it. You have other options to keep you occupied in UO. Stop trying to force your anti-Fel and anti-PvP attitude into every single thread where it's mentioned. I've seen you do this in other forums as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Buddy, if you can't get 110/15 powerscrolls
It seems to be a lost cause, if you want to participate in a discussion and others either don't read the whole post, don't understand it or simply cherry pick the passages they like:

All my other chars just have 110, 115
As I already wrote in my previous post, I am able to finish a spawn without being interrupted often or less, depending on the shard though. And surplus scrolls do go into a PS book and eventually in a scroll binder. But it takes 120 pieces of 110er scrolls to get a 120er out of it, 132 actually, when I decide to swallow the first 115...

Jack Daniels

Stratics Veteran
First off not everyone can PvP..... not everyone who plays UO has a good computer or decent internet.... so they avoid things like PvP because well..... it's not something they could even have a chance at.

Not everyone likes that sort of gameplay.... some just like to craft and gather things. Some just like deco...

Yes it would be nice if there was more reason to do things that we like in game... if your thing is PvP then yes by all means think of ways to improve it.... but don't try to force others to your gameplay style... Not everyone cares.

There are NO powerscroll drops in Trammel.

So because you
First off not everyone can PvP..... not everyone who plays UO has a good computer or decent internet.... so they avoid things like PvP because well..... it's not something they could even have a chance at.

Not everyone likes that sort of gameplay.... some just like to craft and gather things. Some just like deco...

Yes it would be nice if there was more reason to do things that we like in game... if your thing is PvP then yes by all means think of ways to improve it.... but don't try to force others to your gameplay style... Not everyone cares.

There are NO powerscroll drops in Trammel.

So with using your logic, can we please remove all EM events from the shards. My computer is old and I lag out at the events, and tend to die way too much to the overpowered spawn. I don't think it's right that I die and don't get drops due to my lag so either make the drops fall into everyones pack regardless if they are at the event or not or just remove the events since I just can't compete with the same level as you.


Stratics Veteran
You don't like felucca? DON'T GO THERE. They built a WHOLE copy of britannia for you, and it is called Trammel, and they they created a bunch of non-PvP facets. It is even prettier than Felucca. I actually feel UO doesn't care about their PvP players, they literally left us with a spooky world that doesn't even have leafs on the trees. And we are forced to live in this spooky world if we have a PK char. Stop complaining, there are million ways to get P.S. without going to fel. If you are so into PvM, and doing PvM whenever you play you can just get items and trade them for PS or farm gold. If you want to get in the PS business then you have to go through the challenges of being attacked by another player, that's what UO is, and this is what makes PS valuable.

I mean honestly, if you look back in 1998 all there was, was britannia with felucca rules. A bunch of people cried about it, and look at ALL you have now. You have insurance, very valuable artifacts, ways of creating extremely valuable items (imbuing). The whole game completely changed, and now you basically want to eliminate fel? when will this crying stop!. Go get SoT, Crimson, HH, HoM, etc... and trade them for P.S. Seriously... you die, you lose 6k in insurance. big deal. Before if you died, you lost EVERYTHING.

SIMPLE,stop blaming and trying to destroy the PvP community. You anti-PvP are FOS.
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Crazed Zealot
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The "forcing into fel" is the same old tired argument those who don't PVP have given for years.

There is nothing in this game that forces one to do anything regardless of changes to any facet.

Then comes the business model / needed incentive arguments. Which the whole game needs incentives for both pvp and pvm

Go ahead and stop pvp and see what happens to the game.
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Always Present
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Put 120 scrolls in Trammel PvM or remove non-con PvP, it's an easy compromise