Why could there not just be an exchange rate in a "new bank" location for gold checks. Call it the FED... UO style. Everyone who wants to trade a platinum (you could make it worth 50m or something... for easy trades...) can cart however much gold they want to the new bank with pack horses or a beetle... and Viola.
That's the main complaint with all of this is changing our 18+ year old trade window... it's not Ultima if you add cartoon gold to a trade window and numbers... and make it smaller sized... I mean... it's hard to see what you are even trading? I seriously hope it's not too late to fix this one aspect.
The masteries are not looking as bad... new land is ok too, new castle/keep customization rocks... I get it, I have to buy new armor for 500m and make a tamer/weaver/mage if I want to get event items... that's ok too even... I don't get those anyway. The new IDOC system rocks... so in all the work the past year has been a great change. But why change the trade window and take away checks? Every idea the GMs told to us have been proven false with simple logic... or just were a lie to begin with (no offense intended,) but they didn't want poor people to feel shafted about a new banking system just to help the elite trade items and save space.
I like going to the bank for checks... in fact... that is the ONLY reason I go to the bank ever... it makes Ultima seem more realistic. The trade window being simple and the old style helps players feel like it is really Ultima still. Please re-think this Devs... please for the love of the game. I know it's in testing and it is not too late... listen to the complaints on this issue. I get the coding was easy or something... that's no excuse. Someone could work at Pizza Hut easily... but it doesn't mean their family is going to be happy with the results.
You could have 1 single bank in Britain... for a currency exchange. If someone wanted 780 million for some crazy event item... you could take enough gold to the New Britannia Mint and exchange 50 x 15 loads of checks for 15 platinum... and pay the guy 15 platinum (750m) plus 30m for the item. It would seem realistic like Ultima was meant to be... it would be logical... it would simply add a new "real" currency to the world, without taking anything away.
Dupers will keep 100m gold checks to dupe anyway... and we've already deduced that down to an illogical reason, as they can dupe Sphinxes to recuperate any loses. They can still trade gold... so the buying isn't going away from the sites... so I fail to see the point in changing the trade windows and checks that have existed for 18+ years. My idea would also free up space and give the Devs a new "Bank" to design rather than wasting countless hours on coding trade windows and a new banking system... it's absurd to change UO so much.
I hope this was constructive criticism instead of my usual pessimistic take... as I hope it truly helps. Listen to the players on this please - don't change the trade window and make it ugly. Girls absolutely hate ugly stuff... that's the reason we don't use the sheep statue reward, because it should have been the 2d kind and been "cute" my wife says.
Thanks... I do hope they you guys listen. You did on the IDOCs and I thank you, now I've got my 2010 Valentine's day Bear and a few other event items finally.
*Whispers* [Better yet, make this new bank in felucca!]