National Boston Cream Pie Day
National Boston Cream Pie Day
FOOODS BEEES GOOS*notices a food theme to the days*
*slowly goes insane as Lindae and Molokha clamour for latkes all day long*
latkes LEAST DEY NO WANTS BIDDY BAKAS*slowly goes insane as Lindae and Molokha clamour for latkes all day long*
Molokha, take that apron off, you're not qualified to participate.
I couldn't agree more. The tears fell as I watched a commercial thanking all of our Veterans. Thank you for all you've done. Know that it's because of you that we have the right to agree to disagree. Your many sacrifices are so appreciated! *deep curtsey*To those that served or are now in service - For all that you have given, thank you.
WABES(OOC: I had a dream last night that I tried to apply for a position as an EM and Mesanna wouldn't accept my application until I'd brought Ozog back to the game, so I found this list of obscure clues and was hunting him all around downtown Sydney. IIRC I never found him so I guess I can't be an EM. Damn it, Ozog!)