DAT SKEERYPast the doors there lies a field of dead grass and dark, barren sands. No sun shines on the quiet savannah. No wind blows, nor rain falls; no clouds gather. The sky is bleak and drained of colour. The horizon is an unwavering line. If anything has ever walked on this earth, it left no print or mark of its passage. It is useless to look for bearings here. Pick a direction at random and walk. If you chose wisely, and if nothing finds you on the way, you will eventually stumble over the remnants of a building long since crumbled into ruin. There is little left. Look closely and see the shallow dents of engraved words, too weathered now to read. You will find the arch of a window. You will find old ashes. You may find useless links of chain or twists of torn wrought iron. There are no bones. Do not look for them. Do not dig.
What? Sympathy? You're not going to jump up and down and screech in my ears? What sort of inadequate misfit goblin are you? I demand to be mistreated! I demand it!
...what are you implying!
That you listen to bad 70's disco?...what are you implying!
I will not tolerate this unforgivable slander.That you listen to bad 70's disco?
just beees making noise fer yoos hangober...what are you implying!
HIDESHelp! Santa Claus is in my bedroom! He wants me to look in his Santa sack! I don't want to look in his Santa sack!! *runs out into the night*
ew hilloo im lyndeigh, my only marketble talent is puting things in my buttOh hallo! I'm Alouenikah and I'm dumb as a bag of socks!
*wabes* *den smacks wif fishy**scuffles over to the desk and sits down with a fresh cup of coffee, boots up the computer and pulls up Baja Stratics. Takes a sip while opening up the Mornins thread and catches up on reading the last few posts*
Good morning all. It's a beautiful day here in Chicago. Hope you all have a good one.