Hello everyone. Glad to see some familiar faces in the babble thread after all these years. Hope everyone is well and having fun.
You would also be very welcome back in OTNHB, even if only to even-up the "non-yank" vs. "yank" debates.Long time no see
It's good to see the familiar faces lurking around, even if the babble does seem a little weak these days.
Just popped in here and realised I haven't installed UO on my machine since the haswell upgrade, installing it now to see if it still runs as "well" on a stupidly fast machine as it used to
I haven't played much for years, but i'm getting an itch (fortunately I've kept the account running).
There used to be a soulstone graveyard on the shard. Not sure who inherited it though. others will know for sure.Hello,
Is there anyway to recover your lost soulstones?
Hello Serafi. Long itme no see!There used to be a soulstone graveyard on the shard. Not sure who inherited it though. others will know for sure.
Hello Serafi. Long itme no see!
I doubt you remeber but we used to play in the same guild a couple of years ago with Cail, argantes etc.
I seem to remember a soulstone graveyard in the Tokuno City but i cant find it
Its really sad that there is no way to recalim your rewards. I mean the soulstones are account bout anyway.
Another question that someone might answer.
Ive dont remeber the password for one of my accounts. I do know the username but im not sure what email that was registered to so the "forgot password" feature doesnt really help me.
Is there someone you can conntact about things like this? Either ingame or by mail?
Ello trouble!
Not playin just now - far too much going on in RL. But feel free to give me a shout via FB if you're still on there. Happy to help out if I can![]()
[email protected]
Be prepared for a long drawn out process before they will pass out any details.
I was at your idoc in zento but arrived late, I didn't see any soul stones, if you shout raze in alliance chat I'm sure he mentioned to me that he was at your keep idoc
Soul stone graveyard use to be in trinsic, the devs have since give turn in points for old stones which I seem to remember causing security issues over the grave yard and people actually handing in soul stones. I'm sure someone will have more of an idea on this...
Oh and welcome back!
Also remembering Cara Lacey R.I.P huni xxxxxRemembering 3yrs later Cara Lacey of The Twilight Predators
hello you. You're missed btw, just in case you wondered![]()
As long as I'm enjoying it, I'll keep doing itYou're making the place live! Congrats, and long may you continue to enjoy it.
haha what u mean yall don't want to talk like a southerner?Nature is sooo unreliable ... hello y'all! Darn, too much telly-watching, it corrupts my accent ....
It's always one-upmanship and attention-seeking with you isn't it !Greetings all. Seems we had an earthquake here at lunchtime, and I didn't even notice.
That is unreliable.
Dear FluffIt's always one-upmanship and attention-seeking with you isn't it !
Peely says hello
Camby says hello
Nilrem says hello
Barney miraculously escapes death
Ginger Valentine and Tia both pop-in to say Hi !
Cail shows us pictures of bizarre knitting contraptions
... I think I might have even seen a Nixon post
But you ! YOU !!!
What do you have to say for yourself?
"... Oooh, ooh, ooh! Everybody look at me! I live in a really fragile country that appears to be falling to pieces, but I am so cool and groovy that I didn't even notice."
Hush, woman!
Dear Fluff
It was a very small earthquake, of the kind that might be expected in the West Country.
In the meantime I am much closer to the San Andreas fault, where there is even less activity.
Now take your medicine and practice deep breathing, my dear.
I missed this beautiful background story the last two times I've popped in, but I'm glad I took the time to read it today. Thanks for sharing that Camby, you call upon lots of feelings which are very close to my heart and more than likely everyone elses on these forums. Dear Lord though, how you ever recovered after such a poignant method of leaving UO is beyond me. I could never do it quite like that, I think I'd just throw the computer out the window and go and live in a cave.Even though i stopped playing over 5 years ago, I still have the fondest memories of UO and try to keep in touch now and again.
13 years ago, I met a player called Stormcrow - he had a mercenary guild based just east of Yew and I was invited to become a part of it. UO was my first MMO - as it was for many - and roleplaying was new to me. I was a trainer at the time, and on the particular day I created my first character had spent the day teaching Food Hygiene. I sat on the character screen wondering what on Earth to call myself - all I knew was I was going to create a coloured woman, and going to roleplay an upper class lady who had lost her inheritance and who acted beyond the means she actually possessed. A bacteria I had talked about stuck in my head - Campylobacter Jejuni. I liked the word, and opted to call my character Cambylobacter as I didnt want to be referred to as Camp or Campy.
Back to Yew, and The Iron Glove Mercenaries. We had some wonderful months: I remember operating with The Knights Templar, defending Vesper from Zen's Judges, fighting a certain Aston Villa supporter in Felluca, dealing with cheeky serf's in Trinsic and dark characters in the Darkcloaks. Wonderful days. In 2002 Camby married a wonderful player called Belkon Dra which I found perfectly reasonable regardless of the fact I'm a socially adjusted, heterosexual male! In 2003 Stormcrow had to leave and I had the responsibility to run the guild put upon me - something I was not prepared for or competent enough to do given the time I had. I tried for several months to keep my guild running, but a social life and work commitments made that difficult. Some of my guild members had higher ambitions. I remember with fondness one of my dearest guildmembers, Paladis. Who was I to know he was a dirty Kaldorian!
With The Iron Gloves running on autopilot as real life overwhelmed me, guildies such as Paladis and Garion worked to move on to their next ambition, setting up The Kaldorians. They were a great addition to the roleplaying community, and whilst at the time I was somewhat put out that they put their efforts elsewhere rather than help run IGC, I quickly realised it was the best thing. Camby went into hiding for some time before returning to her birthplace of Cove and joining the Covians in a half-hearted attempt to grow old gracefully.
Cove brings specific memories to me - of Terry and Petra Fyde's shop where I bought my first Silver Katana of something or other. Of the graveyard where I started developing my character. Of my first small house i had in the game. Of a wonderful little virtual life in a sleepy village after a hard day's reality.
And then, when I awakened to the fact I was spending more time playing UO than working; when I realised I was missing real life social events to claim a BOD or go dragon hunting in Destard, I realised it was time for me to move on.
I'm not ashamed to recall how I left - I took Camby to the location where her and Belkon Dra had got married 4 or 5 years earlier, logged out, uninstalled the game and cried profusely. It felt like I was losing best friends.
The power and impact of UO to me is not lost to this day. I remember meeting Laton and many others at the UO drinkathon in London. More I met the year later such as Petra, when I arranged the next real life meet up in Nottingham - we were all dying to meet Petra back then who was a legend in the making already and picked Nottingham specifically so she could come. She always got more attention than Terry, I'm not sure why
There are too many names for me to mention that I have met and moved on from in Ultima Online. I'm sure we're all the same that the diversity and depth of the people we met in our virtual lives has touched us all. All I can say is, that I don't want to reinstall UO. I don't want to wake Lady Cambylobacter Seraph from her long sleep; she deserves it. I want to remember fondly the wonderful times and people I knew. The real secret is that Ultima Online isn't an MMO; it isn't somewhere to take a character from level 1, to level 2, to level 3; it isn't somewhere to play the auction house or do some PvP: It's our second life. I can recall the waters north of Cove. I remember the swamps that consumed Yew. I remember standing side by side with strangers in The Gauntlet, saving each others lives and never meeting again. I remember my first visit to Felluca and the chill as I saw the trees with no leaves, the sound effect as I gated in and the sight of a name in red. I remember entering Shame and the first time I dared to go down to the second level. I remember everyone I ever met and I thank you all for those memories whether you read this or not.
For the majority here who I don't know and don't know me, I have no doubt my feelings mirror yours. Ultima Online is our second life. Don't ever neglect your first one, and don't ever forget our virtual one. I haven't.
Bless you all,
Means you're getting old KasPS: S'crazy logging into these forums (which are looking better than ever) and seeing options to log in with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Steam. None of these existed when I first started posting here.
S'good, don't get me wrong. It's just a little jarring to realise how much time has past; like seeing a cyborg riding a penny farthing.