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Chesapeake PVP Thread


Stratics Veteran
Ill admit the other night Army whooped my drunk ass in duels too lol, it goes back and forth.
But other then maybe you Army, Cotton, Amit and Claire there are no OSHOOT characters in the alliance. And Im not even sure if PITS is even on this shard any longer as I fought all of them in Despise last night on ATL.
We all know what an OSHOOT toon is....as soon as they pop up on your screen you say OSHOOT.
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill admit the other night Army whooped my drunk ass in duels too lol, it goes back and forth.
But other then maybe you Army, Cotton, Amit and Claire there are no OSHOOT characters in the alliance. And Im not even sure if PITS is even on this shard any longer as I fought all of them in Despise last night on ATL.
We all know what an OSHOOT toon is....as soon as they pop up on your screen you say OSHOOT.
You know when your best in your guild though Tao, when I offer a duel for gold and the response is..duel Tao, or ill duel you on my tamer , lawl kids are bad

..but wait the wreck me..silly me
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Stratics Veteran
Regardless I wouldnt duel you for items ever or anyone I am friends with. We have dueled literally hundreds of times and you know thats not what I am about.


Seasoned Veteran
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I haz a pear tree in my yard and I eatz da ones that fall.



Slightly Crazed
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Ouch Sub-par, what does that make 99.9 percent of the other pvpers on this shard.
Clearly I over stated. There are a few of you that are good. But vast majority, lets be honest, aren't great. I'm not trying to hate, its just true.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
enough about pear trees and sub par players, whats your story lately

I guess cotton is being studious and playing darkfall.

amit is playing jack Kerouac, galavanting with with jet set crowd.

army is awaiting lord British's return to mmo's and managing his real estate empire.

navi is being, well..... navi

pits / pk / ld alliance has taken a hit

pits went to atl and joined high five, which I guess is a big guild zr so that makes sense.

ld is not happy about the above.

am I up to speed on this?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
enough about pear trees and sub par players, whats your story lately

I guess cotton is being studious and playing darkfall.

amit is playing jack Kerouac, galavanting with with jet set crowd.

army is awaiting lord British's return to mmo's and managing his real estate empire.

navi is being, well..... navi

pits / pk / ld alliance has taken a hit

pits went to atl and joined high five, which I guess is a big guild zr so that makes sense.

ld is not happy about the above.

am I up to speed on this?
I don't know..maybe, maybe not!

But I am waiting for SoTA :)

...UO has been becoming stale for quite some time

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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enough about pear trees and sub par players, whats your story lately

I guess cotton is being studious and playing darkfall.

amit is playing jack Kerouac, galavanting with with jet set crowd.

army is awaiting lord British's return to mmo's and managing his real estate empire.

navi is being, well..... navi

pits / pk / ld alliance has taken a hit

pits went to atl and joined high five, which I guess is a big guild zr so that makes sense.

ld is not happy about the above.

am I up to speed on this?
i feel so left out :sad3:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good fight last nite about 6:45 est in despise. figures I had to leave at 7 to get my kid and by the time I came back it was over.

I was bummed out. Pullo was on a roll.

good to see you left the coon up a long time *GAGS*
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just like you overstate your ability to pvp..stick to scripting, you're better at that.. Mad :heart: to my favorite elitist
Please...tell me what scripts I use to PvP??? Explain what they do for me??? I'd love to hear it! I mean hell, I watched people accuse Nicky of (and I quote) "screen size hacking" which apparently meant he could see more than other people?? First off, it's laughable at face value, but then, if you think about it even more, how would that even help? Spells and weapons still have a max range! DUH! The crap that dribbles out of people's mouths is hysterical to me! So...please tell me what scripts I use and how they benefit me! I'd love another laugh today!


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Please...tell me what scripts I use to PvP??? Explain what they do for me??? I'd love to hear it! I mean hell, I watched people accuse Nicky of (and I quote) "screen size hacking" which apparently meant he could see more than other people?? First off, it's laughable at face value, but then, if you think about it even more, how would that even help? Spells and weapons still have a max range! DUH! The crap that dribbles out of people's mouths is hysterical to me! So...please tell me what scripts I use and how they benefit me! I'd love another laugh today!
Man..first off clowny, I never said you "used" scripts (atleast I hope not because you suck) I said stick to "making" scripts cause you're better at that...give me a break

As for Nicky hacking, I don't care or worry about what "he" does. Fact is all the kid is good at is running off my screen in a 1v1..Legendary Coward..period..hope I've helped you in accomplishing your lawl moment for the day.. :loser:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Man..first off clowny, I never said you "used" scripts (atleast I hope not because you suck) I said stick to "making" scripts cause you're better at that...give me a break

As for Nicky hacking, I don't care or worry about what "he" does. Fact is all the kid is good at is running off my screen in a 1v1..Legendary Coward..period..hope I've helped you in accomplishing your lawl moment for the day.. :loser:
Well then I guess you should stick to board warrioring...considering you do more of that than you do PLAYING the game! And I'm not sure that you or your guild can even comment on running off screen. Most of your guildmates have Legendary Running on their templates...except Amit...he's upped his game with Legendary Running combined with smoke bomb and hide! There's a REAL Legendary Coward for ya! I can't count the number of times I've watched him run away and let his guildmates die!


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Well then I guess you should stick to board warrioring...considering you do more of that than you do PLAYING the game! And I'm not sure that you or your guild can even comment on running off screen. Most of your guildmates have Legendary Running on their templates...except Amit...he's upped his game with Legendary Running combined with smoke bomb and hide! There's a REAL Legendary Coward for ya! I can't count the number of times I've watched him run away and let his guildmates die!
No I play a decent amount, just not on chessy. I don't have my own Mage on chessy anymore. I sold my main mages account and my other is on Atlantic..where I've been playing. The only character I run on chessy ATM is a dp ninja dexxer, which is an extremely fun template at the moment, so finishing up my scribe has been thrown on the back burner for now. Don't you worry though once he's finished y'all can dodge my 50m duels minus your guilds awesome mascot, who plays a dismount archer tamer and feels his bake/dread combo is skill


Stratics Veteran



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
dude, If orion sucks 99.9 pct of your crew shouldn't even be allowed in fel.

he's one of the best callers in the game. he also has accumulated quite a bit of gold in his bank boxes as have we all wrecking various members of your crew on a consistent, so much so that your guild really should be called ATM.

funny how whenever we are near to even numbers we find ourselves chasing your group from one guard zone to another.


Stratics Veteran
...The only character I run on chessy ATM is a dp ninja dexxer...
And I remember all your comments about Nicky running that same temp on Fulc - "he sucks so has to play that template", "anyone can play that template", "anyone who plays that template is terrible in this game" (this one hits close to home eh? - Derp di di Derp Derp!), "what a puss for using that template", the list goes on .. man, Army Poodle'z hypocrisy at its best here! lol
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And I remember all your comments about Nicky running that same temp on Fulc - "he sucks so has to play that template", "anyone can play that template", "anyone who plays that template is terrible in this game" (this one hits close to home eh? - Derp di di Derp Derp!), "what a puss for using that template", the list goes on .. man, Army Poodle'z hypocrisy at its best here! lol
Ok fine ill break out my peacer weave Mage..and you still won't be able to kill me sadist lol

..and I remember alot you said...ill never be in a guild with Nicky Dyal, and Brian is one of the best tamers in the game but he rage logs and is a bad guildie..but here we are today


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
army look at it like when johnny damon went from the red sox to the Yankees. arch enemies once but teammates now.

teammate, something you know nothing about.


Stratics Veteran
Ok fine ill break out my peacer weave Mage..and you still won't be able to kill me sadist lol
You're right, you ran away from me and into your house the last time you fought me on that character... so I can't kill you..

..and I remember alot you said...ill never be in a guild with Nicky Dyal, and Brian is one of the best tamers in the game but he rage logs and is a bad guildie..but here we are today
Indeed, those opinions have never changed (except I have never once heard Nicky or Brian rage log since they joined).. so when is the last time you saw me fight alongside them?

army look at it like when johnny damon went from the red sox to the Yankees. arch enemies once but teammates now. teammate, something you know nothing about.
Well, he was a good guild member for quite some time, even in my other guild before P@!N got started. He was very helpful with giving some advice and education on armor (which he was paid 25 million gold for) Teammate is another story. To be a Teammate you need to play with your Team, heal them, follow the Caller, and do what is best for your Team members... so, I agree Steve, he FAILED that aspect.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're right, you ran away from me and into your house the last time you fought me on that character... so I can't kill you..
Not sure when my peacer has ever PvPed lol I'm willing to bet never..but I'd be 100% willing to set up an arena time with that toon

Indeed, those opinions have never changed (except I have never once heard Nicky or Brian rage log since they joined).. so when is the last time you saw me fight alongside them?
Not sure the last time I've seen you PVP..either crafting, having an AMAZING RL..grooming the ponytail..also not sure I care, I play chessy very little.

Well, he was a good guild member for quite some time, even in my other guild before P@!N got started. He was very helpful with giving some advice and education on armor (which he was paid 25 million gold for) Teammate is another story. To be a Teammate you need to play with your Team, heal them, follow the Caller, and do what is best for your Team members... so, I agree Steve, he FAILED that aspect.
All depends..if its you calling ill you ever hear was "OK! Im calling.." Then we roll up and all you hear is Silence..lol *clap clap*

As for the 25m....ok lol what else do I say to the only thing you ever have to say to me :bdh:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chessy isnt really pvp so no trash talk :p but on another note, u can say nething on these boards now. Bout time sick of gettin infractions for idiotic reasons


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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Chessy isnt really pvp so no trash talk :p but on another note, u can say nething on these boards now. Bout time sick of gettin infractions for idiotic reasons
You'll probably get a suspension for saying that lol.

I logged on, found Sadist and some randoms doing dsp, we raided. Was 8 PK/PITs vs 7-8 PAIN (I'm assuming some of you were double charing, or switched midway) if not you had over 10. Was just a down right ass whooping. I know I killed Nicky 5 times myself! I heard from the flies on the wall that he raged logged because you guys weren't capable of cross healing.... Which from my side seemed pretty true. We waited till we killed you the 4th time to kill the champ, I had to leave, and others needed to as well. I came back around 8pm, did couple dsp no one even showed up. So I logged off and went back to Darkfall. In darkfall you can find a fight anywhere, anytime. UO, you guys come out to 1 or 2 fights, if you lose your gone for the night. Or until you have massive number advantages. You guys still pretend we zerg you 100% of time -- and that is just not true. PAIN has ~35-40 members. That is ALOT for this day an age in UO. But its ok, you'll reply that I'm "changing history" and how terrible I am. I and everyone else is getting used to the same-o same-o. If you guys fought half as much as you talked, chessy would be fun.

DreadLord Lestat

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I think I have been very fair, I have edited a few inappropriate words but have not given anyone infractions or even warnings. :(

DreadLord Lestat

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I started a character but got sidetracked and then it seems not much is going on. Looks like people are taking breaks or playing Atlantic.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And I remember all your comments about Nicky running that same temp on Fulc - "he sucks so has to play that template", "anyone can play that template", "anyone who plays that template is terrible in this game" (this one hits close to home eh? - Derp di di Derp Derp!), "what a puss for using that template", the list goes on .. man, Army Poodle'z hypocrisy at its best here! lol
My temp on fulc is twice the deathstriking temp as SHADY
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'll probably get a suspension for saying that lol.

I logged on, found Sadist and some randoms doing dsp, we raided. Was 8 PK/PITs vs 7-8 PAIN (I'm assuming some of you were double charing, or switched midway) if not you had over 10. Was just a down right ass whooping. I know I killed Nicky 5 times myself! I heard from the flies on the wall that he raged logged because you guys weren't capable of cross healing.... Which from my side seemed pretty true. We waited till we killed you the 4th time to kill the champ, I had to leave, and others needed to as well. I came back around 8pm, did couple dsp no one even showed up. So I logged off and went back to Darkfall. In darkfall you can find a fight anywhere, anytime. UO, you guys come out to 1 or 2 fights, if you lose your gone for the night. Or until you have massive number advantages. You guys still pretend we zerg you 100% of time -- and that is just not true. PAIN has ~35-40 members. That is ALOT for this day an age in UO. But its ok, you'll reply that I'm "changing history" and how terrible I am. I and everyone else is getting used to the same-o same-o. If you guys fought half as much as you talked, chessy would be fun.
You sir are living in a different pixel reality then the rest of us. At no time has PAIN lost even numbers 5 times. Your flies sound more like useless wishes (I may go smoke) but if I'm dying I'm coming back. That's what I play/pay for cotton. It's becoming clearer to me with every post u exaggerate or lie more then anyone else posting. WHY?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My temp on fulc is twice the deathstriking temp as SHADY
Just means you've had more practice lol..give it time I've played a Mage 90% of my UO career and will gladly prove it to you :)..give me time getting used to gimpy nature of it, and you'll die just as hard on my DS as you do my Mage..110 myst duels..ha clown reacts to a challenge with that retort..no worries you'll eventually be huggin your In game BFF's temp when all else fails..

..and for the record my mystic is training as we speak, once he's done ill GLADLY take you up on that 110m wager, even though we both know you'll dodge into another template, and at one point it'll leave you saying, "150m sampire vs sampire" get down to your Trammy roots, not all of us were born in tram.. :clown:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You sir are living in a different pixel reality then the rest of us. At no time has PAIN lost even numbers 5 times. Your flies sound more like useless wishes (I may go smoke) but if I'm dying I'm coming back. That's what I play/pay for cotton. It's becoming clearer to me with every post u exaggerate or lie more then anyone else posting. WHY?
I don't know why either. maybe playing games on the computer is the best part of his life and it would be epic failure to admit he's not elite at it.

notice the poor attempt to suggest he has spies in p@in, like this is a good thing. I wonder how much they report back to him that we think him and his whole guild sucks.

cotton: "spy, what is pain saying?"

spy: "they think that pits / pk are horrible guard zone huggers and only come to fight when they first kiss ld's butt to come help"

cotton: "thanks"


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just means you've had more practice lol..give it time I've played a Mage 90% of my UO career and will gladly prove it to you :)..give me time getting used to gimpy nature of it, and you'll die just as hard on my DS as you do my Mage..110 myst duels..ha clown reacts to a challenge with that retort..no worries you'll eventually be huggin your In game BFF's temp when all else fails..

..and for the record my mystic is training as we speak, once he's done ill GLADLY take you up on that 110m wager, even though we both know you'll dodge into another template, and at one point it'll leave you saying, "150m sampire vs sampire" get down to your Trammy roots, not all of us were born in tram.. :clown:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just means you've had more practice lol..give it time I've played a Mage 90% of my UO career and will gladly prove it to you :)..give me time getting used to gimpy nature of it, and you'll die just as hard on my DS as you do my Mage..110 myst duels..ha clown reacts to a challenge with that retort..no worries you'll eventually be huggin your In game BFF's temp when all else fails..

..and for the record my mystic is training as we speak, once he's done ill GLADLY take you up on that 110m wager, even though we both know you'll dodge into another template, and at one point it'll leave you saying, "150m sampire vs sampire" get down to your Trammy roots, not all of us were born in tram.. :clown:
NO. I don't mean more practice. I mean I have about 100 more skill points then u, wield heavier hitting specials, and have the proper "gank" combos for group play. I seriously laugh at you on that character, we've all seen Fulcanelli running into a fight by himself and way outnumbered, still waiting for Shady to be anything more then the 3rd character to join in a gank. Again, Fulc is twice the deathstriking temp that shady is!!!

As for the mage duels- Its an uphill battle for a non scribe/dp mage to fight a scribe/dp. Not saying it can't b won from either side(you have lost in dungeons 1v1) but its without a doubt a edge to have the same spells hitting for double your opponets. I'm glad you feel you found your nitch to be great in UO, I personally wouldn't brag about being dependent on one char to state my playing worth. My offers will stand for however long I'm playing, when I finish a pure or you finish a myst, or you take me up on w/e player class we both have.
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Slightly Crazed
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I don't know why either. maybe playing games on the computer is the best part of his life and it would be epic failure to admit he's not elite at it.

notice the poor attempt to suggest he has spies in p@in, like this is a good thing. I wonder how much they report back to him that we think him and his whole guild sucks.

cotton: "spy, what is pain saying?"

spy: "they think that pits / pk are horrible guard zone huggers and only come to fight when they first kiss ld's butt to come help"

cotton: "thanks"
I'm well aware you think we all suck, and that I'm terrible. That doesn't bother me, since I rarely die, and I kill 10x more than I die. So you can think what you want, and I'll know what I know.
As far as to the best part of my life? I find great enjoyment at reading all of your guys poor attempt to claim victory on a forum and berate thy Cotton. I have accomplished more in my 25 years on this planet then most of you have or will. With work, school, and my upcoming side business on the rise, I don't have time for computer games like I used to. Doesn't mean I won't be back at some point to kill you all, all day long. But when I'm online, you all die and rage log. Its fact.


Grand Inquisitor
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Know what else is fact sir cotton! You never come talk to me in vent :wah wah emoticon: <doubt that worked

Don't Tread on Me

Lore Keeper
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before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.

eric clapton
i just looked in the mirror and realized i'm getting fat. no wonder my deathstrikes aren't working and i can't keep up with anyone anymore. well, i guess it's time to work my magery skill, as your fitness levels are not nearly as high using those skills.

seriously though, all y'all miss me, i know it.

~~~ i don't get the eric clapton thing...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PAIN has ~35-40 members. That is ALOT for this day an age in UO. But its ok, you'll reply that I'm "changing history" and how terrible I am.
So I just did a check of P@!N's Ventrilo:
39 - Total # of vent logins (including duplicates, etc)
20 - Total # of names that have logged in within the past 90 days

So yea..."changing history" as always and using your typical counting system of "2, 4, 6, 8..." And that count of 20 is even a stretch considering I'm counting Roar (who I have not personally seen in vent in a LONG time) and Twink who has been MIA for a little while now, as well as a few others that have only logged in for maybe 1-2 times in the last 90 days. My count of "active" P@!N members is 11.

I have accomplished more in my 25 years on this planet then most of you have or will.
Doubtful. You know as well as I do that I've accomplished WAY more in my life and have made more in the past 3 years than you've made in your entire life! ;)


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Doubtful. You know as well as I do that I've accomplished WAY more in my life and have made more in the past 3 years than you've made in your entire life! ;)
I think we all know based on the multiple rants you've spouted out..

That's not worth my time..I've worked out some figures here guys if you multiply my douchbaggyness(fake word) and divide it by my elitist attitude..that means by my mathematical calculations my time is worth $11.00 a minute or whatever it was..lol we all know, thanks though Orion.

I'll help pat yourself on the back, just in case your hand is getting tired.

Oh yea..before I forget ... ;)


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I mowed a lawn once and got paid 75 dollars. I was really proud of myself that day.
Pfft...I would have subbed it out to a crew of Central Americans, paid them $25 and profited $50 as a middle man, with little to no effort...The American Dream!

Saying that though, your needling is sub par, but cute. Keep up the good work!


Seasoned Veteran
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I'm with Tao you guys need to cool your jets. Your all fat lifeless nerds(Joking!) But in all seriousness..... If we can ever get all of my guild to log on together we need to do a guild vs guild field fight at the farmz.

Vs 5-6 pain guys

No gold, no wagers just bragging rights to see who's the best irl for realz