What I initially interpreted as "missing" was indeed, after I followed your directions, a feature. You're not stuck with the default bar. Very nice.
Only one fatal error thus far. When I reset my ignore list, the client crashes, will not restart properly unless I restart my computer and, when it does restart it blows away my settings and sets all the sound volumes to maximum. The last bit was actually amusing because I had forgotten how much I'd adjusted all the settings....in particular how loooo I'd set music volume in favor of purely tactical sounds which I have set very high. Had to yank my headphones off my head at the opening screen
Going through all the options was yet another reminder of how little I know. After all, no game is so hell bent on chasing new players away quite the way UO is and this mod is strictly for veteran players. You can get by the "you're new, f*ck you," 20 skill point, 5 stat point, you can't use this and you can't use that penalties by buying an old, blank account, which I did. But that's just points.
I am still overwhelmed at times by the accepted level of obtuseness endemic in the game. In some places this UI makes up for that. There is, for example, quite an elaborate description of the usefulness of scissors when you mouse over them in your backpack.
Anything with the word, legacy, attached always means a deep swamp that can only be traversed wearing some game item that has to be a tenth year veteran reward. It took several tries to get functional displays on my backpack and containers without extraneous leather, wood, or metal borders. And that whole business of recuse/rescue/j'accuse...whatever the hell those two made up words are have no tooltips but needn't for this UI's intended audience. I'm still getting used to players coming up to the bank and firing off novel length macroed phrases..."Buy bank guards rescu redux..." and more that I cannot recall. I trust a bank box opens at the end of it all.
And I guess nobody rides Ki-Rins anymore. That gorgeous little magic casting steed was not among the mount icons. I'm not quite sure what those icons do anyway though I'm sure it's something quite useful.
Removing a pet from the stable was interesting. In the Lucitus mod, a health bar appears when you do with a little green button allowing you to change its name if you want. With this I did manage to get a pet bar to appear but its green dot could be called the Betty Ford button as clicking it detoxed my Hiryu. Another button cast Greater Heal. I'm sure my Hiryu would have assurred me that he'd not gotten into a fight in the stables and was just fine - really - if it could talk. I don't think I'd like my pets to talk, though, as I tend to put them through so much idiotic hell.
The Map icon brings up a map. No surprise there. But the option to turn it into a small tactical circle map escaped me. I did like the option to get rid of the maddening skewing of UO maps that tilt the entire world to the northeast.
In short, although it lacks the Teutonic clarity of the Lucitus Interface I'm certain I will appreciate this one more as I learn more about the game. Besides, I don't think the concept of clarity fits with Ultima Online: the "you have to have been there to be here" MMO.