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Pinco's UI

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Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

It'll take a while, but it is possible. Most of it is tweaking the numbers in the XML by a point here and there, save, reload UI, repeat. Just time consuming, but I will see about doing it this week :)

Edit: I am going to have to make it a little bigger to fit the extra info (about 8 or so pixels taller than the Copper/Stone enhanced models), but that shouldn't be tough.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the healthbars are nice, I suggest the use of a shadow behind the name or a dark gray as background, because some names should result too bright...


Could you tweak the Copper texture pack to make health bars, party bars, etc. look more like they do in Copper Enhanced? A mixture of the Copper look with both C_E's and Pinco's functionality would rule!

I prefer the smaller health bars without pictures for maximum savings in screen real estate.
Be careful, you can scale everything (healthbars too). So a little healthbars on interface, if scaled became unusable :p


Lore Master
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You are aware that Pinco already has Copper and Stone texture packs, as well as the Copper Enhanced icons pack specifically for his UI available on his website?
I know, but it is incomplete on quite a few things (icons, healthbars, etc). And also the new stuff Dermott shows here, is pretty neat!

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Be careful, you can scale everything (healthbars too). So a little healthbars on interface, if scaled became unusable :p

Oh, aye, thats whay I've done recently. I just prefer less on the healthbar, i.e. no picture of the player etc. It's great for the target window, but just not my preference for the health bars or party bars. I'm kinda minimalist in that way.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Oh, aye, thats whay I've done recently. I just prefer less on the healthbar, i.e. no picture of the player etc. It's great for the target window, but just not my preference for the health bars or party bars. I'm kinda minimalist in that way.
I agree I prefer not to have the pics on the party bars... I like smaller bars.


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
I can't make a toggle for faces, sorry :p

- Added the countdown timer for Curse Weapon:
 * The timer starts when you start to cast the spell.
 * If the spell fizzle the timer stops.
 * The timer count the casting time.
- Added the countdown timer for Consecrate Weapon:
 * The timer starts when you start to cast the spell.
 * The countdown is approximative (there is no way to calculate karma).
 * If the spell fizzle the timer still go (there is no way to detect the fizzle).


Grand Inquisitor
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I have three requests. One of them is a repeat, so I'll only ask for it one more time, and then I'll shutup.

- I'd love to have configurable panic messages, configurable in the same way the danger messages are. I'd like to see them for low hp especially (but the same configuration options as the danger bar option). I pvp a lot and those flashing panic messages are a huge help, because it's awfully easy to lose track of your health bar in a big melee when you may be watching pet health bars and team mates as well. And in fact, that would be one configuration option I would love to see as well, a panic message for low pet health.

- Would it be possible to have all stackable items be lootable with the right click? And would it be possible to have the option to loot gold to either the main pack or the loot bag?

Anyway, these aren't complaints, I love your UI, and I very much appreciate all the work you've put into it.

Old Man of UO

Nice! Those timers are something people have been asking for in ages for ea to do!

I (and others that I know) have put in multiple requests for those timers and it was pretty much ignored by the Developers, no response of any kind. I gave up on it long ago.

Anything that has limited time duration should have a timer attached.


Seasoned Veteran
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A countdown timer for Consecrate Weapon and Curse Weapon?!?
*wipes a tear from his eye*
Thank you Pinco. Thank you.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Yup, I didn't change any of that code. I did have to redo the health bar and of course position changing in XML, other code was unaffected.

I've completed the mobile health bar and the Target Window for Copper (Stone should go quickly since I'd only need to port the XML files over and make changes to two DDS texture files (one for the health bar and one for the MHB window).

Switched gears for the evening though and am working on finishing up the icons for the new UI skin package. I can ad din the new package into a Pinco set, but for the Exchange/Enhanced version, I still need a certain LUA-based addition for it to be "right".


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have three requests. One of them is a repeat, so I'll only ask for it one more time, and then I'll shutup.

- I'd love to have configurable panic messages, configurable in the same way the danger messages are. I'd like to see them for low hp especially (but the same configuration options as the danger bar option). I pvp a lot and those flashing panic messages are a huge help, because it's awfully easy to lose track of your health bar in a big melee when you may be watching pet health bars and team mates as well. And in fact, that would be one configuration option I would love to see as well, a panic message for low pet health.

- Would it be possible to have all stackable items be lootable with the right click? And would it be possible to have the option to loot gold to either the main pack or the loot bag?

Anyway, these aren't complaints, I love your UI, and I very much appreciate all the work you've put into it.
For the hp center screen text I'm looking what can I do, next version should have something :p

I don't understand the "all stackable items" part... actually you can loot everything with right click, if not just tell me what you can't loot because is a bug :D

The gold was removed from the loot bag for an easy use of bag of sending... however I can add a toggle for that too...

Switched gears for the evening though and am working on finishing up the icons for the new UI skin package. I can ad din the new package into a Pinco set, but for the Exchange/Enhanced version, I still need a certain LUA-based addition for it to be "right"
Let me guess, the small panel with weight, tithing, etc... near the status? XD


Would it be possible to have an option to select which combination of dynamic objects are selected? For example, items and corpses?



UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no, that's not possible.
I've been able to add items only because I can detect the difference from a mobile and an item, but the rest is hardcoded in the client :(

Old Man of UO

Two requests:

1) can fish obtained while fishing be dropped into a designated bag, much like the Loot Bag? I'd like to sort and drop the whole bag at one time.

2) can stealable items (such as dungeon rares) be directed into a designated bag?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can't be done... unfortunately I have not the ID of the item fished/stealed so there is no way to do that :(

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a option to set to see the consecrate weapon buff? It's not showing up for me, have the latest build.
Using copper if that makes a difference to it.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

- Added Quick Details window (modified Illandril version)
	* The window is movable, snappable, lockable and scalable.
	* Shows tithing, gold, followers, weight and luck
- Added a center screen warning for low hp and pet low hp. The percentage can be chosen in the customization menu.
- Added a toggle for make (or not) the gold to go into the loot bag.


Grand Inquisitor
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I don't understand the "all stackable items" part... actually you can loot everything with right click, if not just tell me what you can't loot because is a bug :D
I noticed it with regs specifically. You still have to hold shift down to right click to loot stacks of regs.

Beyond that, thanks so much for the new panic configuration options, and the loot gold to the bag as well. That panic message will save my poor toon's life more than a few times, I guarantee it. :)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you have to enable "Hold shift for unstack items" for loot stackables without press shilf, there is no other ways :p

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think this request is possible but i'll try :

Change the shift+control to show stuff to a mouse button? No options on the input menu to change it to anything else...


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
in fact ctrl+shift cannot be changed at all, I've tried many ways :(


Grand Inquisitor
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And thanks for the pet health warning as well. You totally rock.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Thanks for thinking of my beloved Pets!

Old Man of UO

I don't think this request is possible but i'll try :

Change the shift+control to show stuff to a mouse button? No options on the input menu to change it to anything else...
I haven't tried it, but I think one of the free keyboard remapping programs can do that. Some of the mouse programs will let you reassign keystrokes to the mouse buttons - I would check your mouse program first.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the mouse I suggest X-Mouse Button Control, it's free and easy to use :)

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've tried a few key re-mappers when you could only use the left ****+control to make the right ones work but they made em both work a few patches ago.

Will try that new one you recommended and see!

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Small bug on the quick details menu: on relog you can,t see it so you have to disable it and then enable it.


Grand Inquisitor
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Just thought I'd say again, I'm loving the low health and pet health panic messages. They are beautiful. Thanks again. :)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I've looked at the party health bars and not really sure I can make a suitable change to them, so I'm not even going to try to retexture or mess with them. Gonna do a little work with the mobile health bars so I can get the font a bit more visible in all cases.

I have the icons done, but I need to get the naming patterns done right for the spell icons.

Then it's on to some of the smaller pieces, then clean everything up and see about getting the changed files packed up as a texture pack.

Here is the revamped mobile health bar amd even did some work on the Mobiles window as well:


Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Couple things...

I get a Low Health mid-screen warning everytime I log in (at full health)

Can the mob corpse object handles disappearing after you open the corpse once be toggleable? Sometimes it's prudent to go back and look at a corpse, especially at EM events. With all the people there, object handles are a must.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the low health warning has some problem when you die too... I'm fixing all this.

The auto-ignore will have a toggle then :p


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Gonna do a little work with the mobile health bars so I can get the font a bit more visible in all cases.
I love the mobiles bar. Are you going to be doing the same for the pet bar?

the low health warning has some problem when you die too... I'm fixing all this.
I think it you should have a "berate" mode for death events. You know, you die and a large message starts scrolling across the bottom of your screen, "You idiot! What'd you go and die for? Show some back bone! Don't be such a wuss!" etc. etc.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- Fixed a problem with the "Low Life" and "Low Pet Life" message that keep showing while dead and after login.
- Added a toggle for the auto-ignore opened corpses.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- Fixed a problem with the consecrate weapon and curse weapon timers. Now they'll starts only when you are casting the spell.
- Now the quest creature left counter will be shown only 1 time when the amount change.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I love the mobiles bar. Are you going to be doing the same for the pet bar?

I'll have a look into it, shouldn't be too much of an issue though.

Pet bar should be easy, just a few XML tweaks as it's MOSTLY using the same stuff as the Mobiles bar, so the actual bar itself changed already, just need to get some of the XML for name placement, health bar placement and size and spell buttons done and it should be good to go.


Grand Inquisitor
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I love the mobiles bar. Are you going to be doing the same for the pet bar?

I'll have a look into it, shouldn't be too much of an issue though.

Pet bar should be easy, just a few XML tweaks as it's MOSTLY using the same stuff as the Mobiles bar, so the actual bar itself changed already, just need to get some of the XML for name placement, health bar placement and size and spell buttons done and it should be good to go.
Great! I have them side by side, it would offend my ocd if they didn't match... :D

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

I'll keep that in mind. However I'm still not sure if I'm going to touch party bars... a big voice in my head is saying "don't do it", but I might have at least a look at them.


Grand Inquisitor
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I'll keep that in mind. However I'm still not sure if I'm going to touch party bars... a big voice in my head is saying "don't do it", but I might have at least a look at them.
Party bars? I've been talking about the pet bar window which is identical in almost every way to the mobiles bar window.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Yeah, I know, another poster had asked about party bars and those would be the last batch after pet bars that I would have yet to work on in terms of health bars, so it was mostly just musing about what comes next.


Grand Inquisitor
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Is it possible to filter out ev's, rising colossus and blade spirits from the pet health warnings (I don't think those can be healed)? Also the gold to loot bag setting isn't being saved.
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