- Fixed the window snap problems. All windows will snap correctly
- Added the command macro for "toggle the block others paperdolls": script EnhancePack.ToggleBlockPaperdolls()
- Added the Object Handle customization:
* Set Object Handle Size: normal or small (2/3 of normal size)
* Set Object Handle Opacity: Dull, Half-Dull, Transparent
- Fixed a proble with wod button on healthbar, now it will disable correctly on hits change.
- Added "Always show Health, Mana, and Stamina" enabled into the Pinco's UI suggested settings.
Hmmm, I tried drag and drop, how do you drag and click?you can feed pet by the bar, just drag and click on the bar
I don't understand. I have to drag with the right button, not the left, or do I click with the right button then the left? *so confused*Ah I have to do that to drop stuff in a pack animal via the bar.
If you drag it over the bar you can release the right button and it will stay there, then a left click drops in.
Some more information. Now that I think of it, I had a similar problem with Lucis Interface when I was using scaled hotbars when I deleted some of them. He fixed the problem, but it took him some time to track it down and fix it. Now that I think of it, I had just deleted a couple of hotbars. So I'm thinking that was the problem, deleted scaled hotbars, and not the leaving the scaling enabled, or maybe it was a combination of the two. But I think the real problem was deleting the scaled hotbars.I just wanted you to know Pinco that I had a major malfunction with the UI today. I think it was because I forgot to disable the scale mode before I logged off. I had corruption in my hotbars, sizes were changed, my font size was increased to some astronomical size. I didn't take any screen shots because I was trying to help in pvp, but now that I think of it I could have anyway. If it happens again I'll take a screenshot.
Deleting a couple of the scale entries in my character file got rid of the hotbar corruption. I also had to redo all my UI settings, although that might have been because you changed the default settings.
Sorry Llewen, I'm directionally handicapped todayI don't understand. I have to drag with the right button, not the left, or do I click with the right button then the left? *so confused*
for the journal problem is very easy:Is it possible to reduce the size of those object handles without reducing the text size quite so much? The smaller size is great, but the text gets somewhat hard to read.
Also, can we get a way to keep the journal text from ever fading? Something that's annoyed me about the KR client since day one is that the damn text fades after a minute or two of inactivity.
I tried to delete, create, delete, create some hotbars and I think I've found a problem....Some more information. Now that I think of it, I had a similar problem with Lucis Interface when I was using scaled hotbars when I deleted some of them. He fixed the problem, but it took him some time to track it down and fix it. Now that I think of it, I had just deleted a couple of hotbars. So I'm thinking that was the problem, deleted scaled hotbars, and not the leaving the scaling enabled, or maybe it was a combination of the two. But I think the real problem was deleting the scaled hotbars.
- Fixed a bug with the default function ClearWindowPosition. Fixing this will also fix:
* Destroying scaled hotbars, will not destroy the size of the remaining ones.
* Random mismatched window sizes and positions.
- Added the medium size for object handles
- Added a shadow to object handles text for increase readability
- Disabled chat "auto-hide" into the Pinco's UI suggested settings.
- Added the "Reset To Default Settings" into the settings menu.
That was it exactly. I wanted to take a screenshot, but my faction mates were in the middle of a battle and I wanted to join them and I wasn't thinking clearly. So I missed both the battle and the screenshot...that's an hotbar after login :O
Ah thanks a lot. That will make it a lot easier to feed my pets.Once you have the item over the bar you can let go of the left button and the item will still be there attached to your pointer. Then while the item is still hovering over the pet's bar just click the left button and it will drop right in.
Very nice Dermott! And I like your icons and textures in Pinco's UI as well.I present... Legacy Container, grid view WITHOUT the grid
Frankly, I'd like the grid because I know where to put thingsLooking at the different legacy containers and they REALLY look good in grid-sans-grid view.
I think is useless this window, because hotbars can do the same work in a better way. Just scale it and put near the statusRight now I think the only addition from the Exchange I see is needed for Pinco's is the Quick Details Window (our little drop down info window that is connected to the status window)
We all agree with your sentiment. Still, I don't think us casual users can say thank you enough for all the work the Modders have put into the textures, icons and UI functionality. I am hoping that the Developers will see what can be done with Mods and get excited about making improvements in the Enhanced Client.... I'm still not happy yet with the advancement of the client, we'll have to see something more visibly substantial in future patches, but I like a lot of what Pinco has done.
+1We all agree with your sentiment. Still, I don't think us casual users can say thank you enough for all the work the Modders have put into the textures, icons and UI functionality. I am hoping that the Developers will see what can be done with Mods and get excited about making improvements in the Enhanced Client.
The default cycle of damage seems ok... so the only way to figure what's going on is this:I have a new one! I don't know if this is a UI issue, or an EC bug, but suddenly today some of my damage numbers and spell text became persistent. This shot was after over 20 minutes of me doing nothing.
I'm taking a look on that, I should find a wayThat's not what I meant for the chat window.. unchecking that "auto hide" option only keeps the chat window itself from collapsing automatically. What I want changed is how even if that's been done it still insists on making the text fade after some period of inactivity until you mouseover it, because there's really no reason for it (as you've already said you want the window open all the time anyway). I've had my journal open all the time for years in the CC, and it always pisses me off to see the text keep vanishing and reappearing.
Playing around some more with the textures... of course it's involving playing with the XML as well, so we'll see what comes of it.
Here's the Target Window ported over form my unfinished UI package. Wasn't sure where you had the positioning for your HP%/Invuln tag for the Target Window and didn't see it in the XML, so did a little tweak to make the health bar fit in with the texture better.
You are aware that Pinco already has Copper and Stone texture packs, as well as the Copper Enhanced icons pack specifically for his UI available on his website?Looks sweet! Are you releasing a special tailored texture pack for pincos mod?
I frankly hope for a yes Because I like the functionality of Pincos, but there are just to many bright colors. Am so used to the copper style now, don't want to miss it. I might be able to cope with stone too...