I am torn on this one.
I wonder if the PK community can act like adults, but I think it is unlikely. As Mark_Mythic pointed out in another thread, people delight in ruining the experience of others. It is unfortunately human nature. Some people live to destroy the experience of LIFE of those around them.
First of all, not EVERYONE delights in being an ass. There are people who like helping others, and then you also have those who just dont care what other people do and remain completely neutral, minding their own business and being a complete non-factor in the equasion of another person's experience....personally I fall under the latter.
I have long thought that Trammel was not the only solution...but after reading the responses in this thread, which one can only hold as representative of the whole, I wonder if I was wrong.
No, you werent wrong. Trammel was never necessary. It wasnt made due to PKing, it was all in part to EQ and EA/OSI wanting to be like EQ and get tons more subs from the kid friendly mainstream game hype. Thats all it was.
If the developers back then were actually interested in PK regulations, they would have put statloss back in, not completely change the core of the game by completely eliminating PvP with trammel.
Stat loss worked. The only reason it got taken out was because the reds she-dogged about it. Then the non PvP's she-dogged about the reds and we got trammel.
So, if stat loss worked, and it made people actually THINK and CONSIDER the repercussions of taking that first step down the path of bloodshed and knocked them out of comission for a while when they were killed, why didnt the developers just put it back in? Answer: There was another reason they made trammel.
I hate what Trammel did to the world I loved...to my core. But perhaps some people are too short sighted and immature to ever truly understand the lessons that history offers them.
Well, you have to take into account other factors, one of them being, maybe it wasnt the PKs who were being immature. Remember, PKing was, from the start, a part of the game. People were just playing the way they wanted to play and the way the game allowed them to. How is it the fault of the red if the person they killed erupted into a sea of tears and whining because that person took getting PK'd personally?
It wasnt always about griefing. A lot of PK's were as such because, well, thats how they wanted to play. They wanted to be the bad guy. The problem is a lot of people who were PK'd couldnt handle it. They got spiteful over something that was easy to recover from. So they started saying those people were PKing just to personally hurt them, personally cause them grief. This, in most cases, was not true.
Yeah, its easy to pain reds as these immature, psichotic, anti-social rejects who live in their parent's basement at age 34 and are complete losers who take their frustrations out on the world through the game, but the majority of the time, this was no where near the case. They were murderers, the criminal element, the evil side of a game that's core story line is based on the struggle between good and evil, moral and immoral. There are two sides to every story. Just believeing the blue guy is unfair to the other party.
Example scenario:
A guy shoots and kills another guy.
Now, automatically, people are going to sympathize with the guy who got shot and condemn the shooter, painting him as some monster.
Heres the problem with that..... why did the shooter do it? What are the facts? Was the shooter protecting himself? Was the guy who got shot a threat to the shooter? Was the guy who got shot a threat to the shooter's home or family?
This is how it was back in old UO. People who got PK'd automatically, and rather immaturely, assumed that it was done because of some sinister personal motivation, IE griefing. And that right there, my friends, is what caused the downfall. People didnt learn to take things in stride and remember, its just a game.
It pains me to say it, but some part of me has to ponder the question...were the devs right back then? Did they see that nothing at all would ever stop those that sought only to destroy the experience of those around them? I mean, these are the same people that talk loudly during movies, fart in elevators, and crawl under the sneeze guard at buffets.
No, they FAAAAAR from right, past wrong and into some dimension of epic wrongness that perverted the morals of all who gazed upon such wrongness. They had the means to balance the PvP, but it didnt coincide with the current gaming hype caused by EQ. And when EA smells money, they'll do anything to get it....even completely ruin a game that was doing quite well and making them a good profit.
As for people who fart in elevators....ummm....thats a natrually bodily function. See, again, accusing without the facts. Maybe that person couldnt hold it? Maybe they have some sort of health condition? You just dont know. You cant condemn someone for it.
People who talk loudly during a movie, theres ways of stopping them and rules in place. Get an usher to throw them out, or tell them to shut the hell up and get other people to chime in with you.
The sneeze guard thing.....well, come on, youve got to figure, its food left out in the open. People breathing on it are the least of your worries. I mean, theres flies who can land on it, roaches that could have gotten to it, dirt from the outside could have been blown in with a gust of wind, the ventilation system could be belting down tons of dust on it. There are literally THOUSANDS of other scenarios to worry about other than someone breathing on it.....thats why I dont eat at buffets.
Social graces fail some people. And the obvious is lost upon them.
Social graces are one thing, but holding people to them is unrealistic when you stop to consider even a fraction of the different reasons things happen and people do things. Not everything is as it appears to be.
My faith in humanity is at an all time low today...and I won't get into why, but it has shaken me to my core, and I find myself doubting this idea...because I find myself doubting mankind as a whole.
......well someone's philosophical drive is on overload.
It all boils down to this......its a game. Thats all it is. A game. Dont go letting your whole moral and ethical senses go all haywire over it. People wont act the way they act in games in real life, because real life is real life. Death is death. It hurts when someone runs you through with a sword. And if you act like an ass, someone is going to break your jaw.......or sue you. You want to regulate things in a game, add in something thats gonna hurt. But it has to be done in moderation. Just like how in real life if someone breaks someone else's window, they get sued as opposed to executed.
Stat loss hurt, but not so much that the player lost interest in the game. It was moderated, balanced. Trammel was like executing someone for breaking a window. Yeah, some reds bitched about the stat loss, but the majority at large shrugged it off and worked the character back up. It was during this time they were re-working the character or waiting off their counts as a ghost that they were knocked out of the PvP circut. And thats what mattered. That was their punishment: Either rez and have to spend days getting their skills and stats back up, or be stuck as a ghost for days, unable to do anything with the character other than stand there, and wait off the counts.
You know what caused Trammel? Laziness, greed and the developers not sticking to their guns. They had the game right back then, it worked and it worked very well.
So, dont let people with all of their mumbo jumbo rattle your cage. All it takes is creativity and cleverness and using what was proven to work without killing the game, and PKing can be balanced out.
With that said, Ill close with this: