Not that I've been watching this whole thread or anything
Aparently, you dont remember that this has happened in the past. Developers have given vague mentionings of classic servers, gotten people's hopes up, then turned around and not delivered. Thats something Im tired of seeing. It seems every new developement team that has come in with UO have done this and its getting old.
So this little attention youre so happy about, its not trust worthy. The coyness and vague answers and tounge in cheek need to end. These developers need to give a definitive answer as to their intentions of a classic server. Just saying "Oh, we're thinking about it" isnt good enough.
Personally, I think Cal just mentioned classic servers to get people to re-sub to UO in some lame attempt at trying to boost profits, make it look like the game is getting people back, but its all under false pretenses.
But thats just my theory on it.
But the point is, the time for games, giggles, girly coyness are over. Its time for straight answers and clearly definied intent.
Thus, I say it again.
Its either:
"Yes, we are planning on releasing classic servers, we just need to determine the details of them"
In which case I would be back quicker than Eusane Bolt can run the 100 metres
"No, we have no intention of making classic servers"
Stop messing with people.
In which case I'll be staying gone.
I cancelled my accounts the other day because, perhaps misunderstanding, your two word comment seemed to reek of sarcasm and demeaning towards those who have been seriously discussing the potential of a classic shard.
I had been paying my subscriptions since 1999 until earlier this week, so disgruntled was I that there didn't
seem to be any further serious input from yourself or the other devs regarding a classic shard.
I do realise that I may have been hasty in cancelling my two accounts, but continued frustration does tend to lead to such rash decisions from time to time.
Cal and the team, please don't take this as a personal slight towards the work you have done since your involvement with UO, but what we have now, just isn't to the tastes of a considerable group of players, including myself.
Would it be true of me to believe that all the current dev team came to UO
after AoS was implemented? If this is the case, then you cannot (and should not) be blamed for what's happened post-AoS changes. You've simply picked up the ball and kept running in the direction it was heading. For what it's worth, you've made some excellent additions to the game, which many of us will agree, have been great implementations. Of that there's no question. It's simply the case that you have a group of mostly veteran players who prefer the "old" ways more. We simply believe that the overall gameplay, community and challenge was much greater.
Mindful of that, I would be interested to see if any of the current dev team played UO pre-AoS and if so, get your thoughts on both the positives and negatives, as
you viewed them.
I think that at this stage, through more interaction with you, we can fully understand your thoughts, intentions, what you're trying to do, what you hope to do, what you think are good ideas and bad ideas (as mentioned and discussed here), basically more of what you actually think about a classic option for UO. It doesn't even have to be any "formal" comments. Just let us know your thoughts.
That way, people like myself won't get all huffy and make rash decisions and stomp off annoyed...