Just came by to check out stratics and see if UO was still here. Since Richard Garriot is launching Shroud of the Avatar next year and alpha tests are starting in a month I didn't think it would be. Saw this... LMFAO never knew I had such "Klout". So this dude used to think a) OMG cheated and b) someone how I made sure no one paid the piper for those indiscretions.
1) I don't know this guy, he was in OMG and posted this 3 years ago. I was hardly playing 3 years ago. I've stopped playing. Let me castle fall, the whole nine yards.
2) Now that I have nothing vested in the game let me tell you the complete 100% truth since there is no reason to lie you can understand it now... perhaps.
1) We used to use speeder quite a lot, and everyone was using it who played "Competitively". It meant you had to use it or you weren't going to compete.
2) That's all that we did. Speeder didn't do anything except overclock your networking process. It didn't let you cast off screen, hide and cast, mount/remount sing in the shower or anything else this guy says.
3) I did have connections, I am a journalist. I did get unbanned from perma. However, I got permabanned for telling Swedish Willy he was a c*** sucker. That's hardly a reason to get perma banned (3rd offense vocab).
4) outside of that, I never got anything special, I didn't dupe. Did I try to dupe? Sure I did every rumor I heard I would go and try and nothing ever panned out. Why did I try and dupe? I wanted to find a dupe so I could submit it and get a free lifetime account. Making gold was irrelevant I just bought what I wanted and anyone in game that knew me, would say that is the way it was.
Now for explanations. The hiding while casting thing. What we would do is put up an explosion or FS and have another guildy invis us with a spell. Some noob would run by and we would target him appear and he'd be screwed before he realized what happened. Sure it looked like a lot was going on but it was all just working the mechanics properly. They eventually changed that so you couldn't do it anymore I believe.
dismount/remount was keybindings with uo assist. That guy is a ******. You record the macro on uo assist and when you want to mount you hit one button and same with dismount. We would screw around for hours fighting each other and trying to bola and dismount each other to get that jump off at just the right time **** down. It was hard, it didn't work all the time, but when it did it was magical and a lot of people got mad. It was timing, and nothing else.
Ok so me personally and scripting - for me scripting was a way of life. I used the not to be named tool to automate things like gather resources, and such. When UO first started we were allowed to macro, I've had GM's tell me to macro hiding to raise my dex. The rules changed over the years, but those of us who started playing in Alpha, then beta, then the game... some of us felt like hey we got into this when it was allowed, they changed the rules, tough. We can't just quit we have thousands of hours invested and we signed up and agreed to play when it was legit. It simply wasn't fair to say we couldn't do it anymore. Furthermore I got carpal tunnel from this game from all the repetitive **** and if I had to do that stuff by hand I'd have been much worse. Which is why the tos was changed because they did perma ban me a 2nd time for scripting and I got un-perma-banned because I called their general counsel and told them if I wasn't unbanned in 24 hours I would litigate. The Americans with disabilities act says they have to make these and any other thing accessible to handicap people, carpal tunnel is a handicap and until they build functionality that automates certain repetitive things they need to make allowances. They complied.
I never scripted for any PvP activities. I did play with writing some scripts that did that stuff, but it was proof of concept stuff and never used in PvP just playing around with guildmates. NONE of these scripts were capable of doing anything to anyone with any PvP ability and were completely useless.
I never used a script to chug pots automatically (unless it was on a resource gatherer like a lumberjack or miner to make sure they would stay alive).
So did I cheat? Yep. But I had ethics and I never cheated YOU, killed you and took your stuff. I didn't sell my resources often (every blue moon when I forgot to turn my guy off and ended up with a few hundred k ingots or something, but by and large not frequently). I loved crafting armor and weapons and my resources were constantly used in the quest to make the perfect stuff.
Half the people on here who are about to talk trash about my methods have at one time or currently do... the same thing.
I'd also like to point out one last thing in closing. I've spent more time mining, lumbering, etc... by hand then a lot of you have playing the game in total. The last 4 or 5 years I automated those tasks. It was my right because I'm an adult, I bought the game, I paid for my computer, and no one will tell me what I can or can't do with my time, my money and my resources. I did it because it was not something I was able to do the last 4 or 5 years AND it was convenient. I posted my scripts on the forums that host that sort of thing for others to enjoy and over 35,000 downloads of my mining script says others did. If I get banned for posting this from stratics... you folks really should prioritize the use of your time.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1,717
My Mood: Re: Faction fighting (3v1)
i find it funny that ONE LONE THIEF .....wtf ya dumbass's forget how to count? Or let me see Your part of that Leet crew of OMG that dont need to follow the rest of the rules that we all do? Or simple put , AGAIN STFU you all blow TB .
And as far as you X....haven been in OMG for awhile and Knowing wut I know, are you really gonna "try" and tell me and the rest of UO that you dumbass ****'s that when outa no where one of die from a poison,dbl casted FS from off screen hiden, that your playing by the uo rules set in place? Kiss my ass and call me CASCA

Im sure if OMG wanted to, they would rock most if not any and all guilds on any shard when you guys have "IT" set-up. There is no way in hell or even UO should your lameass's be able to cast/combo casting/dismount remount/ run like that at all. God damn I wish they had UO police cuz I would snitch your ***** all out for wut I know. But let me guess CASCA has that covered to right? What makes FLOP better then OMG or any guild on LS? We play by UO rule's and not yours. So go ahead and start to pick this post aprt and give me **** for my spelling and wut not's I dont give a ****. Its not like I havent been banned from here before. **** OFF and remember wut I said to you and all your ****'s, You need to ask us before you do ****.