Just a couple of points:
1 - I never said that the Lost Lands should never be a part of a Classic Shard. Just not at first. They were not part of the game at launch...and I would rather they were added about a year later...just like in the Classic Era.
The game at launch had a lot of problems. The lag was a nightmare, people were placing houses on top of water, and there were a lot of bugs.
The Second Age was a god sent for UO. If they are going to start the classic server in The Second Age, then it should include everything that came with it. Actually, for me, its hard to imagine UO without the lost lands.
2- I also did not mean to suggest that the Lost Lands 'divided' the population. More like, diffused the population. If you have only the original dungeons and cities, etc. then the chances of seeing other players is higher if the population is light. The original land mass was quite large and there were places you could go where you would not see many people, but not very many. Once T2A launched, those places became more numerous because the population spread out. Once Ilshenar came, the same thing happend, then Malas...and so on and so on. Now, you can go pretty much anywhere in the original landmass and see no one at all...all the time.
Well, the reason you dont see anyone NOW is because there is practically no one playing the game at all. What few there remain are crammed into luna bank spamming selling artifacts and who knows what other garbage.
Second, even with The second age and the lost lands, there was hardly any population diffusion at all. Everyone didnt just pile into the lost lands, people went there, explored, then came back to Britannia. People were all over the place in those days.
Thirdly, Ilsh was never really that populated, not until they allowed people to access it with the 2d client. Even then, it saw about as much of an influx of people as the Lost Lands did, which compared to the bulk of people in Trammel, was negligeble at best. Malas happened after AOS. Malas cant really be blamed for thinning out the population, that was all AOS and the craptacular game changes that killed UO.
Its not the land masses that shrinks the population, its lousy gameplay.
And I agree...I loved the Lost Lands. I spent a great deal of my time playing there back in the days. I still go there just to look around. I thought it was a great addition to UO...but I wish it had been an actual landmass that was added to the existing map, rather than some place you had to get to through entrances/teleporters. Being able to sail there (with no teleporters) would have been the coolest!
having to teleport to the Lost Lands was probably done for programing and server reasons. the ways to the lost lands seemed pretty reasonable, for a fantasy game. The only thing I miss was those portals and dungeons being the only way to get to the lost lands. I remember when they first came out, players could not recall between the Lost lands and britannia. I also remember that, for a while, you couldnt bring any pets back from the Lost Lands either. Ostards and nightmares were restricted to the LL, until they lifed that rule.
So, they should start it off with the Lost Lands because a lot of people remember them, and it will only be a short time before people start asking for them, then eventually demanding them.
Besides, do you really want to wait a year before you can tame a nightmare?