Not at all. Quite the opposite in fact. I just thought that there should have been less incentive to PK, and more incentive actually get involved in the community rather than engaging in anti-social behavior aimed at ruining someone else's game experience.
How was being a PK anit-social? What, because they didnt want to sit around, sip tea and chat? They had their people they hung with and they socialized with people who shared their play style. Just because they werent playing the way everyone else thought they should have been playing doesnt mean they were anti-social.
As for less incentive to not kill other people, the only way for that to happen is for everyone to never carry anything of any remote value on them what so ever.
I never said all. And it would shock you to know the actual ages of a lot of the players that were playing at that time. There was a much broader mix than there is now I would bet.
How do you know the exact ages of people who played back then? This is the internet. Learning a person's age is impossible.
Exactly. If that includes punishment for committing too many crimes...then so be it.
Perma-death is not an option..... at least not a good one. Its as bad as trammel.
Second, it would be unfair to the player who took the time to work up all of the skills on that character only to have it permanently killed off.
I disagree. Every single red knew that the bulk of the players in the game were not happy with what they were doing, and they did it anyway.
Yeah, and every single miner knew that the bulk of the rest of the miners didnt like it when one of them would come along and start mining the same spot they were. What were people supposed to do? Say "Oh my, I am terribly sorry, you were mining here aready. Ill just leave"?
Hell no. 9 times out of 10, the two miners would end up attacking eachother and the winner would kill the loser, loot his ore and finish mining the spot. It wasnt always reds attacking blues. More often than not, blues would turn on eachother and kill eachother over things like resources, monster spawns, or if someone was just being a foul mouthed douch.
I see what youre going at here. You want everyone to be mindful of the needs of everyone else. Sorry, Miss. Spock, but no one is going to put the needs of the many before the needs of themselves.
UO was a competitive game, not a hippie commune. It was a game of survival and challenge, not lets all hold hands and be polite. It was smash mouth, dog eat dog, winner takes all, battle to scratch out a place in a world that rewarded the strong and punished the weak and foolish. People with similar goals would form guilds and work together for survival or to carry out their similar goals.
It's like smoking in public places. Eventually, if enough people decide they are sick of something, they complain. The easy answer to the problem would be compulsory limits on where people can smoke. But too many people abuse that, so mandatory limits have to be placed.
Yeah, but no one is suggesting killing the smokers for smoking too much.
The devs in UO made their position known on rampant PKing, but the red population didn't stop. They just kept killing anyone they saw, talking trash, looting, and rez killing. They should have known what was coming, I did.
Did the devs actually see rampant PKing? Or did they just listen to the whiners who kept spamming the forums and the GMs with complains about being killed? Odds are, its the latter than the former.
The only grudge I carry against reds is how they allowed their insistence on forcing their playstyle on everyone around them to the point of causing the devs to have to ruin the game with Trammel. Yes, I still hold a grudge over that, because it was their selfishness that ruined the game I loved.
Like I said before, it was an open PvP game. People who didnt like it shouldnt have played. Or, if they wanted to keep playing, accepted the right those PKS had to kill them and realized, its part of the game and that is the role they have chosen to play, instead of complaining about it incessantly every time they got killed and lost their newbie pants.
How were ther reds being selfish? They were simply playing the role the game allowed them to play. If anyone was being selfish, it was the non-PvPers insisting they get preferential treatment and be protected from PvP in an OPEN PVP game, whining, crying, and pestering the Devs and GM's with their immature complaints. Also, if there was any forcing of game plays, it was the non-PvPers. I mean, come on, they went and got the
So, who was being selfish?
Have you ever heard of the term 'escalation of force'?
What? More people start making reds to try and overwhelm the blues? Doubtful. For one, it would be a meat grinder. Make new red characters to keep throwing at blues, only to have them keep getting arrested? Seems kinda pointless. Plus, the only way to wear down the prison sentence, they have to log the character on and sit there in the cell and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait.....
I agree, imprisonment should be the idea tried first. But what happens if it actually doesn't work? Do we go back to Tram/Fel? Or should other methods be explored.
How wouldnt the imprisonment idea work?
Take a look at my additions to your idea:
Longest Journey said:
Interesting idea. It could be the result of getting nailed by the guards.
Or, the result of getting captured by blue players.
Example: Instead of being killed when their health hits 0, the red is incapacitated and cannot move, fight, or use anything in the backpack, but still fully lootable. This way, the player who kills them still gets to loot all of their stuff and they wont have anything to escape with from jail. While incapacitated, blue players could use craftable shackles (made by blacksmiths, go player crafted items!) and apprehend the red player. the red players character would then become like a follower and follow the blue player to the nearest dugeon for arrest. Once there, the blue player talks to a jailor NPC and the red player is then teleported to a vacant cell to serve out a certain amount of time dependent on how many murder they have commited.
However, to balance things out, the red could be sprung by someone if the blue transporting them gets killed before they can get them to the jail.
They are forced to log the character in in prison cell and wait out their sentence, plus get fined gold. Also, something I thought of later, for each 1g of the fine they dont have, an extra hour is tacked on. So, if they are fined 1000 gold and they dont have it in their bank account, thats 1000 extra hours tacked onto their sentence.
Trust me, I don't want to see anyone lose a character that they have spent a great deal of time building up. That's not a good thing...but at the same time, if they understand that they are approaching a limit, and they cross that threshold, who is to blame?
And if they cant get rid of their red status, then what? The character is as good as dead because they cant lose the red staus, but they also cant kill anyone with it if someone attacks them. Catch 22.
Imprisonment will have an impact. Plus, it gives non PK players more power to control the ingame PvP situation by being able to capture reds and lock them up. It keeps the reds out of commission for extended periods of time.
I don't mean this to be an insult, but I think you have a misplaced victim's complex. You claim that the true victims, the unwilling people PKed by reds, should have known better. Yet they were engaging in no behavior that would cause them to face any negative consequence beyond having the audacity to pay their monthly fees and trying to play the same game as the reds. Meanwhile, you cry foul at a red being held accountable for his or her own actions...which victimize someone that did nothing wrong.
Never cried foul at the red being punished, I just dont believe that perma death is a viable solution. Dont put words in my mouth.
As for the audacity to pay their monthly fee, there was nothing audacious about what they were doing. They played the game full knowing about the open PvP. What was audacious was their gaul to complain on the forums and to the devs when they got PK'd. They knew this was going to happen, they knew they were going to get killed, yet they she-dogged about it anyway.
Its the hypocracy and childishness that sickens me the most. Those people signed on to a game they knew was full of risk, and they had the balls to complain when it happened. The people who cried when they died are just as bad people who step in front of moving cars on purpose just so they can sue the driver when they get hit.