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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.05 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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One More thing, thanks for being crash dummies for us cause we make more cara then u guys even no about and we test them on u newbs. so feel lucky u feel the bashing of new templates. One Coming Soon to the sonoma yew gate. By the way dip**** (which is ruffles) im playing on 5 shards. learn how to play another template. plz. well it wont matter cause ull still suck. and ruffles seriously u think snake is a better pvper then me PFFT. Garbo. That ******* couldnt fight his way out of a swarm of mongbats let alone kill me, and when he post he just likes to hear himself talk. GET ON MY LEVEL SNAKE. o i forgot u will never get there, so keep posting since u have no real life. LMAO.

stealther archer, stealther mages, stealther tamers.
Archer Tamers Ha All kill no skill (and yes i have one to prove a point anyone can play them its about 3 buttons)

Had fun taking ur guild mates spawn ruffles and put most of them in stat, before the zerg stealthers came from everywhere. TXs for the 120 Magery. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I would like to see in the near future some new templates from cop, cause jesus christ same thing everyday, plus wakas nose is so far up cops ass they have to copy temp. MAKE UR OWN. O wait i forgot u cant cause ull sux either way.

RUFFLES should be the guild leader cause ruffles and kms r pretty much the same on the pvp field. Face Down Ass Up GG.
you know lego for somone who talks as much as you do you still have nothing to say to me? lol I really think you are that ashamed of yourself that you can't even say one word to me ingame on the boards or even on icq.... Even when i "left" scam i still talked to whoa about the hole deal and i still talk to goldberg and darth and eli lol... i dunno what your problem is lol... I know how much begging you had to do to get back into scam your prolly still sucking whoa off... So unless you have somthing to say and give me a really really good reason y you left lol then i'd shut your mouth before we start posting screen shots of your new pancake character that couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat


wow lol those are only about 3-4 years old lol ohhh the trammie days... too bad merc hasn't gotten any better and can't beat anyone
Calm down Woo Woo, wasn't a personal attack. Did you see that screen shot of you and merlin dueling, he is wearing that trammy armor set and still beat you! LOL, I am sorry, but that is hilarious... good times though.


you know lego for somone who talks as much as you do you still have nothing to say to me? lol I really think you are that ashamed of yourself that you can't even say one word to me ingame on the boards or even on icq.... Even when i "left" scam i still talked to whoa about the hole deal and i still talk to goldberg and darth and eli lol... i dunno what your problem is lol... I know how much begging you had to do to get back into scam your prolly still sucking whoa off... So unless you have somthing to say and give me a really really good reason y you left lol then i'd shut your mouth before we start posting screen shots of your new pancake character that couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat
Woo, I think it's pretty obvious why he went back to SCAM... Everyone already knows... He truly has no backbone... That is why he went to COP when COP was huge and it's the same reason he is in SCAM... He joined SCAM when SCAM did their whole mass recruiting to compete with COP... He simply cannot play and hates playing without loads of people on... Hence he is never on unless there's at least 4 other SCAM on... It's that simple...

We (Pal and Waka members) still come out and play with only 2 or 3 people on... Oh wells...


U make no sence trinity. I have to be with a zerg guild if that was true dont u think i would still be in cop. and no i dint have to beg to get back into scam. The funny thing is, they took a vote without me even knowing and goldberg told me to talk to whoa. thats how i got back in. So gets ur stories right. And if u think scam is zerg u guys r straight trippin. PAL/Cop kissing wakas ass like usual. Trust me when we r done doin wat we r doin we will get back to sonoma, its just so dead that its not even worth pvping at.


U make no sence trinity. I have to be with a zerg guild if that was true dont u think i would still be in cop. and no i dint have to beg to get back into scam. The funny thing is, they took a vote without me even knowing and goldberg told me to talk to whoa. thats how i got back in. So gets ur stories right. And if u think scam is zerg u guys r straight trippin. PAL/Cop kissing wakas ass like usual. Trust me when we r done doin wat we r doin we will get back to sonoma, its just so dead that its not even worth pvping at.
No, Lego, I don't think you would still be in COP. We DO have standards you know. On the other hand I am not a bit surprised SCAM took you back in...you are a perfect fit for the...ummm shall we say SCAMmers in there?

Lego, I may not be the best PVPer in the game...I'm barely adequate especially on a laptop, in a hotel, connected with the hotel's WIFI and you STILL could not kill me. Matter of fact you ran like a sissy girl when you saw a COP. Habit? The only one that did kill me was Willy Loman, and it was a golden opportunity for him...good shot Willy. What is more I dismounted you and I was alone and you RAN!!! TWICE!!

If Sonoma is "just so dead that its not even worth pvping at" then why were you playing on Sonoma? That was you on your stealth archer Gerald, was it not? Stick around, watch and learn and maybe, just maybe you can learn how to play one better than you do now. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Rant C.

No, Lego, I don't think you would still be in COP. We DO have standards you know. On the other hand I am not a bit surprised SCAM took you back in...you are a perfect fit for the...ummm shall we say SCAMmers in there?

Lego, I may not be the best PVPer in the game...I'm barely adequate especially on a laptop, in a hotel, connected with the hotel's WIFI and you STILL could not kill me. Matter of fact you ran like a sissy girl when you saw a COP. Habit? The only one that did kill me was Willy Loman, and it was a golden opportunity for him...good shot Willy. What is more I dismounted you and I was alone and you RAN!!! TWICE!!

If Sonoma is "just so dead that its not even worth pvping at" then why were you playing on Sonoma? That was you on your stealth archer Gerald, was it not? Stick around, watch and learn and maybe, just maybe you can learn how to play one better than you do now. Everyone has to start somewhere.
Thanks Ruffles :thumbup: And as far as golden opportunities, that one took the cake! I hardly believe that Flamestrike hit! Good times!



U make no sence trinity. I have to be with a zerg guild if that was true dont u think i would still be in cop. and no i dint have to beg to get back into scam. The funny thing is, they took a vote without me even knowing and goldberg told me to talk to whoa. thats how i got back in. So gets ur stories right. And if u think scam is zerg u guys r straight trippin. PAL/Cop kissing wakas ass like usual. Trust me when we r done doin wat we r doin we will get back to sonoma, its just so dead that its not even worth pvping at.
Not another dumb SCAM member??? Say it ain't so... Reading comprehension for the lose again...

I CLEARLY STATED THAT U JOINED COP WHEN THEY WERE LARGE AND THEN WENT TO SCAM WHEN THEY DID THEIR MASS RECRUITING TO HANG WITH COP... Do u get it now??? It's all in caps so maybe u can comprehend it better... I dunno how else to make it any clearer... When I returned SCAM had 14 people on during primetime everynight so yes u guys were indeed a zerg considering the lack of players we had...

Now, onto a more serious matter... ur lack of intelligence is a serious issue just not on the level of this next topic... It sure is funny that TWICE now SCAM has stated that they're on another server or multiple servers fighting... The ironic part about it all is that these "hiatus'" if u will, juss so happen to be everytime we get a new patch... Coincidence perhaps???

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trinity, like i said i no word calls the shots and i no he doesnt play much but take a damn hint from word and realize people play alot more shards then SLOWNOMA.
They actually xfered over chars and I think even after initial xfer, brough more. Ya Sonoma is not the best shard out there. Why not play multiples. Im working a char or two for offshard.

And u guys only come out at night and when u do and we show up everyone logs on their stealthers.

We have lives and jobs?? OMG! I can personally say I have a full time job and go to college full time as well. Along with having a GF and getting in shape for AF BMT, I am pretty busy. Part of reason I have not been on lately. Another reason is how lame SCAM and COP are with the archery and tamer templates...

Good Job. Snake u really should stfu sometimes because everyone knows that ur speaking out ur ass, and to let u no darth was never thinking about goin to waka. He sends laughs ur way. And y should i be in a guild were we help other guilds. I will never help waka. Thats y i left in the first place, HINT TO CAL. waka suxs and will always sux when we get bored with the newbs on other shards then i might come to the gate. Word is a good shot caller but with out him u guys r trash. Sonomas boring as hell. and so is ready post from WAKA. U guys now have the worst post in the game. Good Job Ruffles ur not the worst any more, but ur still second. So like i said get some pvp skills and ill think about transferring a cara back. until then im gonna keep the gimpest cara on sonoma since this shard doesnt deserve a good template. Tamers Tamers Tamers and more Tamers get used to it. Live Free, Die Often snake. LMAO. Trinity get off ur high horse u have now been elected "Worst Guild Leader" congrates, Runner up=KMS. CYA later

One last thing please tell me the mofo guy on napa is not cop coming over to napa. cause u sux to. Sonoma suxs period and if u play sonoma all the time then u sux to. Peace Out.
The rest of this you just sound bitter...lol...anyways..I am off of here. Having dinner with 3 good friends who are leaving for Iraq in approximately 10 hours so Ill have fun with you nubs later when I get into game (cuz we only play at night)


Was a fun fight last night in Despise COP... Yall juss kept coming back... cycling through diff chars... I think the fight went on for like an hour and a half or so...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*** SUCCESS !! ***

Peon has succeeded on making his own little Peon lol.. (though, it she will be a long time in training... )

6 LB 15 oz. | 19" | Dec 10th... | Her name is Quinn.

Anyway... I haven't been on much bc I was BUSY heh...

This is Quinn passing her hearing test, but it's one of the "Awake" pics so I like it.

*Note to guildmates..

Harddrive went mostly belly-up so I have to reinstall everything on my backup and move stuff in circles, but I'll be back.. 2 hour feeding schedule for a few days to catch up on her weight etc.. so eventually.

PS... Yes I know.. PvP thread lol... I couldn't resist but I saw a few of those comments about SCAM members not loggin in bc of a patch and just chuckled to myself.. Ah well baby pics for the temperary distraction lol.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats. Might post the pictures on the RL picts thread since you never know what happens to the PVP posts after a while.


Congrats I just had one 3 months ago. I got powned IRL... Enjoy the new sounds in your house. lol

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats to Peon and TMI both...see...even though we hate each other in game..we can be civil!

@ Peon - Shes adorable man...trust me..you will be holding her as much as you can if you are like me...they look so peaceful as well when they sleep...

back to PvP thread...Peon you are a no skill archer....I cannot wait for you to get your comp back up and going....that way I can give you a nice dirtnap...


Congrats I just had one 3 months ago. I got powned IRL... Enjoy the new sounds in your house. lol
Never noticed your location until now... I am at linden and Ocean in down town, holla at cha boy, we can do some real life PvP or maybe just have a drink and put something in the air?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats Peon. I look forward to seeing you back in game this summer. :)



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well Congrats on the kids Vexxed and TMI. Welcome to fatherhood.

Just remember these words..

HA! HA! HA! You're in for it now!

Merry Xmas :thumbup:


*** SUCCESS !! ***

Peon has succeeded on making his own little Peon lol.. (though, it she will be a long time in training... )

6 LB 15 oz. | 19" | Dec 10th... | Her name is Quinn.

Anyway... I haven't been on much bc I was BUSY heh...

*Note to guildmates..

Harddrive went mostly belly-up so I have to reinstall everything on my backup and move stuff in circles, but I'll be back.. 2 hour feeding schedule for a few days to catch up on her weight etc.. so eventually.

PS... Yes I know.. PvP thread lol... I couldn't resist but I saw a few of those comments about SCAM members not loggin in bc of a patch and just chuckled to myself.. Ah well baby pics for the temperary distraction lol.
*** Congratulations!! !! ***
It looks like your Holidays will be extra special this year. Look forward to knocking you off your horse when you do get time to come and play :p


Congrats Peon... look forward to ya coming back soon NOOB!

Oh and I almost forgot... the original reason I wanted to post...



Congrats peon!

Congrats to you also tmi and thanks for the warm welcome at the gate last night you made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.


Congrats Peon... She's beautiful...

As far as SCAM not being on, I do recall stating that u have been the model citizen in that guild for being on during all patches...

Anyways yea we'll be seeing ya in a few months seeing as how ur not gonna have much time with the newborn...

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Much time? Try no time at all!!

Congrats Peon, a very beautiful addition. :thumbup:

Start pricing guns, you will need it in about 16 years. :rant2:


Never noticed your location until now... I am at linden and Ocean in down town, holla at cha boy, we can do some real life PvP or maybe just have a drink and put something in the air?
I am living in SD right now but was born and raised in LBC. Off Redondo & 4th by the 36/36 club just off of Belmont Shores. I don't talk to people who live downtown lol. j/k

I love Long Beach man. Best place in the world!

Heres a picture of my new born (pvper) @3 months on Halloween this year.

Here's a pic of her in Animal Form when she gets dismounted.


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am living in SD right now but was born and raised in LBC. Off Redondo & 4th by the 36/36 club just off of Belmont Shores. I don't talk to people who live downtown lol. j/k

I love Long Beach man. Best place in the world!

Heres a picture of my new born (pvper) @3 months on Halloween this year.

Here's a pic of her in Animal Form when she gets dismounted.

Awwww, you dressed her like Vhinn after a cop dismount party! haha


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Super cute TMI.... I find the phrase

"Like a lamb to the slaughter" soooo..... much more disturbing after that pic lol.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice to see Sonoma had some 3 way action last night. (althought cop crew teamed up with LBC and Calisto/Woowoo when we arrived)

Happy Holidays.

Darken noob one was from last week... the rest from last night fighting vs COP and Woowoo AND waka holding hands against us... GG and ohh quick reference pics. Ass you can see, I see SNOW I bet very little of these guys thats ASSED UP can see snow and full taskbar un-cropped reference. It's funny how people need to have enhanced gaming window to play UO PvP. Get up to my level already.
GG Ass Up



I fail to see any evidence for Waka, COP, and {O} teaming up... HELL I don't even see any WAKA in any of those pics...

I will however say this... I did die before COP came out and fought... If u say COP was helping us ur a bigger moron than we all suspected, especially since ALL of ur screenshots prove otherwise... Not a single one shows COP on the same screen as WooWoo or Calisto...

As for Woo's guild and Waka "teaming up", ya we do team up... We're friends and it's going to remain that way... For whatever reason they wanna roll their own way... That's fine I can respect that... But when COP and SCAM aren't around we fight each other... When we finish off COP or put SCAM in hiding again we fight each other... we fight each other for spawns too... What u fail to realize is SCAM is the largest assortment of utter trashy people... I bet u'd steal from ur own blind grandmothers if u were given the opportunity that is how the UO community feels about ya... So when the trash has been taken out we fight amongst ourselves...

As for ur screenshots showing full task bar... hmmm 2 out of the 7 or 8 screenshots??? Why r the rest cropped??? So ur clean half the time??? Again don't attempt to point something out when the majority of ur post is screaming "question me"... Only makes u look like a hypocrite son...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I fail to see any evidence for Waka, COP, and {O} teaming up... HELL I don't even see any WAKA in any of those pics...

I will however say this... I did die before COP came out and fought... If u say COP was helping us ur a bigger moron than we all suspected, especially since ALL of ur screenshots prove otherwise... Not a single one shows COP on the same screen as WooWoo or Calisto...

As for Woo's guild and Waka "teaming up", ya we do team up... We're friends and it's going to remain that way... For whatever reason they wanna roll their own way... That's fine I can respect that... But when COP and SCAM aren't around we fight each other... When we finish off COP or put SCAM in hiding again we fight each other... we fight each other for spawns too... What u fail to realize is SCAM is the largest assortment of utter trashy people... I bet u'd steal from ur own blind grandmothers if u were given the opportunity that is how the UO community feels about ya... So when the trash has been taken out we fight amongst ourselves...

As for ur screenshots showing full task bar... hmmm 2 out of the 7 or 8 screenshots??? Why r the rest cropped??? So ur clean half the time??? Again don't attempt to point something out when the majority of ur post is screaming "question me"... Only makes u look like a hypocrite son...
Sorry but I dont see a reason posting anymore uncropped because you cant see **** noob. And also Ive yet to see one waka/kc posting one(1) screenshot of killing anything. I know you guys probably kill as often as a group of mongbats on a leet guild like scam.

I posted comparsion, I posted your noobass ASSED UP all day long. I can **** you into the ground on the field AND get screenshots to prove it. And you? nothing but a zero prove board warrior PvPer wannabe. I understand tho you and your ingame low life kind that dont have clean clients unable to post a screenshot.Id will be lovely to see any KC and Waka noob dudes posting ANY full screen kill shots. Oh yea you got ASSED UP by COPlets before the fight even started excuse me...

So you can tell yourself what you want if it makes you sleep better, I still assed you up with screenshots to prove it.

Good Game.

show me some screenshots will ya trammie bluebie? I mean yea you cant kill us but at least posting something on COPs since you are the honorable COP2 after all. I mean all that archer/stealther based guild you have, if you call urself COP3s then no guild on Sonoma qualify as COP2.

Anyways nice ASS UP, ASSED UPPERS.

oh wait wheres YOUR screenshots?

Good Game No Replay. :sad3:



Sorry but I dont see a reason posting anymore uncropped because you cant see **** noob. And also Ive yet to see one waka/kc posting one(1) screenshot of killing anything. I know you guys probably kill as often as a group of mongbats on a leet guild like scam.

I posted comparsion, I posted your noobass ASSED UP all day long. I can **** you into the ground on the field AND get screenshots to prove it. And you? nothing but a zero prove board warrior PvPer wannabe. I understand tho you and your ingame low life kind that dont have clean clients unable to post a screenshot.Id will be lovely to see any KC and Waka noob dudes posting ANY full screen kill shots. Oh yea you got ASSED UP by COPlets before the fight even started excuse me...

So you can tell yourself what you want if it makes you sleep better, I still assed you up with screenshots to prove it.

Good Game.

show me some screenshots will ya trammie bluebie? I mean yea you cant kill us but at least posting something on COPs since you are the honorable COP2 after all. I mean all that archer/stealther based guild you have, if you call urself COP3s then no guild on Sonoma qualify as COP2.

Anyways nice ASS UP, ASSED UPPERS.

oh wait wheres YOUR screenshots?

Good Game No Replay. :sad3:

U sir r cementing urself further and further into R-TARDED status... Learn how to read once again... I clearly stated that I died PRIOR TO, not during and not after COP coming out to fight... Again for ur slow learning, I said PRIOR TO COP showing up to fight... which means it was u guys that got me... I clearly stated it... lol go figure... ****in idiots and their learning disabilities...

I'm still waiting on this supposed screenshot where u killed me solo... *twiddles thumbs* it's gonna be a long time before u can come up with one cause u have never killed me solo and will never kill me solo... ever... I'm on the field on a nightly basis outnumbered, outnumbering the opponents... I don't give a rats ass if I die... I'll fight everynight... whereas u only come out when u have a minimum of 3 or 4 others online... Case in point I have never seen a screenshot where u didn't have anything less on the field... FACT

harrypotted III

U sir r cementing urself further and further into R-TARDED status... Learn how to read once again... I clearly stated that I died PRIOR TO, not during and not after COP coming out to fight... Again for ur slow learning, I said PRIOR TO COP showing up to fight... which means it was u guys that got me... I clearly stated it... lol go figure... ****in idiots and their learning disabilities...

I'm still waiting on this supposed screenshot where u killed me solo... *twiddles thumbs* it's gonna be a long time before u can come up with one cause u have never killed me solo and will never kill me solo... ever... I'm on the field on a nightly basis outnumbered, outnumbering the opponents... I don't give a rats ass if I die... I'll fight everynight... whereas u only come out when u have a minimum of 3 or 4 others online... Case in point I have never seen a screenshot where u didn't have anything less on the field... FACT
Lol still the same old Trinity ****ty pvper but talks on the boards like hes godly. You sucked in the past, you suck now and you will continue to suck. And no I'm not coming back...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why do I have to read your post seriously? I never have and I think never will see any proof of what you are trying to convence people to believe. And I dont expect you to read mine seriously neither (apperently you do). I really dont have to say anything just look at the screenshots :popcorn:

And you guys get ASSED UP/pwnt/owned/juiced/neep/mengled/dropped/face planted/dirtnapped/schooled/skooled/ASSED UP on regular basis... FACT, as proven over and over by countless screenshots.

I mean scam isnt the ones that died with the COPlets on the field. So it's simple only a few things that could happen according to the screenshots.

1. Scam owned COP then Scam owned COP2s (aka Waka alliance)
2. Scam owned COP2s then proceed and owned COP.
3. Scam owned COP and COP2 while COP1 and 2 are holding hands
4. Scam owned COP and COP2 while COP1 and 2 has some unspoken agreement when Scams are rolling
5. COP owned COP2 and then Scam owned COP and win.
6. COP2 owned COP1 and then Scam owned COP2 and win.

Pick one that suits you or post some screenshots to prove me wrong.


Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good heavens..is War Ultimate still trying to convince someone that he or his little COP2lets can do anything but run for their house and rage log?

Give it up sonny boy...it's too late. Everyone knows the truth and you are not going to convince anyone away from what is already known for a fact.

SCAM = *Yawn*

Oh..btw..your request to join WAKA...




Lol still the same old Trinity ****ty pvper but talks on the boards like hes godly. You sucked in the past, you suck now and you will continue to suck. And no I'm not coming back...
Peace out son...

U sir took ur ball and went home... Tucked tail and quit... We all know ur itchin to come back but ur pride errr ego won't allow it cause u know u would be rusty and get face planted daily... So sit on the sidelines and let those of us that do still play get our **** talking on... Peace out troll...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh..btw..your request to join WAKA...


Hehe, 1. I like to win. 2. I am pure faction on each and every single one of my character minus my crafter. 3. I play on legit client 4. I am standing up and waks ass up and so on... and Waka fails in all 4 most important aspects apperently as proven by screenshot.

Sorry you invited me to waka and I denied... why come here to lie the otherwise? This is classic. You already know theres no chance for me to join COP2 so stop partying me at bank, stop giving me relic fragments, 120 magery scrolls, europa gold robes and million checks... I will NOT join waka period. Get it kiddo? please stop trying. :(

Oh trammies thesedays. I mean isnt it simple? some screenshots showing us waka isnt the guild thats famous for getting assed up... I mean you guys are the one who claimed (in text only) that you own everyone. I mean Sonomas arent suprisied tho judging by Waka the 2nd biggest archer/stealther guild on Sonoma right behind COP complaining about archers (AND beating them in their own game).

Sigh, I wish wakas can go all out faction (not just archers and stealthers) so we dont have to worry about the whole trammie gzone thing anymore.

Sigh again I will not join a trammie blue nonfaction guild... so sorry.



Hehe, 1. I like to win. 2. I am pure faction on each and every single one of my character minus my crafter. 3. I play on legit client 4. I am standing up and waks ass up and so on... and Waka fails in all 4 most important aspects apperently as proven by screenshot.

Sorry you invited me to waka and I denied... why come here to lie the otherwise? This is classic. You already know theres no chance for me to join COP2 so stop partying me at bank, stop giving me relic fragments, 120 magery scrolls, europa gold robes and million checks... I will NOT join waka period. Get it kiddo? please stop trying. :(

Oh trammies thesedays. I mean isnt it simple? some screenshots showing us waka isnt the guild thats famous for getting assed up... I mean you guys are the one who claimed (in text only) that you own everyone. I mean Sonomas arent suprisied tho judging by Waka the 2nd biggest archer/stealther guild on Sonoma right behind COP complaining about archers (AND beating them in their own game).

Sigh, I wish wakas can go all out faction (not just archers and stealthers) so we dont have to worry about the whole trammie gzone thing anymore.

Sigh again I will not join a trammie blue nonfaction guild... so sorry.

Hmmmm... Juss a few answers to yet another mindless post that has absolutely no fact...

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=f265085c95b14b83:9 Shows that Waka is indeed in factions.

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=f3d656f081f71312:9 Show's COP at 53.2 Archery

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=1e2b8c6ab1f1c8dd:9 Shows SCAM not far behind with 49.6 Archery.

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=f265085c95b14b83:9 Shows WAKA with a measly 30.2 Archery.

Edit: Once we get all the chars xferred from LBC back over to Waka that's 9 more mages out of the 18 members remaining in LBC... LOL

WOW imagine that... Once again stick ur foot in ur mouth... 68.8 Magery... One of the highest percentages out of any guilds in ALL OF UO... STFU already


Man, this crap is still going on? WarUltima move on.

We know you live, breathe UO. Get over yourself. This ego trip you've built for yourself on a online game is disqusting. Have fun that's what a game is about.

You got so much hate for us, I must admit, I wonder if you're wanting us outside of this game.

You're a like a poster boy for Taco Bell "Think outside the Bun" - But in your case, son - Think outside the box of lies that you built around yourself.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmmm... Juss a few answers to yet another mindless post that has absolutely no fact...

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=f265085c95b14b83:9 Shows that Waka is indeed in factions.

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=f3d656f081f71312:9 Show's COP at 53.2 Archery

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=1e2b8c6ab1f1c8dd:9 Shows SCAM not far behind with 49.6 Archery.

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=f265085c95b14b83:9 Shows WAKA with a measly 30.2 Archery.

Edit: Once we get all the chars xferred from LBC back over to Waka that's 9 more mages out of the 18 members remaining in LBC... LOL

WOW imagine that... Once again stick ur foot in ur mouth... 68.8 Magery... One of the highest percentages out of any guilds in ALL OF UO... STFU already
Just like ingame...WU gets pure pwnge!!! :stretcher::owned:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmmm... Juss a few answers to yet another mindless post that has absolutely no fact...

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=f265085c95b14b83:9 Shows that Waka is indeed in factions.

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=f3d656f081f71312:9 Show's COP at 53.2 Archery

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=1e2b8c6ab1f1c8dd:9 Shows SCAM not far behind with 49.6 Archery.

http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?a=f265085c95b14b83:9 Shows WAKA with a measly 30.2 Archery.

Edit: Once we get all the chars xferred from LBC back over to Waka that's 9 more mages out of the 18 members remaining in LBC... LOL

WOW imagine that... Once again stick ur foot in ur mouth... 68.8 Magery... One of the highest percentages out of any guilds in ALL OF UO... STFU already
Hmm I guess it means waka has average higher magery than scam but is of course assed up regularly of course according the physical evidences.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ohh yea and of course

Hiding: COP 29 Waka 21.4 Scam mesely 14.3
Ninjitsu Waka 38.8 COP 37.8 Scam mesely 30.9

Guess who's the running hiding guild now? Oops

And btw it's well known the guild page skill average has been broken for awhile now... or are you going to make **** up and say it in straight face that it shows COP has 0 in stealth is correct?

So if it's correct it makes waka again server's 2nd biggest hiding/stealth guild right behind COP. And that's exactly that COP is known for... WaCop2 is surely living up to it's name. :thumbup1:

Anyways tho, glad you guys finally went Faction... took you guys forever to get used to PvP... damn, anyways Welcome to Fel, there are great places in Fel outside of guardzone in Fel... so welcome. :thumbup1:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL..War is REALLY pedaling hard isn't he. :wall:

Give up the bro-mance War..people are truly laughing at you on a daily basis. I am talking hold the gut, pointing at you, cover the mouth laughing at you. It's kinda embarrassing. Everyone knows the real truth and your desperation. :gee:

Let's see..were there any survivors last night? Nope..everyone dead and WAKA running all over hell and creation trying to find someone else to kill.. :thumbup1:

COP..dead and logged off..check :loser:
SCAM...dead and rage logged...check :loser:
D@D guild raided, all dead and spawn stolen..check :loser:

That is the truth, every day. :owned:

And no..you still can't join WAKA


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Nvm... just use your high level of hiding skill and go hide somewhere. Gzone dont work anymore maybe Luna =)





Screenshots r a waste of time... hence I don't bother with them whenever I make a kill... I'm more worried bout looting them up or moving on to the next target... But go on ahead and get down with ur bad self...

Anyone with any respect for themselves or any semblance of INTEGRITY would admit when they died thus screenshots would again be POINTLESS... It's a video game if u died u died... get over ur video game ego's... I have never once denied dying to anyone if it really did happen... That would be sad if I resorted to lying bout dying in a video game... lol

Again allow me to reitterate myself... SCREENSHOTS R POINTLESS AND A WASTE OF MY TIME... I have nothing to hide...


Hmm I guess it means waka has average higher magery than scam but is of course assed up regularly of course according the physical evidences.
Ya that's an easy post to comment on... It doesn't take brains to figure this one out... I'm baffled as to why u failed to pick up on this beforehand... I thought us Asians were smart by nature... But obviously u skipped jumpin all the way in that gene pool...

MAGES CAN'T COMPETE AGAINST GUILDS OF ARCHERS... U can for a certain extent but once ya start getting hit my a dozen arrows the chance of survival is slim and none... That is common knowledge...

I really dunno why u bother "trying" anymore... My co-workers r even laughing at u and none of them play this silly game...
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