Are you kidding? They have been working their asses off day and night for SA launch. They are HUMAN BEINGS, not machines.
And I will say the same thing that I've been saying for years... it's not like the dates of UO's Anniversary, Christmas, Halloween, or any of the holidays fluctuate (save Thanksgiving and Easter, and you can figure them out pretty quickly). These are things that should have whatever minor thing that they're doing planned for well in ADVANCE of that date so that they're ready to do.
Yes, they're human beings, not machines. Yes, they were busy working on the expansion. This is actually EA's fault, and at some level, Mythic's as well. It used to be that the Expansion team and the Live team were two different teams; LIVE should be handling the small things like the holidays.
And yes, tradition has instilled that there SHOULD BE something going on for these major holidays. Maybe you don't like them, but I do. They add some sort of dimension to the game. I actually get excited to see what's coming for the various holidays -- even if it's just fireworks displayed for the 10th anniversary, or a new mob to kill for Halloween. It's something cool that says, "Hey, this is a neat little thing going on."
It IS disappointing when they don't happen. Is it the end of the game? No. But it is disappointing. Especially when, frankly, something like the anniversary is missed. I've been playing for ALL TWELVE of the years this game's been around, minus maybe two months I took a break from it for school, and that I didn't start until a month after launch. Understand that in that time, I've seen my oldest nephew go from toddler to teenager. I've seen friends come and go from the game itself. No, UO is not my life, but is it a part of it? Yeah. Sure, UO's a game, but by the same token, when was the last time YOU played ANY game for TWELVE YEARS consistently?
We, the players, become invested in the game because the game provides us things to become invested in. I own property in the game (yeah, it's pixels, but it's the result of tangible efforts that I've made inside of the game). I have fun and enjoy the game. So it's okay to be invested in it.
People have expectations, and part of those expectations are tradition. When tradition isn't met, there's certainly some disappointment.
I understand they just released SA... and that's why I haven't been running around saying, "Where the hell's my vet rewards?!?!??!!" However, as I stated above, Calvin indicated they were forthcoming. I'm excited (is this a bad thing?) to see what's coming.
But I also stand by the fact that we know when these dates are... these things should be planned and tested in advance, not as they approach. They should be ready to flip a switch on, and voila, they're ready to roll, work on expansion or not.
What did YOU do to celebrate UO anniversary or anyone else here? Does the community hold no responsibility in doing something to celebrate?
Personally? I went over my hard-drive and looked through lots of the old pics that I have from my days as a Counselor, from early days of my guild, and did a lot of reminiscing. No, it wasn't in-game, but I did do something to commemorate it personally.