There Fixed it for you
His post was nothing like that. In 'fixing' his post you became the person you were accusing him of being.
Now then Draconi/EA Mythic just how long are you going to keep the Tamers in the Barrel?
lol tamers receive more content in UO than any other group.
Appearance's can be deceiving, I certainly admit that but then there is the preponderance of evidence.
Evidence is best viewed by someone who is looking at both sides of the discussion, as you think you can 'fix' someones post shows that isn't you. It isn't me either, the devs decide.
Most tamers want more pets than the old 14 or new 16. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices.
Most tamers want everything up to and including the moon on a stick, they want to set the skills, set the colour, if given the option I bet they'd have their pets log in for them and go out hunting while their at work. You say its catering to the tamer haters but it wouldn't even be up for discussion if they weren't already catering to tamers, which you seem to think is perfectly fine, regardless of the neglect it creates for other skills. & yes it does impact others game play because pet storage affects lag.
Most tamers want the pet dye's for personal expression. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices. And my personal favorite rebuttal to pet dyes, "I know what Art is, I know what good taste is, I know what is esthetically pleasing and it is CLEAR YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THAT"
Another 'its ok because a tamer wants it'. The subject is once again up for discussion only because they've felt the need to cater to tamers. "They've been asking for it forever" was the reason, great but other players have been asking for content for a lot longer, but oh it divided the community so what did they do? Did they maybe think of giving someone else a turn with the content? No, they planed to devote yet more time to colouring in pets after SA. & yes it does impact others game play because other people a) have to see it and b) are getting no content while they're working on it.
Most tamers want the Reptalon to be made useful, instead of useless. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.
Another 'its ok because a tamer wants it'. Unfortunately all tamer additions have an impact on others game play. When first added to the game the Reptalon had the ability to Nerve Strike, you may not be aware of this but Nerve Strike has needed balancing several times sinces its creation due to it being devestating when used by players, Reptalons of course are stronger than players which increased the problem, which is why it was removed. You may also not be aware that Reptalons spawn quite close to Rend a creature the tamer has no interest in and in the process of taming Reptalons proceeds to lure Rend towards people hunting, again impacting others game play.
Most tamers liked the Greater Dragon the way it was from a PvM perspective. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.
Of course they did, thats because it was overpowered. Greater Dragons have had a huge impact on the game, from the inbalances they cause right the way through to current events where peolpe had to post on stratics asking how to target Shadowlords because they couldn't see. They couldn't see because of an over abundance of Greater Dragon reliant players.
What follows is not directed at the class of Tamers that enjoy the play style. It is directed at demonstrating EA/Mythics viewpoint of what Tamers should be.
Again back to dictating what others are saying even when they're not.
EA/Mythic thinks Tamers should be a class that Runs Cock Fights (Aka Chicken/Animal fights). Gives them a system to breed Chickens to create a Battle Chicken to participate in these Cock Fights. EA/Mythic gives them an offline pet storage system that has no effective limits.
Or more accurately, while again catering to the wishes of tamers, battle chickens were added OUTSIDE of the normal stable slots. In addition more stable slots were added to the ever ungrateful tamers who spent the following weeks complaining about how they should have infinite slots, while again ignoring the impact it has on the game due to lag.
The question to Draconi is just how far are you going to swing the Pendulum this time? Are you going to be known as the Architect that finally, once and for all, removed Tamers from UO as a viable class, leaving it to be viable in only one aspect. Where Tamers can pit their pets against each other to win a Bet?
Tamers are nowhere near non viable. Non viable is for skills that have had no content for years, that isn't tamers, not by a long way. The fact that tamers don't even realise how good they've had it is further testament to their greedy and ungrateful nature. I certainly hope that the Greater Dragon toning down (because lets face it, its not a nerf, not by a long way - even calling it a fix would be a stretch) '1.0' is the first in a new direction for UO that focuses on classes that were part of the lore and have been neglected for a long time.