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The Greater Dragon Nerf



I think the GD nerf is fine. Tamers shouldn't expect that their tame can pretty much kill anything and everything without them having to do anything other than slap on aids and cast greater heal. There should be a fine line between the tamers tamed pets damage dealing ability and their own characters damage dealing ability. The game was never suppose to be designed to a point where one tamer can pretty much kill anything with a greater dragon and 500+ aids. Magery isn't only for Greater Healing people. If your tamer has magery then you have other spells at your disposel as well. If you have to focus all your mages ability & mana on greater heal along with non stop bandaging your fighting something your character really shouldn't be fighting solo sorry but its true. This is an MMO people quit crying that you can't solo everything! Do what this game is intended for PLAY WITH OTHERS!!! Last i remember the game was called Ultima ONLINE. Not Ultima Tamer Solo Fest. I have no pity for anyone crying about this nerf cause generally if they are crying they were borderline exploiting the overwhelming power those Greater Dragons possessed to begin with. Keep the nerf in place! I have a 120 vet, 120 taming, 120 lore tamer by the way so it effects me as well and I honestly don't mind one bit because I wasn't exploiting the GD's power to begin with. Adapt is the keyword here people.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play a tamer and agree with the nerf. They was way over powered specially in pvp... If I can fight 7 pvpers with a tamer template and kill over half of them and the other half runs away then that my friends is a crazy over powered beast. And yes they did need to be nerfed and I'm glad that they finally was nerfed.
If you're fighting seven and killing half, while the rest high tail, then those 7 aren't pvper's.

They're noobs.
Nope sorry I'm just really good at what I do... Greater Dragon 1000 HP before nerf could do 140 damage in about 2 seconds....

75 DCI
Max Hit Points with HPI items
HPR @ Cap
50 Enhance Potions
Smoke Bombs (No passive Detect on Siege Perilous)
Fuki Darts & Ninja Stars

Combine all the above with the best Greater Dragon possible and it's game over... Well it was...

120 Wrestle
110 Taming
110 Lore
100 Hiding
80 Stealth
80 Vet(enhanced bandages)


UO Forum Moderator
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ok if this has miss up my t hunter being able to take on an AW with a GD then that is the biggest mistake I have ever seen EA make with the nerf stick. I have never been able to take on all four guardians and have to use the Lure one at a time off to fight with my GD, the AW has always been the means one of the bunch to take out, battles lasting 15-20 minutes with it, and me vetting like crazy. Now if nerf means I cannot take on an AW alone as before then that it, my t hunter has retired.
Just an FYI on this. My t-hunter was in the same position, having it be such a pill to finish off the AW. I added S/W to my tamer, WoD really helps finish off the best.

Wimps :pint: - Try doing level 6s on a Melee T-hunter sometime.... :eyes: And I even keep Cartography & LP both on the T-hunter, and don't have bushido or resist, just Chivalry....


What people are forgetting is this: greater dragons were never meant to be that overpowered. Draconi even admitted it. They were supposed to lose power upon taming just like every other tamable animal, but they didn't.
GDs actually do lose a substantial amount of power upon taming. Even trained back up, a tamer's GD (pre-nerf) would get owned by a wild greater without healing, discord, or something of the like to help out.

That said, my greater is still ok after the nerf. I do notice a difference, but it's not enough to make me shelve it -- I just find myself using my Cu a bit more. I'm not thrilled about the nerf since my main's a tamer, but I can adapt. But the schadenfreude is definitely a little irksome. And to read the posts around here, you'd think that sampires, ABC archers, and necro-mages were weak as little babies in PvM, which just isn't true. Ok, kids, you got your nerf. It's done. Let's move on.

Lord Drakelord

ok if this has miss up my t hunter being able to take on an AW with a GD then that is the biggest mistake I have ever seen EA make with the nerf stick. I have never been able to take on all four guardians and have to use the Lure one at a time off to fight with my GD, the AW has always been the means one of the bunch to take out, battles lasting 15-20 minutes with it, and me vetting like crazy. Now if nerf means I cannot take on an AW alone as before then that it, my t hunter has retired.
Just an FYI on this. My t-hunter was in the same position, having it be such a pill to finish off the AW. I added S/W to my tamer, WoD really helps finish off the best.

Wimps :pint: - Try doing level 6s on a Melee T-hunter sometime.... :eyes: And I even keep Cartography & LP both on the T-hunter, and don't have bushido or resist, just Chivalry....
Sorry but I'm not changing the template on my tamer t hunter, I happen to like it. I hate having to wait a full day to remove and replace skills by soul stone. So doing that is not an option.

Animal Lore 115.0 100.0 +( 10.0)
Animal Taming 115.0 105.0 +( 5.0)
Magery 110.0 105.0 +( 5.0)
Veterinary 110.0 110.0
Cartography 100.0 100.0
Lockpicking 100.0 100.0
Meditation 100.0 100.0

Str 118 118
Dex 31 31
Int 127 127

I don't do as other do, decode maps and put them up so that I can read them still and then remove Cartography, there are days I need that skill to help others do t hunts when they bring the maps they own, I cannot wait a full day to switch skills back and forth. Meditation I need to mana dump on the pet when there a monster in the mix that doing area attacks, like the Lich Lords, ya ya not on the level 6 maps, but I am a t hunter I do all maps when I can.


Sorry but I'm not changing the template on my tamer t hunter, I happen to like it. I hate having to wait a full day to remove and replace skills by soul stone. So doing that is not an option.
You do know that the 24-hour cooldown on soulstones has been removed, right?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gotta love it. The pvpers finally whined long enough and they nerfed the only thing worth anything to tamers. Its amazing that the pvp community makes up maybe 20% of UO and they are always whinnng about something.
I'd love to see supporting facts and evidence to back up your claim that PvPers only account for 20% of the UO population.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the GD nerf is fine.
*Begin Fix*
I am the one that dictates how UO is to be played.

I say therefor all must conform that I hate Greater Dragons and therfore anyone that has one must do MORE DAMAGE than the Greater Dragon OR ELSE.


I say, IT MUST ALWAYS BE A GREATER DRAGON BEING A CHUNK OF MEAT THAT DOES NOTHING. Two Runic Beetles, ONE EACH for 2 Tamers, One Dread War Horse. Five Nightmares, 2 tamers with 2 each and one tamer with 1. I HAVE SAID THIS, YOU MUST COMPLY OR ELSE.




*End Fix*
.... pure total rhetorical garbage demonstrating intolerance of how anyone else may CHOOSE TO PLAY THE GAME
There Fixed it for you :pint:

Now then Draconi/EA Mythic just how long are you going to keep the Tamers in the Barrel?

Appearance's can be deceiving, I certainly admit that but then there is the preponderance of evidence.

Most tamers want more pets than the old 14 or new 16. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices.

Most tamers want the pet dye's for personal expression. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices. And my personal favorite rebuttal to pet dyes, "I know what Art is, I know what good taste is, I know what is esthetically pleasing and it is CLEAR YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THAT"

Most tamers want the Reptalon to be made useful, instead of useless. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.

Most tamers liked the Greater Dragon the way it was from a PvM perspective. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.

What follows is not directed at the class of Tamers that enjoy the play style. It is directed at demonstrating EA/Mythics viewpoint of what Tamers should be.

EA/Mythic thinks Tamers should be a class that Runs Cock Fights (Aka Chicken/Animal fights). Gives them a system to breed Chickens to create a Battle Chicken to participate in these Cock Fights. EA/Mythic gives them an offline pet storage system that has no effective limits.

The question to Draconi is just how far are you going to swing the Pendulum this time? Are you going to be known as the Architect that finally, once and for all, removed Tamers from UO as a viable class, leaving it to be viable in only one aspect. Where Tamers can pit their pets against each other to win a Bet?


Always Present
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Cloak‡1396222 said:
While I would agree with you fully, I must say this has always been the state of UO, either you attend an event and get what is offered or you do not.

So really complaining about something that has been around since more or less day one (granted they did not matter as much in the beginning aside from bragging rights) Seems pointless at the least.

And ??

Mankind history is filled with examples of things that "were" and at some point changed........

There was slavery wide spread on the planet, thank to those who fought it now no more or at least not like it was.

There were no rights for workers but thanking to those who fought it now in most societies there is better protection.

Women did not have a right to vote but thanking to those who fought it now there is parity.

And so on......

The fact that things are as they are is never inevitable. Things CAN change for the better if people fight for what is right, IMHO.


There Fixed it for you :pint:

Now then Draoni/EA Mythic just how long are you going to keep the Tamers in the Barrel?

Appearance's can be deceiving, I certainly admit that but then there is the preponderance of evidence.

Most tamers want more pets than the old 14 or new 16. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices.

Most tamers want the pet dye's for personal expression. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices. And my personal favorite rebuttal to pet dyes, "I know what Art is, I know what good taste is, I know what is esthetically pleasing and it is CLEAR YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THAT"

Most tamers want the Reptalon to be made useful, instead of useless. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.

Most tamers liked the Greater Dragon the way it was from a PvM perspective. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.

What follows is not directed at the class of Tamers that enjoy the play style. It is directed at demonstrating EA/Mythics viewpoint of what Tamers should be.

EA/Mythic thinks Tamers should be a class that Runs Cock Fights (Aka Chicken/Animal fights). Gives them a system to breed Chickens to create a Battle Chicken to participate in these Cock Fights. EA/Mythic gives them an offline pet storage system that has no effective limits.

The question to Draconi is just how far are you going to swing the Pendulum this time? Are you going to be known as the Architect that finally, once and for all, removed Tamers from UO as a viable class, leaving it to be viable in only one aspect. Where Tamers can pit their pets against each other to win a Bet?

I have to agree even though I don't play a tamer as my main.

I am currently in shock because a player on Pac says hes quitting because of the gd nerf. He is part of a family who plays so not sure if the entire family is quitting also.

I only just realized this past week that UO is a game that caters to people who desire to DOMINATE other people buy MURDERING their cartoon effigy (pvper's) and to their support staff (brokers/gold sellers) and the people who wish to date them.

I'm none of the above. So I don't count.

If you are also none of the above then you don't count either.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gee, how did we ever survive doing a thunt before Greater Drags........:twak:
We took 10 people with us! Now I can have all the loot to myself heh Plus it is nice to be able to go play BY MYSELF once in awhile. I don't want to need 10 more people to survive something. Other times I like a crowd. Just depends on the mood.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh and I don't see a huge difference in my GD. Again, just a bit slower. No biggy


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm responsible for the nerf. I FINALLY tamed a nice greater dragon and it bonded the day before the expansion was released. :sad3:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We took 10 people with us! Now I can have all the loot to myself heh Plus it is nice to be able to go play BY MYSELF once in awhile. I don't want to need 10 more people to survive something. Other times I like a crowd. Just depends on the mood.
Ok so a greater dragon just replaced 10 players and is doing just fine and you are wondering why they are nerfed?

Very complicated logic indeed......


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok so a greater dragon just replaced 10 players and is doing just fine and you are wondering why they are nerfed?

Very complicated logic indeed......
Absolutely! I want to do SOME things in this game ALONE and my GD helps me do that. Again, I DO NOT PvP, so that part I cannot comment on. If it was too strong for PvP then so be it, they should take the GD down a notch or two (which they did) BUT for PvM, I like to take my baby out and do a higher level map alone. Is that too much to ask? And, I might add...they were not "nerfed" As I posted a bit ago, they are just a bit slower to kill. No biggy. Too many people whine about stuff. It seems like any high powered char is going to get yelled at or about. When artifacts came out, folks whined about that. When archers became Godlike, people whined about that. Get over it and leave us alone!

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im big agaisnt tamer pvp templates(unless its a big fight) but i think it is fkd up what they did though because those drags helped alot of people pvm when they couldnt before and hell i was happy fighting a dmount gd tamer v a speedhacking newb anyday.. atleast with a greater dragon i can tele away invis etc.. i think ea has there **** messed up when it comes to pvp.:dunce:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMFAO.. dont count on it. those guys are under the devs desks :eek:
LoL *wonders what they are doing under there* hehe
Screw the tamer and let the speed hackers and cheaters run amok! Yeah thats the way to do it!


And ??

Mankind history is filled with examples of things that "were" and at some point changed........

There was slavery wide spread on the planet, thank to those who fought it now no more or at least not like it was.

There were no rights for workers but thanking to those who fought it now in most societies there is better protection.

Women did not have a right to vote but thanking to those who fought it now there is parity.

And so on......

The fact that things are as they are is never inevitable. Things CAN change for the better if people fight for what is right, IMHO.
This is, perhaps, your greatest troll yet.


There Fixed it for you :pint:
His post was nothing like that. In 'fixing' his post you became the person you were accusing him of being.

Now then Draconi/EA Mythic just how long are you going to keep the Tamers in the Barrel?
lol tamers receive more content in UO than any other group.

Appearance's can be deceiving, I certainly admit that but then there is the preponderance of evidence.
Evidence is best viewed by someone who is looking at both sides of the discussion, as you think you can 'fix' someones post shows that isn't you. It isn't me either, the devs decide.

Most tamers want more pets than the old 14 or new 16. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices.

Most tamers want everything up to and including the moon on a stick, they want to set the skills, set the colour, if given the option I bet they'd have their pets log in for them and go out hunting while their at work. You say its catering to the tamer haters but it wouldn't even be up for discussion if they weren't already catering to tamers, which you seem to think is perfectly fine, regardless of the neglect it creates for other skills. & yes it does impact others game play because pet storage affects lag.

Most tamers want the pet dye's for personal expression. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices. And my personal favorite rebuttal to pet dyes, "I know what Art is, I know what good taste is, I know what is esthetically pleasing and it is CLEAR YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THAT"
Another 'its ok because a tamer wants it'. The subject is once again up for discussion only because they've felt the need to cater to tamers. "They've been asking for it forever" was the reason, great but other players have been asking for content for a lot longer, but oh it divided the community so what did they do? Did they maybe think of giving someone else a turn with the content? No, they planed to devote yet more time to colouring in pets after SA. & yes it does impact others game play because other people a) have to see it and b) are getting no content while they're working on it.

Most tamers want the Reptalon to be made useful, instead of useless. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.
Another 'its ok because a tamer wants it'. Unfortunately all tamer additions have an impact on others game play. When first added to the game the Reptalon had the ability to Nerve Strike, you may not be aware of this but Nerve Strike has needed balancing several times sinces its creation due to it being devestating when used by players, Reptalons of course are stronger than players which increased the problem, which is why it was removed. You may also not be aware that Reptalons spawn quite close to Rend a creature the tamer has no interest in and in the process of taming Reptalons proceeds to lure Rend towards people hunting, again impacting others game play.

Most tamers liked the Greater Dragon the way it was from a PvM perspective. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.
Of course they did, thats because it was overpowered. Greater Dragons have had a huge impact on the game, from the inbalances they cause right the way through to current events where peolpe had to post on stratics asking how to target Shadowlords because they couldn't see. They couldn't see because of an over abundance of Greater Dragon reliant players.

What follows is not directed at the class of Tamers that enjoy the play style. It is directed at demonstrating EA/Mythics viewpoint of what Tamers should be.
Again back to dictating what others are saying even when they're not.

EA/Mythic thinks Tamers should be a class that Runs Cock Fights (Aka Chicken/Animal fights). Gives them a system to breed Chickens to create a Battle Chicken to participate in these Cock Fights. EA/Mythic gives them an offline pet storage system that has no effective limits.
Or more accurately, while again catering to the wishes of tamers, battle chickens were added OUTSIDE of the normal stable slots. In addition more stable slots were added to the ever ungrateful tamers who spent the following weeks complaining about how they should have infinite slots, while again ignoring the impact it has on the game due to lag.

The question to Draconi is just how far are you going to swing the Pendulum this time? Are you going to be known as the Architect that finally, once and for all, removed Tamers from UO as a viable class, leaving it to be viable in only one aspect. Where Tamers can pit their pets against each other to win a Bet?
Tamers are nowhere near non viable. Non viable is for skills that have had no content for years, that isn't tamers, not by a long way. The fact that tamers don't even realise how good they've had it is further testament to their greedy and ungrateful nature. I certainly hope that the Greater Dragon toning down (because lets face it, its not a nerf, not by a long way - even calling it a fix would be a stretch) '1.0' is the first in a new direction for UO that focuses on classes that were part of the lore and have been neglected for a long time.


We took 10 people with us! Now I can have all the loot to myself heh Plus it is nice to be able to go play BY MYSELF once in awhile. I don't want to need 10 more people to survive something. Other times I like a crowd. Just depends on the mood.
That's what level 1 through 5 t-hunts are for. Duh.


Nope sorry I'm just really good at what I do... Greater Dragon 1000 HP before nerf could do 140 damage in about 2 seconds....

75 DCI
Max Hit Points with HPI items
HPR @ Cap
50 Enhance Potions
Smoke Bombs (No passive Detect on Siege Perilous)
Fuki Darts & Ninja Stars

Combine all the above with the best Greater Dragon possible and it's game over... Well it was...

120 Wrestle
110 Taming
110 Lore
100 Hiding
80 Stealth
80 Vet(enhanced bandages)
Indeed, Hardcore temps like this have run a muck on siege.

If seen people like shakaja fighting entire guilds, the template combines the best offensive in the game, with the ability to disappear when things get dicey.

The sad part is that tamers were already a problem BEFORE GD came out. Now people can just go back to rune beetle/mare which once dismounted, kills you almost as fast, especially when your armor gets corrupted.

Now if we could just get animal form to take a control slot.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's what level 1 through 5 t-hunts are for. Duh.
Well DUH oh brillian one...maybe I want to do a SIX!!!!!! I should have that choice and the challenge if I want it. And I do. So why argue?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Enigma, pal, I'm a little annoyed that you purport to speak for all tamers. I only speak for 5 tamers out of hundreds, but I can assure you that I don't agree with you on many of the issues you raised.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Listening to people whine about tamers is really quite boring so I am exiting this thread and going on to the next one where HOPEFULLY folks arent crying about some stupid thing or another.


I doubt its as boring as listening to Tamers whine about how hard they think they've got it. I mean just listening to it is whats got us to the point they need nerfing in the first place. But then they always were the vocal majority.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I doubt its as boring as listening to Tamers whine about how hard they think they've got it. I mean just listening to it is whats got us to the point they need nerfing in the first place. But then they always were the vocal majority.
:) First things first ....

Lets see you whine incessantly since the Greater Dragons come out, you whine incessantly about how much the players are exploiting the game by using a Greater Dragon, you whine incessantly about how you get your butt handed to you in PvP because you try to kill a Greater Dragon with a weapon that has the opposite Slayer Alignment and YOU WONT CHANGE YOUR TACTICS, you whine incessantly about how Greater Dragons One Hit Kill the Champion's, Peerles and take no damage, then you think the majority of Tamers should just lay down and say, Yes Oh Great God we deserve everything that you THINK WE DESERVE. Where your vocal minority that kept incessantly whining, exaggerating things totally out of perspective, pulling stuff out of your rear end to justify your incessant whines.

Kind of funny isn't it.

... a bunch of crap that says the only Tamer is a PvP tamer, so get rid of the rest....
Thank you for you oh so informed set of 100% biased opinions, sharpened to a nanometer focus with your myopic tunnel vision.

I think you had no illusions that the diatribe crap you put in there was ever going to be viewed as anything but ... well crap. So I see you have joined the Troll Baiting, I hate Tamers and Greater Dragons. Seemed once upon a time you could make a rebuttal and stick to just the post. Very Slipper Slope you have slid down there :) Some know how to climb up a slippery slope, do you? :pint:

PS: Next time I need to know how UO or anything else IS DEFINED AND DICTATED TO BE, trust me I will ask you for your oh so valuble .... well gosh dictates. Do all God Complexes go about redefining everything they need to define to support their own .... well circular logic? I mean your great, No The Greater Dragon nerf hurt no one, because no one is going to be allowed to Solo anything greater than a Chicken so that proves the Greater Dragon nerf hurt no one.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Enigma, pal, I'm a little annoyed that you purport to speak for all tamers. I only speak for 5 tamers out of hundreds, but I can assure you that I don't agree with you on many of the issues you raised.
yeah well Syrus pal, you seriously think that most tamers don't want a Reptalon to be useful. Why blame me because your either seriously out of touch or ... GOD :) forbid got your head stuck so far down the I hate tamers and / I hate Greater Dragons hole that you will claim ignorance before you can admit something is wrong. :pint:

Toodles Dood, you clearly wont even admit your groups desire to wipe out Solo Play except vs Chickens and Rabbits and well anything more exciting than that and well your group just cant stand anyone having any fun unless it is dictated by your group :thumbsup:

:) your turn .... pal :pint:


What did they do to them, trying to figure it out a friend wants to know, me I rarely use my tamer anyways so no biggy to me.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Listening to people whine about tamers is really quite boring so I am exiting this thread and going on to the next one where HOPEFULLY folks arent crying about some stupid thing or another.
In case your biased mind didnt notice... this thread is started and only supported by by whiny tamers. You whined not being able to solo lv6 map while you are watching tv and eating. YOU are whining.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Enigma, pal, I'm a little annoyed that you purport to speak for all tamers. I only speak for 5 tamers out of hundreds, but I can assure you that I don't agree with you on many of the issues you raised.
yeah well Syrus pal, you seriously think that most tamers don't want a Reptalon to be useful. Why blame me because your either seriously out of touch or ... GOD :) forbid got your head stuck so far down the I hate tamers and / I hate Greater Dragons hole that you will claim ignorance before you can admit something is wrong. :pint:

Toodles Dood, you clearly wont even admit your groups desire to wipe out Solo Play except vs Chickens and Rabbits and well anything more exciting than that and well your group just cant stand anyone having any fun unless it is dictated by your group :thumbsup:

:) your turn .... pal :pint:
Not sure why you'd group me in the "I hate tamers" crowd. Folks on Atlantic know me as Fallon Valor, who is a weaver/tamer. Aside from Fallon, the only other toons I play very often are an archer/tamer, a necro/tamer, and a necro/mage.

I always hunt solo...I find myself switching locations a lot (call it A.D.D.), which is not conducive to group activities. Again, not sure why you've categorized me this way.

So, we've dispelled the misconceptions and you realize that a) I primarily play tamers and b) I like to play solo.

That said, I still don't think you speak for "most tamers." I'm an emissary in UO's largest guild. The majority of our active members are tamers. I really don't think any of them care that much about reptalons or pet dies.

What contingent of tamers do you represent?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What did they do to them, trying to figure it out a friend wants to know, me I rarely use my tamer anyways so no biggy to me.
The best thing is for your friend to go play a Greater Dragon. If they do not play a Tamer regularly then they may not notice anything.

If you want the details, dig up the UOHerald Patch Notes for 60. Draconi gives some answers in there.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay I had to post my 2 gps worth. I don't see how in the bloody hell GRDs were over powered in pvp. My sis and I have been jumped by the same little trash pvper and he ALONE killed both our greater draggys. If he ain't killing them then he's just getting them stuck on castles or keeps.

So tell me how does one jerk solo kill a tamed GRD with it locked on him.
FYI: my GRD is 120 wrestling and 120 tactics.

I have my thought and its spelled C-H-E-A-T-S.

How about a nerf for cheats and speed hacks (and please don't sat they don't exsist they dang sure do!)

I'm not playing at present and I'm not really seeing any reason to want to come back atm.


*Lots of illiterate, biased, attempting to dictate what can be posted, childish, name calling and missing the point of everything that was said to him*
The only thing I posted in relation to PvP was about why Reptalon's Nerve Strike got removed. But well done on 'fixing' my post into what I didn't say like you did to the previous person, I've extended you the same courtesy troll.


Crazed Zealot
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So, we've dispelled the misconceptions and you realize that a) I primarily play tamers and b) I like to play solo.
You dispelled nothing but ... something in your own mind?

Words are cheap now aren't they :)

On the other hand actions, posturing etc tend to tell the truth.

And yes you have made it perfectly clear you hate tamers and / or are a Greater Dragon hater. See words are easy to type.

And you can ask your baiting question until the Cubs win the World Series. What lets see now, I give an answer, then it is the 4 year old Day Care Psycho Babble Merry Go Round of oh prove it oh that cant be because I said it cant, so you are obviously wrong etc.

Here, lets let you play your game with your self. Prove to me, *Devilish Grin* that your really a tamer, that you really love Soloing the Top Boss's, and that your questions are 100% sincere :thumbup:

Your turn .... pal :pint:


Crazed Zealot
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*Lots of illiterate, biased, attempting to dictate what can be posted, childish, name calling and missing the point of everything that was said to him*l.
And your saying that extending is something new or different from what your doing? Sure could have fooled me.

*Shrug* you can claim away that you didn't say this or that. Your total rebuttal was 100% PvP and PvMr's be damn'd and thrown out of the game for all you care because your 100% focused on how great the non PvP players are now because they can one hit a Greater Dragon, even with an Opposite Aligned Slayer Weapon.

Uhmmmm nice change on the post there :thumbup:


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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You dispelled nothing but ... something in your own mind?

Words are cheap now aren't they :)

On the other hand actions, posturing etc tend to tell the truth.

And yes you have made it perfectly clear you hate tamers and / or are a Greater Dragon hater. See words are easy to type.

And you can ask your baiting question until the Cubs win the World Series. What lets see now, I give an answer, then it is the 4 year old Day Care Psycho Babble Merry Go Round of oh prove it oh that cant be because I said it cant, so you are obviously wrong etc.

Here, lets let you play your game with your self. Prove to me, *Devilish Grin* that your really a tamer, that you really love Soloing the Top Boss's, and that your questions are 100% sincere :thumbup:

Your turn .... pal :pint:
Well, here's one tamer:

His suit only has good resists when in wraith form, so I use a greater dragon exclusively.

Here's another one:

He owns two pets: a dread (for PvP) and a greater dragon (for PvM)

Here's Fallon:

Note the greater behind him. It's my newest one - Fallon's fourth greater this year.

Now that I've presented evidence, it's time for you to own up to your own standard and prove that I hate greaters.

And my "pal" was meant sincerely. Sorry if that offended you somehow.


:) First things first ....

Lets see you whine incessantly since the Greater Dragons come out, you whine incessantly about how much the players are exploiting the game by using a Greater Dragon, you whine incessantly about how you get your butt handed to you in PvP because you try to kill a Greater Dragon with a weapon that has the opposite Slayer Alignment and YOU WONT CHANGE YOUR TACTICS, you whine incessantly about how Greater Dragons One Hit Kill the Champion's, Peerles and take no damage, then you think the majority of Tamers should just lay down and say, Yes Oh Great God we deserve everything that you THINK WE DESERVE. Where your vocal minority that kept incessantly whining, exaggerating things totally out of perspective, pulling stuff out of your rear end to justify your incessant whines.

Kind of funny isn't it.
Care to show me where I posted I died in PvP using the wrong slayer weapon? You'll have a job since it wasn't me. I hardly ever play dexxers in PvP. So yeah it is kind of funny that you use the words 'pulling stuff out of your rear end' when they apply more to you than anyone else.

PS: Next time I need to know how UO or anything else IS DEFINED AND DICTATED TO BE, trust me I will ask you for your oh so valuble .... well gosh dictates. Do all God Complexes go about redefining everything they need to define to support their own .... well circular logic? I mean your great, No The Greater Dragon nerf hurt no one, because no one is going to be allowed to Solo anything greater than a Chicken so that proves the Greater Dragon nerf hurt no one.
I don't know what this illegible section said although I noticed you used the word circular and what you said sure seemed that. You have spoke to me in the past actually, you've probably forgotten, you PM'd me asking for information about either Ninjas or Sampire builds. Thats where you probably remember me from, but seriously the whole first quote was nothing to do with me.


And your saying that extending is something new or different from what your doing? Sure could have fooled me.

*Shrug* you can claim away that you didn't say this or that. Your total rebuttal was 100% PvP and PvMr's be damn'd and thrown out of the game for all you care because your 100% focused on how great the non PvP players are now because they can one hit a Greater Dragon, even with an Opposite Aligned Slayer Weapon.

Uhmmmm nice change on the post there :thumbup:
No, my first rebuttal was what you quoted from the other guy and 'fixed' was hypocritical.

My second rebuttal 'tamers receive more content than any other group in UO' is in no way PvP specific.

& you changed your post, so I posted a reply to the additional 'comments'.


Crazed Zealot
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...I don't know what this illegible section said...
Ahhh now the cute part of where you cant understand anything. :thumbup:

Well then that sure does account for why you can't seem to stay on target as to the topic. You keep replying to things you are totally clueless of.

And I do notice how your trying to sweep the 100% PvP and who cares about PvMr's under the rug. Admirable.

You have me confused with some one else, we talked ON THIS FORUM about how the Tamers gets Bush Wacked on a Disconnect. I thought and still do that it is wrong to invoke an auto death when the Player has no control.

You thought it was 100% appropriate to auto kill the player as everyone knows no one ever gets disconnected and just cheats by hitting the alt+f4. You know the same kind of posturing your doing here. Then you at least kept it about the topic and you were far less blatant in your hatred for PvMr's.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Some evidence of how well Photo Shop works at doctoring pictures
You offered no proof. Come now no MMORPG company ever accepts Photo Shop Outputs AKA lmao Screen Shots.
EM, be serious. You've accused me of hating tamers and greater dragons. Those statements are completely unfounded. If you want to make blanket statements like that, back it up.

If they were photoshopped, how'd I post them three minutes after you requested them. Get real. You're welcome to come to Atlantic any time. Furthermore, I invite you to go to uo.com and look at my player records - you have their names, you can see their top skills.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
No, my first rebuttal was what you quoted from the other guy and 'fixed' was hypocritical.

My second rebuttal 'tamers receive more content than any other group in UO' is in no way PvP specific.

& you changed your post, so I posted a reply to the additional 'comments'.
Oh I see I am the Devil that made you do it. Am I also now going to be the Voices in your head? :pint:

I mean that is a rather unique way of offloading your posture.


Slightly Crazed
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I don't see how in the bloody hell GRDs were over powered in pvp
Then you must not pvp. Anyone else with half a clue could easily see why.

You offered no proof. Come now no MMORPG company ever accepts Photo Shop Outputs AKA lmao Screen Shots.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
If they were photoshopped, how'd I post them three minutes after you requested them....
Easy, you pulled the same trick on some previous person that found you out?

Don't you really get it? I mean I spelled it out in plain speak for you.

Given that we have NO camera or any other means to put Physical/Facial/Body gestures (aka context) to what we read on the screen.

Words are cheap and mean nothing. Actions and Posturing, now they at least have a good probability of indicating the true nature of the poster.

Make no mistakes in perception, this is all about the Solo/Small Group PvMr being able to pit their personal skill against the most dangerous mobs in the game VS a group of people that are hell bent on defining that they HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVEN TRY OR WANT TO DO THAT.

That a group of Hate filled people, with myopic vision, focused to a fine point by their Tunnel vision, want to vent their hate, their anger, their mean spirited souls on a group of people that are freaking minding their own business, bothering no one, doing things that make them happy, having a great time with their Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Sons, Brothers, Sisters or Friends. Hell no this WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.

These are the people this hurts, they don't want to be power gamers, they don't want to know every game mechanic trick in the book, they just want to log on and go have some fun. BUT HELL NO, the Meanies will NOT TOLERATE THAT, no sir they will NOT be allowed to try to kill a Boss Mob, NO sir that is reserved ONLY FOR THE PLAYERS THAT PLAY LIKE THEY ARE POWER GAMERS. You know the ones that think Power Gameing is to use every Hack, Exploit and Cheat they can get their hands on.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I took my Greater Dragon out hunting for some magic items to use in imbuing. Didn't seem any less strong than it was prior to the expansion. Still tore through everything with ease.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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If they were photoshopped, how'd I post them three minutes after you requested them....
Easy, you pulled the same trick on some previous person that found you out?

Don't you really get it? I mean I spelled it out in plain speak for you.

Words are cheap and mean nothing. Actions and Posturing, now they at least have a good probability of indicating the true nature of the poster. Given that we have NO camera or any other means to put Physical/Facial/Body gestures (aka context) to what we read on the screen.
Still waiting for you to prove that I hate greater dragons and tamers.

Meantime, you're invited to check out my toons skills. They're on Atlantic. Names are Fallon Valor, Sha'etemmu, and Yi Wu Shi. All three are in United We Fight (http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=d9b3cb361ecb200e:0).