Petra,Gellor: When you've quite finished leaping to erroneous conclussions you might try looking around a bit, and maybe re-reading things.
1. the survey was linked to from uoforums as well as Stratics. I don't frequent many other sites, so I'm not sure if there were more.
2. Regine's previous post referred to 'results from Japan'. Stratics posters were not the only group consulted, by any means.
I wasn't referring to this case of EA only reacting to Stratics. As I've said more than once, I applaud EA for making use of a survey that was posted places OTHER than Stratics... such as in the game patch window.
In the past, they have done things upon what Stratics users said. And THAT is a case of listening to a vocal minority.
As Regine backed up what I said, there were flavors of yes and no. And obviously by the Dev teams response to the survey, the proposed hue system was NOT greatly and overwhelmingly accepted as presented.
So again, I don't see how in THIS case EA caved into the minority. What I see is EA was told the system was not liked as presented by a majority of people so they are going to take another look at it.
My hats off to the dev team for asking what people wanted and adjusting as the users requested. This restores a little bit of faith in the dev team.