we all know there has been a resurgance of Heartwood scripters of late.
but this fella has tooken it to an entirelly new level.
let me set the stage for you.
most guys sit in there with a bettle or a pack or 2.
some may even bring in 5 packies.
and they run out on a rail and reload or what have you.
but THIS fella has it down to a well oiled machine.
im actually impressed by his set up.
he is a MACHINE!
there are 15 guys hidden here.
all of them are doing the quest.
one of them drops a bag and they all drop their waste bags into it.
then there is the supply runner.
he comes in every 30 seconds with 5 bonded mules full of wood and drops it in a pile on the ground with some iron and tink tools.
now, you wanna see impressive.
you watch either the wood pile go down or the garbage bag fill up.
its unreal!!!!!
the wood was dropping faster then you could count it.
he was blasting 5k wood allmost as fast at he was running 5k back in with the mules.
and thats 30 seconds!!!!!!
and the garbage bags where filling up in under a minute.
125 items.
my hat off to you sir.
truelly have tooken (canadian) this to a whole new level.
if anyone wants to come watch, the fella has been on Lake Sup last couple nights, fel side.
(the names below have been changed to NPC names to protect the innocent...... )
but this fella has tooken it to an entirelly new level.
let me set the stage for you.
most guys sit in there with a bettle or a pack or 2.
some may even bring in 5 packies.
and they run out on a rail and reload or what have you.
but THIS fella has it down to a well oiled machine.
im actually impressed by his set up.
he is a MACHINE!
there are 15 guys hidden here.
all of them are doing the quest.
one of them drops a bag and they all drop their waste bags into it.
then there is the supply runner.
he comes in every 30 seconds with 5 bonded mules full of wood and drops it in a pile on the ground with some iron and tink tools.
now, you wanna see impressive.
you watch either the wood pile go down or the garbage bag fill up.
its unreal!!!!!
the wood was dropping faster then you could count it.
he was blasting 5k wood allmost as fast at he was running 5k back in with the mules.
and thats 30 seconds!!!!!!
and the garbage bags where filling up in under a minute.
125 items.
my hat off to you sir.
truelly have tooken (canadian) this to a whole new level.
if anyone wants to come watch, the fella has been on Lake Sup last couple nights, fel side.
(the names below have been changed to NPC names to protect the innocent...... )