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taking it to the WHOLE new level !!!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
we all know there has been a resurgance of Heartwood scripters of late.
but this fella has tooken it to an entirelly new level.

let me set the stage for you.
most guys sit in there with a bettle or a pack or 2.
some may even bring in 5 packies.
and they run out on a rail and reload or what have you.
but THIS fella has it down to a well oiled machine.

im actually impressed by his set up.
he is a MACHINE!

there are 15 guys hidden here.
all of them are doing the quest.
one of them drops a bag and they all drop their waste bags into it.

then there is the supply runner.
he comes in every 30 seconds with 5 bonded mules full of wood and drops it in a pile on the ground with some iron and tink tools.

now, you wanna see impressive.
you watch either the wood pile go down or the garbage bag fill up.
its unreal!!!!!

the wood was dropping faster then you could count it.
he was blasting 5k wood allmost as fast at he was running 5k back in with the mules.
and thats 30 seconds!!!!!!

and the garbage bags where filling up in under a minute.
125 items.

my hat off to you sir.
truelly have tooken (canadian) this to a whole new level.

if anyone wants to come watch, the fella has been on Lake Sup last couple nights, fel side.

(the names below have been changed to NPC names to protect the innocent...... )



I don't understand these people. Surely there are better things to do than script in UO. I mean, seriously.

edit: And by "better things", I mean more profitable ones, if that is their MO.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
fel side? He's doing this fel side and no one is helping themselves to all that nice free wood and metal etc?

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand these people. Surely there are better things to do than script in UO. I mean, seriously.

edit: And by "better things", I mean more profitable ones, if that is there MO.
Heartwood kit roughly every 3-6 minutes with a 2-3 dollar profit per. After a 10 hour day of doing nothing that averages out somewhere between 200-600$ gain. In just 26 days (leaving 339 days of pure profit) the bill for a 30 account operation would be paid off in full for a whole year.

(339 X 200 = wtf?...or 67800 - 203400 dollars (RL money) if this was drilled out 10 hours a day for a period of a year.)

I can think of little else more profitable in the game IMO.


I gotta be honest, that's pretty impressive. Love or hate scripters, you gotta give that guy an A for cahones and management skills.

In terms of how he does it...I'm gonna guess that the mule bringing in the wood might in fact be attended, and the rest of them are running on scripts which expect the wood to be there. Still, that's a complex operation.


Heartwood kit roughly every 3-6 minutes with a 2-3 dollar profit per. After a 10 hour day of doing nothing that averages out somewhere between 200-600$ gain. In just 26 days (leaving 339 days of pure profit) the bill for a 30 account operation would be paid off in full for a whole year.

(339 X 200 = wtf?...or 67800 - 203400 dollars (RL money) if this was drilled out 10 hours a day for a period of a year.)

I can think of little else more profitable in the game IMO.
That may be so, but surely there are more profitable games than UO, like WoW for instance. Can't be much cash in UO these days, surely?

Yeah, I know WoW is more strict and has Warden and all that, but my point still stands, dammit! :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same Exact set-up is also going on in Fel Heartwood on Sonoma. except he was using 23 guys! I know, I revealed them. Want to break the operation? Stand outside heartwood and kill the pack horses hauler when he comes in/out since it is a faction sigil town.
Still not sure why he has a tamed goat at the location, had one on Sonoma as well!

Stupid Miner

fel side? He's doing this fel side and no one is helping themselves to all that nice free wood and metal etc?
Eh, taking scripted items from a scripter does an equal amount of damage to the economy as letting him keep his items. Just get the idiot banned, that's the only way to really solve the problem.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im actually impressed by his set up.

I am not impressed by any scripter, regardless how sofisticated the running script(s) could be, but I DO am impressed by the fact that this has been going on for YEARS in Ultima Online and YET the problem has NOT been stopped.

Now, THAT , is truly impressing to me.............


I am not impressed by any scripter, regardless how sofisticated the running script(s) could be, but I DO am impressed by the fact that this has been going on for YEARS in Ultima Online and YET the problem has NOT been stopped.

Now, THAT , is truly impressing to me.............
Make a character on that shard and go page on him, quit being a whiney little snot.

I've paged on a scripter or two and they were banned.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Make a character on that shard and go page on him, quit being a whiney little snot.

I've paged on a scripter or two and they were banned.

Well, a search on Stratics' Archives might get different stories.

Game Masters often are quite busy.

Besides, I have little faitfh in a policing system which relies entirely on players reporting.

I'd rather see something done "regardless" of players and whether they may or not report on scripting suspects.

Even if a scripting account gets banned, how long can it take to open up another one and keep scripting for runics, BODs, resources??

Reporting does not solve the problem, IMHO. A permanent solution can ONLY come from those who have the power to make changes so that scripting cannot continue in the game.

Besides, I do NOT see why on issues so crucial to game playing as cheating scripting, hacking, duping and so forth the burden of dealing with them should be on players who happen to be paying customers (the burden of reporting...) and not instead on those in charge with providing a service as good as possible....


Well, a search on Stratics' Archives might get different stories.

Game Masters often are quite busy.

Besides, I have little faitfh in a policing system which relies entirely on players reporting.

I'd rather see something done "regardless" of players and whether they may or not report on scripting suspects.

Besides, I do NOT see why on issues so crucial to game playing as cheating scripting, hacking, duping and so forth the burden of dealing with them should be on players who happen to be paying customers (the burden of reporting...) and not instead on those in charge with providing a service as good as possible....
You have some good points, but they're the same good points you've been repeating forever. Complaining only gets you so far.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have some good points, but they're the same good points you've been repeating forever. Complaining only gets you so far.


But I sure hope that those who have ears to hear will eventually decide to say "no more" to scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in Ultima Online.

Whenever they will make UO free of them, I have faitfh that this will make Ultima Online a MUCH, but really MUCH better game.

Much better at all its levels, PvP, PvM, crafting, everywhere.

It just is beyond my ability to comprehend why this has not yet happened, when the game is 12 years old, almost, and these problems have been lamented by a plethora of players for YEARS.

What do we need to finally get these problems OUT of the game ??

Should the problem be lack of sufficient programmers, why not increase temporarily the subscription fee of a 10% or 20% to hire one or 2 programmers to work entirely on these issues ?

Only for the number of months needed to get these problems ironed out and eradicate all scripting, hacking duping and cheating from Ultima Online for good. Then, the subscription would revert back to its current fee.

What I am trying to say, is that if players feel this as a real problem, and considering the posts I read and the people I talk to in game I feel it is, WHY NOT do whatever it may take to get them solved, finally, and the sooner the better ?

Haven't we waited long enough all of these YEARS ?


Go check out Balhae those guys got some nasssssssty scripts they use for heartwood quests they walk to and from heatwood to the moongate to luna move bagballs, some recall if they cant recall they walk it and move whatever was blocking the location.

But as far as heartwood goes ive been getting 4 heartwood runics a day so something is busted dats for sure.

I can't even sell these kits for 4 mill anymore.


we all know there has been a resurgance of Heartwood scripters of late.
but this fella has tooken it to an entirelly new level.

let me set the stage for you.
most guys sit in there with a bettle or a pack or 2.
some may even bring in 5 packies.
and they run out on a rail and reload or what have you.
but THIS fella has it down to a well oiled machine.

im actually impressed by his set up.
he is a MACHINE!

there are 15 guys hidden here.
all of them are doing the quest.
one of them drops a bag and they all drop their waste bags into it.

then there is the supply runner.
he comes in every 30 seconds with 5 bonded mules full of wood and drops it in a pile on the ground with some iron and tink tools.

now, you wanna see impressive.
you watch either the wood pile go down or the garbage bag fill up.
its unreal!!!!!

the wood was dropping faster then you could count it.
he was blasting 5k wood allmost as fast at he was running 5k back in with the mules.
and thats 30 seconds!!!!!!

and the garbage bags where filling up in under a minute.
125 items.

my hat off to you sir.
truelly have tooken (canadian) this to a whole new level.

if anyone wants to come watch, the fella has been on Lake Sup last couple nights, fel side.

(the names below have been changed to NPC names to protect the innocent...... )

Not sure about the garbage bags or what not. But are you sure that is what you see? I mean is it similar to what I do. I have kr running with one account 5 packies using make and mark quest items till fail but never fail so am good. While it's doing my macro I get on second account and bring in wood supply when I run out. Saves alot of time. Did you talk to him? Or anything else Im not seeing? Im curious between what I do and what he does? 15 Hidden people how does that work?There all toghether?Is it a guild?
Probably automated but just dont want to get people confused between a regular person on quest and a scripter on automated you know. People are just very paranoid.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is a great shame to see scripted 'crafting' in game and allmost as old as the game itself.
Why havn't they fixed the problem? Simple, the scripters know more about the code than they do.
Why else would they 'allow' it to go on for so long. But then when the GM's are scripted half the time aswell what do you excpect.

Now if they would omly put as much effort into fixing things as they do at adding 'junk' to the game, not mentioning anything.....*coughs pet dyes*

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ah the timeless profession of scripting. Ive made it a point to visit both heartwoods on sonoma whenever im on just to study and report scripters. Ive successfully gotten rid of a few by reporting, (thx to some good gms). is the only reason scripters goto fel heartwood due to less traffic that might report? ive seen and talked to many real crafters in fel heartwood and never seem to understand why they risk fel when they are attended, is there some kind of bonus to doing them in fel? I myself have shurikened many fel scripters and thrown thier runics right into the trash barrel just because i dont need the kits and niether does the uo economy. I love how they made the kits easier (perhaps too easy) its good for the true crafters that EARN their kits but its terrible how many scripted kits have surfaced. I dont know why they cant investigate the gold/item selling sites that are obviously running a large scale script farm setup. until the uo gods can do something about this, my advice is to keep reporting! it does help, the gms can only ban them if you report them as Unattended macro/scripters. my pages are all the same and seem to be effective,- Help button, Another player is harrassing me, Physical harrassment, "***** is running an unattended macro/script program for heartwood quests. Please investigate." that exact page has gotten at least 4 scripter accounts banned. forgive the long post but i love raining on the parades of scripters.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Right down to the goat, Poo, bro. *shakes head*

Rich pickin's though!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like others have commented and I may repeat a little on this short post.

1) Its not hard to understand why its done tbh, for some individuals this is not a game for fun but an opurtunity to make a living. In some countires the daily wage might be around $2 to $5 if they can find a job. Working this job produces more income in a day then they could make in 2 weeks in some cases depending on what thier doing. So the reason its done is pretty simple.

2) Does this hurt the game and the honest player yup sure does. If you craft these to make in game gold for other things you like, the prices have fallen so much that its not worth the trouble. Thus perhaps some players get turned off with crafting and if its one of the main reasons they play the game might ultimately quit. Thus reducing the quantity and quality of the player base and hurting the game itself.

3) What cane be done to help reduce this scripting? That's a good question and I don't pretend to have the answers. For one thing honest players actually do use scripts which I am not mistaken are in the new beta client. I don't know this for sure but just from reading posts that its easier to craft now. So how can you tell the differance between a player thats do it for fun and one who is doing it to make a living as a means of an income. I believe most scripters if thier smart will be at thier 6 monitors etc like like being at the office watching over whats going on.

4) I would love to get some feed back from the devs but they tend not to disclose thier means of resolving problems like this.


4) I would love to get some feed back from the devs but they tend not to disclose thier means of resolving problems like this.
Mostly because such means don't exist. If you paged a GM nothing would happen and we all know it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mostly because such means don't exist. If you paged a GM nothing would happen and we all know it.
Well thats a big problem for past few years, and I agree with you totally on this point. I remember when the que of how many people were ahead of your paging a gm actually meant something and they would actually talk to you in the game. Was kinda an errie feeling getting text on your screen when a gm would communicate with you. Once in a great while one would actually appear in some form or another which was pretty cool. I even had a GM appear as a little girl once and bounce around, and thought it would be cool to have kids in the game. Never seen it again since that time though and that was pre trammel.


I know a fix to that problem.

Precast explosion offscreen, run onscreen, drop it, run away before it hits. You will be out of guard range. Rinse, repeat, until the guy is dead. Alternately you could do this to his packhorse.

I've killed many people this way on Siege and in Fel on prod shards, trust me, it works :)


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2) Does this hurt the game and the honest player yup sure does.

That is the key argument.

Whether anyone might or not use a game to make real life money what is NOT right by all means is using scripting or other ways which may harm other players game play who actually would like to enjoy fully the game which they are paying for, monthly.

And, I think, it should be a precise responsibility of those providing the service, the game owners, to ensure that their customers who want to enjoy the service they are paying for, are NOT hurt by activities like scripting, hacking, duping, cheating in general.

Yet, years go by and we are still here talking about them.

This is not acceptable, IMHO.

3) What cane be done to help reduce this scripting? That's a good question and I don't pretend to have the answers.

Neither do I, but I can imagine that several could be the options.

Aside from technical ways to detect third party utilities being used, hard limits to the number of items that can be gotten, daily, could be put in.

A regular player could possibly gather a few resources, some items but always in reasonable quantities.

A scripter, instead, has the ability to get these in huge numbers.
Setting a daily CAP could at least be a start until a better way is found....

Yet, years and years go by and we have these problems still here, damaging other players enjoyment of the service they pay for.

So how can you tell the differance between a player thats do it for fun and one who is doing it to make a living as a means of an income. I believe most scripters if thier smart will be at thier 6 monitors etc like like being at the office watching over whats going on.
I have heard they also have alarm sounds calling them if a Game Master shows up catching up their attention so that they can answer back.

This is why I do not trust reporting of scripters by other players. It can hardly work in detecting scripters. Other ways need be found if this problem is wanted to be eradicated from the game.

4) I would love to get some feed back from the devs but they tend not to disclose thier means of resolving problems like this.

Good luck, over the years that I have followed the issue on the forums I have not had much luck at all to get interest in the issue.

Why ? Well, that I really have been unable to understand..........

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how did you find them?....

Clue: the name of the character Poo was using 'a filthy peasant'.
Fact: some of the items the elves generously give to filthy peasants can be quite rare and valuable.

Deduction: He was begging in there.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Clue: the name of the character Poo was using 'a filthy peasant'.
Fact: some of the items the elves generously give to filthy peasants can be quite rare and valuable.

Deduction: He was begging in there.
im actually kinda freaked out that you are bang on with that....
are you stalking me!!!!

it all started a while back, i was out begging in heartwood to try to finish off my collection of uber rare begging gifts and noticed the increase in people in there.

and because im kind of a arse, i started killing them on my red mage
(like mentioned above, pre cast EX and run off screen)
then i started killing them (like mentioned above) at the entrance when to heartwood when they where reloading.

i think i have been rather exceptional in my policing of the fel side heartwood for this last week to 10 days.
now when i go there i rarelly see anyone, compared to when i started last week when there where 2-3 per shard.

and, on the plus side, ive pulled a couple runics a nice little load of iron and a LOT..... L O T of boards.
infact, funny as it sounds, i found some fella who was doing im not sure what, but he had 2 beetles with well over the 1600 boards in them.
one infact was just under 60k and the other was over 20k.
needless to say my red mage has a tidy amount of lumber in the bank on a couple shards.

but i will say this.
i dont report on people who do this on fel side.
tram side, you bet.
fel side i play by the old 'risk vs reward' and if you have the big brass ones to come to fel and do it, then i dont page.
ill kill ya, and take your stuff, and if im in a spicy mood ill take some screenies and poke some fun at ya, but i wont report ya.

cause how would i make money if they all went to tram!!!

and on a side note, im rather dissapointed in myself for not finding this fella on my home shard of sonoma.
*hangs head in shame*

how could i have forgotten my home shard.
im sorry for this lapse and vow to increase my patrols!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
in lookint back at the picture i wonder something.

notice how all of them had 1000 gold, a candle, a book..... thats all new toon stuff.

is there not a 'come to brit for 14 days' event going on right now for the outing of SA?

are we back to the 14 day trail account scripters again?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know Poo, this makes me mad looking at this photo.

I usually play for some months, take a break, repeat.
I came back some time ago, worked my thief on those scripters. I managed to steal a Heartwood runic, then after that I rarely, if ever, found a scripter there.

So I played, then decided to take a break. And now I see this photo by Poo! (I play same shard)

I think I will come back :D


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but i will say this.
i dont report on people who do this on fel side.
tram side, you bet.
fel side i play by the old 'risk vs reward' and if you have the big brass ones to come to fel and do it, then i dont page.
ill kill ya, and take your stuff, and if im in a spicy mood ill take some screenies and poke some fun at ya, but i wont report ya.

Why should scripters do that in Felucca then ?

Is there some extra gain for doing it in felucca vs trammel ?

If not, then it makes no sense why they may do it there rather than in trammel.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why should scripters do that in Felucca then ?

Is there some extra gain for doing it in felucca vs trammel ?

If not, then it makes no sense why they may do it there rather than in trammel.
I would guess they do it in Fel because there are less people there. Less people means it's less likely they'll get paged on...

Duke X. Winter

Still not sure why he has a tamed goat at the location, had one on Sonoma as well!
It's an Easter egg. If you place something in a leather bag, no matter the item, you can drop the leather bag on a tamed goat (or mountain goat) and it'll eat the bag and it's contents. So, you could fill a bag full of junk, then drop it on the goat, and it would work like an instant trash barrel.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would guess they do it in Fel because there are less people there. Less people means it's less likely they'll get paged on...
But merely 1 other player can get them killed and loose all their belongings.

Not to mention thieves taking the kits away thus making all of the effort pointless.......

There must be more to it for doing it in felucca. Simply less people around does not make much sense to me.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why must there be more to it? A scripters worst threat is getting paged on, getting marks on the accounts and getting banned. Therefore they want to do it in a place with little to no population where people wont be paging on them. That being fel.

Edit: Of course it does need some reminding that Heartwood is a guard zone location...even in fel.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But merely 1 other player can get them killed and loose all their belongings.

Not to mention thieves taking the kits away thus making all of the effort pointless.......

There must be more to it for doing it in felucca. Simply less people around does not make much sense to me.
Give it a go yourself and let us know what you find out.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why must there be more to it? A scripters worst threat is getting paged on, getting marks on the accounts and getting banned. Therefore they want to do it in a place with little to no population where people wont be paging on them. That being fel.
Well, if a scripter uses disposable trial accounts the concern about marks and bans is non-existant.......

Edit: Of course it does need some reminding that Heartwood is a guard zone location...even in fel.
Still, they can be killed by a blue not minding to get a count.

And a thief can make their long scripting useless at no penalty for the thief simply stealing their kits or other items.

Nope, I have a feeling there must be more to it or else, Felucca would simply not be worth the risk for the same results as trammel......


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, if a scripter uses disposable trial accounts the concern about marks and bans is non-existant.......
ugh, trial accounts have restrictions now, remember?



* Cannot repeat normally repeatable quests
But whatever. Clearly you believe there must be a conspiracy going on that makes fel different despite the fact that regardless of the facet both quests are completely identical in both content and reward pay-out.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, if a scripter uses disposable trial accounts the concern about marks and bans is non-existant.......

Still, they can be killed by a blue not minding to get a count.

And a thief can make their long scripting useless at no penalty for the thief simply stealing their kits or other items.

Nope, I have a feeling there must be more to it or else, Felucca would simply not be worth the risk for the same results as trammel......
Popps, I give you for your enlightment, a mostly monochromatic rendition of ATTEMPTED MURDER IN HEARTWOOD!!!!!!!!!


(Regina survived unscathed, in case you were worried about her welfare.)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Popps, I give you for your enlightment, a mostly monochromatic rendition of ATTEMPTED MURDER IN HEARTWOOD!!!!!!!!!


(Regina survived unscathed, in case you were worried about her welfare.)
I was wondering when someone was going to bring up the fact that on production shards Heartwood has Tram rulesets on BOTH facets. You can't kill anyone there unless they're a guildie or in an opposing faction.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep. The faction towns in Fel still don't seem to have a guardzone (Dara murdered poor Regina with impunity in Vesper shortly before attacking her in Heartwood as a test). But Heartwood is still a guardzone and has ample numbers of NPCs to assist in making sure the criminal element doesn't get too out of hand. I didn't try it because I have no thieves with snooping skill, but I would imagine stealing from another player in Heartwood would probably end up with the thief being guard-smacked if he/she isn't careful.


I got a dumb question...why do scripters script in Fel Heartwood? arent the rewards the same?

its not like minning


I got a dumb question...why do scripters script in Fel Heartwood? arent the rewards the same?

its not like minning
I would guess there would be fewer people to report them as scripting, but there may be other reasons as well...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was wondering when someone was going to bring up the fact that on production shards Heartwood has Tram rulesets on BOTH facets. You can't kill anyone there unless they're a guildie or in an opposing faction.
Am I reading this right? Are you actually saying that the Fel facet of Heartwood has the tram ruleset??????????

If so, LMAO. You are horribly wrong.
You can kill, or at least attempt to kill any player in the fel Heartwood.
You can steal, or at least attempt to steal from any player in the fel Heartwood.
No faction or guild requirements whatsoever!

Of course if you ever traveled to the Fel Heartwood and tested this "theory" you would have known this.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mostly because such means don't exist. If you paged a GM nothing would happen and we all know it.
I used to think that, but I've been checked 10 or 12 times in the last few months by GM's. The main place they check us in Heart.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes you can easily kill anyone in fel heartwood. theres the run in with explo and run away method or my fave, poisoned shuriken, if it poisons them you get gwhacked but the poison stays on and drops them. just takes lil time to go non crim and get ressed up. then you can loot the scripter without the npcs callin guards.


I used to think that, but I've been checked 10 or 12 times in the last few months by GM's. The main place they check us in Heart.
Thats pretty much because someone being paging on you 10 or 12 times that last month Most likley alot more but the same gm wont answer multiple pages for the same guy after they already checked on you got to wait till the next shift.Got someone or a group of people that when they see you they get the flames running and call scripter!!! Then they come on here and say how gm is not doing there job.