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[UO Herald] Got another Survey For You!

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Grand Inquisitor
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A compromise: how about, instead of wholesale dunking the pet in a dye tub, instead come out with a set of "warpaint" designs...tattoos and the like that can be painted onto pets that will help customize them but will be more natural-looking and less offensive to the eyes of those who are turned off by bright colors?
Heh, I'd like to see tatoos AND dyes... :)


Is it really worth upsetting many players for a few who want to dye their pets? We went through all this with the neon tokuno dyes and that forever left a stigma on UO. Dying pets in this way is only going to further re-enforce the bad feelings. When people see a screenshot of multi-color pets they are instantly going to think back to that.
That seems like a rather gross exaggeration. For one, if there is such a great outcry against tokuno dyes of "neon" color, why are they the most sought after and the colors I most often see done on vendors? But more to the point, we already have several different multi-color pets. People who don't know UO could see any screenshot NOW and think that if they're going to think it. People who do know UO are going to know the state of things from experience, and honestly most of you are not hypersensitive enough to care what color anyone else's pet is. Finally, I'm not foreseeing enough people recoloring their pets that standing at the bank will be like throwing up rainbows. It will be mostly the same people who have glacial hair and blaze robes, and a few people who make animals that are legitimately nice. Do you really think that "omg a black dragon" is going to ruin your game? Would you seriously see an orange beetle and think, "Gah, I can't play around that thing, it's in a color I'm not used to!" and quit?

Multi Dwagon

Lore Keeper
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Clearly its more important to have shiny and pretty things than fixing exploits, scripters, dupers, speedhackers, g-dragons, dread horses and etc

Just Imagen blizzard doing this in wow (yeye, this is uo not wow, and this is ea games and not blizzard), no, they would fix the cancer(exploits, scripters, dupers, speedhackers, g-dragons, dread horses and etc) instead of painting the cancer with some white, black, pink and blue colours (having x amount of people working on dye's for the pets).

But, what the hell, what do I know! :)

Best regards,

Stupid Miner

Clearly its more important to have shiny and pretty things than fixing exploits, scripters, dupers, speedhackers, g-dragons, dread horses and etc

Just Imagen blizzard doing this in wow (yeye, this is uo not wow, and this is ea games and not blizzard), no, they would fix the cancer(exploits, scripters, dupers, speedhackers, g-dragons, dread horses and etc) instead of painting the cancer with some white, black, pink and blue colours (having x amount of people working on dye's for the pets).

But, what the hell, what do I know! :)

Best regards,
At least it seems you have good grasp at how long it takes to fix and or implement various features in UO. :)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Voted against. I would much rather see the more 'realistic' animal-hues -randomly- spawn in game with rp names.. an obsidian wyrm or whatever. I wouldn't want them somewhere they could be camped, just random locations. I wouldn't mind a black dragon if it was named as such.. however, a pink dragon.. no. Black dogs make sense, etc.. Be cool for anyone who want a different colored pet, but also for rpers to give us more variety that is realistic. It would give folks a reason to explore again.. to visit towns looking for a stray black cat or a black rat.. Having it random with a low spawn rate will get folks looking around and it will be much more exciting when they come across one.
Do you have any idea how stupid that post is?????

Realistic and Dragon...... do not EVER belong. How many dragons have you seen "Realistically" speaking? Hum? 10? 20? Come on? One maybe?

Thought so..... So who died and made to the "king/queen" of fantasy????

Give a rats what someone else dyes their pet, plants, hair, furniture, clothes.... whatever....

It doesn't "hurt" my eyes and it's not "offensive".... All over nature and the world there are "garish" colors... appearently you have never seen parrots, goldfinches, hundreds of BRIGHTLY colored plants, flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds,.... Do you puke everytime the sun rises or sets???? Filling the sky with blazen color?????? Didn't think so...

Shut your yap and play your game... this is still an MMO last time I checked... The RPG I think has been dropped but I think it's still an MMO.....

I still say I have no problem with it..... wish the "hueing" could be a bit better and not one solid color..... but fix the items first like beds, chairs and things in SA/KR and plants first...

I would like to say one thing to the DEV's..... for the love of Gods.... takes some pride in your work... Don't do anything "half-a**ed"!... If your going to give us something or add something totally "new" to the game... could you please at the VERY least make sure the graphics are crisp and clear..... not muddied... Look at the old art.... you see every brick in the stonework..... the detail on things is astounding... really... I see hinges on the doors, I see handles, wrinkles in the bedding.... pillows have "texture"..... The old flowers are "alive" with color... you can look at them and know exactly what type of plant that is in RL.... Tree's may all look alike... but they have incredible detail.... down to the apples on the trees... New stuff... not so..... colored plants lose all detail from the hueing.....

That said..... I want to have a Green and a White and a Black Dragon, I want more Black horses, white horses..... I want green, blue and orange beetles.... but maybe just the wings might hue.... on the beetle.. not the entire beetle...

Stop and look at the art.... carefully, you will see what I'm talking about.

Put passion back into your work.... don't think of it as work..... remember your building our "world"....

And I still don't know why the color can't be permanent.... though I'm happy you rethought the week thing.... I honestly am not on my tamers that much..... though I'd rather it only applied while the pet was out in the world... not just the tamer/mule/char.....

I know Malag's horse (black faction horse)... hasn't seen the light of day in weeks. And it most definitely won't be getting dyed.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it really worth upsetting many players for a few who want to dye their pets? We went through all this with the neon tokuno dyes and that forever left a stigma on UO. Dying pets in this way is only going to further re-enforce the bad feelings. When people see a screenshot of multi-color pets they are instantly going to think back to that.
JC, you're assuming it's a few. Remember, most UO players don't bother posting there, but there are a whole bunch who use Tokuno dyes. How can you say it's just a few if so many are using it. It seems more like a majority to me.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you have any idea how stupid that post is?????

Realistic and Dragon...... do not EVER belong. How many dragons have you seen "Realistically" speaking? Hum? 10? 20? Come on? One maybe?

Thought so..... So who died and made to the "king/queen" of fantasy????

Give a rats what someone else dyes their pet, plants, hair, furniture, clothes.... whatever....

It doesn't "hurt" my eyes and it's not "offensive".... All over nature and the world there are "garish" colors... appearently you have never seen parrots, goldfinches, hundreds of BRIGHTLY colored plants, flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds,.... Do you puke everytime the sun rises or sets???? Filling the sky with blazen color?????? Didn't think so...

Shut your yap and play your game... this is still an MMO last time I checked... The RPG I think has been dropped but I think it's still an MMO.....

I still say I have no problem with it..... wish the "hueing" could be a bit better and not one solid color..... but fix the items first like beds, chairs and things in SA/KR and plants first...

I would like to say one thing to the DEV's..... for the love of Gods.... takes some pride in your work... Don't do anything "half-a**ed"!... If your going to give us something or add something totally "new" to the game... could you please at the VERY least make sure the graphics are crisp and clear..... not muddied... Look at the old art.... you see every brick in the stonework..... the detail on things is astounding... really... I see hinges on the doors, I see handles, wrinkles in the bedding.... pillows have "texture"..... The old flowers are "alive" with color... you can look at them and know exactly what type of plant that is in RL.... Tree's may all look alike... but they have incredible detail.... down to the apples on the trees... New stuff... not so..... colored plants lose all detail from the hueing.....

That said..... I want to have a Green and a White and a Black Dragon, I want more Black horses, white horses..... I want green, blue and orange beetles.... but maybe just the wings might hue.... on the beetle.. not the entire beetle...

Stop and look at the art.... carefully, you will see what I'm talking about.

Put passion back into your work.... don't think of it as work..... remember your building our "world"....

And I still don't know why the color can't be permanent.... though I'm happy you rethought the week thing.... I honestly am not on my tamers that much..... though I'd rather it only applied while the pet was out in the world... not just the tamer/mule/char.....

I know Malag's horse (black faction horse)... hasn't seen the light of day in weeks. And it most definitely won't be getting dyed.
Wow, Malag. I don't think Assia's post was stupid at all. What's more, later in your post you seem to agree with her, asking them to to put more time into the coloration of the pets, which is something she seems to be advocating. Is it me or did she not make any comments on garish colors. She might be against pink dragons (though personally I would love to see them spawning if a character is too drunk somewhere in the world ;) but she isn't against new colors and offers a different system to implement them. I made a similar suggestion, but for minor events that could be held. I think I like her system better, however.


Is this a joke? What sort of desperate amatuer-hour freeshard bullcrap is this?


Grand Inquisitor
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She might be against pink dragons (though personally I would love to see them spawning if a character is too drunk somewhere in the world ;)...
Ok, that idea just rocks! You get seriously drunk and you have something like a one in ten thousand chance of spawning an imaginary pink monster that only you can see. I can see the warning labels now, "The game includes alcohol use and dt's. Parental discretion advised." :D


I will be brutally honest here, because it seems like the precedence of brutality has already been set.

I am very new to this game, just a few months into it. It's taken literally years of convincing by my wife to try it... and I'm glad I have started playing.

What is absolutely the most appealing part of this game to me is the personalization, the customization. I can make my character whatever mix of skills I want. I can build the house however I want (within the confines of structural soundness). I can play the game however I want to, and so can you. That's cool.

To those of you who are complaining about "Oh no, these colored pets are going to ruin MY GAME"... How, exactly? Outside of Luna--which is a three-ring circus in any case--I very rarely even come across other players in the world. So what if there are pink greater dragons? Odds are I'd probably only see one of those oddities once a month or so (or, yes, when I'm in that nuthouse that is Luna). I guess the higher-level players might see more interaction in boss fights, champion spawns, etc... But I doubt many of those particular players are going to "plague" you with their pink dragons anyway.

So how is that ruining YOUR game? It's a big map... If it bothers you, just move away.

As to the comments I've read about, "Oh no, it's going to make UO look like a joke"... No it isn't. Honestly, a game that's showing its age like UO isn't going to take much notice by new gamers anyhow. Pink and purple dragons aren't going to hurt its image. (I would take the time to point out that there are purple dragons a-plenty in WoW, and I've never heard anyone gripe about them.)

The one thing that might attract new players--as it attracted me--IS the customization. And while the absence of pink pet dyes isn't going to cause me to cancel my account, this frenzied and very one-sided talk of what "MY GAME, MY GAME" ought to look like... turns me off a good deal.

[Edit: Bah! I forgot to add in all the "brutal" parts!]


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it really worth upsetting many players for a few who want to dye their pets?
Since this argument keeps resurfacing, let me just clarify another thing. This debate was opened on the close beta forums to assess if there was still a majority asking for this or not. The Yes vote was clearly ahead. We decided to redo the vote with a greater number of players to make sure the majority would still be the same. And when I say majority, I meant significant majority. A 51/49 yes vote would not have cut it. In fact, if the no vote had been at least 40% against, that would have been enough to cut this feature altogether. The "No" vote was well below 40% percent. So no, it is not just a few players. In this instance, You, the players fully had control on whether or not a feature was going to be implemented. This is the will of the majority and it is now being adjusted based on your feedback and will be further adjusted once EA Japan's results have come in.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Wow, Malag. I don't think Assia's post was stupid at all. What's more, later in your post you seem to agree with her, asking them to to put more time into the coloration of the pets, which is something she seems to be advocating. Is it me or did she not make any comments on garish colors. She might be against pink dragons (though personally I would love to see them spawning if a character is too drunk somewhere in the world ;) but she isn't against new colors and offers a different system to implement them. I made a similar suggestion, but for minor events that could be held. I think I like her system better, however.
So you think that Dragons are "Realistic?"...... Really? And I suppose you have a magical Unicorn in your back yard too?

How about a Silver sword of Vanquishing?

What my point was is that there is no REALISM in a fantasy based game.

Dragons can come in whatever colors you can imagine far as I'm concerned. Since it's a fantasy... Imagination should abound...

And if people want a pink dragon..... they by all means. Heck we have BRIGHT pink Hiryu..... I don't see any complaints there.....

Fire and Luna White CuSidhe too... Granted they are "rare" as they should be... but I agree with HattoriHanzo individualism and customization are a huge part of what I love about UO...

I'm not at all against coloring pets... and I'd prefer it was PERMANENT.... If they aren't going to be permanent then maybe they should make the ML hairdye last the same amount of time too..... and see how totally ticked off you can make folk then. Same concept in my opinion... shouldn't have one be permanent and the other NOT.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it really worth upsetting many players for a few who want to dye their pets? We went through all this with the neon tokuno dyes and that forever left a stigma on UO. Dying pets in this way is only going to further re-enforce the bad feelings. When people see a screenshot of multi-color pets they are instantly going to think back to that.
JC, you're assuming it's a few. Remember, most UO players don't bother posting there, but there are a whole bunch who use Tokuno dyes. How can you say it's just a few if so many are using it. It seems more like a majority to me.
JC knows where the majority lies on this issue. All of the vocal minority do. They continue with the propaganda because it worked in the past. They will continue on this agenda until they figure out that it's in the final stages and is no longer subject to debate/change. Then they will complain as time goes on but it won't be any more than they currently do about neon colors. Probably less when the novelty wears off and they see that only a small handful of people bother with something that is so temporary.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you think that Dragons are "Realistic?"...... Really? And I suppose you have a magical Unicorn in your back yard too?

How about a Silver sword of Vanquishing?

What my point was is that there is no REALISM in a fantasy based game.

Dragons can come in whatever colors you can imagine far as I'm concerned. Since it's a fantasy... Imagination should abound...

And if people want a pink dragon..... they by all means. Heck we have BRIGHT pink Hiryu..... I don't see any complaints there.....

Fire and Luna White CuSidhe too... Granted they are "rare" as they should be... but I agree with HattoriHanzo individualism and customization are a huge part of what I love about UO...

I'm not at all against coloring pets... and I'd prefer it was PERMANENT.... If they aren't going to be permanent then maybe they should make the ML hairdye last the same amount of time too..... and see how totally ticked off you can make folk then. Same concept in my opinion... shouldn't have one be permanent and the other NOT.
Did you notice she put 'realistic' in quotes?

I just think you were a bit harsh to call her opinions stupid.

And for the record, I'd just as soon as have all the colors as well and have them be permanent. Or, if they want to generate a continual market for these dyes, make them last until a pet dies. Once it dies, revert back to the original color and the tamer can go quest to obtain another dye.

Stupid Miner

I'm not at all against coloring pets... and I'd prefer it was PERMANENT.... If they aren't going to be permanent then maybe they should make the ML hairdye last the same amount of time too..... and see how totally ticked off you can make folk then. Same concept in my opinion... shouldn't have one be permanent and the other NOT.
Well the two items are vastly different in how hard they are to obtain. 168 hours of logged-in time is long enough. (168 hours, if you play on your tamer 4 hours a day the dyes last 42 days) Their temporary nature gives them the virtue of being a new, constant source of income for those who wish to do the quest.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well the two items are vastly different in how hard they are to obtain. 168 hours of logged-in time is long enough. (168 hours, if you play on your tamer 4 hours a day the dyes last 42 days) Their temporary nature gives them the virtue of being a new, constant source of income for those who wish to do the quest.
Hmmm, when you put it that way, perhaps I will make use of them. :) Is this time determined by the character or the pet? For instance, if your pet is in the stables while you're off hunting with other pets, does that stable time count against the dye counter?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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This debate was opened on the close beta forums to assess if there was still a majority asking for this or not. The Yes vote was clearly ahead. We decided to redo the vote with a greater number of players to make sure the majority would still be the same.
So then the survey doesn't mean much of anything because this whole issue was already decided by the people in closed beta?

It was quite disingenuous to reveal this feature little over a week when it is to be implemented. It is obvious that dyed pets would be a contentious issue. Why wasn't this made available during open beta so we can see the full effect this will have when everyone is running around with color pets? We haven't even seen an example of what it is going to look like. A dark green dragon is going to look a lot different standing at Britain Bank than in a grass field.


Since this argument keeps resurfacing, let me just clarify another thing. This debate was opened on the close beta forums to assess if there was still a majority asking for this or not. The Yes vote was clearly ahead. We decided to redo the vote with a greater number of players to make sure the majority would still be the same. And when I say majority, I meant significant majority. A 51/49 yes vote would not have cut it. In fact, if the no vote had been at least 40% against, that would have been enough to cut this feature altogether. The "No" vote was well below 40% percent. So no, it is not just a few players. In this instance, You, the players fully had control on whether or not a feature was going to be implemented. This is the will of the majority and it is now being adjusted based on your feedback and will be further adjusted once EA Japan's results have come in.
Thank you for clarifying this. By reading this thread you'd have thought 75% were against, and 25% for. Guess it really was the vocal minority on here...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So then the survey doesn't mean much of anything because this whole issue was already decided by the people in closed beta?

It was quite disingenuous to reveal this feature little over a week when it is to be implemented. It is obvious that dyed pets would be a contentious issue. Why wasn't this made available during open beta so we can see the full effect this will have when everyone is running around with color pets? We haven't even seen an example of what it is going to look like. A dark green dragon is going to look a lot different standing at Britain Bank than in a grass field.
Hmmm, no. I mean this survey is the 2nd poll. And the results from this survey are similar to those of the closed beta poll with a significant yes vote.

This feature was in during open beta and we expected the debate to occur then. But players who found the dyes then didn't post about it or discuss it. Which is why we decided to officially open a thread about it.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
This feature was in during open beta and we expected the debate to occur then. But players who found the dyes then didn't post about it or discuss it. Which is why we decided to officially open a thread about it.
I think a few of us in the closed beta have been wondering if you're going to do something similar for some of the other subjects that caused a lot of debate behind closed doors but that no one seemed to notice during the open beta.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most people couldn't find them because that last puzzle box wasn't working right till the late patch for open beta. Only reason I found out is because someone used to doing the boxes showed me. And I already explained why I didn't say anything.

I did say to ask the Stratics people too though.. so you have me to thank for that much.. that is if they weren't already planning to anyway, in which case ignore that statement.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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This feature was in during open beta and we expected the debate to occur then. But players who found the dyes then didn't post about it or discuss it. Which is why we decided to officially open a thread about it.
It wasn't available during most of the open beta. The puzzle you have to complete to get access to dying was broken. It wasn't fixed until Thursday or something.

That is also something that is very puzzling for me. Why didn't a single person from the closed beta ever mention, "hey guys, we are going to be able to dye pets!" One beta person I spoke to knew that pet dying was the reward but didn't tell me that. They said it was a reward that some people will love and others will hate. I'm not going to claim a conspiracy, but what explanation is there for such a huge feature to not be one of the first things posted by closed beta testers?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Since this argument keeps resurfacing, let me just clarify another thing. This debate was opened on the close beta forums to assess if there was still a majority asking for this or not. The Yes vote was clearly ahead. We decided to redo the vote with a greater number of players to make sure the majority would still be the same. And when I say majority, I meant significant majority. A 51/49 yes vote would not have cut it. In fact, if the no vote had been at least 40% against, that would have been enough to cut this feature altogether. The "No" vote was well below 40% percent. So no, it is not just a few players. In this instance, You, the players fully had control on whether or not a feature was going to be implemented. This is the will of the majority and it is now being adjusted based on your feedback and will be further adjusted once EA Japan's results have come in.
Thank you very much for your clarification that eases reaaly our mind! I will introduce this to Japanese players at once.


Clearly its more important to have shiny and pretty things than fixing exploits, scripters, dupers, speedhackers, g-dragons, dread horses and etc

Just Imagen blizzard doing this in wow (yeye, this is uo not wow, and this is ea games and not blizzard), no, they would fix the cancer(exploits, scripters, dupers, speedhackers, g-dragons, dread horses and etc) instead of painting the cancer with some white, black, pink and blue colours (having x amount of people working on dye's for the pets).

But, what the hell, what do I know! :)

Best regards,

"Just Imagen blizzard doing this in wow..."

I have played WoW twice for about 6 months each and if Blizzard allowed for real customization of my characters, through dyeing of any type, be it armor, clothing or pets, Blizzard would be getting my $14 a month, not EA Games.

Just for the record at times EA Games gets $14 a month from me, at other times it get's 3 or 4 times that amount when I pay for my householding accounts.

At $14 a month and no houses to need extra accounts WoW is cheaper to play than UO.

I must admit however that I read that cheaters houses had been burned and turned to rubble in UO during the last time I was playing WoW and I dropped WoW like a hot potato to come back to UO because it seemed EA finally decided to make their game a more level playing field by cracking down on cheaters.

Fixing things like cheaters is necessary, you are right, but while I wait for EA/Mythic to get around to addressing all the problems you list above, I'll be happily dyeing my pets with pet dyes and staining everything that can be stained so my chars will stand out even more from the crowd (I like to think that they already do stand out to a certain extent).



I was just coming here to ask if you could give us some of the poll results since I saw you reading the thread. But I see you've already disclosed the important part. Thank you.

Care to share any info on the favorite/least facorite colors according to the polls?

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It wasn't available during most of the open beta. The puzzle you have to complete to get access to dying was broken. It wasn't fixed until Thursday or something.

That is also something that is very puzzling for me. Why didn't a single person from the closed beta ever mention, "hey guys, we are going to be able to dye pets!" One beta person I spoke to knew that pet dying was the reward but didn't tell me that. They said it was a reward that some people will love and others will hate. I'm not going to claim a conspiracy, but what explanation is there for such a huge feature to not be one of the first things posted by closed beta testers?
Because, JC, perhaps the remainder of the expansion, things like the staining system that is elaborate and had bugs that needed to be worked out, things like the champ spawns, things like the puzzles, and the mazes, and the gargoyles abilities, and mysticism... you know the REAL HUGE FEATURES of the expansion were far more important to work out than, "Hey, someone can dye their pet."

While you seem to think that this feature is "huge" because it's somehow about to destroy half of the UO gaming world, it's NOT. It's a limited amount of code, I can assure you, and is far less of a "system" than any of the truly major stuff that's being put into SA.

Now, since you fail to recognize something important, it was MYTHIC who decided that before it went live they better be certain that it really WAS something a majority of players really wanted to have in the game. You don't want it in the game, and that's your opinion and your right to have. Guess what... I don't want Trammel in the game in the way that it was forced upon us during UO:R. I'm STILL here.

If this is going to ruin your enjoyment of UO, well, sorry to hear that, but in the grand scheme of things, with all of the new content there is to enjoy from SA, a black dragon or a red horse ruining your enjoyment of UO only shows that you're looking for something to ruin your enjoyment of UO. Congratulations. Self-fullfilling prophecy fullfilled.

But stop trying to make this something more than it is. A rather minor system is being worked up by you and those who can't stand it as though they're going to force everyone to PvP tomorrow morning. Stop blowing this out of proportion.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you have any idea how stupid that post is?????

Realistic and Dragon...... do not EVER belong. How many dragons have you seen "Realistically" speaking? Hum? 10? 20? Come on? One maybe?

Thought so..... So who died and made to the "king/queen" of fantasy????

Give a rats what someone else dyes their pet, plants, hair, furniture, clothes.... whatever....

It doesn't "hurt" my eyes and it's not "offensive".... All over nature and the world there are "garish" colors... appearently you have never seen parrots, goldfinches, hundreds of BRIGHTLY colored plants, flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds,.... Do you puke everytime the sun rises or sets???? Filling the sky with blazen color?????? Didn't think so...

Shut your yap and play your game... this is still an MMO last time I checked... The RPG I think has been dropped but I think it's still an MMO.....

I still say I have no problem with it..... wish the "hueing" could be a bit better and not one solid color..... but fix the items first like beds, chairs and things in SA/KR and plants first...

I would like to say one thing to the DEV's..... for the love of Gods.... takes some pride in your work... Don't do anything "half-a**ed"!... If your going to give us something or add something totally "new" to the game... could you please at the VERY least make sure the graphics are crisp and clear..... not muddied... Look at the old art.... you see every brick in the stonework..... the detail on things is astounding... really... I see hinges on the doors, I see handles, wrinkles in the bedding.... pillows have "texture"..... The old flowers are "alive" with color... you can look at them and know exactly what type of plant that is in RL.... Tree's may all look alike... but they have incredible detail.... down to the apples on the trees... New stuff... not so..... colored plants lose all detail from the hueing.....

That said..... I want to have a Green and a White and a Black Dragon, I want more Black horses, white horses..... I want green, blue and orange beetles.... but maybe just the wings might hue.... on the beetle.. not the entire beetle...

Stop and look at the art.... carefully, you will see what I'm talking about.

Put passion back into your work.... don't think of it as work..... remember your building our "world"....

And I still don't know why the color can't be permanent.... though I'm happy you rethought the week thing.... I honestly am not on my tamers that much..... though I'd rather it only applied while the pet was out in the world... not just the tamer/mule/char.....

I know Malag's horse (black faction horse)... hasn't seen the light of day in weeks. And it most definitely won't be getting dyed.
*smiles* I respect your opinion and I'm sorry you aren't inclined to show the respect for mine. We can disagree without resorting to hostile language and derogatory tones.

When I mentioned 'realistic', it was not in reference to the real world. It was realistic in regards to the fantasy world this game is based in. If we adhere to a "anything goes" idea because its a fantasy game, than we could technically have machine guns and Jedi's as well. Perhaps you'd be alright with those features added to the game, however, I prefer the game to stay grounded at least somewhat close to Ultima lore.

As far as the pet dyes, as I said, I voted against them. I'd like to have such colors and hues having more meaning than simple temporary dyes applied to a pet. In other fantasy systems such as AD&D they have chromatic dragons, perhaps something like that might be applicable as they have recently introduced platinum and crimson dragons. Cats and Dogs come in a variety of colors like tan, white, black, etc that -should- be included. However, I'd like such colors to be available with the idea that they are different breeds or what not, rather than simply dyed pets.

My suggestion is that they upgrade the artwork instead of simply recoloring the existing graphics with a solid color. I'd love to see a 'pinto' colored horse, or a spotted dog. It is just my opinion, that these creatures would be better being introduced into the general spawn, rather than the act of using dyes.

Regardless of whether the game is now advertised by EA Mythic as a MMORPG or simply by an MMO, it had and still has a strong following of those who roleplay. By the way, I would suggest if you disagree with it being called an MMORPG, that you contact the Guinness Book of World Records. In their 2008 Gamer's Edition, I was told that UO won "First MMORPG to Reach 100,000 Players" and "Longest Running MMORPG". Personally, I don't attribute MMORPG to automatically mean folks role-play... however, we are all playing a character who isn't us... hence "role-play" game. We may have different opinions, but we have a voice in this game as much as anyone else. I only voiced my own personal opinion as an rper, nothing more.

An' thanks Sablestorm for understanding the meaning behind my post and attempting to calm everything down.

JC the Builder

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But stop trying to make this something more than it is. A rather minor system is being worked up by you and those who can't stand it as though they're going to force everyone to PvP tomorrow morning. Stop blowing this out of proportion.
If this was such a miner addition there wouldn't be a topic on UHall with 330 replies. It is also the longest for any topic related to the Stygian Abyss expansion.

I've made a mock up of what it will look like to have these new color pets around. Colors are not exact, but they are in line with what is being offered.



Stratics Legend
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If this was such a miner addition there wouldn't be a topic on UHall with 330 replies. It is also the longest for any topic related to the Stygian Abyss expansion.

I've made a mock up of what it will look like to have these new color pets around. Colors are not exact, but they are in line with what is being offered.

The only noteworthy thing I see in that pic is a newb looking for help he prolly didn't get.


Grand Inquisitor
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Voted against. I would much rather see the more 'realistic' animal-hues -randomly- spawn in game with rp names.. an obsidian wyrm or whatever.
Realistic and Dragon...... do not EVER belong. How many dragons have you seen "Realistically" speaking? Hum? 10? 20? Come on? One maybe?
When I mentioned 'realistic', it was not in reference to the real world.
I've had this particular discussion many times. I like the dyes. I wish they were permanent though, but that's ok. But back to the point of my post. Whether you like it or not, "realism" is the heart and soul of all but the most abstract of games, and that includes UO.

The ground is down.
The sky is up.
Your character walks.
There is grass.
There are trees.

And the list is endless.

You can certainly mention "dragon" and "realism" in the same sentence if you wish. Yes dragons are a fantasy creature, but they have limbs and a body, eyes, nostrils, etc. There are many things about a dragon that are founded in "realism", right down to the fact that their size and form vaguely resemble what we imagine certain dinosaurs might have looked like.

So the discussion of what we imagine a "realistic" colouring for a dragon might potentially be, is a valid one, even if it might seem ridiculous on first blush.


Babbling Loonie
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That is also something that is very puzzling for me. Why didn't a single person from the closed beta ever mention, "hey guys, we are going to be able to dye pets!" One beta person I spoke to knew that pet dying was the reward but didn't tell me that. They said it was a reward that some people will love and others will hate. I'm not going to claim a conspiracy, but what explanation is there for such a huge feature to not be one of the first things posted by closed beta testers?
They were added with the patch that started open beta.. nobody would know unless they finished the boxes, which was very difficult to do with them not working properly (difficult, but not impossible).

And I didn't say anything because I thought it was a "they're going to be in no matter what" situation and would rather save myself a headache if there's nothing to be done.


Crazed Zealot
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You can certainly mention "dragon" and "realism" in the same sentence if you wish.....
To add to what Llewen is saying, if I may :)

Realistic, Realism etc are ... Subjective to the person(s).

A Native American will not consider a Hard Core New Yorkers Life Realistic and odds are (but not guaranteed) a New Yorker will not consider a Native American's Life Realistic.

Many non U.S.A. countries do not consider the U.S.A. Life Style Realistic (well some U.S.A. Citizens do not consider the U.S.A Life Style Realistic).

When the Realistic, Realism, Real World aspect of a discussion enters a Fantasy Game .... well then Realisticly :) all bets are off and the realism :) of the discussion is in doubt.

Tina Small

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It wasn't available during most of the open beta. The puzzle you have to complete to get access to dying was broken. It wasn't fixed until Thursday or something.

That is also something that is very puzzling for me. Why didn't a single person from the closed beta ever mention, "hey guys, we are going to be able to dye pets!" One beta person I spoke to knew that pet dying was the reward but didn't tell me that. They said it was a reward that some people will love and others will hate. I'm not going to claim a conspiracy, but what explanation is there for such a huge feature to not be one of the first things posted by closed beta testers?
JC, I didn't try those particular puzzles and didn't know about the reward either. As you can tell from Crysta's post, I think very few of the beta testers knew about it. And in general, I tried to provide as much information from the beta as I possibly could during the open beta.

You have to keep in mind that some people like to be surprised and kind of figure everyone else does too. Please don't assume that everyone who didn't spill the beans about stuff during the open beta kept their mouths shut to benefit themselves. Some people just think the game is more fun if a few surprises are kept under wraps. I tend to go the other direction, especially about stuff that's controversial and that I think would benefit from being discussed, but that's just me.


I prefer pets to be their original colors (ie I sure don't want to see a blue horse), but many seem to want the colors. At least it wears off in 7 days.


Grand Poobah
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As long as the pet owner is logged on, the clock continues ticking whether the pet is stabled or not.
Why don't you guys worry about speed hacking before you worry about some more godamn pixel crack. Jesus christ..


Crazed Zealot
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The vote is non-void and would have been throw out by the UN.
You can't have 1 option for NO and 4 for YES and count all them as YES.
The NO vote was actually the highest vote option.

I suggest if you want an accurate one you put a poll up for YES or NO, thats it no other YES BUT options.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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JC, I didn't try those particular puzzles and didn't know about the reward either. As you can tell from Crysta's post, I think very few of the beta testers knew about it. And in general, I tried to provide as much information from the beta as I possibly could during the open beta.
Regine just said there was a poll for closed beta testers. You guys are claiming that beta testers didn't know about this. Who is telling the truth?


Slightly Crazed
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JC, I didn't try those particular puzzles and didn't know about the reward either. As you can tell from Crysta's post, I think very few of the beta testers knew about it. And in general, I tried to provide as much information from the beta as I possibly could during the open beta.
Regine just said there was a poll for closed beta testers. You guys are claiming that beta testers didn't know about this. Who is telling the truth?
I guess I over looked the poll if there was one on there before because I didn't know about it either until the poll on the 26th was put up.

Tina Small

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Regine just said there was a poll for closed beta testers. You guys are claiming that beta testers didn't know about this. Who is telling the truth?
Ask Regine when she put up the poll for the beta testers. All I will tell you is that during the open beta period, I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE PET DYES.

Duke SP

I'm sure this survey is gonna be VERY accurate considering i've voted 3 times. Honestly, what kind of joke is this?


Babbling Loonie
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I'm sure this survey is gonna be VERY accurate considering i've voted 3 times. Honestly, what kind of joke is this?
Put it this way. If so many people hate pet dyes, then you won't see it used very much will you. You'll see the occasional dyed pet, but for the most part you won't have to worry about it. What's more, you can start a campaign for those who hate neon colors to bank sit at a lesser used bank where the brightly hued players don't go.

Duke SP

Hmmm, no. I mean this survey is the 2nd poll. And the results from this survey are similar to those of the closed beta poll with a significant yes vote.

This feature was in during open beta and we expected the debate to occur then. But players who found the dyes then didn't post about it or discuss it. Which is why we decided to officially open a thread about it.
Was alot of thought put into this survey? Because i've voted three times? Or is this who can vote the most on one account?

Duke SP

Put it this way. If so many people hate pet dyes, then you won't see it used very much will you. You'll see the occasional dyed pet, but for the most part you won't have to worry about it. What's more, you can start a campaign for those who hate neon colors to bank sit at a lesser used bank where the brightly hued players don't go.
Your opinion rocked. I'll say this one more time i voted three times on this survey is that intended to happen?


Seasoned Veteran
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They were added with the patch that started open beta.. nobody would know unless they finished the boxes, which was very difficult to do with them not working properly (difficult, but not impossible).

And I didn't say anything because I thought it was a "they're going to be in no matter what" situation and would rather save myself a headache if there's nothing to be done.
A Japanese tester found it on the 21th soon after it was implemented. It was opened to public in the world.

the first found pet dyes


Is it really worth upsetting many players for a few who want to dye their pets? We went through all this with the neon tokuno dyes and that forever left a stigma on UO. Dying pets in this way is only going to further re-enforce the bad feelings. When people see a screenshot of multi-color pets they are instantly going to think back to that.
I think a screen shot of a coloured pet won't be an issue.

When they see your 2D client on screen; now that will turn them away.
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