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[UO Herald] Got another Survey For You!

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And this is good for personal play choice, the core foundation of UO.
Is it? Do I have to accept your play choice to get mine ruined?

There are basic aesthetics that should be universal. JC has put it very well. Either do it right or not do it at all.

It will look cheap and tacky as most of the colored items. Take plants. The only reason plants are still being grown are ressources. Certainly not the tacky colors.

Flora Green

Is it? Do I have to accept your play choice to get mine ruined?

There are basic aesthetics that should be universal. JC has put it very well. Either do it right or not do it at all.

It will look cheap and tacky as most of the colored items. Take plants. The only reason plants are still being grown are ressources. Certainly not the tacky colors.
Actually, every shard I've had a shop on I steadily, although not for much gold, sell colored plants. Some people do like them and know how to utilize them in a good decorative scheme, especially for holidays and weddings. With staining coming, the colored plants now have a use, they are expendable and this will add to gardeners turn around and the plants won't just sit in storage or on vendors in between demand. Also, the newer plants from last fall are now available in colors due to a bug that Sak decided to leave in based upon popular request. So, again, there is a market for colored plants, even if small.

Whether some of you like it, there are people who enjoy having a choice to dress, deco, dye their hair and apparently soon dye their pets the color(s) of their choice. I won't be dyeing any of my pets, but it's not for me to decide if others want to.


Is it? Do I have to accept your play choice to get mine ruined?

There are basic aesthetics that should be universal. JC has put it very well. Either do it right or not do it at all.

It will look cheap and tacky as most of the colored items. Take plants. The only reason plants are still being grown are ressources. Certainly not the tacky colors.
Ask yourself the same question. If I want a differently colored dragon, why does that hurt your game play? Does my black dragon do twice as much damage as before? Does my white cu sidhe have more hp? It is not affecting your game play in the least. Some people like bright and shiny, some people like dark and gothic. We all have our own personal preferences and should be entitled to play with them any way we like. If you don't like the pet dyes, don't use them. Do you get bent out of shape when someone in real life walks past you wearing a band shirt of a group you don't like?

I have a rainbow garden. I *do* still grow plants for their appearances. I will continue to do so for the new dyes. Yes, at least one of my characters will be in pink. Close your account now if you don't want to see it.

Finally: Anyone saying people don't dye pets in RL has clearly never seen a pandog.



Guys, guys, guys,guys,guys

Chill out peeps!! I mean cmon, like practically EVERY fantasy book ive ever read that have dragons in it, also have paint jobs for dragons!!

Like wow, where have you all been?

/end sarcasm


They might not have "paint jobs" for dragons, but they contain more than just red and brown dragons, for sure. Dragonlance, anyone? They have blue, red, gold, platinum, a veritable spectrum of dragon colors. People have been begging for new colors for dragons for some time. This is the solution the devs have come up with. Why is everyone so eager to spit all over it?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guys, guys, guys,guys,guys

Chill out peeps!! I mean cmon, like practically EVERY fantasy book ive ever read that have dragons in it, also have paint jobs for dragons!!

Like wow, where have you all been?

/end sarcasm
People without imagination take it too literally. If dyes were permanent and I went and dyed my dragon blue, I'd just RP that I had a blue dragon for a companion. I wouldn't RP that I painted it blue. Different colored dragons do exist in fantasy literature you know.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OMG this must be a pre-april fool jokes...

First of all, it is true this is for getting more money in-game, since you need to buy the SA expension to be able to get these reward yourself, unless you waste a billion gold buying them....

Second, i tryed to dye my cat after i read that...he died.

There is no way this game will survive if they persist wasting developpement time on totaly useless crap like pet dye instead of fixing rampant speed hack, duping, hacking and massive bugs database...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can you PLEASE fix pre patch faction horses. The colors confuse me :thumbsup:[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]


There is no way this game will survive if they persist wasting developpement time on totaly useless crap like pet dye instead of fixing rampant speed hack, duping, hacking and massive bugs database...
I don't know how, after playing games for years, people still don't understand the basic concept of: there is more than one person working on the game. People are assigned to different things. The fact that Person A made pet dyes does not mean that Person B is not working on bugs. In fact, there is a GOOD CHANCE that they are not even in the same department. Bug fixing is often not mixed with new development.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it? Do I have to accept your play choice to get mine ruined?
I have yet to see ANYONE qualify that overarching, ludicrous statement. HOW does someone having the choice to change the color of their pet negatively impact your gameplay above and beyond, "I don't want to have to look at it?"
There are basic aesthetics that should be universal. JC has put it very well. Either do it right or not do it at all.
No offense, but we have to accept that some things in UO are just not going to get the time that we would like them to have. This game is NOT the cash cow it used to be.
It will look cheap and tacky as most of the colored items. Take plants. The only reason plants are still being grown are ressources. Certainly not the tacky colors.
Actually, I (and others) think that several of the available plant colors look just fine. Sometimes it's a matter of the right color on the right plant, yes. And frankly, the only thing stopping that from changing is going back and changing the artwork so that it hues like chair cushions and bedsheets.

But they clearly do have other things they are working on.

And again, just because you think it's cheap and tacky doesn't mean everyone else does. Me, I know of a house that is right near some property I own, and I think it's been among the most gaudy and garrish houses ever constructed. I make comments about it from time to time (less now that it's look -- in my opinion -- has improved), but that's the largest impact it has on my gameplay. I. Don't. Like. It.

*twirls finger*

I still play and don't give it thought until I walk by it.

I also think people with flaming orange hair look silly. So I make fun of them. In game. In a properly roleplayed fashion. It does not matter to me if I think they look like clowns, because, you know what, I'm pretty sure THEY think they look cool. And to them, my opinion doesn't count. No. Big. Deal.

So why don't some of us get over our little, "My gameplay will be ruined" mantras and actually, you know, play?


Seasoned Veteran
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We received an overwhelming response from everyone. We have received tons of feedback regarding this reward.


We have also removed several colors right off the bat.

The ones that will not appear in the game are:
  • Bright Blue
  • Bright Red
  • Dull Orange
  • Orange
  • Dull Green
  • Blue
  • Red

The timer for the dyes has also been updated to 7 days in game instead of real life time.
Have you made the conclusion before you will receive feedbacks from Japanese players through EA Japan? They are surveying on this issue until the 31th Aug. PM 4:00 JST, so they cannot total the results yet.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guys, guys, guys,guys,guys

Chill out peeps!! I mean cmon, like practically EVERY fantasy book ive ever read that have dragons in it, also have paint jobs for dragons!!

Like wow, where have you all been?

/end sarcasm
Every fantasy novel I've ever read has dye tubs that allow their users to dip their furniture in them. Every fantasy novel I've ever read has 1 pound stone tables and 10 pound wooden chairs. Every fantasy novel I've ever read allows me to construct a house out of thin air and use whatever materials I feel like using. Every fantasy novel I've ever read...

I mean, come on. Get a better argument?

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OMG this must be a pre-april fool jokes...

First of all, it is true this is for getting more money in-game, since you need to buy the SA expension to be able to get these reward yourself, unless you waste a billion gold buying them....
Err... yeah, I don't see that being the case. Even the Lady M hairdyes are not billions of gold.
Second, i tryed to dye my cat after i read that...he died.
No he didn't.
There is no way this game will survive if they persist wasting developpement time on totaly useless crap like pet dye instead of fixing rampant speed hack, duping, hacking and massive bugs database...
Not to belittle anyone's programming skills over at Mythic, but I'm going to bet that Sakkarah would admit that the amount of development time (overall) that went into this particular system -- given that bits and pieces of it already exist already (uh, like on Test Center) -- was not a whole lot. In fact, I'm willing to venture she's spent more time trying to please the UO crowd by finding out if people liked it, how people felt about the colors, et cetera, than she actually spent in time coding the system.

The Fallout

Have you made the conclusion before you will receive feedbacks from Japanese players through EA Japan? They are surveying on this issue until the 31th Aug. PM 4:00 JST, so they cannot total the results yet.
I think they just made some changes based on what they have so far? Surely they will wait till EA Japan has their results in.


If someone plays 2 hours a day it will take 84 days or nearly 3 months before the dye wears off!

If these dyes get in we will only be one step away from this:

Hey whered you get my old Test Sosaria screenshot?

I couldn't even post it since it's on my old comp's hard drive, and that comp is missing some parts thanks to my son.

That is Test Sosaria.

You can barely see my char behind the red spam, I am wearing the navy colored leather armor and cap and that is my daughter Melissa in the yellow dress.

We owned several of the colored pets in the pet show.

Was before they made pets log with your char so we could park them and leave them out of the stable.

4th pet from left in line we called 'watermelon' the blue glacial with pink in the upper right we called 'slushie'.

Fun times.

I'm not sure which of my chars wore the navy leather armor, but I think it was Trouble, my carpenter.


It was great.


Seasoned Veteran
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I think they just made some changes based on what they have so far? Surely they will wait till EA Japan has their results in.
Thanks for your kind and helpful reply. I reallly hope so too.

But it seems to me that there is and have been a serious lack of communication between US team and Japan team.

How do you think Japanese people think of this issue? They will think: "US team has no intention to hear from us".

Actually, I think the feedbacks from Japanese players are the same.

But devs could just say, at most, that they inclined toward removing the following colors so far, although the final decision would be done later, if they would regard our feedbacks.

Stupid Miner

Figured I'd post why I like the pet dyes so people can look at the issue from an alternate perspective.

1. As it's currently implemented the quest seems to be an un-scriptable repeatable quest which will always retain it's demand. Correct me if I'm wrong, but since you have to complete a puzzle in a separate window, the scripts cant interact with the puzzle since it has to read the individual colors in the window to solve the puzzle. As far as I'm aware certain scripting programs wouldn't be able to read the puzzle. The puzzle can only be completed once a day. This ensures that the dyes wont flood the market in 10 seconds (does anyone know whether it's 1 try or one completion per day?). And since the dyes wear out, the demand will always be there.
To sum up the above statement: the dyes are a new, repeatable source of income that anyone can get.

2. Puzzles! (that aren't broken!)

3. Allows people to personalize their pets! How awesome is this? Why should be be stuck with brown and grey horses? What about black horses? White horses, even orange-ish horses are realistic. Personally I'm sick of seeing 10,000 tamers with red or brown greater dragons. In what fiction are dragons only red or brown?
Being able to personalize our pets makes them more unique, and special to their owners, we can develop a pet's unique identity better. Sure, some people will dye their pets garish colors for fun, and they'll be kinda annoying (though the garish colors are mostly removed), but it's a great feature for people who are actually attached to their pets.
Personally I plan on dye-ing one of my hell hounds black, in a pack of 5, it can get easy to confuse them, and it's almost impossible to develop them as having unique personalities. Besides, why shouldn't hell hounds be black? It's a very legitimate color for them, no one would have blinked an eye if hell hounds originally came in black as well as red.
Blue hell hounds would be rather odd, but i dont see why someone can't RP their pet as "magically enhanced" giving them a different chromatic hue. Heck, one could even RP the pack as different elemental hounds: green for poison, normal for fire, purple for energy, etc.

To sum up the whole post. Yea, some idiots are going to dye their pets outrageous colors "just 'cause," but since it allows people who use the feature "correctly" to enhance their in-game characters, I support it.

Oh, and...
:danceb::danceb:Dancing Purple Llamas!:danceb::danceb:

New UO catchphrase: Does your MMO have dancing purple llamas? Enough said. :p

Stupid Miner



I Googled "worst thing you could imagine" (don't do this) and came across this photo album: http://s165.photobucket.com/albums/u79/OutofControlUOGoneWild/ (link is okay to click)

Also here is a screenshot of some colors that did not make the cut:

Lolz, I was just thinking I'd have to fix the old comp to get this screenie off. of it. Forgot I posted them on photobucket to post here before for some reason.


Note my pink sparkle beetle in the front right corner.

Thanks to Leurocian for dyeing it for me! My psychedelic beetle was much envied. (although I asked for black with green sparkles pink was way better!)

Farmer Underhill? was it stopped by Ilsh Humility one day on Test Sosaria and my daughter was at Humility gate and yelled for me to come because there was a dev dyeing pets.

He didn't dye for free though he had a question.

How to make Ilsh champs better?

I say:

No PS what's the point?

He says:

PS will always stay in Fel.

So I say:


Can you dye my beetle black with green sparkles?

He dyed it pink sparkles and it was great.

Yes we were dev *****s back then.

Though I didn't think of anything at that moment, later I posted a few ideas how to make Ilsh champs better, mainly deco items related to the champ boss. As an example, I had never done a Rikktor spawn, so all I could think of as a deco item for that one was a statue of Rikktor.

I posted my ideas in the New Ideas den before Stratics had its meltdown and under an old screenname.

That's my char Exterminatrix with the blonde hair and hot pink armor.

Cute huh?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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It's definitely a good thing you're not blowing the issue completely out of proportion with ridiculous slippery slope arguments with predictions that actually go against recent evidence.
This is almost the end of the 3rd page of the topic. Here things lighten up a bit until back to series discussion on page 4. I'm just posting some jokes.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've said this once; but ill say it again. Can we please make it so you CANT dark green a horse of any kind? The old RARE SL war horse is one of the rarest (if not the most rare) mount in the game and highly sought after and valued. With these dyes; it will make a rare mount that has been taken care of 8+ years, completely useless. :bored:

The Fallout

I'd prefer to have the animals spawn in these colors. Just thought I'd throw that out there, but the dyes are cool too, just not as cool lol.

Stupid Miner

I'd prefer to have the animals spawn in these colors. Just thought I'd throw that out there, but the dyes are cool too, just not as cool lol.
Yea, problem with that is it'd take forever to do that for all the different animals.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I've said this once; but ill say it again. Can we please make it so you CANT dark green a horse of any kind? The old RARE SL war horse is one of the rarest (if not the most rare) mount in the game and highly sought after and valued. With these dyes; it will make a rare mount that has been taken care of 8+ years, completely useless. :bored:
They've already stated that dyed pets will have a [dyed] tag on them. Your horse will not have this tag, and to anyone who cares to buy a special colored horse it will still have value.


Lore Master
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I hate the idea and voted no.

But think of it from a RP'er Point of view. It adds something they can work with. ie. Ghost rider, Death Knight.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The puzzle can only be completed once a day. This ensures that the dyes wont flood the market in 10 seconds (does anyone know whether it's 1 try or one completion per day?).
Neither.. for the puzzle set to get to the dyes its 2 hours between attempts (that's two hours either from completion or the decay of one of the needed keys; being the experimental gem and the main puzzle room key).


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's definitely a good thing you're not blowing the issue completely out of proportion with ridiculous slippery slope arguments with predictions that actually go against recent evidence.
This is almost the end of the 3rd page of the topic. Here things lighten up a bit until back to series discussion on page 4. I'm just posting some jokes.
The best joke so far is that all the colors you chose for your sig made it in as valid choices. Good advertising :thumbsup:

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
The best joke so far is that all the colors you chose for your sig made it in as valid choices. Good advertising :thumbsup:
That was just luck I think. I didn't modify it to remove the now dead colors. But I won't rest until every color is dead!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Although i'm not for pet dyes myself, the new 1 real life day timer does seem abit pointless?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, after some colors have been stripped, I find the pet dye thing acceptable. I am no friend of it, but it seems ok now. I still think that different shades of the original pet color would have been nicer, or even war paintings or colored pet armor. But well. Pet dyes are the low-cost solution. *shrugs*

Btw, the time is not 7 "in-game" days, but 7 days of playing. Which is much longer than 7 RL days, unless you play 24/7.


I've said this once; but ill say it again. Can we please make it so you CANT dark green a horse of any kind? The old RARE SL war horse is one of the rarest (if not the most rare) mount in the game and highly sought after and valued. With these dyes; it will make a rare mount that has been taken care of 8+ years, completely useless. :bored:
Hahahaha, tell that to all the people who have lost rares by making them common.


If you insist on adding more colour then get your art team to do some work and colour to the exsisting pets rather than just Hueing everything

Hueing creatures was originally a cheap workaround they used before they could patch in new art for users who installed from the old CD. If you only had the old disc and no expansions, they would rehue animals as substitutes for new ones. eg: Third Dawn users got the Ki-Rin, Classic users got a rust-coloured horse as a place-holder. Once they stopped supporting the original game CD the need for cheap blanket-rehued crap was gone.

The only creatures that look good rehued are the ones that were designed that way (eg: ostards), with proper reserved palettes and discernable features that don't get painted over. The majority of the old art wasn't designed for that treatment, certainly those depicted weren't.

If we want to improve/expand on the look of the game, we should turn to the artists, not have someone simply tweak a hue number and call it art.


No more solid color animals!!!

I think this would be great if they would just put some effort into making them look good.

If they were like Hiryu I would love it.

Maybe they could just color the underside of wings, head details, horses manes, and other details on creatures, without making it look like the poor creature just took a bath in a giant paint bucket.



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If someone plays 2 hours a day it will take 84 days or nearly 3 months before the dye wears off!

If these dyes get in we will only be one step away from this:

there actually was a glacial colored horse on an asian shard given from an EM event a few years back, a light blue one as well, i heard one of them was killed while it was unbonded but not sure about the other


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To answer a couple of the question and another misunderstanding:

When it says 7 in-game days, it actually means the duration of 7 real life days of played time. So the same way you have to spend 40 rl hours in game to work off a murder count, your pet remains hued for 168 hours in game. Note that the timer starts from the moment the pet owner logs in. So if that pet is stabled, the clock is still ticking.

About rarity, you have an equal chance at getting any of the colors unless the RNG starts acting up.

Nightmares and fire steeds are currently still dyable.
when you think of a nightmare, you think black, when you think of a firesteed you think blaze, if i saw a green horse attacking me id have no idea what it was :/


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
when you think of a nightmare, you think black, when you think of a firesteed you think blaze, if i saw a green horse attacking me id have no idea what it was :/
If you are being attacked by a horse and you didn't see it coming then you deserve to die. When someone rides up to you that you don't know in felucca and you are worried about their pet type you lose. This complaint is garbage. Anyone that plays in fel isn't going to be fooled by a damn horse no matter what color it is. Grow a pair and take the chance.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Voted against. I would much rather see the more 'realistic' animal-hues -randomly- spawn in game with rp names.. an obsidian wyrm or whatever. I wouldn't want them somewhere they could be camped, just random locations. I wouldn't mind a black dragon if it was named as such.. however, a pink dragon.. no. Black dogs make sense, etc.. Be cool for anyone who want a different colored pet, but also for rpers to give us more variety that is realistic. It would give folks a reason to explore again.. to visit towns looking for a stray black cat or a black rat.. Having it random with a low spawn rate will get folks looking around and it will be much more exciting when they come across one.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you are being attacked by a horse and you didn't see it coming then you deserve to die. When someone rides up to you that you don't know in felucca and you are worried about their pet type you lose. This complaint is garbage. Anyone that plays in fel isn't going to be fooled by a damn horse no matter what color it is. Grow a pair and take the chance.
sorry, its almost impossible to kill me :/


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can see this getting scripted eventually.

What sort of penatly is there if you get the puzzle wrong?
Damage of varying types for the puzzle room ones (they're the tower puzzle from the golem attacks years ago and the khaldun puzzle boxes), nothing at all for the other except having to start over.

Lucy of Kenton

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'orrible' and yet another step away from classic uo. why do we need to dye pets? whats next? running out of things to dye? howabout making large plots customisable

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Is it really worth upsetting many players for a few who want to dye their pets? We went through all this with the neon tokuno dyes and that forever left a stigma on UO. Dying pets in this way is only going to further re-enforce the bad feelings. When people see a screenshot of multi-color pets they are instantly going to think back to that.
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