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  • Thread starter Arnie QuickPalm
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Arnie QuickPalm

or we shall gather in luna and play off key for hours

i want equipable instrments with mods

i want a song book(equipable with mods) with new skills
is that asking too much ??


Crazed Zealot
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is that asking too much ??
*looks at the calender*

I fear you may have to make due with snake charming for now ... I suspect it's getting a little late for new features.

With large, deep dungeons to traverse, bards should find their skills to be very useful in their travels.

Tina Small

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With large, deep dungeons to traverse, bards should find their skills to be very useful in their travels.
Yes, indeed!

And with many new monsters and spawn areas (including several that appear to have an "evolving" spawn), there will also be lots of places to train skills.

The new gargoyle musical instrument is a treat, as well.


Not having had much of a chance to get into the Open Beta, can I ask what this new instrument is? Is it related to the snake charming that is also mentioned in this thread?

Is it, essentially, that Gargs will have a new instrument to charm snakes? If so, what constitutes a snake?


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OK... Go out, peace your favorite animal, walk up behind it, and repeatedly hit CTRL-B. That should get you all the love you want...


Petra Fyde

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Basara! :twak: be good!
There are two new instruments, the snake charming flute, useable by anyone, no music skill required, used to charm serpents and persuade them to collect the eggs needed to access Medusa or to charm silver serpents to allow you to milk them for venom. The venom is used to make scouring toxin. That has two uses, to soften reeds for basket weaving or to scour the dye from anything dyeable, restoring it to default colour.
The other is a true bard's instrument, and I'd tell you what it's called, but I can't remember and can't, at the moment, log in to check.


I like the ideas, i really do.

But lets first get:

SA out the door, without too many bugs?
Then get a hell lot of work into the new client, so we can get rid of the old buggy one?
And also see the announcement for the new content they promised after SA release?



Babbling Loonie
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OK... Go out, peace your favorite animal, walk up behind it, and repeatedly hit CTRL-B. That should get you all the love you want...


Took me a minute to figure that out but lol.

I'd like to see bugs etc fixed, but barding could do with some love.



Always Present
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Arnie, shhhhh!

*whisper* Bards are currently able to benefit from carrying a spellbook & shield and still play their instruments. Try not to screw that up, please? :thumbsup: My Bard/Mages thank you. */whisper*

Old Man of UO

OK... Go out, peace your favorite animal, walk up behind it, and repeatedly hit CTRL-B. That should get you all the love you want...

OH Basara... I thought I recognized you from the sheep pens...


We Demand Love for Tinkerers first! oO, only fitting with gargs needing jewlry as key armor pieces :(, But then........ We Demand Love for Bards!


Tinkerers are getting love in SA. (as are all craft skills)


Tinkerers are getting love in SA. (as are all craft skills)
Bah we got some extra constructs. No useable earrings or necklaces can be crafted. Were still repairing at 100 skill instead of 120. Nothing magical we make can compare to runics. With imbuing tinkerers are kind of out of the picture now. Yes, tinkerers did get some minor things and at the same time lost the war.

Thats like saying, well bards got some Love in SA with snake charming oO.


You get 3 constructs, gorgon lenses, basketweaving, scale collars and its going to be more useful than ever with Imbuing, you do realise that ecrus can be Imbued right? So can that 5 SSI item.

Snake charming isn't even specific to bards.


You get 3 constructs, gorgon lenses, basketweaving, scale collars and its going to be more useful than ever with Imbuing, you do realise that ecrus can be Imbued right? So can that 5 SSI item.

Snake charming isn't even specific to bards.
Gorgon lens I will give you even though it's mainly for a peerless encounter, the new constructs aren't great by any stretch of the imagination unless the mats needed weigh much less than golems and there stuck with the same restrictions as Golems. No bonding and healing with ingots.

As for Scale Collars, I didn't see them in the OB. I admit I may have missed it could you explain these to me because that sounds interesting.

And for Ecru's and the 5 SSI item, 50% enhance potions will take up a good portion of the weight on your ring. That leaves 300%, the next mod is going to be not so bad to put on, the 4th is going to be a pain and the 5th impossible. Those wanting +skill on there rings considering earrings and necklaces no longer allow it aren't going to be overly inclined to use the Ecru rings. Not to mention, Ecru's don't simply come with just the 50% enhance potions they come with other mods as well. The best route to go for rings and bracelets is to go with blanks, this is taking into account that Ecru's are expensive as all get out and with imbuing comming there going to cost even more. So..........

For the 5 SSI, I could have sworn that could be imbued on there so........ a bit moot on that.

So Gorgon lens and possible scale collars depending on what they are. I didn't see them or hear of them in OB but I quit playing OB a bit ago to keep a good bit of the content a surprise.


Gorgon lenses (semi) have a need. (semi in that you don't necessarily need to use them to kill Medusa but average players probably still will... but either way its an item coming out of the tink menu that has 'a' need regardless of how needed it is - which is entirely relavent to the players skill.)

I don't much care for the constructs either thought I expect some will, though the gargoyle pet is the strength of a nightmare, which isn't too shabby for a craftable on your mule.

Scale collars are related to the taming of battle chickens though if you didn't see it maybe it wasn't open yet so I probably shouldn't say anymore. (again, not something everyone needs, but some will want it)

Recipe jewlery (the non artifact stuff) can be Imbued and I wouldn't underestimate how much PvPers will invest in having 50 e.p mage weapon setups or 40 ssi archers now having 45 ssi. Theres going to be a huge demand for them regardless of cost & difficulty. (hell, people thought 30m for a 5 hp robe was reasonable)

Fair enough you may or may not see the value in this stuff depending on what you do as a player and whats normal for ya, but whatever your stance theres 'stuff' being added for tinkerers. There isn't for bards.

Tina Small

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Fair enough you may or may not see the value in this stuff depending on what you do as a player and whats normal for ya, but whatever your stance theres 'stuff' being added for tinkerers. There isn't for bards.
The new instrument is a new craftable for carpenters. Can't remember whether or not it was made from stone. I know you can buy regular ones from a carpenter for a pittance of gold (35 gp?).

On a semi-related note and not specifically for bards, there ARE some new songs in the Music folder for the SA Classic client.


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I have to agree Bards really did get the shaft they got a stone instrament that plays cool music thats it...the snake charming one can be played and used by anyone ... guess I know why my bard has dust on him! They went from one of the most powerfull temps in the game to the poor thing they are now....
matter of fact I think I will stone off the bard skills and delete him and make a gargoyle woohoo problem solved ... was trying to figure out how to add garg when all seven slots are full!

Tina Small

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I have to agree Bards really did get the shaft they got a stone instrament that plays cool music thats it...the snake charming one can be played and used by anyone ... guess I know why my bard has dust on him! They went from one of the most powerfull temps in the game to the poor thing they are now....
matter of fact I think I will stone off the bard skills and delete him and make a gargoyle woohoo problem solved ... was trying to figure out how to add garg when all seven slots are full!
I don't know.... From what I saw in the Abyss, some of those spawn areas get rather thick after a while (that "evolution thing" in action). I would think someone using provocation skill will have a lot of fun provoking stuff onto "renowned" versions of mobs like balrons and the "greater" elementals. One of the Underworld quests has you look for blood eles and blood worms in the Abyss. Was able to finish it with blood worms in the Underworld but never did see any blood eles in the Abyss or Underworld. So I'm assuming that blood eles will pop up there some time and wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a "renowned" version too.

It's probably too soon to say how effective discord is going to be on things like Medusa and the Stygian Dragon or even on the Slasher of Veils. (Calvin told us he can't be defeated, but it doesn't mean folks won't try. )

I know I had fun running through the Abyss a couple of times with a peace tamer and was very very glad she had peacemaking abilities when I tried to explore a rather buggy champ spawn area. :D

I wouldn't soulstone your barding skills just yet. Wait until the expansion is released and do some exploring first.


UO Forum Moderator
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I don't know.... From what I saw in the Abyss, some of those spawn areas get rather thick after a while (that "evolution thing" in action). I would think someone using provocation skill will have a lot of fun provoking stuff onto "renowned" versions of mobs like balrons and the "greater" elementals. One of the Underworld quests has you look for blood eles and blood worms in the Abyss. Was able to finish it with blood worms in the Underworld but never did see any blood eles in the Abyss or Underworld. So I'm assuming that blood eles will pop up there some time and wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a "renowned" version too.

It's probably too soon to say how effective discord is going to be on things like Medusa and the Stygian Dragon or even on the Slasher of Veils. (Calvin told us he can't be defeated, but it doesn't mean folks won't try. )

I know I had fun running through the Abyss a couple of times with a peace tamer and was very very glad she had peacemaking abilities when I tried to explore a rather buggy champ spawn area. :D

I wouldn't soulstone your barding skills just yet. Wait until the expansion is released and do some exploring first.
dont get me wrong here I love my bard I am just trying to figure out how to make a gargoyle ! I to have tamer bard I used in the abyss and worked great but as you say who knows how disco and provo will work!

I do think they could have made the snake charming require some skill though !


or we shall gather in luna and play off key for hours

i want equipable instrments with mods

i want a song book(equipable with mods) with new skills
is that asking too much ??
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait . . . my bard isn't loved??? :sad4:

Tina Small

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I do think they could have made the snake charming require some skill though !
I'm okay with the fact that they didn't because snake charming is used to do several things that are useful for characters other than bards (collecting silver serpent venom to make dye and getting keys to visit Medusa).

What I like about the snake charming for collecting serpent venom is that poisoners got some love and have a good chance to collect more venom than others. I thought that was a pretty cool twist on that activity. I also think it's pretty neat that one of the developers came up with a quest to use the detect hidden and remove trap skills. After getting a closer look from being in the beta at how much work and time seems to go into designing quests and making sure they work properly, I'm grateful that the developers took the time to put together some fun things to do that use some rather obscure skills.

Arnie QuickPalm

I do think they could have made the snake charming require some skill though !
I'm okay with the fact that they didn't because snake charming is used to do several things that are useful for characters other than bards (collecting silver serpent venom to make dye and getting keys to visit Medusa).

What I like about the snake charming for collecting serpent venom is that poisoners got some love and have a good chance to collect more venom than others. I thought that was a pretty cool twist on that activity. I also think it's pretty neat that one of the developers came up with a quest to use the detect hidden and remove trap skills. After getting a closer look from being in the beta at how much work and time seems to go into designing quests and making sure they work properly, I'm grateful that the developers took the time to put together some fun things to do that use some rather obscure skills.
they could have at least made it so bards get more or differant things when snake charming


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That's what's holding me off on a bard. Needs more love. More music instruments (just one on SA? C'mon!). It's not like they added any new functionality to the instruments... use it this way to produce this effect... use it that way to produce other effect. No... instead they added a new little sound and new graphic. PERIOD.

Bard skill should be a USABLE skill. Click on it (like imbuing) and get a menu, and then you toggle what your instrument will be geared to. DPS? Crowd Control? AOE? Area healing? Area buff? Something like that would be interesting. How about a songbook like others recommended?
Bard is 4 skills too. Holy cow! The bonus is for a stronger fire horn and nothing else?

Ya, need love before I'll train this hard as hell class.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they could have at least made it so bards get more or differant things when snake charming
Considering the actual functionality/purpose of snake charming, there wasn't a whole lot that could be added for bards but there is some regardless. Based on their skill, bards can charm the snake from a greater distance, the duration of the charm is extended and their chances of success are increased.

When searching for eggs at Medusa's lair, bards also have a greater chance their serpent will find one than non-bards.

Granted, it's nothing in the scope of what you guys are asking here, but you weren't forgotten!


UO Forum Moderator
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Considering the actual functionality/purpose of snake charming, there wasn't a whole lot that could be added for bards but there is some regardless. Based on their skill, bards can charm the snake from a greater distance, the duration of the charm is extended and their chances of success are increased.

When searching for eggs at Medusa's lair, bards also have a greater chance their serpent will find one than non-bards.

Granted, it's nothing in the scope of what you guys are asking here, but you weren't forgotten!
well at least that good to know thanks for the comment!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cool, makes sense. We know you were pressed for time, but nice to see that bards were incorporated into the thought process of snake charming.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Considering the actual functionality/purpose of snake charming, there wasn't a whole lot that could be added for bards but there is some regardless. Based on their skill, bards can charm the snake from a greater distance, the duration of the charm is extended and their chances of success are increased.

When searching for eggs at Medusa's lair, bards also have a greater chance their serpent will find one than non-bards.

Granted, it's nothing in the scope of what you guys are asking here, but you weren't forgotten!
Very nice! Thanks for the additional info, Sak!


It's probably too soon to say how effective discord is going to be on things like Medusa and the Stygian Dragon or even on the Slasher of Veils. (Calvin told us he can't be defeated, but it doesn't mean folks won't try. )
Discord works on all of them.

& they've all been solod multiple times.


Considering the actual functionality/purpose of snake charming, there wasn't a whole lot that could be added for bards but there is some regardless. Based on their skill, bards can charm the snake from a greater distance, the duration of the charm is extended and their chances of success are increased.

When searching for eggs at Medusa's lair, bards also have a greater chance their serpent will find one than non-bards.

Granted, it's nothing in the scope of what you guys are asking here, but you weren't forgotten!
Sorry, I know its protocol to just agree, but thats bs. Greater distance? Whats that off screen? You need to be near it to pick it up anyway. It takes less than 5 minutes to get all 4 with a non-bard.

*not directed at you:*
The simple fact of the matter is Snake Charming & Aud Chars are nothing to do with bards. Bard is a skill set, a template, not just playing the same effect on a different instrument with a different tune.

Bards got nothing, again. May not have been forgotten be we certainly weren't included.

Jirel of Joiry

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I'd like to see Bards viaible in pvp!!! I'd also like to see the addition of BAGPIPES!!!!!! Why on God's good green earth does UO have Kilts but no bagpipes? Highlanders unite!! I say we start drinking and singing till they give us our beloved pipes!! (Have you ever heard a bunch of loaded Scots *TRY* to sing....think I know why Karaoke means off key!!)



I gave up on being loved as a Bard many years ago. Thus I wander the lands, playing the same broken tune over and over, pretending that my broken heart is full. One day, in the far far future, I foresee a time when someone will once again love me as a Bard, and gather my broken notes and let me build real tunes that others will love.

But, alas, I continue to wander.



Lore Master
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bard is best toon in game, they wont mess with and with imbuing will be easyier to runa 120 bard tamer so wont be messed with

or we shall gather in luna and play off key for hours

i want equipable instrments with mods

i want a song book(equipable with mods) with new skills
is that asking too much ??


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I'll have you know I was only there to shear sheep for the Tailor Essay....
