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  • Thread starter Arnie QuickPalm
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I'd like to see Bards viaible in pvp!!! I'd also like to see the addition of BAGPIPES!!!!!! Why on God's good green earth does UO have Kilts but no bagpipes? Highlanders unite!! I say we start drinking and singing till they give us our beloved pipes!! (Have you ever heard a bunch of loaded Scots *TRY* to sing....think I know why Karaoke means off key!!)
Ooo! Bagpipes! Yes I want those!


Sorry, I know its protocol to just agree, but thats bs. Greater distance? Whats that off screen? You need to be near it to pick it up anyway. It takes less than 5 minutes to get all 4 with a non-bard.

*not directed at you:*
The simple fact of the matter is Snake Charming & Aud Chars are nothing to do with bards. Bard is a skill set, a template, not just playing the same effect on a different instrument with a different tune.

Bards got nothing, again. May not have been forgotten be we certainly weren't included.
I have to agree with this.

I have a bard, although in no way is it my favourite char. Nevertheless, throwing a few pitiful crumbs at bards that are in no way nourishing and then trying to say that they haven't been forgotten is an absolute crock.

There's already been a post in this thread talking about a "Bard Book" of sorts that would allow you to have more choice in what your bard actually does.

Considering fully trained bards require 4 skills then I think this is the least that can be done for the template. Anything less is actually nothing.


I'd like to be able to bind notes to keys, so one can actually perform, and not repeat the same annoying thing ;)
And why not a macro to automate a particular song you prepared?

We can write books, why not play songs? ^^

Old Man of UO

I'd like to be able to bind notes to keys, so one can actually perform, and not repeat the same annoying thing ;)
And why not a macro to automate a particular song you prepared?

We can write books, why not play songs? ^^
Create your own songs? I think the issue might have to do with copy rights in game.


I made this suggestion years ago...

I want a song that actually makes the target do a dance: a little jig, moonwalk, some sort of twirly ballet number, a fast polka, a bit of JT disco, etc. Can you just imagine a GD doing a soft shoe number? Or a group of Lichs line dancing?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Create your own songs? I think the issue might have to do with copy rights in game.
Spore has a very interesting "procedural music" system that lets you create unique songs and sounds, yet is restricted enough that it is very, very difficult to recreate anything copyrighted.

(but that's a thought for the future, not the next two weeks)

Arnie QuickPalm

first i dont want to be WOW or LOTR however.

With song and tale, a Minstrel brings hope to places thick with gloom. She can inspire those with desperate minds and heavy hearts to great deeds. In battle, she can turn the tide with songs that strengthen her allies and dirges which strike fear into the hearts of enemies.

The Minstrel is the class of choice for players who want to aid their friends, inspiring them to keep going through the darkest of times. With a vast repertoire of tales both fair and foul, a Minstrel restores the morale of her fellows, as well as causing enemies to despair.

Though able to wield weapons, she prefers to let her words, rather than her sword, speak for her. A Minstrel's style of combat is based on maintaining hope no matter what the odds.

Inspire Fellows Words of encouragement renew the morale of the Minstrel's fellowship and increase its vigour.
Noble Cause The next three Herald's Strikes that the Minstrel executes do extra damage and return part of that as morale to her group.
Raise The Spirit The Minstrel's words of encouragement renew the morale of a companion.
Song of Distraction A song that can make the Minstrel's target become drowsy and not detect players until they are much closer than normal. This does not work against monsters already engaged in combat.
Song of the Dead This song causes undead to freeze in fear.

Minstrel Traits
Life-singer The Power costs for the Minstrel's morale-renewing skills are reduced.
Harmonious Melody The Minstrel has a longer window of opportunity in which to perform her next tier of Ballads.
Heralded Saviour Increase the Effectiveness of Song of Aid.
Silver Tongue Song Skills Recharge Faster.
Unrelenting When you land a Critical Hit with your Piercing Cry, your enemy is stunned. This trait also causes your Piercing Cry to recover faster.

WHY cant we have something like this ???


Remove skill timer for bard's!!! that's all the love a bards need's!!:D