I don't know.... From what I saw in the Abyss, some of those spawn areas get rather thick after a while (that "evolution thing" in action). I would think someone using provocation skill will have a lot of fun provoking stuff onto "renowned" versions of mobs like balrons and the "greater" elementals. One of the Underworld quests has you look for blood eles and blood worms in the Abyss. Was able to finish it with blood worms in the Underworld but never did see any blood eles in the Abyss or Underworld. So I'm assuming that blood eles will pop up there some time and wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a "renowned" version too.
It's probably too soon to say how effective discord is going to be on things like Medusa and the Stygian Dragon or even on the Slasher of Veils. (Calvin told us he can't be defeated, but it doesn't mean folks won't try. )
I know I had fun running through the Abyss a couple of times with a peace tamer and was very very glad she had peacemaking abilities when I tried to explore a rather buggy champ spawn area.
I wouldn't soulstone your barding skills just yet. Wait until the expansion is released and do some exploring first.