Those who live in glass houses....
A few exaggerations have been posted in the last several posts. With regards on how great scam is and how bad COP is. It is funny to see their delusional perceptions of grandeur. Their viewpoint is skewed or they only tell ya what they want you to know.
ALL guilds and factions head to the house when they are clearly outnumbered, COP is no exception, neither is scam, dom's harem and the blues of course have the gate or their houses. Yesterday, it certainly didn't help that the harem and the blues were fighting WITH scam and against COP. Going into the house is something ALL guilds do, so making such a big deal about it is a wee bit dishonest and self serving. Yesterday we did, to regroup because not only was scam there, so was the harem (r6) and a very good amount of blues, including some scam alts. Few of us also got in stat.
As for only COP dying? THAT is a joke right? Saw several corpses out there of various others not in COP. I know Violent Moods isnt in scam, nor is Briana, per se, but he sure did die a lot more than I did. His alts are in scam. I suppose you don't count them in your body count, eh Widow Maker?
I for one will admit it is VERY difficult for me to stay alive while NOT in stat and being in stat makes it nearly impossible with the number of people in the field yesterday. Still though each time I was out of stat, I was in there, equalizing the field by dismounting your sorry behinds. It was so MUCH fun. Let's do it again sometime