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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Wrong again Skull, I do see it. I just don't get my panties in a twist over using houses for ANY guild including yours. It's a funny thing..the reason you post that scum uses their houses is the very reason COP uses its house. Yet, the old double standard applies. Some in COP are better at PvP than others myself being one of the weaker PVPers. We don't EXCUDE people giving PVP a try like your guild brags about. I am a weaker PVPer but you try playing on a server half away around the world on a satellite connection, straight up legal, and tell me again how to play a template with 300-400 ping. Go on, make a 'toon in Oceana, tell me how easy it is to play one of your uber templates. I play what I play because it is the best one for survival on a US shard.
Im done with the house conversation. I will never be caught again fighting from a house for if I can’t fight without it I will find something else to do. Houses used for fighting are for the weak period. If your out numbered and don’t want to fight against the odds then leave the area.

I am going to stop template bashing for the most part (maybe a jab here and there) for that’s not my biggest gripe with cop. But I will say if you only play a stealth archer and cannot kill someone yourself, don’t say they suck. That’s like the nerd calling the football jock a wimp (squish). And I do understand your connection problem Ruffles and I would do the same. But many in cop do not have a connection issue at all and still only play stealthers.

Easy answer, because they use pvp to steal, scam and cheat others. They crow about it. Read War's post above mine...as far as my guild goes, no comparison...do that and you are booted. Some even went to scam. I know those that remained in COP a hellovalot better than you do. How well do you know those in your guild? .
You bring up scamming and cheating people and that does NOT have anything to do with our conversation here. We are talking about who we think the better pvp guild is, cop tactics, the use of templates. That has nothing to do with what you said so why bring it up here and now? You’re answering my posts with the influence of other posts. Your conversation with another person is your conversation and if I get involved in that conversation then you can use what he/she is saying against me. The conversation I was involved in was about skills and tactics.

As far as the jibe about COP using tamers? Double standard again, Skull, double standard. .
All I said there was cops best pvper is a tamer. Im not pancakes about tamers im just saying cops best killers are their pets. Scams best pvpers are mages and a few archers. We do use tamers and stealthers but every one of our guys can also play mages or dexers without hiding and stealth. Again I am not going to template bash because I think ill give these templates you guys use a try again and see if I can do it better. :)
HAHAH You say you're all good, but all play coward templates. Nothing you say matters from this point on.
Look at you, calling someone else’s template cowardess…funny.

lololooolololo...... Anyway Vhinn... My Vok character isn't based on Running lol. I can stay onscreen with pretty much any 3 decent PvP'er without having to RUN which is why Disarmed / on Foot / Surprised and having you & 5 COP try to run out and gank me wasn't even close to enough ....

Peon’s archer is the best in Sonoma and probably the best in UO. :bowdown:

harrypotted III

If I was at that event you could bet the house that I'm searching everybodys corpse for **** because it was priceless watching KMS spam about those arms. ROFL!


Haha that's great so you are standing in a house like a worthless pos ingame, while telling people OUTSIDE that has access to every piece of land in Fel to "run"? They only place I cant go is your COP 4 walls. I didnt run, since I am not the one in house, I simply left that stupid COP house choke since at that time the 2 scam obviously owned fel other than cop 4 walls.
LOL you ran each and every time you took ONE shot. Hit like what 25-30 points max? THAT makes me laugh to see you running because of that.

Hmm actually ruffles I did xfer points to a few new characters of mine. Since stealther is extremely easy to play so I used mainly points from ember. And btw most COP dont award points because "I have recently defeated this enemy..." yea good job ruling Fel from a house Ruffles, that's amazing.
As for sometimes using the house to my advantage...until YOU make a character half way around the world (try Oceania), and are a satellite connection with 300-400 ping AND play STRAIGHT... you haven't got a thing to say. Hell War, just play it straight on Sonoma! Lets see if YOU can PVP then, hmmm?


You bring up scamming and cheating people and that does NOT have anything to do with our conversation here. We are talking about who we think the better pvp guild is, cop tactics, the use of templates. That has nothing to do with what you said so why bring it up here and now? You’re answering my posts with the influence of other posts. Your conversation with another person is your conversation and if I get involved in that conversation then you can use what he/she is saying against me. The conversation I was involved in was about skills and tactics.
You said....
And if you or anyone else is going to say we suck, until you are better I will be here calling you on it…
I responded…
The only way I say scam sucks isn't regarding to PvP. It is in some of their members character or lack of it. ... But then what is important to me may differ in what is important to you or others.

Is scam the best on Sonoma?...you may think so and you have every right to think what you want...but let's face it you are not very objective now are you? I think the best in PvP are those players that play it straight up. They might not win as many fights but what they do win is ALL theirs...
We back on track yet?

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peon’s archer is the best in Sonoma and probably the best in UO. :bowdown:
Then why would he run 2 screens away when I just disarmed him? He's not the best, he's a coward. I love how you girls say MAGE MAGE MAGE and the ONLY templates I saw last night were TAMERS TAMERS HIDERS STEALTHERS. HAHAH Hypocrite much? I think so.

harrypotted III

Why do you ppl even give Vhinn and Ruffles the time of day? They are stealthers that post pics of res kills and ganks like they are amazing. That should say it all right there. Let them have their rants because at the end of the day their still noob stealthers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Vhinn your not the sharpest tool in the shed R you?

My Vok Dismounter character is neither TAMER Nor Hider Nor stealther....


& running 2 screens from 5 COP (coming out of a house to attack) + you attacking me makes me smarter than just about everyone else I fight lol.... I mean I know you love that disarm and all but complaining when someone doesn't just stand there and let 5 other archers AI me.. lol who's the dummy?


yeah it was funny huh .

ya know i bet if it was a one on one fight at yew or any champ spawn their wouldnt have been one word said about the arms .

what pissed most cop off was the fact he was put in a spot with no way to win and after the question was asked " what brain dead cuss thought that would be fun to watch ?"
stick KMS in a room with pretty much every scam member there and say GO!

ya know what was fun to watch the 8-9 min duel houdini and KMS had even tho KM lost that one it was by far the best part of the event .

and i love how "every cop" has a temer , stealther and doesnt know how to play anything else i think someone needs to open their eyes

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well since I have not had to say it for a bit I forgive everyone.

Now let me remind everyone.

Do not mention hacks, scams, cheats, exloits, glitchs, 3rd party programs, or whatever else you kids are calling it these days.

Just dont talk about it.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why do you ppl even give Vhinn and Ruffles the time of day?
This coming from Mr. I Died To One Holy Light, and then Vox running from me and TMI and acting like it was 20 cop. Even though TMI died in 2 seconds, he kept running. haha Whatever. So funny. Run along little ones... I know I'd quit uo if Ruffles one shotted me from a house... Seriously, I would.

harrypotted III

This coming from Mr. I Died To One Holy Light, and then Vox running from me and TMI and acting like it was 20 cop. Even though TMI died in 2 seconds, he kept running. haha Whatever. So funny. Run along little ones... I know I'd quit uo if Ruffles one shotted me from a house... Seriously, I would.
Please refer to my last post.


if you see scam in a house its a strategic move becuase of the visiable numbers we are fighting against. not to mention how many we cant even see who are stealthing.
Scam exercised their “strategic moves” in less than 15 minutes of arriving with the intentions of give COP their drubbings…it didn't go well for them.

Without most of Third Legion, Tamer’s Inc. and dom’s harem to assist them, they dropped one by one until all that was left was Geronimo, who quickly had a “strategic movement” and went into the house to be followed by Tricky Jr, & Dread Lord Jimi.
Violent Moods joined them and came out a couple times to try to kill me when COP went to chase Mercutio back into his hidey hole. Didn’t get me did you :)…gotta love those smoke bombs! Solid Snake came back to help his buddies on Violent Moods but Joe Lord, where did he go?

After a bit the guys got bored and went to the gate…not much going on there either. When I left, still no sign of scam other than Violent Moods hugging the gate. Now I expected that you were going say we had 12+ people there, so I specifically counted heads, we had 7 people total there. The rest were finishing up some champ spawns they had started before we decided to do a Harrower…

Good use of your “strategic moves” … can we now drop the insults for COP using their house for the very same thing?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good use of your “strategic moves” … can we now drop the insults for COP using their house for the very same thing?

Ruffles your guild hides when you're not out numbered I've seen 5+ COP fight from the house when you guys actually had 1 or 2 even 3 sometimes more then whoever you would be fighting quiet regularly. Then you guys get 5-7 members on and chase single person into a house and have the nerve to actually trash talk about house hiding. You are incompetent, tactless, delusional, and very likely the most useless "PvPer" on the shard. Go write another letter to EA about how upset you are about being so utterly pathetic.


Ruffles your guild hides when you're not out numbered I've seen 5+ COP fight from the house when you guys actually had 1 or 2 even 3 sometimes more then whoever you would be fighting quiet regularly. Then you guys get 5-7 members on and chase single person into a house and have the nerve to actually trash talk about house hiding. You are incompetent, tactless, delusional, and very likely the most useless "PvPer" on the shard. Go write another letter to EA about how upset you are about being so utterly pathetic.
MERCUTIO: "...A plague o' both your houses...
They have made worms' meat of me..."

[Romeo and Juliet, III, i]


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Time for one of my monthly posts. Ruffles, last night when we were fighting, there was 4 of us (Snake, Tricky, Jimi and me). You had 7. I didn't count your numbers, but that sounds about right. Two of your 7 were your best mages (TMI, KMS). One of our 4 was SCAM's worst mage (me). The four of us attempted to fight you in the field. Snake died. Then you all got Tricky. I want to say we got one of you during the beginning of the fight, but I am not sure. Snake died on Violent when I was trying to keep Tricky alive (lets just say someone didn't have any apples).

Round two was in front of my house. I had one of your archers redlined and Jimi got the kill shot. Tricky and Snake both logged. there was only me and Jimi in the house fighting the 7 of you. That's 2 vs 7. I don't know about other Scam members, but I know I can not come out and be successful against 7. I logged shortly after (Fantasy Football Season-mock draft)

The reason for my post is to point out that 4 of us at least tried to fight you in the field. You and I along with the whole shard knows that COP would never go 4 COP vs 7 Scam.

I will never come on here and brag about my skills, we all know that I am marginal at best. I will come on here and clarify what I have looted and what actually happened during a fight. Good or bad, It really makes no diffrence to me.


P.S. KMS, next time I am on we can have that fight. I would have fought you the other night, but we were grouping up to attack.


Time for one of my monthly posts. Ruffles, last night when we were fighting, there was 4 of us (Snake, Tricky, Jimi and me). You had 7. I didn't count your numbers, but that sounds about right. Two of your 7 were your best mages (TMI, KMS). One of our 4 was SCAM's worst mage (me). The four of us attempted to fight you in the field. Snake died. Then you all got Tricky. I want to say we got one of you during the beginning of the fight, but I am not sure. Snake died on Violent when I was trying to keep Tricky alive (lets just say someone didn't have any apples).

Round two was in front of my house. I had one of your archers redlined and Jimi got the kill shot. Tricky and Snake both logged. there was only me and Jimi in the house fighting the 7 of you. That's 2 vs 7. I don't know about other Scam members, but I know I can not come out and be successful against 7. I logged shortly after (Fantasy Football Season-mock draft)

The reason for my post is to point out that 4 of us at least tried to fight you in the field. You and I along with the whole shard knows that COP would never go 4 COP vs 7 Scam.

I will never come on here and brag about my skills, we all know that I am marginal at best. I will come on here and clarify what I have looted and what actually happened during a fight. Good or bad, It really makes no diffrence to me.


P.S. KMS, next time I am on we can have that fight. I would have fought you the other night, but we were grouping up to attack.

I recognize many in your guild are very skilled in PVP, I was not trash talking but rather trying to point out, by example, that ALL guilds will use the houses as a refuge when it the situation becomes necessary. Your guild just happened to be the one needing to use a house during that given time. I have been in your situation many many times and have done the same thing.


PS. Your forgot Joe Lord, he was one of the first to die :)



I recognize many in your guild are very skilled in PVP, I was not trash talking but rather trying to point out, by example, that ALL guilds will use the houses as a refuge when it the situation becomes necessary. Your guild just happened to be the one needing to use a house during that given time. I have been in your situation many many times and have done the same thing.

When two scam are in a house and 7 cop are outside that house this situation is called “out numbered” by over triple. When there is 7 scam standing in front of your (COP) house and 11 cop are shooting arrows and sending out their G dragons from inside the house what is this situation called?



When two scam are in a house and 7 cop are outside that house this situation is called “out numbered” by over triple. When there is 7 scam standing in front of your (COP) house and 11 cop are shooting arrows and sending out their G dragons from inside the house what is this situation called?

Hackers Blow

Yeah u cant talk about hacks and cheats people. Its a PVP(player vs player) Forum not a PVS (player vs SCAM.... I mean script) forum. I mean comeon who do u guys think your foolin????Get rid of all the FH and TSH and Speeders and medics and see if u can actually play the game. Skill-less children. SCAM wouldnt know what to do if they had to push a button to heal. Yep im one of the slow people in the game cause i dont TWEAK my game. I PLAY THE GAME NOT SOMEONE ELSES PROGRAM.


No, exaggeration.

Get the numbers & circumstances correct next time.
If my numbers are wrong what is the correct number of scam and the correct number of cop in the fight I was talking about?


If my numbers are wrong what is the correct number of scam and the correct number of cop in the fight I was talking about?
I don't know...you tell me? I'm not the one making the claims that there are 11 cop and g dragons...nor am I one to exaggerate numbers to make a point.

When I have been on and need to fight from the house, its usually no more than 2 or 3 fighting, if that. There are times we get into stat, log out in there, or use the house to go afk.

You are also neglecting to mention the other guilds besides scam that are also present and are trying to kill COP at any given time. Often at 3 vs 1 (or more) advantage to the enemy.

I gave a specific incident...complete with numbers, to point out that ANYONE at any given situation will use the house. It is not exclusive to COP.


I don't know...you tell me? I'm not the one making the claims that there are 11 cop and g dragons...nor am I one to exaggerate numbers to make a point. .
So if you don’t know, why are you telling me that that im exaggerating. Why are you saying I need to get my facts straight when you have no clue what numbers were yourself? I was referring to an actual fight and you call me a liar and yet you have no clue yourself what happened…once again…figures.(Bal jr in training)

When I have been on and need to fight from the house, its usually no more than 2 or 3, if that. There are times we get into stat, log out in there, or use the house to go afk. .
This also is not true ruffles and you know it! I have seen You along with several cop fight against a couple of us many times and even know you guys have more in numbers you never try to push out of the house. You guys get killed and log out.

You are also neglecting to mention the other guilds besides scam that are also present and are trying to kill COP at any given time. Often at 3 vs 1 (or more) advantage to the enemy. .
There was one III and he did help on and off between getting killed by our guys. There was one R6 that ran by a few times but never stopped long enough for us to even get a target on him. The other two III came up a few times and went back to the gate. A lot of help there ruff!

I gave a specific incident...complete with numbers, to point out that ANYONE at any given situation will use the house. It is not exclusive to COP.
So did I but you called me a liar and said I need to get my facts straight when you have no clue yourself what your talking about .



Please point out where I called you a lair...

It has become a habit with scam to over exaggerate the numbers on a consistant basis. THAT is why I said "exaggerate".

As for the rest of your arguments, it is obvious that we are never going to come to an agreement on what happened and when and with how and why and all that other bullpucky. You play the game YOUR way..I will play the game mine. As far as the rest of COP, let them play however the way they wish.They don't answer to you, to me, or anyone but themselves.



Please point out where I called you a lair...

It has become a habit with scam to over exaggerate the numbers on a consistant basis. THAT is why I said "exaggerate".

As for the rest of your arguments, it is obvious that we are never going to come to an agreement on what happened and when and with how and why and all that other bullpucky. You play the game YOUR way..I will play the game mine. As far as the rest of COP, let them play however the way they wish.They don't answer to you, to me, or anyone but themselves.
By saying I “exaggerated the numbers to make a point” isn’t that basically saying im lying? I took it that way for sure.

What does something that someone else says have to do with what I say? So because someone else exaggerates I automatically exaggerate also? So what others in cop do you automatically do also?


By saying I “exaggerated the numbers to make a point” isn’t that basically saying im lying? I took it that way for sure.
Nope...but if you take it that way, then do you take Widow Maker's propaganda as lying?

What does something that someone else says have to do with what I say? So because someone else exaggerates I automatically exaggerate also?
It has been my experience on these boards that people in scam exaggerate numbers of COP on at any given time...you are in scam...put it together.

So what others in cop do you automatically do also?
You already know the answer...

**check your PM's**

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They don't just play up/down their kills/deaths Ruffles. But I don't care. I'll keep "res killing" them, and they can keep saying that I "res kill" them. We all know what "really happens" in the field, don't we? HAHAH Just laugh at them like I do Ruffles. They're funny. Skull especially, cause I NEVER see him in the field, and when I DO he's dead... You suck. Period. The one where you died by the gate was HILLARIOUS, I came out of the gate, saw you running towards it, and a cop was right behind you with you almost dead and grey. I missed getting the kill shot by ONE SECOND. haha


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, tonight is the same as usual. I'm at the gate fighting cop 7-8 on 1 and I get a kill right outside their house while a bunch of scam sit in their house. haha Too funny.

On a side note: One more scam, one more holy light. Too funny. This guy obviously died to cop, and came through the gate right next to me! So I followed him and gave him the holy light shuffle. haha Damn that was funny.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, tonight is the same as usual. I'm at the gate fighting cop 7-8 on 1 and I get a kill right outside their house while a bunch of scam sit in their house. haha Too funny.

On a side note: One more scam, one more holy light. Too funny. This guy obviously died to cop, and came through the gate right next to me! So I followed him and gave him the holy light shuffle. haha Damn that was funny.

Great, next time when you get a rezkill and want to claim as a 1v1 kill (we all know you can do nothing else) please at least wait till the death robe decay, or at least pick it up and hide it. sigh nooble kiddies thesedays.

Nice try tho :coco:.


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great, next time when you get a rezkill and want to claim as a 1v1 kill (we all know you can do nothing else) please at least wait till the death robe decay, or at least pick it up and hide it. sigh nooble kiddies thesedays.
Seriously can you read? OH THAT'S RIGHT, most of your guildies die to ONE HOLY LIGHT, so it's the norm for you. HAHAH


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, tonight is the same as usual. I'm at the gate fighting cop 7-8 on 1 and I get a kill right outside their house while a bunch of scam sit in their house. haha Too funny.

On a side note: One more scam, one more holy light. Too funny. This guy obviously died to cop, and came through the gate right next to me! So I followed him and gave him the holy light shuffle. haha Damn that was funny.

You posted a rezz kill. That's funny.


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You posted a rezz kill. That's funny.

Actually I was laughing about me fighting cop 8 on 1 while all of scam sat in their houses like cowards. This was just a target of opportunity that was hillarious. I can only imagine how funny it was when you saw me pop out and take that one holy light. By the way, I'd quit uo. That's TWO scam I've killed with one holy light now.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I was laughing about me fighting cop 8 on 1 while all of scam sat in their houses like cowards. This was just a target of opportunity that was hillarious. I can only imagine how funny it was when you saw me pop out and take that one holy light. By the way, I'd quit uo. That's TWO scam I've killed with one holy light now.
I have watched you debate everyone on this forum about fact and fiction. Now I see why these debates can go on for days. You must be looking for some approval/acceptance from these boards that you can not seem to get in your real life.

Someone from COP reading this can verify that all the fighting we did last night was in the field. I am not saying that I haven't ever fought out of my house outnumbered, but it wasn't last night. I fought huge odds in Fire on Bear and Geronimo last night. I also fought those same odds in Yew last night. We didn't house fight last night when I was on. If you saw me in the house, well, that was probably cause I was in stat.

I am going to end this with a saying I heard.

If you argue with an idiot, those watching wont know who the idiot is.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: PvP thread on Sonoma

lol dude are u really delusional, you had 3 people up on that roof and a super mare,

u might be the stupidest pvper of all time

i also like to add if you dont post the money shot then dont bother posting son, anyone can randomy run up and take screen shots after ganks
ROFL COPTER WASP lol that kill was after a 30 min of ME! Chasing you!!! and i ran out of mana and Pots R-tard other wise u wouldnt have gotin the screen shop dill hole

DOM would own you is 000000.0000005 milla seconds DOM has my back and he knows i wouldnt die to you if i hadnt of laged out and ran out of mana and pots so dont be posting Screen shots of u owning me you only have one and dont send any from Jack Daniels cause WE ALL know that isnt you LOL weeeeeeetard Status so have fun and enjoy your dieing at pvp cause most of your time in Fel will be in Grey From now on Biotch


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

ROFL COPTER WASP lol that kill was after a 30 min of ME! Chasing you!!! and i ran out of mana and Pots R-tard other wise u wouldnt have gotin the screen shop dill hole

DOM would own you is 000000.0000005 milla seconds DOM has my back and he knows i wouldnt die to you if i hadnt of laged out and ran out of mana and pots so dont be posting Screen shots of u owning me you only have one and dont send any from Jack Daniels cause WE ALL know that isnt you LOL weeeeeeetard Status so have fun and enjoy your dieing at pvp cause most of your time in Fel will be in Grey From now on Biotch

Sorry Rumple stil skin i was in a hury to post this i could not beileve Wasp of all noobs think u could Own the Great Beat LOL ROFL COPTER ROFL COPTER ROFL COPTER!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

ROFL COPTER WASP lol that kill was after a 30 min of ME! Chasing you!!! and i ran out of mana and Pots R-tard other wise u wouldnt have gotin the screen shop dill hole

DOM would own you is 000000.0000005 milla seconds DOM has my back and he knows i wouldnt die to you if i hadnt of laged out and ran out of mana and pots so dont be posting Screen shots of u owning me you only have one and dont send any from Jack Daniels cause WE ALL know that isnt you LOL weeeeeeetard Status so have fun and enjoy your dieing at pvp cause most of your time in Fel will be in Grey From now on Biotch

Sorry Rumple stil skin i was in a hury to post this i could not beileve Wasp of all noobs think u could Own the Great Beat LOL ROFL COPTER ROFL COPTER ROFL COPTER!!!
Haha, it's great for you to thinking running away from me is chasing me. I mean I know some special people like you ingame. DOM included. What is 000000.0000005 milla seconds? Did you pass UO 3rd grade math? And what's "milla"

I did post a few DOM face planted screenie before, and Ive challenge her to post one where he actually killed me. And great screenie right? you like it?

Lookie your face down in the dirt. In UO the only way to die face planted is you got pwnt while you are RUNNING AWAY. Good game nooblet. :next:


Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

Sorry Rumple stil skin i was in a hury to post this i could not beileve Wasp of all noobs think u could Own the Great Beat LOL ROFL COPTER ROFL COPTER ROFL COPTER!!!
Not only will Wasp own you, he can do it on multi characters. Im sure just about everyone in scam and even cop can own you beatenu, your not even an average pvper, you were the meat shield they threw out…


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

Haha, it's great for you to thinking running away from me is chasing me. I mean I know some special people like you ingame. DOM included. What is 000000.0000005 milla seconds? Did you pass UO 3rd grade math? And what's "milla"

I did post a few DOM face planted screenie before, and Ive challenge her to post one where he actually killed me. And great screenie right? you like it?

Lookie your face down in the dirt. In UO the only way to die face planted is you got pwnt while you are RUNNING AWAY. Good game nooblet. :next:
ROFL WASP please man grow up^^^^^ lol
this is just a game to me but it is also a reputaion that i have with people they know how good i am and if u wana fight me log on to Pac and fight my secondary mage im pretty sure i can own u in .2 seconds lol R-Tard

-Great Beat


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

Not only will Wasp own you, he can do it on multi characters. Im sure just about everyone in scam and even cop can own you beatenu, your not even an average pvper, you were the meat shield they threw out…
Skull i remember owning u in Dsp when u use to play that archer you use to tele up next to the telys and u run or once i get u half life ytou run 50 bazzilion screens away from me so stfu u $CAM trash roflmao


Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

ROFL WASP please man grow up^^^^^ lol
this is just a game to me but it is also a reputaion that i have with people they know how good i am and if u wana fight me log on to Pac and fight my secondary mage im pretty sure i can own u in .2 seconds lol R-Tard
...and the reason you don't fight him on Sonoma is....?


Skull i remember owning u in Dsp when u use to play that archer you use to tele up next to the telys and u run or once i get u half life ytou run 50 bazzilion screens away from me so stfu u $CAM trash roflmao

Sure…sure you did :thumbsup:

...and the reason you don't fight him on Sonoma is....?

Because no one in Sonoma believes his garbage anymore and found out he really sucks in pvp. Now he’s trying to find new people to believe his BS until they actually see him fight and they to will know he sucks. Then he will move on to the next shard and the cycle starts over…(I see a name change in his future)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.03

Skull i remember owning u in Dsp when u use to play that archer you use to tele up next to the telys and u run or once i get u half life ytou run 50 bazzilion screens away from me so stfu u $CAM trash roflmao
I think your imagination illness is very serious.
After I chased you from fire to dsp, from dsp to destard, then owned you in 1 combo while you are running away, I can safely say you will get owned by Skullcollector and Skull very easily.

You are a below average PvPer, and you cause less of a threat to me than Sugar or Spice. I mean you cant play your characters worth a jack that's OK but at least dismount me so your friends can gank me given it wouldnt work in 1v1 but at least you can dismount me and animal form away or smokebomb or something so you can make sure you can run away (or chase me away) easier.

And why cant you fight me on Sonoma again??? Sonoma is bad luck to you or something? :coco:
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