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COMMAND scripts



Please use CODE tags around any you post here for clarity as done below. Drag a COMMAND icon to the macro slot then enter the line of text shown in the text box for the COMMAND icon. Multiple lines (beginning with the word script) need multiple COMMAND icons. Letter case, punctuation and spacing must be perfect.

Description: opens the tip of the day window.
script CreateWindow("TipoftheDayWindow", true)
Description: clears out your target so you have nothing on current target.
script TargetWindow.ClearPreviousTarget()
Description: zooms the radar map.
script MapCommon.AdjustZoom(-50)
Description: opens a bug report window
script MainMenuWindow.OnOpenBugReportItem()
Description: opens your settings window and switches it to legacy tab.
script MainMenuWindow.OnOpenUserSettings()
script SettingsWindow.OpenLegacyTab()
Description: Toggles legacy containers ON/OFF
Note: This does not toggle containers already opened
script SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers = not SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers
script UserSettingsChanged()

Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for dynamic objects.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eDynamicFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for corpses.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eCorpseFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for NPCs.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eNPCFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for vendors.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eNPCVendorFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for mobiles.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eMobileFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Turn sound off.
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = false
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Turn sound on.
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = true
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Toggle sounds ON/OFF
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = not SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Lower the volume by 10%
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume = math.max( SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume - 0.1, 0 )
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Raise the volume by 10%
Note: For the volume raise/lower commands - the UI will get out of sync. The slider will be in the correct location, but the value next to the slider will show your last selected value (fixes on client restart, or whenever you move the slider manually).
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume = math.min( SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume + 0.1, 1 )
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Toggle footsteps ON/OFF
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.footsteps.enabled = not SystemData.Settings.Sound.footsteps.enabled
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Toggle display foliage ON/OFF
script SystemData.Settings.Resolution.displayFoliage = not SystemData.Settings.Resolution.displayFoliage
Description: Tell everybody what facet you're in.
Note: Split it into multiple commands because it was too long to fit into one.
script _facetLbl = GetStringFromTid( UORadarGetFacetLabel( WindowData.PlayerLocation.facet ) )
script _channel = ChatSettings.Channels[ SystemData.ChatLogFilters.SAY ]
script SendChat( _channel, L"We are currently in the ".._facetLbl..L" facet." )
Description: Hide the orange border around the play window.
Note: Effectively prevents resizing and moving of the play window.
script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", false )
Description: Show the orange border around the play window.
script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", true )
Description: Dismount
Note: If you're not mounted it will toggle your paperdoll.
script UserActionUseItem(WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId ,false)
Description: Creates a mobile healthbar from current target and sticks it in the upper-left corner of the screen.
script MobileHealthBarWindow.CreateHealthBar(WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId)
Description: Creates a mobile healthbar from the current target, attaches it to the current target (moves it over the target's head and keeps it stuck there), then detaches it (lets you drag it around as you please).
script _mobID, _x = WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId, MobileHealthBarWindow.CreateHealthBar(WindowData.C urrentTarget.TargetId)
script AttachWindowToWorldObject(_mobID, "MobileHealthBarWindow".._mobID)
script DetachWindowFromWorldObject(_mobID, "MobileHealthBarWindow".._mobID)
Description: Toggles paperdoll ON/OFF
script MenuBarWindow.TogglePaperdollWindow()
Description: Puts "Your Message Here" into the chatbox
script Debug.PrintToChat(L"Your Message Here")
Description: Toggles backpack ON/OFF
script MenuBarWindow.ToggleInventoryWindow()
R Traveler
Description: Set game window size to 1200*809
Note: Height 809 is magic number to set legacy art 1:1 scale
script ResizeWindow.SendViewportData(1200,809)
Description: The heal/cure buttons on the mobile health bar of your party members will work with chivalry after this command.
script MobileHealthBarWindow.Spells = { Heal = 202, Cure = 201 }

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gonna sticky this. Anyone else who has command script to share please post here in the above format.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
heh, no. I sometimes get feedback on a proposed page before it makes it into the weekly announcement and a link from the menus.
It may just be my pc set up, but the text of the actual scripts is a bit small. What font size did you use?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It may just be my pc set up, but the text of the actual scripts is a bit small. What font size did you use?
Was supposed to be the same size as the font on the rest of the page. Fixed it.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
set game window size to 1200*809 (height 809 is magic number to set legacy art 1:1 scale)
script ResizeWindow.SendViewportData(1200,809)
Due some rounding this window size may not saved properly.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Toggles Legacy Containers
(Note this does not toggle containers already opened)
 script SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers = not SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers
script UserSettingsChanged()


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use only the SA Client now, and although some of the stuff still is buggy, I am really loving it.

I am not techy, at all, so I really have no idea what most any of these scripts means. I have, however, since I am not techy at all, found these scripts to be very helpful.

I do have one macro I would really like to be able to do in SA, that I am able to do in UOA, that I haven't been able to figure out in SA:

That is to remount a regular Swampy or whatever, after getting off accidentally in War Mode. One very aggravating thing for me is being in a fight and I go to double click a corpse, and inadvertently dismount myself.

In UOA, I have a "Remount Macro" that was recorded while I was out of War Mode, and when used, I get back on my Swampy without attacking it, and with one button click.

I have to think there is a way to do it in SA, but I am not sure what the syntax would need to be, and I hate guessing at stuff like this.

Any help from the folks that know what they are doing would be awesome...thanks in advance!!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Surgeries, check this other thread below about using the Command action: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=148637. A macro to mount your character's nearest follower macro is discussed in there a couple of times. (It does not use a command script.) I set it up as directed and it works great, even when the character is in war mode. However, it may not be working properly for everyone. (Could be that having Legacy Targetting turned on makes a mess of it.)


Someone suggested a mount macro before, like this:

Target Nearest Follower > Use Targeted Item

Works in war mode or not. I use this on my tamer:

All Stop > All Follow Me > Delay 0.2 > Target Nearest Follower > Use Targeted Item

Stops your mount from fighting first. The delay's so you can use it while moving on foot, the pet catches up and you can reach it when you go to mount up.


For all you chivalry users out there, here is one that might come in handy in party hunts. The heal/cure buttons on the mobile health bar of your party members will work with chivalry after this command.

script MobileHealthBarWindow.Spells = { Heal = 202, Cure = 201 }
Without a mod to auto set this, you will have to use this every time log in.


For all you chivalry users out there, here is one that might come in handy in party hunts. The heal/cure buttons on the mobile health bar of your party members will work with chivalry after this command.

script MobileHealthBarWindow.Spells = { Heal = 202, Cure = 201 }
Without a mod to auto set this, you will have to use this every time log in.
Nice one.

I guess it's possible to change the cure to arch-cure with the right number? I do a few Sleeping Dragon spawns as a healer/herder & this would help.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone got any further trying to add a delay or getting other commands to happen after the dismount command??


Nice one.

I guess it's possible to change the cure to arch-cure with the right number? I do a few Sleeping Dragon spawns as a healer/herder & this would help.
The targeting doesn't work right with Arch Cure, I tried. All you get is it casting the spell and leaving the target on the cursor.


PJay: I still can't get a macro to continue after dismounting.
Ash: Thanks for trying. I will stick to my usual methods.


A chunk of code from Gildar that was in danger of being lost in the other thread...
COMMAND script Debug.PrintToChat(L"Your Message Here")
Add this into the macro, puts "Your Message Here" into the chatbox, good for jogging your memory as to which macro you just pressed. Goes into all chat tabs, evidently. Use just this one line and put in "Macro Stopped" and you have a macro-halting macro with feedback.

Der Rock

The targeting doesn't work right with Arch Cure, I tried. All you get is it casting the spell and leaving the target on the cursor.

arch cure spell direct in the hotbar with target self dont work, but

you can easy do a archcure macro: Archcure/waitfortarget/cursor target self

easy and it works :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please use CODE tags around any you post here for clarity as done below. Drag a COMMAND icon to the macro slot then enter the line of text shown in the text box for the COMMAND icon. Multiple lines (beginning with the word script) need multiple COMMAND icons. Letter case, punctuation and spacing must be perfect.

Description: opens the tip of the day window.
script CreateWindow("TipoftheDayWindow", true)
Description: clears out your target so you have nothing on current target.
script TargetWindow.ClearPreviousTarget()
Description: zooms the radar map.
script MapCommon.AdjustZoom(-50)
Description: opens a bug report window
script MainMenuWindow.OnOpenBugReportItem()
Description: opens your settings window and switches it to legacy tab.
script MainMenuWindow.OnOpenUserSettings()
script SettingsWindow.OpenLegacyTab()
Description: Toggles legacy containers ON/OFF
Note: This does not toggle containers already opened
script SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers = not SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers
script UserSettingsChanged()

Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for dynamic objects.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eDynamicFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for corpses.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eCorpseFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for NPCs.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eNPCFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for vendors.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eNPCVendorFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Switches object handle filters on the fly for mobiles.
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eMobileFilter
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Turn sound off.
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = false
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Turn sound on.
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = true
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Toggle sounds ON/OFF
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = not SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Lower the volume by 10%
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume = math.max( SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume - 0.1, 0 )
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Raise the volume by 10%
Note: For the volume raise/lower commands - the UI will get out of sync. The slider will be in the correct location, but the value next to the slider will show your last selected value (fixes on client restart, or whenever you move the slider manually).
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume = math.min( SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume + 0.1, 1 )
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Toggle footsteps ON/OFF
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.footsteps.enabled = not SystemData.Settings.Sound.footsteps.enabled
script UserSettingsChanged()
Description: Toggle display foliage ON/OFF
script SystemData.Settings.Resolution.displayFoliage = not SystemData.Settings.Resolution.displayFoliage
Description: Tell everybody what facet you're in.
Note: Split it into multiple commands because it was too long to fit into one.
script _facetLbl = GetStringFromTid( UORadarGetFacetLabel( WindowData.PlayerLocation.facet ) )
script _channel = ChatSettings.Channels[ SystemData.ChatLogFilters.SAY ]
script SendChat( _channel, L"We are currently in the ".._facetLbl..L" facet." )
Description: Hide the orange border around the play window.
Note: Effectively prevents resizing and moving of the play window.
script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", false )
Description: Show the orange border around the play window.
script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", true )
Description: Dismount
Note: If you're not mounted it will toggle your paperdoll.
script UserActionUseItem(WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId ,false)
Description: Creates a mobile healthbar from current target and sticks it in the upper-left corner of the screen.
script MobileHealthBarWindow.CreateHealthBar(WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId)
Description: Creates a mobile healthbar from the current target, attaches it to the current target (moves it over the target's head and keeps it stuck there), then detaches it (lets you drag it around as you please).
script _mobID, _x = WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId, MobileHealthBarWindow.CreateHealthBar(WindowData.C urrentTarget.TargetId)
script AttachWindowToWorldObject(_mobID, "MobileHealthBarWindow".._mobID)
script DetachWindowFromWorldObject(_mobID, "MobileHealthBarWindow".._mobID)
Description: Toggles paperdoll ON/OFF
script MenuBarWindow.TogglePaperdollWindow()
Description: Puts "Your Message Here" into the chatbox
script Debug.PrintToChat(L"Your Message Here")
Description: Toggles backpack ON/OFF
script MenuBarWindow.ToggleInventoryWindow()
R Traveler
Description: Set game window size to 1200*809
Note: Height 809 is magic number to set legacy art 1:1 scale
script ResizeWindow.SendViewportData(1200,809)
Description: The heal/cure buttons on the mobile health bar of your party members will work with chivalry after this command.
script MobileHealthBarWindow.Spells = { Heal = 202, Cure = 201 }
Description: Creates a mobile healthbar from current target and sticks it in the upper-left corner of the screen.

script MobileHealthBarWindow.CreateHealthBar(WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId)

any chance we can make this open the new bar stuck to the mouse so i can put it somewhere?


The target window disappears if a critter teleports and disappers. Also sometimes I cycle thru available targets and that obviously also changes what's in the target window. If I already have a critter on last target, is there a command script to set the current target window to what I have on last target?

For pvp/group, is there a command script that can be used to open the paperdoll of the target window person?


The scripts on here are good. I would like to look into creating some but I don't know where to find the info on the script library, calls etc. Are you examing the game code and if so what programs are you using?
Thanks for any information you can provide.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Description: Set game window size to 1200*809
Note: Height 809 is magic number to set legacy art 1:1 scale
script ResizeWindow.SendViewportData(1200,809)
Since last patch (27 Aug 2009) this function broken. Art scale tied to other parameters.


Any help in finding a script to open my map?

Is there a guide to script commands at all?


I want to make a macro for my hotbar that will just open the map, I want to minimize the user toolbar in the lower right side to give up some precios blank space.
Thanks for the link, I am going to give it a shot later.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Is there any way to use a rune book via scripts or macros?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Another question. Anyone know if it is possible to create a command script to open a pack animal's back pack?


Another question. Anyone know if it is possible to create a command script to open a pack animal's back pack?
For a regular pack horse or llama, the "mount" script should work.

For a particular packie, I would think it could be done with a stored target (not sure offhand). I am also not sure if context menu options (ie: open pack beetle) can be accessed via command script.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Ok, here's another question. I've tried to create a macro that attacks the my nearest opponent, for some reason the "attack" macro option doesn't attack it just goes into war mode. I've tried "target nearest enemy;attack target;use target" but that didn't work. Anyone have a working command script or macro that does this?


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, here's another question. I've tried to create a macro that attacks the my nearest opponent, for some reason the "attack" macro option doesn't attack it just goes into war mode. I've tried "target nearest enemy;attack target;use target" but that didn't work. Anyone have a working command script or macro that does this?
target nearest enemy,cursor target current,attack current target

hope that helps


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Ok, here's another question. I've tried to create a macro that attacks the my nearest opponent, for some reason the "attack" macro option doesn't attack it just goes into war mode. I've tried "target nearest enemy;attack target;use target" but that didn't work. Anyone have a working command script or macro that does this?
target nearest enemy,cursor target current,attack current target

hope that helps
All you need is: target nearest enemy; attack current target. I stupidly bound it to shft,ctrl,alt,tab, and that didn't work. It was the keybind that was causing the problem.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
target nearest enemy,cursor target current,attack current target

hope that helps
Careful though, because you may accidentally attack any Energy Vortex on the screen. It is stupid that even your own EVs count as "enemy".


Careful though, because you may accidentally attack any Energy Vortex on the screen. It is stupid that even your own EVs count as "enemy".
It may as well target a hind, a horse, or the Sphynx if you're in the Forgotten Pyramid in Malas.
I think there should rather be a "target next hostile creature"...


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Careful though, because you may accidentally attack any Energy Vortex on the screen. It is stupid that even your own EVs count as "enemy".
Ya, you have to make sure that the enemy you wish to target is actually close to to you. I also have enemy targets bound to the mouse wheel. I'm not used to that, so we'll see how useful that is to me.


Hey guys this is a stickied thread about COMMAND scripts. How about taking your MACRO discussion to another thread please?


Is there a command to stop a script that is running? I could have sworn I read of one here a few days ago, but I can't seem to find it now.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I remember right you just create a blank macro


If I'm not mistaken, hitting ESC will also stop any running/repeating macro. At least it does for my 10x Target by resource/Delay 0.1.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Does anyone have a script that would allow one button use of multiple pet balls? Right now pet balls stack when you try to place them in a macro, which makes pet ball macros, or hot bars, useless for multiple pets.

Der Rock

Does anyone have a script that would allow one button use of multiple pet balls? Right now pet balls stack when you try to place them in a macro, which makes pet ball macros, or hot bars, useless for multiple pets.
same problem i had with runes,so i colored the runes and problem solved. question is are petballs in anyway dyeable, if not,dev´s should make this possible,different colored petballs would also help for multiple pets to distinguish ;)


Coloring would be the simplest way. But if that is not possible, you can also try this if you use the enhanced client target options. I don't have pet balls but the following would work with backpacks or bags, so I think a petball would also work.

If you know the itemid for the petball, use the following part script:

script WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId = MyPetBallItemID
script TargetWindow.UpdateTarget()
script TargetWindow.OnLClick()
Use Targeted Object
The first 3 lines set the target window to your petball and the 4th will use it.

If you don't know your petball's id, you can store it in a variable using this script:

script MyPetBallItemID = WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetID
The trick here is that you have to put your petball on the ground (I think target can't be set for items in your backback) for it to work. Once you run this script, you can put your petball back in your pack and running the first script should use that petball. It works with container bags anyways.

If it does work, you probably want to make a script to display each petball itemid so you can create a hardcoded script for each of them.


Is there any way to close all the hp bars on screen? Not including the follower, party, or own stat bars.

Mike of Ameraust

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Having a prob. with object handles, it doesn't seem to be able to tell difference between vendors and npc's, i cant get vendors to show on there own, yet npc's will show vendors and npc's.
Any ideas anyone ?

Der Rock

Coloring would be the simplest way. But if that is not possible, you can also try this if you use the enhanced client target options. I don't have pet balls but the following would work with backpacks or bags, so I think a petball would also work.

If you know the itemid for the petball, use the following part script:

script WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId = MyPetBallItemID
script TargetWindow.UpdateTarget()
script TargetWindow.OnLClick()
Use Targeted Object
The first 3 lines set the target window to your petball and the 4th will use it.

If you don't know your petball's id, you can store it in a variable using this script:

script MyPetBallItemID = WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetID
The trick here is that you have to put your petball on the ground (I think target can't be set for items in your backback) for it to work. Once you run this script, you can put your petball back in your pack and running the first script should use that petball. It works with container bags anyways.

If it does work, you probably want to make a script to display each petball itemid so you can create a hardcoded script for each of them.
can someone explain pls,how to paste multiple lines in the command window? thx


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can someone explain pls,how to paste multiple lines in the command window? thx
just make a macro with multiple commands in it (one command per line) thats what I do!


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
here is one posted by Bteng_mythic this will log you out !


In the meantime, for the more savvy users, this functionality is already available in lua, so it is possible to create your own using the "Command" action.

Drag the "Command" action out to a macro that you're editing or onto the hotbar and when the prompt appears, type in:

script BroadcastEvent( SystemData.Events.LOG_OUT )

When you're done, press the Okay button to save it and you got your very own Log Out button!

If you want to assign a key to it, right-click the macro or the slot in the hotbar and select "Assign Hotkey".