Does this look any better from what you remember of using KR?Who wants to bet that when this "beta" is over and SA goes live, my tetsubo or whatever will still float out of my hand?

Does this look any better from what you remember of using KR?Who wants to bet that when this "beta" is over and SA goes live, my tetsubo or whatever will still float out of my hand?
You must be joking...this is Ultima Online for God's sake. Other MMO's aren't even looking at it because it's apples vs. oranges. But it's still the looooooong running MMO that most of us know and love.This new client is a complete joke. Other mmo devs must be laughing their asses off.
Does this look any better from what you remember of using KR?
Yeah, that has to be it. rolleyes:New client = Change.
As we know people are scared of change.
When people get scared they lash out in all directions.
Actually, the optional download would be a great idea as well. Thinking of Fallout DLC. Ermmm...but free of course.I think it would be pretty cool. Not very easy from a technical side, but cool. I have to say I'm with Supreeme on this, I think it would be great as an optional download, but I'm not sure about it coming with SA by default.
OK what some people fail to understand is that many WANT a new client.New client = Change.
As we know people are scared of change.
When people get scared they lash out in all directions.
I don't mind change, I do mind when that change is an effective "downgrade". I'm not going to ever question the professionalism or skill or ability of the UO graphics crew.
However I will as other people have as well question "why" they did such a downgrade in quality and keep up the requests that the SA client be made more "scalable" in terms of graphical options so that higher end systems are not relegated to 640x480 native graphic quality.
The quickest way I can see the client being scalable in such a manner is a toggle between KR and Legacy graphics (like KR has now, but reversed in Default). Maybe then down the road they can consider how they want to upgrade the Legacy artwork and put it in the client.
If I were afraid of change, I wouldn't have used the 3d or KR client and I'd be calling out for rulesets that aren't coming back.
I think there is a difference between the people who are scared and those who want to improve on what we have been given.
I agree. WOW is jumping the shark just like EQ did. I knew when I saw books, toys and crap with EQ - they were done for. Now WOW is having a movie made about the I knew when Mr. T was doing commercials that WOW would go the way EQ...borring with no risk!You must be joking...this is Ultima Online for God's sake. Other MMO's aren't even looking at it because it's apples vs. oranges. But it's still the looooooong running MMO that most of us know and love.
You are welcome to not like the new client or certain aspects of it but it can't be a "complete" joke - a large part of it is based on the 2d client that I assume you still care for?
1) The SA client is rebuilt from the ground up, and entirely different from just modifying the legacy client with patches and stuff. This means that any 3rd party programs like UOA/UOAM will not work with SAsomeone said 'its 'posed to eliminate uoassist'. can someone explain that?
someone said, 'it doesn't work with uoautomap'. is that true?
The built in radar now has automatic markers for NPCs (having wandering healers show up on your map is very useful), automatic marker for your corpse, markers for statics like towns/gates/shrines/dungeons etc. Though not all of UOAM's functions are available.Automap is pretty much nonnegotiable to the pvp community, as well as uoassist. I noticed some markings on that little circle map (which has always been almost useless) in screen shots earlier in this thread.. Has there been any thought about implementing some kind of working map system like uoam?
i.e. tracking players, etc.
Captain Jack Sparrow will disagree, he has gotten his hands on a wonderful map that's roundAlso, heh. not that the round map thingy in 2d hasn't done its job of adding to the 'nostalgia' of the early feeling of uo, but.. *ahem*.. I think its time it evolved to something practical? heheh, something square? something resizable? something with function would be awesome..
other than that, great job to everyone involved, and thank you.
edit: at least square.. i mean.. c'mon, when was the last time you bought a map that was round? there is a reason. .
Exactly. Establish a baseline, then progress from there.Agreed.
On the positive side; this client is very stable right now.
Maybe if it stays this way we might get an option for high res graphics.