Again, I stand beneath Uriah's tent. Persoanlly, I tried to embrace KR, but... I'll try again here, and suspect probability higher than on the "first edition." Thang, I have to tell from many years of behind the scenes play, by the time players are brought into a client, the major "muscle movements" are in place and we're at "tweak" stage. So whether the first group that enter are KR adovcates, high potential KR adopters, or die hard 2Ders, it doesn't really matter, nor does the sequencing, so long as all get there. Thats not to say there can't be major changes, it did happen once that I'm aware of, but I'm sure that isn't the "vision" going in.
Ender, I love 2D, but I hope you're wrong. It's anyones guess about the future if 2D remains UO's primary client, but the one aspect of dual clients that disturbs me the most is what dev "can't do." While not entirely accurate, from a resource management "macro" view, two clients doubles the effort, 2 man hours are required to accomplish what could have been done with one. Now while many variables come into play, and assuming all things remain "equal" (which they won't), if that 2d manhour were directed to other projects in UO, we all benefit from it. At least that's the theory.