First of all, congrats to those who are in, there are more names than I can count on my fingers that I do recognize and have great confidence in, and feel certain all of us will be well represented by.
That said, my feeling about the thread went "south" around post #3. IMO, it's another decision I'm not sure about the wisdom of. It's a fine line I suppose, but "the code of silence" that’s worked before just sits a little better with me personally. You can sense the feelings of disappointment scattered along the thread, something better either systemically avoided or minimized. One can argue the logic of putting the names out there to reinforce confidence, but weighted against predictable disappointment - I'm just not sure I can climb aboard here.
Again, congrats where appropriate, sympathy but a word of encouragement elsewhere. Betas tend to "phase," it's likely everyone will get a look-see soon enough. Selection criteria varies and are too numerous to open the floodgates too early. Previous beta experience on one hand may help, but equally may hinder selection, as the process itself over time tends to try and encompass more than just a few of our voices! Keep your chins up