For sneaky characters
1) For safe banking in Fel, hide yourself and use the banker's context menu to access your bank without revealing yourself
2) 80 stealth is enough to always succeed in stealth attempts if you are wearing med-able armour
3) Once you hide, you can immediately walk to start stealthing, no need to wait for the skill timer or double click the sneak skill
4) Stealthing checks both your stealth and hiding skills, and consequently, gives you skill gain to both. On the flip side, you will be revealed if you fail either one of the checks
5) If you have ninjitsu, 50 ninjitsu will give you the ability to use smoke/eggbombs. However, eggbombs are much cheaper to make.
6) Assign one of your UOA marcos to use eggbombs and trigger it whenever you are in danger. I use my mouse wheel button, in case people do not know, the mouse wheel can be clicked like a button
7) If you attempt to hide while too near a mob that has aggro'd you, you will get the normal "you can't hide right now" message. Unfortunately, if you try to use the eggebomb now, it will tell you that "you must wait to use another skill". Always use eggbombs first, don't try to save on them. A 50 gp eggbomb will potentially save you thousands of insurance money
8) Also use invisibility in conjunction with hiding in the presence of mobs that can cast reveal. When you cast invis, it will break aggro. Spell casting monsters will attempt to cast reveal once at the tile where you invised yourself. If you can't or are too slow to move out of the reveal range, just hit your hide / eggbomb macro when you get revealed. As long as you did it before you were re-aggro'd by the spellcasting monsters, they will not recast reveal
9) To add on to the invis/hide tactic, just opening corpses to see what it contains does not reveal you unless it belongs to a player. So you can check out what's in a corpse and identify all the loot you want first, then make preparations/hover your mouse cursor on the chosen loot and quickly grab them all in 1 go to minimize revealing your presence
10) Using the above trick, I have looted tons of threads/plane swords/shields/paragon chests/gold during the Moonglow invasion by following berserker daemons as they kill other mobs. Once I open the corpse, I will drag the gold, but leave the gump open near my loot bag, ready to be looted by a single click on the "ok" button. Next, I hover my cursor on the chests/threads etc. When I am ready, I will begin to cast invis, while my character is going through the casting animation, I will grab all the threads/planeswords/shields/paragon chests, then click the "okay" button on the gump for the gold. Just last target yourself when the target cursor comes up. If any mob aggros me and catches me in their reveal, I will just eggbomb.
11) You can also stealth when you are invis'd. Though you will be revealed if the invis timer runs out.
12) If you have already 50 ninjitsu, bumping it up to 70 will let you use llama/ostard forms, allowing you to move twice as fast while hidden. You can even sprint short distances without revealing yourself
13) If you die, the mob that killed you will likely hang around your corpse. Having stealth allows me to safely loot my stuff back 99% of the time. Only times where it's a bit iffy is when there are alot of corpses around. In this case, there's an advantage in having yourself guilded, since the show incoming option or allnames macro will show your corpse in green. This allows you to quickly identify your corpse. Just dbl click your corpse even if you are far away, this sets your last item. Then keep your use last item macro pressed and approach your corpse. You can also run past to do a drive-by if fighting mobs with area attacks like Crimson dragons.
14) When you are hidden/stealthing, switching to animal form will reveal your position. Other people will see a puff of smoke/sparklies that accompanies the spell casting
15) Shadownjump reveals you the same way to, other people will see the sparklies on the tile you jump from AND the tile you jump to
16) When running away from players, animal form into llama mode (or any of the >70 skill that lets you walk at double speed), run in 1 direction, slow down to a walk (so that you don't auto reveal yourself on that first step after hiding), use smokebomb to hide, then immediately switch direction. Most people will think you are still heading in the same direction
17) Shadow jump is more sensitive to z-axis than teleport. So if you can't get to a certain tile by shadow jump, you can try teleporting
18) Chances to deflect an attack to mirror images is equal to Ninjitsu - 30. Meaning if you have 120 ninjitsu, you can deflect 90% of all attacks. This is much higher than the 40% from 120 parry/120 bushido/wielding a 2-handed weapon
1) Sometimes, corpses of mobs stack on each other and the bottom one doesn't open (it gives you a "you must wait" and opens only one of them). Just hold your use last item macro down and you will eventually open it
2) If the corpse is in an inaccessible area, you can cast teleport/shadowjump and target the corpse
3) Disable gump offset so that all containers/corpses that you open will be placed at the top right of you client window. Then open your loot bag and position it directly below that position. This way when you loot, you minimize the dragging you have to do and thus speed up your looting. Minimizing moouse movements to improve efficiency by up to 500% is taught in designing efficient human interfaces like application frontends or webpages
4) Similarly, try to set macro keys to cast spells/use skills as much as possible, especially those you use often or those you need to use quickly (like recall and sacred "retreat")
5) Cutting up copses and animate dead/spirit speak closes that corpse's gump for everyone that has already opened it. Can be used to buy you a bit of time to loot a public'ed corpse if you are far away, a tad annoying to other people though