I don't think duping was an issue back them, and I've played since 1997.My point was, CORRECTUO was trying to say that cheating and duping wasn't an issue with the so called "classic" shards... I was just pointing out that it was and has existed from the start.
You know, its funny, people seem to act as if there arent jerks in UO now. I played the old days, and I rarely ran across anyone who acted like a jerk. I didn't really start seeing jerk like behavior until after trammel. At first, it was slight, just a mouthy kid here and there spouting off some lame F-bombs thinking they are acting tough, maybe stealing a kill or two. But, over time, the bad behavior began to pick up. People started getting nastier, more vulgar, mass kill stealing and griefing.Az also mentioned the jerks and the wolves without reserve. This is notable - cheats/bugs are lines of codes on a server that players are confident the devs can fix. But only companies/people that has run any public game server before will understand that there will always be players that are simply jerks/griefers/starved wolves/cheaters and how to deal with the "people" aspect of it. The more successful free/paid non-EA shards are those that crack down hard on cheats.
Couldnt agree more with this. A swift acting GM staff who is quick to ban offenders would show that such behavior is not tolerated.The most effective way, besides having a cheat-invulnerable ironclad coding (impossible), is a GM team that is seen swiftly responding/enforcing punishment on cheaters. And yes, this will need to be done on the regular shards first. As in now. Today. This minute.
Wait until after SA? That is an invitation to disaster. From what I have read on SA, its just going to cause more imbalance in an already imbalanced game. Its as if UO has been reduced to rubble and now EA has decided to carpet bomb it. What is it EA, do you hate UO so much that you must continue to abuse it? I'd rather see UO shut down that have SA add another batch of scars and shame to something that was once so beautiful.As for implementing the classic shard, even when they have gotten the green light, a classic shard is going to be realized only somewhere down the road. As in next year (or years), after the release of SA, when they have the resources to even start looking into it and to gather more information. They are not going to clobber up a classic shard over this weekend and put it into the production environment without a better study/prototyping. That's an invitation to disaster.
You just dont get it. EX players will return and they will stay. Classic servers are what EX players and the few remaining vets have been requesting for years, since Trammel came about. Its because of those so called bread and butter shards that people have LEFT. You'd have to be blind, or delusional, not to see that. Do you have any idea of how many players are out there, on WoW, AoC, WAR, DAoC, DF, EQ2, EvE, and every other MMO out there who would come back willingly to UO if classic servers were made? Thousands! I've spoken with countless players on all of those games and they all said the same thing: Yes, I would come back and play, even in 2d.Another thing Az mentioned - this will really create alot of hype among the ex UO players. Alot of them will give it a whirl again. Half of them might leave after a few months. However, with the hype generated, this would potentially bring even more new life into UO (ones that have never played UO before). A portion of these new and ex players will likely try out the other shards and perhaps find that it's not that bad afterall. This brings to mind another subject - how to improve the new player experience, but that's another thread already in the stickies.
Too optimistic? More like overly dilusional. Unless you're being sarcastic.A good time to introduce a classic shard might be when the 3rd restock of the wildly successful SA boxes starts shipping to refill sold-out SA shelves globally. Ok, maybe a bit too optimistic, but you never know!
Bread and butter shards, HA! Right, because they are so successful, arent they. Thats why half the bloody servers are ghost towns, the bulk of the skills are gimped, and UO is most commonly refered to as EA's B***H as one of the biggest jokes on the net, rivaling that if Leroy Jenkins and Duke Nukem Forever. Oh yes, bread and butter indeed! More like camel dung bread and ipecac syrup.That should allow them to boost up the waning (by then) SA advertising campaign with a second whammy. Most importantly - the publicity garnered needs to be used for long term success. There are many ways, but mainly - as a draw to the production shards. The bread and butter shards.
The player run servers arent UO. They are hacker run virus fests. You think the bugs on the EA run servers are bad, try playing a free server. Your PC will fry faster than a turkey tossed into a volcano. The free shards to no reflect the current state of UO. UO is dying and on very poor life support. If it werent for the asian gold farmers on the asian servers, this game would have less that 20k subscriptions.Looking at the player-run shards out there, UO definitely isn't dying or on life support. It's just lacking publicity.
Since you'll be quitting soon.....Looking at EA's track record of expansions, SA will cause the few players remaining to leave. They'd be better of scraping SA all together and focusing on classic servers.
This IMO is the #1 reason why UO is dying.UO of today is ruled, nay, absolutely dominated, by cheaters and hackers.
Well that's the UO experience that got me totally hooked. And really the thought of a server or two of that nature possibly coming back keeps me playing. As it stands right now im really thinking of throwing in the towel. I mean getting rid of my accounts and all for good. This monster UO has turned into just isnt very appealing to me now. I have been having far more fun on a FREE T2A shard. Totally Old school.I have a question for this thread. I would have looked into my 'Ask and Answer' Ball but it keeps fizzling and popping..
How long before a classic shard looses it "Newness" and whatever else you want to call it and people start getting bored with it? Does it have staying power?
Maybe a handfull would last but in true honesty can you really see very many people staying. Especially after have all those arties to play with and now playing without them.
IMHO.. i think this is what ea is thinking about too.
Just curious by-stander..
Luc (I would check out it)
*sighs* There are only classic players left. *lifts mug* Here is to you...I still love you, Morgana!
Let's keep this thread going!
There IS enough interest out there in a "Classic Shard" for the developers to take notice.
Keep hope alive.
Just going by my own experience, I'd say at least a decade....How long before a classic shard loses its "Newness" and whatever else you want to call it and people start getting bored with it? Does it have staying power?
So you're saying UO is the nursing home of RPGs.. or the beta supporters in the vrc age?*sighs* There are only classic players left. *lifts mug* Here is to you...
Dammit! I said I wouldn't come back to this thread!! And you went and made me do it!!!I still love you, Morgana! Don't let the negative grouches shatter our dream!
Let's keep this thread going!
There IS enough interest out there in a "Classic Shard" for the developers to take notice.
Keep hope alive.
Ouch.So you're saying UO is the nursing home of RPGs..
Id call it starting over. Its something UO desperately needs to do. Would it prevent the cheats, hacks, dupers, jerks? No. Would it cut down on them drastically and render the majority of their game breaking tactics moot? Yes.Secondly, to think that instantly travelling back in time to return to what was, would prevent 'jerks, cheats, hacks, dupes, etc.'... well, what would you call that?
There will always be hackers and cheaters and nothing short of a massive manhunt will stop them. Now, since thats out of the question, the best course of action is to mitigate the damage as much as possible. Yes in the classic days there were jerks, hackers, dupers, etc, but it wasnt game breaking. Oh wow, some piece of trash could dupe 100 suits of GM made armor. Big deal. There were hundreds of other GM smiths making legit armor and selling it that it didnt make a bit of difference if someone was duping armor. The gold dupers back then were a joke. So what if a guy had like 2 billion in gold in his bank, he just killed the game for himself because one of the goals back then was making money to survive. So what if he could afford 20 castles? Good luck placing them all, buddy. It was a waste of time to dupe and the only person it ruined the game for was the person cheating, as it should be.All of these existed back in the day & it has been an uphill battle to try to prevent as much ever since, nay, long before any UO servers were ever turned on.
SA should be scrapped or tossed on the back burner. Then they should make classic servers and actually attract players, instead of making another broken expansion to throw onto the burning heap of glitches, lag, and hacker dominance that is UO now.Going back in time may appease many, aye. But moving forward (even if that entails creating a new 'classic' shard) is the only way to improve. UO has to keep evolving in order to improve, imho & eventually it might be in a good enough position to provide a retro experience without appearing to jump the shark & as such truly break the shark's tank. SA should most definitely precede anything 'retro'-ish, by my thinking.
Oh, sorry, a drag queen like you wouldnt be interested in normal colored gear. I know how you lentlemen love your hot neon pink tokuno anime pixle crack, so standard issue iron plate color just wouldnt do. Now, go back to luna bank and spam about how you and the other "ladies" want to head out to sea. k bye, thx.Since you'll be quitting soon.....
Can I have your stuff?
Yup, there'll always be jerks and cheaters no matter if it's 1997 or 2009, UO or WoW. Timeline/era/game doesn't matter.You know, its funny, people seem to act as if there arent jerks in UO now. I played the old days, and I rarely ran across anyone who acted like a jerk. I didn't really start seeing jerk like behavior until after trammel. At first, it was slight, just a mouthy kid here and there spouting off some lame F-bombs thinking they are acting tough, maybe stealing a kill or two. But, over time, the bad behavior began to pick up. People started getting nastier, more vulgar, mass kill stealing and griefing.
Oh yes, griefing can happen in a PvE only environment. As a matter of fact, it happens more rampantly than in a PvP environment. In PvP, the worst that happens to you is you get killed and looted. Big deal, run to town, rez, regear, situation over. But in a PvE environment, thats where the griefers get creative. Why? Because there is nothing stopping them. PvP actually prevents a lot of griefing because there are instant consequences for their actions. Try to kill steal in PvP, you're going to get punished by the person you're griefing. The threat of violence is a great deterrent for "Jerks".
Following up on what I said above, I am of the view that the existence of cheats and exploits should not be used to justify retro or current servers. The old mechanics allowed even more exploitable conditions for dupes, speed hacks and scripting. They have since gotten smart and closed many of these. Google Mr Tact's papers on cheating in MMO if you want to know more.UO of today is ruled, nay, absolutely dominated, by cheaters and hackers. Why? Because the game's current mechanics allow for it. For the issue of the cheaters to be resolved, you have to take away that which allows them to cheat. Therefore, many of the mechanics that are so easily exploited must be removed. But, since so many people allegedly like the current "server", and I use that word very very very loosely, changing them is out of the question. That leaves only one choice, create servers that predate these exploitable conditions, IE, retro servers.
Actually, I do in fact have great hopes for SA, like any expansions in other games, there are definitely going to be some balance issues that will become apparent after players have a go with it. SA itself balances certain things now, but is likely to unbalance other things. Though overall, I think it has good potential.Wait until after SA? That is an invitation to disaster. From what I have read on SA, its just going to cause more imbalance in an already imbalanced game. Its as if UO has been reduced to rubble and now EA has decided to carpet bomb it. What is it EA, do you hate UO so much that you must continue to abuse it? I'd rather see UO shut down that have SA add another batch of scars and shame to something that was once so beautiful.
Looking at EA's track record of expansions, SA will cause the few players remaining to leave. They'd be better of scraping SA all together and focusing on classic servers. I mean, at least they know that something like T2A is actually balanced. There is no need to test it.
I know that there are alot of old timers that will come back. I don't even need to look at other games, just look at the player-run servers out there. However, realistically, not all players that come back will stay, as Az's mentioned in his post. Just like not all the free shard players will stay with the free shard forever too. It would be delusional to think the old timers will all stay forever. No matter how good a game is, people will move on.You just dont get it. EX players will return and they will stay. Classic servers are what EX players and the few remaining vets have been requesting for years, since Trammel came about. Its because of those so called bread and butter shards that people have LEFT. You'd have to be blind, or delusional, not to see that. Do you have any idea of how many players are out there, on WoW, AoC, WAR, DAoC, DF, EQ2, EvE, and every other MMO out there who would come back willingly to UO if classic servers were made? Thousands! I've spoken with countless players on all of those games and they all said the same thing: Yes, I would come back and play, even in 2d.
I wasn't being sarcastic. At the current rate, there's no indication that it'll be as successful as I thought (in my original comment, I actually meant sold out for the 2nd time within 3 months and needing a 3rd reprint to be shipped). However, I am hoping that SA will be as great as I think it would, and that they will market it properly. I love UO and dearly want UO to become the success it should be and reach its full potential. 10 mil subs should not be a dream. Until then, I will try to help my fellow gamers and at the same time present ideas to make the game better.Too optimistic? More like overly dilusional. Unless you're being sarcastic.
Yes, because they really are successful. An 11 year-old game and we are still alive and kickin'.Bread and butter shards, HA! Right, because they are so successful, arent they. Thats why half the bloody servers are ghost towns, the bulk of the skills are gimped, and UO is most commonly refered to as EA's B***H as one of the biggest jokes on the net, rivaling that if Leroy Jenkins and Duke Nukem Forever. Oh yes, bread and butter indeed! More like camel dung bread and ipecac syrup.
So player run servers are hacker-run virus fests with worse bugs that EA servers, which will fry your PCs quicklyThe player run servers arent UO. They are hacker run virus fests. You think the bugs on the EA run servers are bad, try playing a free server. Your PC will fry faster than a turkey tossed into a volcano. The free shards to no reflect the current state of UO. UO is dying and on very poor life support. If it werent for the asian gold farmers on the asian servers, this game would have less that 20k subscriptions.
EA has one chance, and one chance only to revive UO, and that is to start all over again. To admit, they have screwed up, big time, and to go back to the times that did work and give it another go. Pixel crack may matter to the shallow zombies of the WoW influence, but the real gamers, the true players that UO once held, care about high quality game play. And that is what UO once had, long ago.
It can have it again.... all EA has to do is.... MAKE RETRO SERVERS! The vets and ex's have been saying it for years, I think its high time they listened.
Wow. You seem so knowledgeable about the "lentlemen" in Luna. You must spend quite a bit of time hanging out there to know them so well. /sarcasmOh, sorry, a drag queen like you wouldnt be interested in normal colored gear. I know how you lentlemen love your hot neon pink tokuno anime pixle crack, so standard issue iron plate color just wouldnt do. Now, go back to luna bank and spam about how you and the other "ladies" want to head out to sea. k bye, thx.
As much as I would love to see it happen, UO will never have millions of subscribers. Those days are gone, and unless there is a sequel, they will never come again, regardless of the client.I would rather have a real 3D client. That would shake up the MMO market. With a decent real 3D client you would be able to attract millions of subscribers, which in turn would allow funding of all extras like PvE only shards, PvP only shards, and classic shards.
Never said it was a PvE only phenomenon. Yeah griefing happened during the PvP days, but all it usually did was get the griefer killed. As for luring, I dont even consider it to be geifing. People tried to do it to me, all I did was kill the monsters and loot them. I actually enjoyed it when people brought more monsters around, it made things more challenging for me.Regarding griefing, it is not a PvE only phenomenon, you can very effectively grief people in Fel, say - by some naked character luring mobs on to you (you can kill/rez kill him, but he'll just get rezzed and do it again). Or if you are in Fel, some guy will go through your fields/attack your EVs etc trying to noto you. Also in the old days - people gating monsters.
Many problems were plugged during T2A. Thats why I and many others keep saying thats the Era the retro servers should begin in.This last one regarding gating monsters is an old exploit that was fixed, but these are the kind of things they need to plug before implementing a classic shard. That's why I'd rather they take the time to do it properly once they have the resources after SA is rolled out. I know you would rather they do the classic shard first, but clobbering up a half-assed classic shard half-heartedly will only cause more disappointment and even more damage. I want people to come back and stay, not tricked into coming back to a purely propaganda shard and find that it's full of yesteryears' faults then leave disappointed/disgusted.
Really? the old mechanics allowed for even more exploits, dupes and speed hacks? No, they didnt. As a matter of fact, these were minute problems because the games mechanics mitigated the damage. Duping back in T2A was a joke. Players could dupe gold, castle deeds, and items, but there was no reason to. It was a waste of time considering players could make pretty much every valuable item in the game or otherwise retrieve it through fishing or treasure hunting. the only major items that got duped were the black dye tubs, but even then, who cared? It didnt hurt the game, it just gave people more black dye tubs and access to black clothing.Following up on what I said above, I am of the view that the existence of cheats and exploits should not be used to justify retro or current servers. The old mechanics allowed even more exploitable conditions for dupes, speed hacks and scripting. They have since gotten smart and closed many of these. Google Mr Tact's papers on cheating in MMO if you want to know more.
Problem with that. the current coding is now built around the AOS, SE, ML, etc content. Disabling it would cause holes in the server coding. This would lead to massive glitches, new and worse exploits and crashes.If anything, cheats and exploits are fixed pretty quickly nowadays. So I think instead of using an old copy of the server code, they should use the current copy and then disable modules like AOS contents, SE contents, ML contents etc, plus whatever else is required. The advantage of this is they only have a common copy of the code to fix, plus that code would have already fixed the exploits that existed during the UOR era.
Take a look at AOS, SE, ML. Have any of them worked? Have any of them helped to restore UO? Have any of them attracted and actually held players? No. Before AOS, UO managed to attract and hold onto players. This was because the game was functional. It wasnt an eternal item grind like WoW and all of its clones.Actually, I do in fact have great hopes for SA, like any expansions in other games, there are definitely going to be some balance issues that will become apparent after players have a go with it. SA itself balances certain things now, but is likely to unbalance other things. Though overall, I think it has good potential.
And guess what, players that play games that have expansions still arent happy. This is due to the fact that, its not how much a game keeps shoveling down people's throats, its the core game play and mechanics that count most. People were happy in the beginning and T2A. An addition like the lost lands was excepted because all it was was a new area to explore. And even then, people found themselves migrating back to the old lands even though there was a new area. Why? Because the old lands offered new experiences every day because the game mechanics allowed for players to make their own adventures and experiences. They didnt need to be lead around by the hand through a series of lame quests. UO used to be an open sandbox game of full exploration. People didnt need to have goals and objectives forced on them, IE the eternal item grind. It was all about finding your own fun. Sometimes this lead to clashes between certain groups, but that was also apart of the adventure.TBH, if you take a look at the games out there, new content and constant evolution is needed to keep the main game going. If EA they left the prodo shards stagnant, it will die off. Analogy - Diablo I and II are great games, yes? Bnet is still available, and you can still play Diablo online. But without any new expansions, few people play it anymore. I still play Diablo I/II single player/network once in a while, but I've already done everything there is to do, there's nothing else left for me to explore, and thus my interest in it has waned. Same thing will happen if they let the prodo shards go stagnant.
They've been trying to make the AOS content appealing for nearly 7 years now. Has it worked? Has UO been revivied and super charged by any expansion yet? No, its hasnt. And its frustrating to watch and read over and over these EA devs putting out one failed expansion after another.This is true for all games. New expansions/content and good marketing is needed to keep games alive and bring in more players. The best way to go about it for UO at this moment is to utilize both new content plus creating a classic shard to reattract the old players/keep the existng players.
As opposed to putting out one half assed project like SA will be? You know what, Ill just let time prove me right. After SA comes out, and its another epic fail, then I will be vindicated. Then I will take that vindication and use it. SA will be the example of failure that I hope will finally be the irrefutable proof that further expansion of all post AOS content is futile and only poisoning UO.Repeat: They are putting their time on SA now, so instead of devoting part of their resources into a classic shard, and releasing 2 half-assed projects, I'd rather they finish SA properly, then devote their resources into properly looking at releasing a classic shard that's not full of exploits/holes. If they make a half-hearted attempt to release a classic shard that's broken, it's gonna do more harm than good. That's what I meant by an invitation to disaster.
Heres the thing, people have moved on, and they are completely miserable with what they have had to move on to. You see, your analogy would be apt, assuming that this were the first time they were leaving and that they have been playing the same types of mechanics and gameplay they were playing since the start. However, because UO changed into something they didnt like, those old time players didnt leave of their own free will, they were forced to leave due to content they disliked.I know that there are alot of old timers that will come back. I don't even need to look at other games, just look at the player-run servers out there. However, realistically, not all players that come back will stay, as Az's mentioned in his post. Just like not all the free shard players will stay with the free shard forever too. It would be delusional to think the old timers will all stay forever. No matter how good a game is, people will move on.
Diablo got old because it was a single player game, even if you could play it on battlenet, that was static. the difference between old UO and Diablo, UO's open sandbox world coupled with its players made the game dynamic and living. Diablo is a static set series of quests that never change nor has any new twists or turns.If you don't believe this, see my Diablo examples above. A stagnant game will gradually lose its player base. New content and choices however, will delay this and good ones will even offset it by bringing in new blood.
Here is where your logic is flawed. You say the old timers will come back and try the prodo shards and like them. But, what you dont seem to grasp is, the old players have already played the prodo shards (and by that Im assuming you mean post AOS). It is because of the post AOS shards that the old players left in the first place. So why are they going to play something they know they already dont like?I see a classic server bringing back the old timers. I see some of them trying the other prodo shards and liking it there. I also see players on the prodo shards trying the classic shard and liking it there. These kinds of dynamics will give players more choices and serve to keep people interested in UO.
I see that you want UO to be great once more. So do I. Thats why I am pushing so much for classic servers. Because, I have seen the trend thus far with EA's expansions and new races. It has not been pretty. The elves are terrible looking and the gargs are looking as though they will follow suit.I wasn't being sarcastic. At the current rate, there's no indication that it'll be as successful as I thought (in my original comment, I actually meant sold out for the 2nd time within 3 months and needing a 3rd reprint to be shipped). However, I am hoping that SA will be as great as I think it would, and that they will market it properly. I love UO and dearly want UO to become the success it should be and reach its full potential. 10 mil subs should not be a dream. Until then, I will try to help my fellow gamers and at the same time present ideas to make the game better.
No, they are not successful. If they were, then the servers would be packed with players. There wouldnt be ghost towns like there are now. Heck, there wouldnt be ghost facts like there are now.Yes, because they really are successful. An 11 year-old game and we are still alive and kickin'.
This is funny. Diablo 1 and 2 were single player games. they do not even come close as examples compared to UO. UO had a greater, more complex system of dynamics that kept the game fresh without the need for the addition of pixel crack. It gave a sort of natural rush that didnt need to be supplimented.However, we are definitely overshadowed by other games and not doing as well as we could have. The good news is that we still have a respectable following to boot. How many players do you think the game would have today if they stopped coming up with new content since 1998 (but has regular bug fixes)? If you think more than what we have now, consider again Diablo 1 and 2.
Duke Nukem Forever is a joke because it is the poster child for vaporware. UO is a joke now because of everything EA has done to it, IE, everything from AOS on.Leaving a game stagnant for 10 years is not a way to gain more subscriptions. If UO did not evolve, it would have made an even more apt case to rival Duke Nuken Forever.
The reason all of these games have been shut down is because they were terribly put together. They all suffered from incompetant development teams, something they share in common with UO.Here's an interesting list:
Auto Assault
Hellgate: London
Tabula Rasa
SIMs Online
What's the similarity of those 4 games? These are pretty well known games that have recently been shutdown
Again, UO has the asian gold farmer accounts. Those games do not. The fact that UO is kept alive by gold farmer accounts makes it even more of a laughing stock.Here's another list:
Matrix Online
Dark Age of Camelot
Pirates of the Caribbean
Dungeons and Dragons Online
What's the similarity of those 4 latter games? They are some of the many games that have lower subs compared to UO, low enough that they are teterring on the verge of being closed.
The similarity of these 2 lists? They can't laugh at EA's biatch of a laughing stalk...You will find an even larger list of defunct/dying MMOs if you googled.
Its not over exaggerated, its true. I tried a free shard and lost a good PC because of a bunch of nasty viruses I got when I downloaded the client.So player run servers are hacker-run virus fests with worse bugs that EA servers, which will fry your PCs quickly
Quick note - although a bit exaggerated, it has a grain of truth. You are placing your ID and passwords on a database of an individual that may abuse it. Even if not, he may not have the resource to secure it or may have an untrustworthy/scorned bf/gf that will do the same thing (think Tradespot). Those that require a special client that you have to download and run, well, you don't know what backdoor codes they put into that client. Even if not, the server admins can see what IPs you are connecting from. So there are several security risks. They can be migitated of course, but I'd prefer to play on a shard that a well capitalized and reputable public company runs.
Thats the beauty of classic servers, there are no artifacts to give out because they wont exist.Back on point, the popularity and sheer amount of people willing to take those risks to play on these hazardous shards reflects that a lot of people still love and play UO. They just don't play on EA servers for various reasons. Some wish to play on a retro servers is one of them. So if EA can provide a stable, less bug infested server that the admins will not shut down on a whim, or give out arties to their friends, I believe they should be able to win back a good portion of these old timers.
Actually, at 12.99 a month, UO is cheaper than the standard issue 14.99 a month charged by the more popular MMOs out there. But a lower sub fee, possibly a return to the original 9.99 a month, would help out drastically.Lowering the subscription fees would be a very good move too. UO is currently one of the more expensive games to play. If they do this too, it'll be a tripple whammy.
No one is saying you'd have to play the classic servers. You can stay on your item dependant WoW grind. Just because you dont want to play classic servers doesnt mean that those who want to shouldnt be able to.I voted NO, as much as I would love a pre Pub16 shard, I think it is too late to go back to those days, with all the changes that have happened in the years since before Pub16, I have adjusted to the new item based system that is now Ultima Online.
Well, good for Europa, but the rest of the servers are ghost towns and there are thousands of other players trapped on other MMOs who want to play the UO they loved and remember once again.As for someone saying that no new people are starting UO, or that vets are not returning, I am afraid on Europa at least that is wrong, I have seen many old vets returning lately, and a lot of them are staying and reactivating their accounts, or just starting new accounts, as well as new players starting and staying, personally, I hope this will continue to be the case.
Actually, UO is a lot like WoW now. The community is dominated by item obsessed pixle crack addicts, hackers, cheaters, scripters, and other dregs of the MMO world. The community and spirit was strong, years ago. But now, well, the less said the better.As I have always said, there is no other game out there or due to come out, that has the depth of play or community spirit that UO has.
The reasont they are against classic servers is because they are in essence an admition of failure. Its like them saying "Okay, everything we've been doing since X time has been a waste of money, resources, and player's time". They are too arrogant to admit something like that. But they less they admit it, and the more they press on, it just makes things worse.Making a classic server would bring back hundreds of players, Ive played on freeshards before and the most popular by far are the Pre UOR servers, Hybrid alone had around 800 online 24 hours a day.
I would assume most of those players would come back to an official pre UOR server since it would have stability.
One of the odd things Ive noticed is how much the companies are against "classic" servers....EverQuest for example recently gave players a poll on what they would want their new server to be and they did not give it the option to be classic....then they locked a 4 year old thread that had around 4thousand replies asking for a classic....
Strange stuff :O
You, sir or madam, as the case maybe ... are a fool ...The reasont they are against classic servers is because they are in essence an admition of failure. Its like them saying "Okay, everything we've been doing since X time has been a waste of money, resources, and player's time". They are too arrogant to admit something like that. But they less they admit it, and the more they press on, it just makes things worse.
Darkfall IS classic UO ... long determined BEFORE your presence ... Long distained as "vaporware" ... well ... it is here(wherever it is) ...And, in closing, I will say again that if a Classic Shard would help UO, and bring in the revenues that proponents claim it would, I would say go for it, in a second.
But only if.
Nothing is impossible.
I will hereby hope that whatever data they are looking at gives them the impetus to undertake a Classic Shard for all of you that really want it, and that it would be wildly successful. Maybe Draconi and other could figure out a way that no one had thought of before, or something, and make it profitable.
Ill agree with ^^ post, you are a fool.Well, good for Europa, but the rest of the servers are ghost towns and there are thousands of other players trapped on other MMOs who want to play the UO they loved and remember once again.
Oh, ouch, I am so defeated, argh..... NOT. And here's why:You, sir or madam, as the case maybe ... are a fool ...
and in no position to speak of any personal motivations that the devs may or may not have ...
And you call me a fool. No, you, sir or madman, and its pretty obvious which the case is, are the fool. Money, is that your excuse? Because if it is, its pathetic, much like the person who suggested it, IE, you.pure and simple ... the arguments come down to money
they always have and always will
The yes' still lead it though. And if more of the vets who left actually believed that EA would make classic servers, the yes' lead would be dominating. but, unfortunately, thanks to EA's track record of instead of taking the time to save a game, they just let it die, no one believes they will do it.And in yet again another failed poll
yes 194 55.75%
No 154 44.25% ... an 11% spread ... is hardly a mandate
when balanced against the "rivers of gold" that the "ayes" still (as always) profess
ie. a "river of gold" Would Be Sufficient for the devs to swallow their pride
and attempt "it" ...
Darkfall is not classic UO, it doesnt even come close. The reason its failing: Horrible interface, imbalanced PvP, terrible gold sinks, and its a hackers dream.Darkfall IS classic UO ... long determined BEFORE your presence ... Long distained as "vaporware" ... well ... it is here(wherever it is) ...
There is your "proof of concept" ... in all its glory ...
I am: Your Fayled Dhreams
Right, because the word of a fanboi is so relyable......Ill agree with ^^ post, you are a fool.
Have you seen GL or Atlantic??
Many new players and returning vets eager for SA.
Maybe your shard is dead but then again maybe thats because theres alot of people bad mouthing the game, so they move on to a better shard with more community.
pats head ... missed point darling, but made it yet again VERY WELLOh, ouch, I am so defeated, argh..... NOT. And here's why:
Welcome to posting with surgeries. A total waste of space.The entire tone of your very first post in this thread was insulting...and has continued to be so through your latest one.Not that it really matters, but after your tirade of insults, I feel bad that you would resort to any action to help your own cause.
Perhaps if you would like to avoid insults being leveled at you, you could first consider not leveling them at those around you.
I am done with you.
That's hilarious!!!And in yet again another failed poll
yes 194 55.75%
No 154 44.25% ... an 11% spread ... is hardly a mandate
when balanced against the "rivers of gold" that the "ayes" still (as always) profess
ie. a "river of gold" Would Be Sufficient for the devs to swallow their pride
and attempt "it" ...
There is nothing wrong with open dialog and free speech. You are not going soft, you are embracing the truth.*mutters at self for letting this thread continue*
I must be getting soft...
Maybe... I know what it is like to be the underdog. I like to feel I get heard. I know what it is to be ignored. When the argument turns from the idea and to the person...There is nothing wrong with open dialog and free speech. You are not going soft, you are embracing the truth.
Umm....You really think people allowed to get away with insults are "underdogs?"Maybe... I know what it is like to be the underdog. I like to feel I get heard. I know what it is to be ignored. When the argument turns from the idea and to the person...
I have to flash the badge then. No matter my personal feelings on the issue.
3 things on why I disagree with this statement.See, the thing about playing online games is that, in general, you play when you're happy with it. You leave when you're bored. If you're generally happy but somewhat angry, you might pancake on the forums or leave feedback. But if you're bored, you just drift off. In a way, it's smarter to keep people stimulated by being mildly pissed off about things (See WoW and their constant and often illogical nerf and buff cycle - very obviously and often just for the sake of nerfing and buffing, changing things up, throwing players off, making them respec, etc) than to simply let things sit and grow stale, inviting boredom.
Problem is, Classic Shardies DEMAND things remain the same. If you change things up, you've ruined their classic shard.
Unfortunately, as it is, "Classic UO" has a real problem.
Everyone has been there, done that.
For the majority, and especially for the PvPers, the game has degraded to what I like to call "Quake With Swords".
No, you missed the point. EA does have the money to make classic servers.pats head ... missed point darling, but made it yet again VERY WELL
0 cost for Maximum profit = they Would "do it"
feelings and reputation can be bought
and Would Be bought ...
but for the lack of money ...
Agreed, except about the Darkfall part, but thats another issue. Players and the freedom the game once offered were what kept things fresh and entertaining. EA didnt need to go and mess everything up with their "new" content. All they did was take something good and ruin it.3 things on why I disagree with this statement.
1. The game mechanics worked and were well balanced before Pre-Age of Shadows. What I mean by this is that I could put on an orc mask and RP an orc in the game because it didn't negatively effect my characters potency in PvM or PvP. Not only that, but the PvP was fun because it was more skill based than item based (the staple of what we long for since UO still has the best PvP of any MMO out there... even though Darkfall is looking more like it will surpass it.)
2. It was a sandbox. The reason people played was the sense of community and working together. Player run towns, senses of purpose (defending them... hunting reds... making a name for yourself... so on and so on. People still sign on years after they've been there/done that because of their strong ties to their friends and communities... something UO has been enjoying the fruits of for 9+ years now and why it's still a viable game.
3. EM Events - The biggest thing going for Old UO was that players added to the world. I completely agreed with you that players leave when they are bored, but I completely disagree with you (and the industry) that you need to just randomly "switch things up" on players to keep them entertained. Content, events, things to do are what keep them entertained and the EM program (revolutionary in the industry) is the way to go about it.
My 2 cents.
Maybe this is the gamble EA needs to take to help UO survive.Even if existing players would go to a classic shard, no way to pay for unless enough NEW customers would join to pay for the additional cost. You can not pay for it with existing customers. That's the difficult part of deciding to create a shard with a "new-different" rule set. It would partially cannibalize existing shards.
Hadn't seen that statement.I'm curious how many people who voted in this thread read this post of Draconi's on 3/19 and have been mulling it over since then:
Sorry if I missed something (and no this isn't a dig, but a broader question.. I've read maybe half the entries in this thread and probably missed a lot!).. but why is it that you say that your efforts are likely completely in vain? I've gathered that you are against the idea of a classic shard, but I have yet to see someone formulate a rational, reasonable argument *against* creating a classic shard(s).Hadn't seen that statement.
I knew the supporters were going to win, though, as soon as Draconi posted his statement months back about what his idea of a classic shard would be.
To engage the debate that clearly was about the same as saying "we're going to do it."
I fully, 100% recognize that all of my efforts here are very likely completely in vain.
-Galen's player