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What about adding a 1 time reprieve quest for reds?




I like the token idea for the reasons stated.

Also, I'm in favor of reducing the time to sit off counts to 8 hours. That's plenty long enough to be a penalty.


There have been at least 2 "one time" amnesties that I can recall.

How many times can something be a "one time" thing before it is considered to be a "2 time" or "3 time" or even "10 time" thing?

Answer: As many times as it happens after the first time.

I'm still confused how you simply do not read... again, I'm getting the feeling you're doing this on purpose (maybe trolling?). I'll keep it simple.

1. The amnesties that happened were allowed during a set short period of time that many people would have missed -- nothing permanent in place.

2. That means returning players who were not around during those times did not have any opportunity to receive amnesty.

3. What is being asked for and discussed is a system that offers a permanent in place system that offers a 1 per char or 1 per account red amnesty (i.e. it's not offered for a specific event or short period of time; it is a permanent system).

4. It cannot be abused if it's only allowed to be used once.

I hope that helped.


Blackmage, you just made the argument for everyone who is against a full reprieve:
"There is no difference as long as you are able to simply swap items/skills around as you please."

And you have still avoided answering some very direct points made.

For example, what is preventing such "poor" reds from simply using one of four(or more) character slots and creating a new character? 10 and 15 skill scrolls are a dime a dozen and most likely given away if not thrown away. And a character with 10/15 in skills is just as playable as a 20 in 99% of the cases.

Or what is preventing the red from soul stoning skills off onto another char entirely?

As for the red not being rich, don't use your limited exposure to guilds allow you dispute facts that people present.

I've been in two separate PvP/raid guilds and most if not all of the members were well equipped from the scrolls they got killing blues. Both of the guilds also had the same ruleset: you keep what you get. Both were VERY successful raid guilds during their time and were also very generous in helping members.

The two "tram" spawn guilds I have been a member of for the most part had 5% rich and the rest poor due to the "roll for scrolls" system as for the most part, the same 5% always got the good scrolls.

I would throw most reds into one of the following classifications:
  1. Raid guild - the guys that go in and blanked kill everyone at a spawn
  2. "private" spawn guild - the guys that kill anyone not in their guild because they believe spawns were made to be private rolleyes:
  3. Vigilante - the guys that decide EA isn't doing their jobs against scripters and decide to take justice into their own hands by killing them
  4. Justice mule - a random char with lots of counts so a player or guild can max out justice for protection scrolls at a spawn
I'd take a random guess that less than 5% of current reds got red from just plain old PvP.

While the current system isn't perfect, it is a reasonable gauge of a player's character. If a toon is red, it has killed blue characters and you may be the next one.

I would liken a red character to someone walking around in jailbird orange jumpsuit. As a RL human, if I see someone in jailbird orange suit, odds are I'm not going to get too close. I don't know whether they are a pickpocket or a murderer but I'm not going to find out.

To reiterate:
I do not support any system that wipes out all the murder counts except for the VERY limited case of once per account and it had better be a non-turn in style quest.

I do support a change to the 40 hours of unattended macroing for counts currently in place. I would love to see a "quest" that lasts about one hour that is usable once per day to burn off one count in place of the current system. Again, it had better be a non-turn in style quest.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

3. What is being asked for and discussed is a system that offers a permanent in place system that offers a 1 per char or 1 per account red amnesty (i.e. it's not offered for a specific event or short period of time; it is a permanent system).

I hope that helped.
It did.

And like I said, I have mixed feelings about this.

I can certainly understand how reds feel a bit slighted because of the changes to the game.

But it was these same players that made it so intolerable for everyone else that these rules were put in place, and when that didn't do it...we got Trammel. Thanks for that reds.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do the crime...serve the time.
You miss understand me. I was being sarcastic! I would not go blue again for all the tea in china, I get so much fun out of my red char, I just would not give up red status,

Red and proud to be Red!

There should be no reprieve, If you cant stand the heat dont come in the kitchen!


Blackmage, you just made the argument for everyone who is against a full reprieve:
"There is no difference as long as you are able to simply swap items/skills around as you please."

And you have still avoided answering some very direct points made.
My point was moreso that rather than invest that time and effort to create an entirely new character, the player will simply quit. Not everyone has a forest of soulstones in their house either, especially returning players whos main may be a red. Quitting = less people playing the game, and why does UO need this? As has been stated and pointed out, there is no difference between a blue character and a red, so why would it matter to people who wouldn't need the reprieve? Tokens from EA could be a selling point to get it done, and then the entire game gets more resources, and how would that be bad?


Not everyone has a forest of soulstones in their house either, especially returning players whos main may be a red.[....] Tokens from EA could be a selling point to get it done, and then the entire game gets more resources, and how would that be bad?

Not to mention the tens of millions invested in powerscrolls. How about this... How about all the people that insist its so easy to re-roll a toon go out and buy the following;

120 magery powerscroll
120 evaluating intelligence powerscroll
+25 stat scroll
7 soulstone fragment tokens

Oh, and do that on the buget of a player from, say, 4 years ago. Its not feasible, and the petty grudge over who cost you ten minutes and 6k in insurance cash isn't worth UO losing subscriptions.

I say this to you as a player with zero, none, nada red characters. As a player who, like anyone else, hates to get PK'd when I'm about my business. I say to you, get over it and let these people play the game.

Soulstones haven't been around all that long. A lot of returning vets never had the chance to get them and have spent their vet rewards (they don't accumulate on an inactive account).

I think people having to buy a token, with RL money, to pay off a "debt" to a virtual society is quite enough. There's no reason that you should have to spend an entire working week logged in for every time you kill a blue.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Nah...changed my mind.

Two reds killed some members of my guild and a guide that were touring old sites in Fel tonight.

Behavior like this is what caused the world split.

F**K em. Let em stay in Fel forever.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah...changed my mind.

Two reds killed some members of my guild and a guide that were touring old sites in Fel tonight.

Behavior like this is what caused the world split.

F**K em. Let em stay in Fel forever.
lmao...perhaps you became a bit too accustomed to trammel methinks...

I would like to add that perhaps a faction reprieve is in order...especially considering the exodus to factions again. (EA you allowed it once...why not again?)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

lmao...perhaps you became a bit too accustomed to trammel methinks...
I admit, I am rusty! Got killed traveling with a newb, and an unarmed crafter character.

I should have brought some bolas, etc. But it wasn't that kind of trip.

Oh well. I know where they live. :D


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah...changed my mind.

Two reds killed some members of my guild and a guide that were touring old sites in Fel tonight.

Behavior like this is what caused the world split.

F**K em. Let em stay in Fel forever.
Long and the short of it is fell is for the experanced players in UO. If your too scared to loose some insurance then fell is not the place for you or youre tour guiding friends.

Keep in mind, Fell is only hard going on the week! If youre strong and can take a pounding then you might find fell is great place to be.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I admit, I am rusty! Got killed traveling with a newb, and an unarmed crafter character.

I should have brought some bolas, etc. But it wasn't that kind of trip.

Oh well. I know where they live. :D
There ya go, that is the spirit! :)

Always be prepared...and never be afraid or mad about the dreaded OoOOoOoOoOoOOoo

OH and knowing where they live is half the battle!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can see this from the OPs' point of view. He wasn't playing when the reprieve was available, so he missed an opportunity to wipe the slate clean.

How about:

A one-time-only quest - only available once per account - so you have to choose very carefully which character you do it on.

The quest should should take time, and have no buyable aspect.

You accept the quest from an NPC, and then must walk, (no gate/recall), over the entirety of Felluca and Lost Lands.
The quest chain would consist of a series of waymarks; "go to this place; now to this place; now go to... etc"
Use of any travel spell, or entering any gate would fail the quest.
Initiating any form of PvP combat would fail the quest.
Waymarks cannot be collected in ghost form.

Make it long, make it boring, make it unscriptable, but give returning players the opportunity to reprieve their old reds.


The real issue at hand:

A lot of the Red players do not have the patience to create a new character or burn off their counts. They don't have what it takes to do a champ spawn from start to finish. They want everything to be available to them at the instant they want it. In short alot of them are selfish and lazy. They've accumulated plenty of gold and wish to buy their way with it.

Perhaps those looking to make the change to blue are those at the cusp of maturity. They no longer get the satisfaction they once did at slaying the weak and innocent. They probably have a weak blue that can't perform as well as their friends' blues. But, they have this awesome red that they could use if only EA would let them. Guess what, they still haven't matured enough to be willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

Make them WORK the counts off or stay red. No simple quests!


Who needs a forest of soul stones?
7 soul stone fragments at the absolutely worst. 2 at best. So between 2-7 mil(worst case)(priced at 500k-2M)
20 mage and 20 eval - 10m each (priced at 12-17M for mage, 5-10M for eval)
25 stat - 5m (priced at 7M to 3.5M)

So, to transfer over the main skills, we are looking at approximately 30m. Guess what, that is under $25 in the current UO economy... and $25 is probably what EA would charge for this service. The prices I pulled above are luna HOUSE prices... sitting in Luna could shave off a LOT.

And the biggest assumption is that the poor red doesn't have a "forest" of other character slots. A fully developed 10-15 skilled char could be created in well under a week. The only skill that isn't really possible with is taming.

The other biggest assumption is that the red broke all ties to his red guild that has a "forest" of scrolls.

The people in this thread who are claiming it is for the "benefit" of potential returning reds who missed the two reprieves are deluding themselves.

As mentioned, the first reprieve was over trammel. Those reds who quit when that happened are 90% not likely to come back.

The second reprieve was over an ingame flaw where people were handing out counts when they weren't deserved. Odds are no reds quit over this... just blues.

So there is that 1 in 10,000 red coming back such as the original poster who might actually benefit from a full reprieve.

The real people that would actually benefit from a full reprieve system would be those who are part of raiding guilds, private spawn guilds, or vigilantes. And I see no reason why any people in those groups should have an easy out. They earned them... they can burn them.

There is still nothing that is preventing them from rerolling a character with 10s and 15s and a 10-15 stat scroll. I would take a random guess that every shard has someone on there who would hand out 10s and 15s at no charge. And a 15 scrolled out char is JUST as playable as a 20 scrolled out char in 99% of the cases. ESPECIALLY for monsters.

Someone pretty much nailed the REAL reason people are pushing for a reprieve: "lazy players who want everything delivered on a plate":spider:

I am still sticking to either no reprieve or a once per account reprieve that is NOT buyable either as a code(RL money) or in game(gold, resource turn in, etc) Must be a fairly elaborate quest chain to complete... maybe something along the lines of a 7 part quest with each part taking at least an hour.

I also fully support a murder count burning system overhaul that gets rid of the 40 hour count and replaces that with a once a day quest that takes about an hour.


Revision of my first idea of requiring 200 champ spawn mobs per count.

Since several of you think a longer consumption of time is needed, but less than 40 hours, how about requiring the red to truly defend a champ spawn. By that I mean make it so they must slay a minimum of say 20% of each mob group and be in the top 5 damagers of the champ and finish off by donating any scrolls earned to the idol. If they get raided and can't finish off but 18% of a mob group before the raiders polish them off, tough luck, start over with zero kills.

What do you think of that quest Darkblade?


Very interesting idea. My only complaint with it would be the fact that most reds can and do spawns on their own all day(as a blue) so I don't think it would be much of a penalty.

I think what it would encourage is reds to farm spawns and keep good scrolls. Ie, "I got a 20 bushido, to heck with turning it in".

Plus, they get to keep all the gold on the ground.

I think any quest should be mind numbingly boring, no gold or resources involved, not macroable(aka locations change), and give no reward aside from burning a count or wiping the slate clean.

To me, an example quest would be:
  1. Find initial quest giver(maybe one of eight locations so people can't camp to kill the red... or a context menu on the player)
  2. Take pink dress to NPC X near a randomly picked location
  3. Take flowery hat to NPC3 near another randomly picked location
  4. Go kill 500 mongbats at random location
  5. Find the crazy hermit and sing to him

Randomly picked locations could be towns, dungeons, shrines, islands, etc.

You get the idea... nothing to macro... no resources that can be bought... by in large boring but forced to interact with the game.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Long and the short of it is fell is for the experanced players in UO. If your too scared to loose some insurance then fell is not the place for you or youre tour guiding friends.

Keep in mind, Fell is only hard going on the week! If youre strong and can take a pounding then you might find fell is great place to be.
You're kidding right?

I was playing in Fel since day 1, granted, I have not been PvP'ing much in the last year or so, but I would bet that I have killed more reds in Fel over the years than there are current players in the game.

I did learn a lesson though! Gotta be prepared, even if you are just going to look at an old site or something.

But it was fun! I stopped letting dying to 14 year-olds bother me in 1998.


The hitch is though they have to meet that 20% for each mob while fighting off outside interference. Something they are not used to doing. Sort of putting the shoe on the other foot.


Do you have an actual reason against it, Gellor? All that is being asked for is convenience. Since the red/blue system failed horribly after tram was released, all it is is an annoyance. Would you agree that a simple pvp flagged system for Fel would work better, and that way any character can visit all of the facets? You know that having to make an entire new character only encourages macroing (scripting) and exploiting in general (resources, bods, duping... cheating in general).

I myself would much rather pay EA $25 (not that I would, as I have mentioned) than pay a broker for gold. Less chances of me getting burned, and at least I know that the money is going towards the game (I almost laughed out loud there; you know what I mean). I dunno. People get attached to their characters too. It wouldn't do any harm to allow people to play their characters anywhere... That's all that is being said.

@ Beastmaster: Um, blues are used only for protection. There have been 10's of thousands of spawns done by reds only, I am sure. Every champ guild I have ever been in, the reds sometimes do spawns just to lure raiders. Believe it or not, most champ spawn pvp is pvpers vs pvpers... It's the unfortunate side effect that "trammies" get the short end while attempting to do a fel spawn without scouts.

In general (because I forgot who posted it): I would say that this sort of change is going to be modeled towards the 20-30 yr age bracket. Less time is available to players, they've had their years of killing in, and maybe they just don't have time to be active in PvP anymore, and want a character to participate in the full game with, one that is their favourite. I've actually attempted to make a blue, but it's hard to justify spending dozens of hours when I have such little time available to me, that I just end up stopping after 10 minutes. I don't script, nor do I feel I should have to. So yeah, I dunno. I just don't understand the hate against it. Let people enjoy their game; 99% of the people they killed to get red have killed them on their reds.

edit: Why do you feel that players should be FORCED to interact with the game, Gellor? Why do people have to play the game the way you think it should be played? It's a sandbox game; let people play it how they want. Why would someone that is too "lazy" (very general assumption) to make a new character, do this absolutely intentionally boring quest? they wouldn't, they would just quit... Not a good solution.


@ Beastmaster: Um, blues are used only for protection. There have been 10's of thousands of spawns done by reds only, I am sure. Every champ guild I have ever been in, the reds sometimes do spawns just to lure raiders. Believe it or not, most champ spawn pvp is pvpers vs pvpers... It's the unfortunate side effect that "trammies" get the short end while attempting to do a fel spawn without scouts.
I have no idea why this was directed at me other than the fact I brought up champ spawns. Apparently you are one of those that wants to buy their way through rather than put in the time and effort.

I say NO to any reprieve system put in solely for the lazy.


Do you have an actual reason against it, Gellor? All that is being asked for is convenience.
I've got two reasons:
  1. A reprieve system is just too open to abuse. Ping pong reds anyone?
  2. As stated by multiple people MULTIPLE times: People don't just magically turn red. They went red attacking blues. Nobody was sitting there with a gun to their head saying "If you don't kill that blue, I'm blowing your head off".

Why do the reds deserve convenience? What about all the people THEY inconvenienced when they turned red? Should the victims get all their insurance money and missed scrolls back now?

Since the red/blue system failed horribly after tram was released, all it is is an annoyance. Would you agree that a simple pvp flagged system for Fel would work better, and that way any character can visit all of the facets?
There is no way I'd agree a simple flagging system would be better of any sort whether you are talking a PvP switch or a "you go gray when you attack".

The reason I like the current system is it does establish some sort of an identifier for who is a killer and who is not. Can the system be abused? Yes, but far less than an arbitrary you only turn gray for 5 minutes when you attack system.

If someone is red, they have established the fact that they have killed blues in the past for whatever reason... and few will argue that a vast majority of reds are NOT that way by defending spawns or killing scripters.

edit: Why do you feel that players should be FORCED to interact with the game, Gellor? Why do people have to play the game the way you think it should be played? It's a sandbox game; let people play it how they want. Why would someone that is too "lazy" (very general assumption) to make a new character, do this absolutely intentionally boring quest? they wouldn't, they would just quit... Not a good solution.
Hmmm... if you aren't interacting with the game, all you have is a screen saver. Okay, sounds good to me rolleyes: While we are at it, can we have banks just hand out 1M gold checks because I don't like interacting with the game rolleyes:

When people went red, they knew what the rules were and what the penalties were. Now they are complaining about the penalties. Us red chars can rot in Fel(yes, I've got reds and I have no problem with either staying red or paying the time to go blue)

What I have proposed is still a penalty for going red but allows an alternate way to pay that penalty. Instead of tying up an account for 40 hours a count, I'm offering one hour per count. What you are offering is no penalty.

To ask the reverse, why should people be forced to play the way YOU think it should be played?

Hmmm... have people quit over sitting 40 hours a count? Probably not that many. Would any quit over spending one hour a day to burn one count? I'd highly doubt it.

So a person is not lazy because they don't want to pay the time for the crime nor do they want to take the time to make a character? That sounds like clear cut lazy.

If a player likes killing other players but doesn't want to go red, join factions. Simple enough to avoid that whole pesky going red issue.


You write too much for me to respond to everything at once, so I'll just do the bit that popped out at me.

You're right, people don't magically turn red. They turn red using a system that was designed 11 years ago for a completely different game than what we play currently. Same name, but different rules. With the "new" rules (8 years old?), red vs blue system is archaic at best. You KNOW it doesn't suit the current Fel playstyle (as is evidenced by the vast majority of reds). The ONLY reason there are blue *pvpers* is to be a "gimp" (gank only, gz hiding), and to work champ spawns. That's it. There is no longer a criminal vs innocent system. The system is horribly flawed.

Also, I don't see the people inconvenienced. You may find it hard to believe, but all of those "innocent" blues were blues that have attacked the red hundreds of times. It's also more inconvenient for a red to be jumped by a roving gang of blues than the flip side.

And you're wrong, the current system DOESN'T identify who is a killer or not. That's been the entire basis of my argument, that the only difference is that the red player isn't afraid to get attacked by anyone, anytime.

about game interaction: I never said that players should be forced to play my way, in fact I implied the exact opposite. Neither you or I should be putting forth opinions about how people should play the game... You are the only one that is doing so. I am an advocate for MORE options, which means I am open to other peoples playstyles.

More = variety, which = more players. I still haven't seen any downside to this portion of my argument.

edit: If I had only one hour a day to play, then yes I would be against a system that requires an hour a night into this boring quest. That would still be 8+ years for players to burn off counts. Maybe the penalty could be reverted to what a "blue" (right?) player loses... about the equivalent of 1 minute of game time (3k). Again, it isn't the same game.


Put it in the hands of the blues

everytime a red survives after being attacked by a blue they get 1 count off

this would only work if it was a once per char thing

make attacking reds have consequencies just like attacking blues


I have no idea why this was directed at me other than the fact I brought up champ spawns. Apparently you are one of those that wants to buy their way through rather than put in the time and effort.

I say NO to any reprieve system put in solely for the lazy.

It was probably directed at you because it was the last post that I hit quote for. I am not "apparently one of those", as I've already stated multiple times in this thread that I am fine with never being able to turn my red into a blue. I would just end up turning him red again the very first time I went up against a guild of "notos". It's impossible to fight 8+ blues that will jump you when you are low on health, and impossible to kill them unless you flag on people first (since because of the agressive action, they want to be able to run away).

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're kidding right?

I was playing in Fel since day 1, granted, I have not been PvP'ing much in the last year or so, but I would bet that I have killed more reds in Fel over the years than there are current players in the game.

I did learn a lesson though! Gotta be prepared, even if you are just going to look at an old site or something.

But it was fun! I stopped letting dying to 14 year-olds bother me in 1998.
Perhaps you forgot about this post?

Nah...changed my mind.

Two reds killed some members of my guild and a guide that were touring old sites in Fel tonight.

Behavior like this is what caused the world split.

F**K em. Let em stay in Fel forever
You tell others to think before they post, I say follow your own advice.

Why? At one point a year ago the only person blue on my account was a crafter...now granted I DID have a PK...the other 4 went red DEFENDING my own guild. Now with factions you do not have murder counts vs. opposing factions...however with guilds you do. A reprieve would allow reds to play factions unhindered by trammel blues just looking to noto PK.

Now again, I am sorry you were desensitized with all that time in trammel, but your posts only reflect isolated incidents and not the felucca population as a whole. Generalize all you want; just remember you were the one who decided to step through the red gate. Can't blame the reds for playing their part in the game. Perhaps they wouldnt have attacked you either had thier been a reprieve.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're kidding right?

I was playing in Fel since day 1
Welcome to the club. But i only have 1 red char i do play him a lot but i got 6 other fully devloped blue chars so the discussions is really rhetorical!

I did learn a lesson though! Gotta be prepared, even if you are just going to look at an old site or something.
See even Vets have a few thinigs to learn!

But it was fun! I stopped letting dying to 14 year-olds bother me in 1998.
Back then the game had a 18+ cert so if you were getting killed by kids back then they should never have been playing!

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Now again, I am sorry you were desensitized with all that time in trammel, but your posts only reflect isolated incidents and not the felucca population as a whole. Generalize all you want; just remember you were the one who decided to step through the red gate. Can't blame the reds for playing their part in the game. Perhaps they wouldnt have attacked you either had thier been a reprieve.

I must apologize...I totally meant to include a " :D " after my post saying I changed my mind.

I was just kidding.

Any time I go to Fel, I should be ready to fight, that night I wasn't and it was my own fault.

I really wasn't mad about it...but those guys totally have it coming next time ;)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I must apologize...I totally meant to include a " :D " after my post saying I changed my mind.

I was just kidding.

Any time I go to Fel, I should be ready to fight, that night I wasn't and it was my own fault.

I really wasn't mad about it...but those guys totally have it coming next time ;)
hehe...np. I was only trying to point out part of the misconceptions people have with others playing reds.

BTW...I hope you get your cookies back :)


I am still sticking to either no reprieve or a once per account reprieve that is NOT buyable either as a code(RL money) or in game(gold, resource turn in, etc) Must be a fairly elaborate quest chain to complete... maybe something along the lines of a 7 part quest with each part taking at least an hour.

I also fully support a murder count burning system overhaul that gets rid of the 40 hour count and replaces that with a once a day quest that takes about an hour.
That sounds fine to me. Rather than the count burning quest, though, I'd just say shorten it to 8 hours. I think that's more than reasonable.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That sounds fine to me. Rather than the count burning quest, though, I'd just say shorten it to 8 hours. I think that's more than reasonable.
Something to be considered though when weighing a reprieve vs. shortening count timers. I have found that on high pop shards such as Atlantic one can burn counts afk as a ghost in fel...as others moving on your screen refreshes and UO will not log you out. On low pop. shards this isn't the case, and many times people have to resort to illegal means to stay logged in to remove counts. A reprieve would eliminate the need for some to use illegal means to burn counts, and allow more people to play rather than sitting stagnant burning counts. (lets not forget the various flagging bugs that permitted counts to be dished out left and right in the first place)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can see this from the OPs' point of view. He wasn't playing when the reprieve was available, so he missed an opportunity to wipe the slate clean.

How about:

A one-time-only quest - only available once per account - so you have to choose very carefully which character you do it on.

The quest should should take time, and have no buyable aspect.

You accept the quest from an NPC, and then must walk, (no gate/recall), over the entirety of Felluca and Lost Lands.
The quest chain would consist of a series of waymarks; "go to this place; now to this place; now go to... etc"
Use of any travel spell, or entering any gate would fail the quest.
Initiating any form of PvP combat would fail the quest.
Waymarks cannot be collected in ghost form.

Make it long, make it boring, make it unscriptable, but give returning players the opportunity to reprieve their old reds.
Sounds to me like another gaggle of locations for blues to sit and noto pk arriving *reds* only interested in working a quest. Just give a faction reprieve...heck...you could even make it part of the ongoing fiction.... :)

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Put an NPC Quester at each of the champ spawns. A party that can cap at ten people can active the quester. The quester turns red letting everyone that comes by to know that a no item drop champ is being worked. The champ is done from start to finnish and each red in the party drops a count for number in the party. The NPC goes back to yellow and when that champ restarts, it is in Tram full item drop for that one quest completion.

Those full on Reds that deem theese players Traitor Reds can come in and put a foot in their butt reminding them what PVP stands for. Near the WBB can be a circle of statues that represents each of the champ areas. Fel and Tram WBB will each have this statue set. They are yellow at idle. The matching statue to a champ area turns red when the quest is activated. When the champ flips to Tram side it is blue for that one spawn.

This makes for a cummunity of reds that want to change. Then they can work just as hard for the blue lifebar as they did for the red. Blues can come in and show them what a PVM template does and tease them for another count. Players can come to an active red NPC champ and show their support and feelings about that parties actions. If the party fails to be the champs top looter they fail.


Put an NPC Quester at each of the champ spawns. A party that can cap at ten people can active the quester. The quester turns red letting everyone that comes by to know that a no item drop champ is being worked. The champ is done from start to finnish and each red in the party drops a count for number in the party. The NPC goes back to yellow and when that champ restarts, it is in Tram full item drop for that one quest completion.

Those full on Reds that deem theese players Traitor Reds can come in and put a foot in their butt reminding them what PVP stands for. Near the WBB can be a circle of statues that represents each of the champ areas. Fel and Tram WBB will each have this statue set. They are yellow at idle. The matching statue to a champ area turns red when the quest is activated. When the champ flips to Tram side it is blue for that one spawn.

This makes for a cummunity of reds that want to change. Then they can work just as hard for the blue lifebar as they did for the red. Blues can come in and show them what a PVM template does and tease them for another count. Players can come to an active red NPC champ and show their support and feelings about that parties actions. If the party fails to be the champs top looter they fail.
See, now that actually sounds fun. I don't know about the trammel flip side thing, but as for the rest of it.... Golden. I love it. It gives the reprieve quest value in not only entertainment, but community and RP (there ARE RP reds... Okay, not many <.<). Best of all, its a real challenge, which sitting around as a ghost or buying a token is not.

Brilliant idea.


Lore Keeper
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Yeah she's Sn0w Wh1te.. I'm [inder3ll@. And we're coming to gang you Connor. :gun:

It's nothing to do with accepting different POVs. Just that so far the Token solution is the most practical one should EA ever consider the whole thing.

A place where everyone agreed would be boring by the way.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Yeah she's Sn0w Wh1te.. I'm [inder3ll@. And we're coming to gang you Connor. :gun:

It's nothing to do with accepting different POVs. Just that so far the Token solution is the most practical one should EA ever consider the whole thing.

A place where everyone agreed would be boring by the way.

I am starting to really come around to the idea of a quest for Red to Blue, but I don't like the token or gold sink idea that much. We have too many people paying cash for things outside of the game as it is. And all a gold sink would do is encourage more outside cash transactions and scripting.

With the economy in UO being broken enough as it is, it would be sort of refreshing to see someone actually have to earn something for a change.

But this shouldn't be some really safe and easy quest if it were to happen in my opinion. And also, instead of involving Champ spawns, maybe there could be gates that would lead the reds into the old dungeons in Trammel?

I still like the idea of reds on their quest being killable by blues in Tram (no stat loss of course)...but I can see where this might go against the Trammel spirit of things.

Even if they are not killable by blues, it would be nice to get someone doing something in the old dungeons besides scripting.


Babbling Loonie
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Any time I go to Fel, I should be ready to fight, that night I wasn't and it was my own fault.
Thats right! If you trreat fell like a dungon you will get on fine! You wouldnt go into Despise and complain that the Greater Dragons ganked you coz thats what you expect them to do, so its the same in fell!

I really wasn't mad about it...but those guys totally have it coming next time ;)
Thats the spirt :gun: Stick there names in youre jornal and Remember Revenge is Sweet!

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Thats the spirt :gun: Stick there names in youre jornal and Remember Revenge is Sweet!
Oh, we have rune to their house.

They can expect to log in to a small army, invisible of course, of archers and tamers with trained Greater Dragons any day now. But of course, they will not know when, or how often :D


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, we have rune to their house.

They can expect to log in to a small army, invisible of course, of archers and tamers with trained Greater Dragons any day now. But of course, they will not know when, or how often :D

Ohh happy days! I can remeber sitting outside many a house waiting for revenge. Makes you feel all warm inside when they recall in and bang there dead.

I would sugest you Bag ball the entrance to there house so they cant run in..old school trick :)


Slightly Crazed
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I can see this from the OPs' point of view. He wasn't playing when the reprieve was available, so he missed an opportunity to wipe the slate clean.

How about:

A one-time-only quest - only available once per account - so you have to choose very carefully which character you do it on.

The quest should should take time, and have no buyable aspect.

You accept the quest from an NPC, and then must walk, (no gate/recall), over the entirety of Felluca and Lost Lands.
The quest chain would consist of a series of waymarks; "go to this place; now to this place; now go to... etc"
Use of any travel spell, or entering any gate would fail the quest.
Initiating any form of PvP combat would fail the quest.
Waymarks cannot be collected in ghost form.

Make it long, make it boring, make it unscriptable, but give returning players the opportunity to reprieve their old reds.
Sounds to me like another gaggle of locations for blues to sit and noto pk arriving *reds* only interested in working a quest. Just give a faction reprieve...heck...you could even make it part of the ongoing fiction.... :)

There is always the noto PK risk for anyone who ever logs-in on a red.

The random-quest-destination code is already ingame - as per escorting NPCs.

For sake of argument, let's say that the red to blue quest has 50 possible waymarks, of which you need to visit 20 to complete the quest.

So, you visit the first 10 points, but find the 11th camped by notos... Either:
1) Get a res from a healer and have another go, or
2) Walk back to a house/inn, logout, and try again tomorrow.

If the waymark is still camped the next day - try again the day after.

Notos are not going to permanently camp all 50 waymarks, just in the hope of griefing a red on the quest - how many reds permanently camp Felucca TM locations, just in the hope of catching a blue THunter.

(I did say that the quest should be long and boring; but for someone who REALLY wants to reprieve their red how much effort is appropriate?)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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There is always the noto PK risk for anyone who ever logs-in on a red.

The random-quest-destination code is already ingame - as per escorting NPCs.

For sake of argument, let's say that the red to blue quest has 50 possible waymarks, of which you need to visit 20 to complete the quest.
Its not the destination that is the issue...its the starting point.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK. Good point.

Place a quest-giving NPC in the vicinity of every Champ spawn.

You want the quest; either scout spawns for a quiet one, or charge in with a load of red raiders, and hope that they leave you alive long enough to chat the NPC.

This isn't supposed to be easy.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK. Good point.

Place a quest-giving NPC in the vicinity of every Champ spawn.

You want the quest; either scout spawns for a quiet one, or charge in with a load of red raiders, and hope that they leave you alive long enough to chat the NPC.

This isn't supposed to be easy.
Well...not to rain on the parade...but you also should consider the time it would take to add this to the game. Yes we have the quest system, but now you are asking to expand and create new quests rather than relying on something that has already been used in the game...faction reprieves.

With faction reprieves...you are giving something good to essentially someone who for all intensive purposes has agreed to serve its faction lord...whom for all intensive purposes represent the leadership in britannia on one level or another. Its like a criminal being allowed to join the military instead of going to jail...nothing new here tbh.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's another interesting thread about this with an equally simple solution- do away with the whole Red/Blue thing. :eek:

It doesn't sound bad at all.