The red like meeting Charles Manson.
If you were walking down the street, and met Charles Manson, would you assume him to be an okay guy?
Probably not.
In that same vein, if Charles Manson performed some quest, a good deed, would you simply forget what he did? Would you elect him to be the head of your Home Owners Association?
No. Probably not.
On that same vein, if you ran into a guy that killed 100 people like charles manson, some people may be more inclined to call that person a hero, vigilante, and yes, a murderer. To each their own. "Blue" and "Red" are so antiquated. Blues in fel are just reds playing an alt so they can't be attacked with impunity, and they can attack whoever they want.
Example: 20 blues wait until this other red and I are at half health, and then jump us both. We both res; all 20 blues are blue to us. They murdered us (vigilante? again; to each their own), yet they don't receive a count for it, and I get a count if I want any vengeance. Which gets to the root of the issue:
PKING Is the ONLY way to prevent griefing in this game, besides logging out. The unfortunate side effect is that it can also be used as griefing. And then there are different definitions of griefing. If 20 blues are "griefing" (I use that term very loosely) by sitting in the GZ and waiting until another red gets me to half life before jumping us both, then in MY (personal) perspective, they are no longer innocents. Sure, the game still has them flagged as blue, but they are obviously attempting to actively engage in PvP, with a safety net. Since it would be literally impossible for me to play this game without being a red (just isn't enough PvP, and EA has made it incredibly hard to flag grey nowadays without a red around), and blues aren't going to take counts since that means they can be attacked anywhere... The only way to HAVE an actual pvp experience in fel is to have people that can be attacked anywhere. How stupid would it be if everyone was blue? Obviously a better system would be to just have everyone pvp flagged in Fel, and then EA could try to implement a new criminal system.
My 2 cents regarding the topic: I've had a few accounts I've played, and all have had red characters. I think you will find this is the case with ANY *serious* pvper. Another side effect of being a serious pvper is that in general, that's all you do. Meaning having a spare 100+ mil to throw around in making a new character (not to mention macroing one up) isn't as likely to happen as compared to those that play solely blues. Yes, that would be cheaper than having to spend 5+ REAL LIFE YEARS burning off counts, but really, what do you think is more likely? That I would burn off the counts? Farm/beg for money? Or simply say "well, I guess that does it for UO".
Personally, I could probably just play someone elses account. But for those people that are tired of being red for whatever reason (just started playing again, tired of the ignored (dev wise) pvp scene, just not enough time and they want to just kill monsters and farm gold... whatever reason), why shouldn't their be an option. Why punish a human being (and that's what it is, when you get down to it) for playing a video game? Because certain people think it is justified? Even while telling them to make another character? That doesn't make any sense, it's hypocritical. All you're doing is forcing someone to waste their time for something they've already achieved, and I think one thing everyone on these forums can agree with; we've all wasted enough time in our lives.
So: Pro-reprieve, although I would probably never use it. I just don't understand why people feel the need for others to be punished for not conforming to their play style. 10 years ago, they MAY (debatable, of course) have had a point. Todays UO is not the old UO, and people need to realize this. Like .0001% of today's UO population have actually been "murdered" (as in did not wish to PvP in Fel whatsoever, yet were there... for whatever reason). My 10+k murder counts that I had were ALL from people I pvped against. I've killed maybe 50 random blues, which were all ressed, healed, and generally I helped them with whatever they were doing. They only got killed in the first place because; they were following me, they talked smack, or they didn't "look" like a pvmer (macro use, gear). A fair few of those blues got involved heavily in PvP after these encounters, especially after I took the time to give them some hints, and my ICQ for any further questions (and duels for the more ambitious). Now, that's within like 8 years. I would say it is very rare for someone to get "pked" nowadays, regardless of how many murder counts are given out.