Who needs a forest of soul stones?
7 soul stone fragments at the absolutely worst. 2 at best. So between 2-7 mil(worst case)(priced at 500k-2M)
20 mage and 20 eval - 10m each (priced at 12-17M for mage, 5-10M for eval)
25 stat - 5m (priced at 7M to 3.5M)
So, to transfer over the main skills, we are looking at approximately 30m. Guess what, that is under $25 in the current UO economy... and $25 is probably what EA would charge for this service. The prices I pulled above are luna HOUSE prices... sitting in Luna could shave off a LOT.
And the biggest assumption is that the poor red doesn't have a "forest" of other character slots. A fully developed 10-15 skilled char could be created in well under a week. The only skill that isn't really possible with is taming.
The other biggest assumption is that the red broke all ties to his red guild that has a "forest" of scrolls.
The people in this thread who are claiming it is for the "benefit" of potential returning reds who missed the two reprieves are deluding themselves.
As mentioned, the first reprieve was over trammel. Those reds who quit when that happened are 90% not likely to come back.
The second reprieve was over an ingame flaw where people were handing out counts when they weren't deserved. Odds are no reds quit over this... just blues.
So there is that 1 in 10,000 red coming back such as the original poster who might actually benefit from a full reprieve.
The real people that would actually benefit from a full reprieve system would be those who are part of raiding guilds, private spawn guilds, or vigilantes. And I see no reason why any people in those groups should have an easy out. They earned them... they can burn them.
There is still nothing that is preventing them from rerolling a character with 10s and 15s and a 10-15 stat scroll. I would take a random guess that every shard has someone on there who would hand out 10s and 15s at no charge. And a 15 scrolled out char is JUST as playable as a 20 scrolled out char in 99% of the cases. ESPECIALLY for monsters.
Someone pretty much nailed the REAL reason people are pushing for a reprieve: "lazy players who want everything delivered on a plate"
I am still sticking to either no reprieve or a once per account reprieve that is NOT buyable either as a code(RL money) or in game(gold, resource turn in, etc) Must be a fairly elaborate quest chain to complete... maybe something along the lines of a 7 part quest with each part taking at least an hour.
I also fully support a murder count burning system overhaul that gets rid of the 40 hour count and replaces that with a once a day quest that takes about an hour.