With the exception of the better part of '08, I've been here since early '98 and until two days ago never used Chivalry or any other enhancement skill.
I used to pride myself on taking out the big stuff old school style with just a sword & shield and a whoooole lot of time
I chanced upon someone in Despise who was taking out Ogre Lords slightly faster than me (I can take them out fast with the right weapon/armor considering I've no special abilities and only 25 int/mana for the built in specials).
So for ****s & giggles I decided to try it and all I can say is wow.
I still can't clear an area like a tamer or bard or even a couple of extremely gifted mages but the scale is a lot closer now.
All I can say for the skill is that it gives us loner types the ability to venture further, stand a little taller and survive a whole lot longer.
I would wager that that is what the designers had in mind when they created it. Something that would greatly suit the lone warrior or warriors wandering the vast lands without magi support.
I havn't dabbled in archery since 2005 so I'm not sure how chiv is making archers over powered. I might have to reactivate an old acct of mine that has an archer to check it out.
Last I saw, you had to be still to get an accurate shot and there was a nasty long delay in which monsters would suddenly become much too close for comfort
Anyway, Chiv is probably a skill that should not be possible to be used on other players in pvp but for pvm it opens the game up a lot more for all the desperatoes out there.
On Edit: I know Ogre Lords arn't high end but I didn't want to bore you all with tales of taking 45 minutes to an hour to take out a single ancient wyrm & other nasty beasties pre chiv