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A suggestion: Disguise Kit Removal


Stratics Legend
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Just thought I would bring this topic up here since we really don’t get many developers as guests over on the PvP Thief Forum. One of the nagging problems thieves have had over the years has been how the original disguise kits mess up our macros when we use a disguise, then log off. One of the ways we (in the PvP Thief Forum) have come up with to eliminate this problem seems relatively straight forward, and again (from a non-programmer viewpoint) not that difficult to make work. The key here would be to make the disguise kits removable. The idea behind this would be to allow a thief to use the kit while they are logged on, then before logging out, would be able to remove the kit, thus saving their macros…and a lot of headaches.

Here’s the way we see it. The same way that the savage kin paint was once removed, was through the use of an oil cloth. An existing game item, used to remove the paint. In the same manner, we are hoping the developers could make the oil cloth usable to remove the disguise kit. The only reason I usually hear from people as to why they don’t use the kits is because of the macro problems they have. Now there is a way to fix them, but that requires moving files around in the macro directory, this solution would solve the need to do this, and would make this existing thief tool, more usable again.

Let’s open the discussion, and hope the developers might chime in on the chance that this could be implemented soon.



Just thought I would bring this topic up here since we really don’t get many developers as guests over on the PvP Thief Forum. One of the nagging problems thieves have had over the years has been how the original disguise kits mess up our macros when we use a disguise, then log off. One of the ways we (in the PvP Thief Forum) have come up with to eliminate this problem seems relatively straight forward, and again (from a non-programmer viewpoint) not that difficult to make work. The key here would be to make the disguise kits removable. The idea behind this would be to allow a thief to use the kit while they are logged on, then before logging out, would be able to remove the kit, thus saving their macros…and a lot of headaches.

Here’s the way we see it. The same way that the savage kin paint was once removed, was through the use of an oil cloth. An existing game item, used to remove the paint. In the same manner, we are hoping the developers could make the oil cloth usable to remove the disguise kit. The only reason I usually hear from people as to why they don’t use the kits is because of the macro problems they have. Now there is a way to fix them, but that requires moving files around in the macro directory, this solution would solve the need to do this, and would make this existing thief tool, more usable again.

Let’s open the discussion, and hope the developers might chime in on the chance that this could be implemented soon.


This has been extremely long overdue.

Tina Small

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Darn you, Rico!!!

You conned me into reading this because I thought you were suggesting eliminating the kits from the game and I thought I must still be asleep and dreaming.




Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Darn you, Rico!!!

You conned me into reading this because I thought you were suggesting eliminating the kits from the game and I thought I must still be asleep and dreaming.


Me? Would I suggest removing something from the game...lol...la

Tina Small

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Me? Would I suggest removing something from the game...lol...la
Oh geez....I just got this mental image of you as an acquisitive little critter, maybe a squirrel. Or better yet....a crow! You see shinies and must have them.

Are you much of a packrat?

Tina Small

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OMG Rico. I almost can't type, I'm laughing so hard.

Think you could edit the picture and add a disguise?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While i agree it should be done, wouldnt it be a bit easier to just have an option in the disguise kit gump to remove any disguises?


Stratics Legend
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While i agree it should be done, wouldnt it be a bit easier to just have an option in the disguise kit gump to remove any disguises?
That would work too, however...the key would be to make the fix as easy as possible so there wouldn't need to be a lot of time involved in fixing it. We know the more difficult the change, the less likely it's going to happen...especially if it helps thieves. :) ...la


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
alternatively lowering the duration it lasts for then?

Probably be the simplest thing to do, just change it from 2 hours to 15/20 minutes or whatever, doesnt completely fix the problem but it would come up less


Either way it is addresed i would be happy with,

However, i would like to make another suggestion, and that is allow us to cast form while disguised. How am i meant to rob someone blind if i cant run away!!


Stratics Legend
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I used to use the kit to infiltrate trammy guilds...I would have hated for my fun to have been ruined if I had my disguise wear off while I was working my angle.

:) ...la


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
How long does the disguise kit last?


Stratics Legend
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Either way it is addresed i would be happy with,

However, i would like to make another suggestion, and that is allow us to cast form while disguised. How am i meant to rob someone blind if i cant run away!!

Are you saying that when in disguise, you cannot use the ninja form change? See how long it's been since I have used it? LOL

Good call. A disguise should not prevent a player from using Ninjar skills if that is the case...la


Stratics Veteran
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You should pick a more generic name!

But yeah, its a far from ideal solution


Stratics Legend
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I have to admit, I chuckled every time that "Gaylord" was the generic name selected once the kit was used...la


Stratics Legend
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Just a guess here...but the person that put it in thought nothing about it being funny when they installed that name...it was at a developer meeting where it was first brought up, and because of all of the laughs, it was kept, lol...la


Sounds like a great idea that is long overdue... also would make oil cloths a little more useful...

Just thought I would bring this topic up here since we really don’t get many developers as guests over on the PvP Thief Forum. One of the nagging problems thieves have had over the years has been how the original disguise kits mess up our macros when we use a disguise, then log off.
Maybe if the thief forum was open to all forms of stealing and not just the PvP aspect it would get more attention from the Devs... Especially with all of the new stuff just implemented into the game... just a thought...

Have Fun!!!


Unfortunatly it is true...No change of form while disguised and if memory serves no use of specials either(although dont take that last one as gospel)


Babbling Loonie
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What I find much more annoying is that you cannot use animal forms or Polymorph while using the disguise kit. Allowing this would not unbalance anything. But this limitation makes the disguise kit practically useless.

Tina Small

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I believe you are also prevented from stealing sigils while using a disguise kit. I'm not sure if you also can't carry them either, if someone tries to hand one to you.


Stratics Legend
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That's odd. I can't say I've tried, but I can say you can steal from players with the current disguise kit on...la


Just thought I would bring this topic up here since we really don’t get many developers as guests over on the PvP Thief Forum. One of the nagging problems thieves have had over the years has been how the original disguise kits mess up our macros when we use a disguise, then log off. One of the ways we (in the PvP Thief Forum) have come up with to eliminate this problem seems relatively straight forward, and again (from a non-programmer viewpoint) not that difficult to make work. The key here would be to make the disguise kits removable. The idea behind this would be to allow a thief to use the kit while they are logged on, then before logging out, would be able to remove the kit, thus saving their macros…and a lot of headaches.

Here’s the way we see it. The same way that the savage kin paint was once removed, was through the use of an oil cloth. An existing game item, used to remove the paint. In the same manner, we are hoping the developers could make the oil cloth usable to remove the disguise kit. The only reason I usually hear from people as to why they don’t use the kits is because of the macro problems they have. Now there is a way to fix them, but that requires moving files around in the macro directory, this solution would solve the need to do this, and would make this existing thief tool, more usable again.

Let’s open the discussion, and hope the developers might chime in on the chance that this could be implemented soon.

I co-sign that

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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A long overdue, many times requested feature, and a good use of existing items. I would love to see more versatility in the d-kit but this first step would be wonderful.


Grand Poobah
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Yes! Got my signature. This is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong overdue.

One of the reasons I stopped using the darn kit was because that means I would have to stay on that character for 2 hours or have my macros changed on me when the next time I log in on him.


UO Forum Moderator
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I'd personally would like to see this, but coupled with adding the ability of emissaries and guildleaders to see THROUGH the disguise using the roster option (would show real name and the disguise/incognito name).


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'd personally would like to see this, but coupled with adding the ability of emissaries and guildleaders to see THROUGH the disguise using the roster option (would show real name and the disguise/incognito name).

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That's usually the only time I use the disguise kit. Guild infiltration. Grrrrrr...la


UO Forum Moderator
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Hey, let it work for the infiltration part (have it always show the fake name you were admitted while using as your "real" name in the roster, and your actual name becoming your alias when not disguised - would be difficult for them to catch you "real named" for a few seconds, if you're on the ball with your kit)

I'm more concerned with someone already in a guild changing their name with a kit and going rogue months later.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'll cosign here..... I would like them to be removable as well


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd personally would like to see this, but coupled with adding the ability of emissaries and guildleaders to see THROUGH the disguise using the roster option (would show real name and the disguise/incognito name).
Ooooo, better idea. Lets make it so people with high forensics can see through it!
That way we can try and give forensics a quasi good addition


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be very nice if ninja forms could be used from disguise form. However, simple removal would be 1st step in improvement of outdated item. Needs ungrade.


I found two ways around that issue till they fix it. One it to turn off my modem power. That allows me to lose connection the client then will not save my current desktop. But does not help if you are still under the effcts and log back in. I also noticed a crap load of player macro folders due to logging out and it saving those names.
I got smart and made a copy of my thief char macro folder then set it to an auto extracting exe after zipping it. This allowed me to refresh the saved files with nothing more than a couple of click.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found two ways around that issue till they fix it. One it to turn off my modem power. That allows me to lose connection the client then will not save my current desktop. But does not help if you are still under the effcts and log back in. I also noticed a crap load of player macro folders due to logging out and it saving those names.
I got smart and made a copy of my thief char macro folder then set it to an auto extracting exe after zipping it. This allowed me to refresh the saved files with nothing more than a couple of click.

The point is people shouldnt have to copy macros for it to work like it was meant too!


Definitely like the oilcloth removing the disguise.


Also please allow disguises and Ninja animal forms to work together. Changing your identity hobbles you by locking you into human(or, yecch, elf) form. Many ninjas are thieves or vice versa.


Maybe also add a function to allow you to pick the disguise name from the list of possible names (granted it's a long list). This would allow you to play a specific alias on several occasions.

...Just some ideas.


The point is people shouldnt have to copy macros for it to work like it was meant too!
- It was always my understanding that things have been working like they were meant to.
The disguise kit has a timer. The timer lasts for a few hours. When I am in disguise I am attempting to hide my persona (that's the tricky part, that includes my macros; which the OP & others are wanting to retain without any due diligence, right?). And when my disguise has ended, my macros return.
I always considered it much like joining the thieves guild allowed my goods to be stolen by anyone, if I die. ~ Using a disguise kit has its advantages as well as its penalities; thus is the way, when being a thief in an attempt to take from others... I always thought it was a part of the risk that made up for the reward... (but of course people have developed manual workarounds for the loss of macros...)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- It was always my understanding that things have been working like they were meant to.
The disguise kit has a timer. The timer lasts for a few hours. When I am in disguise I am attempting to hide my persona (that's the tricky part, that includes my macros; which the OP & others are wanting to retain without any due diligence, right?). And when my disguise has ended, my macros return.
I always considered it much like joining the thieves guild allowed my goods to be stolen by anyone, if I die. ~ Using a disguise kit has its advantages as well as its penalities; thus is the way, when being a thief in an attempt to take from others... I always thought it was a part of the risk that made up for the reward... (but of course people have developed manual workarounds for the loss of macros...)

Or on the other hand it's because the game stores macro's in folders based on a players name rather than an ID number or some equivilant.

Also I'm guessing you've never used one as using one doesnt affect your macros, its logging out before the timer resets that wipes them


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
- It was always my understanding that things have been working like they were meant to.
The disguise kit has a timer. The timer lasts for a few hours. When I am in disguise I am attempting to hide my persona (that's the tricky part, that includes my macros; which the OP & others are wanting to retain without any due diligence, right?). And when my disguise has ended, my macros return.
I always considered it much like joining the thieves guild allowed my goods to be stolen by anyone, if I die. ~ Using a disguise kit has its advantages as well as its penalities; thus is the way, when being a thief in an attempt to take from others... I always thought it was a part of the risk that made up for the reward... (but of course people have developed manual workarounds for the loss of macros...)
Well, penalties should not be part of having to manually transfer macros in the game folder or having to re-make all your own macros in the game.

If they could make it so the macros stay the same instead of making it so we can remove it, fine with me. But the easiest way to fix this would most likely be a way to remove the disguise.


- I hear ya'. See, I haven't used a disguise kit in years. But back when I did use it some, I seem to recall playing / waiting a few hours for my original name to return before logging out. Like I said last night, I felt it was an acceptable penalty for the anonymity the kit provides. I'd definitely be in favor of them making a way for the macros to stick, but I still feel like there shouldn't be an instant on/off method to pop-in & out of disguises on the fly; it just seems, to me, like it would promote thief-grief even more.

- So, DaveSP! yeah you're pretty much right. It has been years since I've wanted to be anonymous on my thief.

The Green Thief

As one of the more active UO players around, thieves included, I stamp this idea with my approval.


Black Sun

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*marks the calendar*
Finally a post of Rico's I agree 100% with. I was just saying the same thing last week when I was playing around with my disguise kit. I logged in, put on a disguise, had my fun with it for about 45 min, then logged out. When I logged back in later to attend a zoo spawn event I logged in with my thief only do discover that I was still disguised! Normally, this wouldn't have been much of an issue, but it's a pain trying to work a spawn when your macro's are missing.

I say we need a way to remove them.


Obviously, theives know about moving their macros to the root UO. Now sure what the fix is for UO Assist is though.

The ideal fix would be to adjust the client to save macros.

I'm not sure what their hangup is on fixing this is. Obviously, the client knows the proper character(character ID number?? as well as original character name).

So that begs the question of why doesn't the client save macros and such under original character name and not one assumed. Obvious answer is someone picked the wrong value to generate where to save(assumed char name) Should theoretically be five minute fix in tracking the proper variable to pick the original character's name.

The save and load routines shouldn't be THAT long or convoluted that even their most junior programmer should be able to figure out where the directory structure is being generated.

The oil cloth should be a 1 minute fix though vs 10 minutes to fix it properly:eek:


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That's usually the only time I use the disguise kit. Guild infiltration. Grrrrrr...la
Infiltration of a Trammel guild so you can steal from the members is the kind of behavior Trammel was created to free players from. Guild infiltration for the purposes of stealing from the guild's members is harassment. So you admit to using game mechanics and lies for the purpose of stealing from Trammel players? People like you are the reason Trammel exists.


Do not shorten the duration of the kit.

Allow it to be removed with an oil cloth.

Animal forms would be nice while disguised.


Infiltration of a Trammel guild so you can still from the members is the kind of behavior Trammel was created to free players from. Guild infiltration for the purposes of stealing from the guild's members is harassment. So you admit to using game mechanics and lies for the purpose of stealing from Trammel players? People like you are the reason Trammel exists.
Trammel has to be idiot-proof too?